--- title: Eth2 Core Teams Workshop - Sharding and Eth1+Eth2 Merge, Feb 2nd, 2021 image: https://i.imgur.com/FrpiLia.png tags: eth2 description: An educational workshop of sharding and Eth1+Eth2 merge topics with Ethereum researchers and client devs. On Feb 2nd, 2021 at UTC 21:10-24:00. --- # Eth2 Core Teams Online Workshop, Feb 2021 [![Diagram](https://i.imgur.com/dzZgTvp.png)](https://youtu.be/uGeIDNEwHjs?t=520) ## Announcements :::warning **Latest update: February 3rd, 2021** - Added links of the slides. (see agenda) - 🎞️ [>>> Workshop Video <<<](https://youtu.be/uGeIDNEwHjs?t=520) (starts at 8:40) ::: :::success - January 30th, 2021 - Added live-streaming link. - January 30th, 2021 - Updated the agenda. - January 26th, 2021 - Added "An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible by Vitalik Buterin" to reading materials. - January 20th, 2021 - Please go through this document. 👀 - The agenda program is WIP and suggestions are highly welcome! - Looking forward to seeing you (remotely)! ::: ## Date and time - **February 2nd, 2021, at 21:00-24:00 UTC** - [World clock time](https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-ca-san-francisco-co-denver-il-chicago-ny-new-york-city-united-kingdom-london-netherlands-amsterdam-singapore-singapore-australia-sydney-russia-moscow/feb-2-2021/9pm) ## Platforms - Zoom (invite only) - [YouTube live-streaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGeIDNEwHjs) (public) ## Goals 1. To sync on R&D progress of coming major eth2 upgrades 2. To produce educational videos 3. To get feedback on the latest proposals ## Agenda ### 21:00-21:10 Intro & warm up :::info **To Zoom attendees**: we may be able to take some screenshots for the virtual group photos before the session starts. 📸 ::: ### 21:10-22:40 Part 1: The Sharding Design and the Cryptographic Primitives ![](https://i.imgur.com/OzXSuxa.png) - Speakers: Dankrad Feist and Vitalik Buterin - An introduction to Kate polynomial commitments - The design of the committee-based sharding implementation #### Slides - 📁 [Dankrad Feist | Introduction to KZG (Kate) commitments: How to hash polynomials](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hEGJd1pT5NpuiHlw91ys6jFpDbNA2ahq5oRWkEk9BRQ/edit) - 📁 [Vitalik Buterin | Eth2 sharding design, Feb 2021](https://vitalik.ca/files/misc_files/eth2_sharding.pdf) #### Reading materials (easy -> difficult) - The latest sharding proposal - [An explanation of the sharding + Data Availability Sampling (DAS) proposal by Vitalik Buterin](https://hackmd.io/@HWeNw8hNRimMm2m2GH56Cw/sharding_proposal) - [Data Availability Sampling (DAS) Phase 1 Proposal by Vitalik Buterin](https://hackmd.io/@HWeNw8hNRimMm2m2GH56Cw/r1XzqYIOv) - (implementation) [eth2.0-specs | DAS PR](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/pull/2146) - Cryptographic primitives - [An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible by Vitalik Buterin](https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/26/snarks.html) - It illustrates the concept of polynomial commitments. - Kate polynomial commitments - [Kate polynomial commitments intro by Dankrad Feist](https://dankradfeist.de/ethereum/2020/06/16/kate-polynomial-commitments.html) - (implementation) [go-kate by Protolambda](https://github.com/protolambda/go-kate) ### 22:40-23:00 20-min Break ### 23:00-24:00 Part 2: The Eth1+Eth2 Merge - Vision and Approach ![](https://i.imgur.com/Dmi3a62.png) - Speakers: Mikhail Kalinin, Guillaume Ballet, and Danny Ryan - The relationship between Eth1 and Eth2 clients - The design of the executable beacon chain - An introduction to the merge eth1-engine Catalyst - Open questions and future work #### Slides - 📁 [Mikhail Kalinin | The Eth2 part of the merge](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1llT-gkAMRqS_O8PiK936Yx9Ir7lprJO1L6jeAvx2Bbo/edit#slide=id.gb9ce303660_0_195) - 📁 [Guillaume Ballet | The Eth1 part of the merge](https://notes.ethereum.org/@gballet/eth1-engine-feb-21#/) #### Reading materials (easy -> difficult) - [Eth1+eth2 client relationship by Danny Ryan](https://ethresear.ch/t/eth1-eth2-client-relationship/7248) - [eth1 + eth2 = Ethereum by Danny Ryan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEh4u5a-43o&feature=youtu.be) (video) - [Executable Beacon Chain by Mikhail Kalinin](https://ethresear.ch/t/executable-beacon-chain/8271) - [Eth1-Eth2 Communication Protocol v2 by Mikhail Kalinin](https://hackmd.io/T9x2mMA4S7us8tJwEB3FDQ?view) ## Attendees - Eth2 researchers - Eth2 client devs - Eth1 client devs (invite to all but request for merge portion) :::info It's an educational workshop and we won't make roadmap decisions during the call. If you're not able to make it, the workshop recording will be **live streamed and published** anyway. ::: :::info The team leads are authorized and please invite your team members by adding them to the gCal. If you really hate gCal, please contact Hsiao-Wei for RSVP in other ways. ::: :::warning Maximum 100 ppl with our Zoom license, so **RSVP is needed**. ::: #### Group photo <3 ![](https://i.imgur.com/qU2PAIS.jpg)