
Question 1:

病人58歲男性,有僵直性脊椎炎,近月來逐漸運動性呼吸困難,乃至醫院求診。經系列心臟檢查確診主動 脈閉鎖不全(Aortic regurgitation),依據標的理學檢查(Targeted physical examination) ,請問下列何組才 是正確的聽診? (1) 在心尖處(Apical area)有Gr 2/6 mid-systolic click and late systolic murmur, (2) 在右胸骨緣(Right sternal border)有Gr3/6 decrescendo, early diastolic murmur, (3) 在心尖處有Gr 1-2/6 mid-diastolic murmur , (4) 在右胸骨緣下端有S3 gallop, (5) 在心尖處有Open Snap , (6) 在主動脈區(Aortic area)有Ejection click 。

  • A.(1)+(2)+(3)。
  • B.(2)+(4)+(6)
  • C.(1)+(3)+(5)。
  • D.(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • E.(1)+(4)+(5)。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 魏嘉德
(Harrison 21st ed, Chapter 239,262)
AR好發於bicuspid valve, IE, Marfan syndrome ankylosing spondylitis.

  1. Arterial/pulse pulse: wided pulse pressure, Chronic AS會有 Corrigan’s pulse(“water-hammer”, rapidly rising/fall), Quincke’s pulse(指甲微血管pulse), Traube’s sign(''pistol-shot'', 股動脈), Duroziez’s sign(to-and-fro murmur, 股動脈) 2. Palpation: 心尖搏動點向外、向下移. diastolic thrill(左胸骨緣, 體瘦者明顯), systolic thrill(suprasternal notch, 沿冠狀動脈向上傳). 若合併AR 頸動脈脈壓會出現bisferiens 3. Auscultation: soft S1(acute/severe), absent A2(severe), systolic ejection murmur(bicuspid aortic valve), S4. Chronic primary AS 會有 high-pitched, blowing, early decrescendo diastolic murmur(左胸骨緣第3肋間明顯), 音量及duration與嚴重度成正比, 坐姿/身體前傾/用力吐氣可誘發. 若右胸骨緣較左側明顯可能合併aortic root dilation. isolated AR會有mid-systolic ejection murmur(heart base明顯並傳向冠狀動脈). Austin Flint murmur (S3, severe)為 soft, low-pitched, rumbling mid-to-late diastolic murmur, 用力握拳可誘發. 選項(1) Mitral valve prolapse (5) MS (6) AS

    A: upper-MR(holosystolic murmur), lower-AS(crescendo-decrescendo midsystolic murmur).
    B: upper-AR(decrescendo, early diastolic murmur), lower-MS(mid-diastolic murmur+ late presystolic murmurs)

Question 2:

依據1991年世界衛生組織的認定,高血壓是全球疾病負擔之重,有關高血壓的診療之臨床試驗的結 論,請問下列何組是不正確的說法? (1) SARS-CoV-2 的感染與棘蛋白(Spike protein) 的ACE有關,但ACEi 及ARB的使用,並未有會影響該病毒感染及病情惡展 (2) Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors 及 Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP1-RA) 是糖尿病及非糖尿病人的有利降壓劑 (3) 年齡高於85歲老人之血壓目標是<150/90 mmHg,太高及太低都增加心血管病、心房纖維顫動及心衰的發生率 (4) 腎神經切除手術(Renal nerve denervation)是頑固性高血壓(Resistant hypertension) 治療的唯一選擇 (5) 依據持續性24小時血壓記錄,如若喪失夜間血壓下降(Night dipping) 與心衰及心血管病有重大的相關 (6) 正常血壓者如若有運動性心縮高血壓 >200 mmHg,也不具心血管病的風險題幹

  • A.(1)+(3)+(5)
  • B.(2)+(4)+(6)
  • C.(2)+(3)+(5)
  • D.(1)+(2)+(3)
  • E.(1)+(3)+(6)

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 魏嘉德
(2022 TSOC Hypertension guideline.)
(1) 題目敘述正確. The use of ARBs or ACE inhibitors is safe in patients with COVID-19 (COR I, LOE A).新冠肺炎病患不應停原先已使用ACEIs or ARBs.
[JAMA 2021;325:254-64. & Lancet Respir Med 2021;9:275-84]
(2) SGLT2i 透過促進尿鈉排除,平均可降SBP/DBP 4.0/1.6 mmHg, 目前指引建議使用在糖尿病、心衰竭及CKD患者. GLP1-RA目前無實證明顯降壓效果.

(3) 針對老年人,近年來高血壓治療指引治療目標不一,但有下修趨勢
2011 ACCF: ≤ 79 years old, SBP < 140 mm Hg; ≥ 80 years old, SBP < 140-145 mm Hg.
2014 JNC8: ≥ 60 years old, BP < 150/90 mm Hg
2017 ACP/AAFP: ≥ 60 years old, SBP < 150 mm Hg
2017 ACC/AHA: ≥ 65 years old, SBP< 130 mmHg
2018 ESC/ESH: ≥ 65 years old, BP < 130-139/80 Hg
2019 NICE: <80 years old, BP <140/90 mm Hg(診間血壓),135/85 mm Hg(診間外血壓)
≥80 years old, BP <150/90 mm Hg(診間血壓),145/85 mm Hg(診間外血壓)
2022 TSOC: ≥ 65 years old, BP < 130/80 mmHg.
根據2021 SPRINT trial(Hypertension 2020;75:660-7, incl.> 75 y/o)及 STEP trial(N Engl J Med 2021; 385:1268-79, incl. 60-80 y/o),發現 SBP控制在120(treatment) vs 140 mmHg,可降心血管疾病發及全死亡率,且無顯著不良事件. 故 2022 TSOC 指引 65歲以上高血壓開始藥物治療及目標為130/80mmHg. Isolated systolic hypertension常見於老年人,且近期研究並無發現J-curve phenomenon. [Circulation 2016;133:2381-90; Lancet 2014;383:1899-911; JAMA 1991;265: 3255-64; Lancet 1997;350:757- 64; J Hypertens 1998;16:1823-9] (題幹根據2019 NICE指引)
(4) Resistant hypertension: 即使3種降壓藥仍>130/80或需4種以上才能控制血壓. 當使用3種降壓藥仍未能控制血壓,排除醫囑不遵從性及secondayr causes後,得加入mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (COR I,LOE B)或renal denervation(COR IIa, LOE B). Renal denervation 在高血壓合併 resistant or masked uncontrolled hypertension, established ASCVD, intolerant or nonadherent to antihypertensive drugs 或neurogenic hypertension等高心血管風險可考慮.

(5)血壓具diurnal pattern(白天高晚上低),晚上血壓通常下降10%(dipping). 夜晚血壓降幅 < 10%(non-dipping)或反而升高(nocturnal hypertension). Extreme dipping 定義為SBP and/or DBP夜晚下降> 20% 或 night/day SBP or DBP比< 0.8. 研究發現reverse dipping 及non-dipping兩族群,有較差CV outcome(nonfatal coronary events, heart failure, and stroke). [JAMA 2019;322:409-20]
(6) 2020 ESC 運動心臟學指引,在正常血壓若有運動性心縮高血壓,在運動生涯中期以後會增加incident高血壓,且SBP rises >200 mmHg建議開始高血壓評估及藥物治療.另外uncontrolled hypertension (SBP>160 mmHg)在血壓穩定前不建議執行 high-intensity exercise. (COR III, LOE C) [JAMA 2019;322:409-20; Eur Heart J 2019;40:6268]

Question 3:

心房纖維顫動(Atrial fibrillation, AF) 是個進展性的心律不整,常見於老人、心臟病、心衰、甲狀腺機能亢 進症病人,且時與高血壓、糖尿病、肥胖症呼吸中止病相伴,其與中風、失智的發生及死亡率的多見有 關,請問下列何種有關AF的說法是不正確的?

  • A.在實証醫學顯示新式口服抗凝血藥物(NOAC)如dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, 及 edoxaban 比 Warfarin 對非瓣膜性AF (Nonvalvular AF) 病例有效減少死亡率,也少有中風、大出血或顱內出血的副作用。
  • B.AF持續超過30秒就有血栓形成的可能,是以處置指引認定AF發生在48小時內,得以電擊或藥物律動轉回(Cardioversion) ,唯應先確定左心耳未有血栓的存在。
  • C. 心房異常快跳經歷多時恐致心肌細胞變異,衍成組織再塑(Remodeling) ,致有異常傳導,改變心房組織之不應期,造成多處再迴入(Re-entry)的電氣生理變化,是心房心肌病 (Atrial cardiomyopathy)的病因。
  • D.病人有僧帽瓣狹窄置換金屬性人工瓣膜,使用Clopidogrel + Aspirin 比 Warfarin更安全有效。
  • E. 電氣燒灼(Electric ablation) 合適年輕人的陣發性AF。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 魏嘉德
(2020 ESC/EHRA/EACTS & 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS Afib guideline)
(A) 對非瓣膜性AF (Nonvalvular AF)者,DOACs(NOACs)相較warfarin可降低cardioembolic events (all-cause stroke or systemic embolism) 、大出血及顱內出血等不良反應. 但在AF合併mechanical prosthetic valve, rheumatic mitral stenosis及severe chronic kidney disease (CrCl < 15)仍建議用warfarin. (2016 THRS/TSOC atrial fibrillation)

(B) 2014 EMBRACE: paroxysmal Afib(≥30sec) 有 cryptogenic stroke or TIA風險. [N Engl J Med 2014; 370:2467-2477] 根據2020 ESC指引,在血液動力學穩定, cardioversion前應先確認及使用抗凝血劑狀況(PO or IV), 確認Afib發作時間, 若在48小時內(低血栓風險且Afib發作時間<12-24h)可考慮電擊或藥物cardioversion; 超過48小時或高血栓風險者, cardioversion前需服滿3周抗凝血劑或經食道超音波排除LAA血栓.整流後仍應依血栓風險決定繼續使用抗凝血劑時間.
2019 AHA指引提及,48-hour rule備受挑戰,Afib若超過12小時才cardioversion會增加thromboembolic complications (1.1% versus 0.3%), 在75歲以上女性尤為明顯. 題幹符合指引(雖然未提及血栓風險及使用抗凝血劑狀況).

© 根據2016 EHRA/HRS 專家共識, atrial cardiomyopathy 定義為 any complex of structural, architectural, contractile or electrophysiological changes affecting the atria with the potential to produce clinically-relevant manifestations. 依組織學可分以下4類.
[Europace 2016;18:14551490; Heart Rhythm 2017 Jan;14(1):e3-e40.]

其中, Afib若持續心房異常快跳, 可能造成細胞Ca2±handling異常, 進而影響細胞訊息傳遞, 在strctural remodeling(myocyte hypertrophy and changes within myocytes)及electrical remodeling. 前者除造成LA enlargement影響正常舒張收縮功能, 也容易多處形成re-entry substrate進而惡Afib; 後者因Ca2+ overloading 造成K通道開啟, 提早再極化、縮短action potential、縮短心房組織之不反應期及 delayed after-depolarizations, 整體心房之心肌細胞hypertrophy但uncoupling(各自為政), 容易形成focal etopic trigger及多處再迴入(Re-entry), 進而穩定Afib. 上述情形也會加重心房之心肌細胞發炎及fIbrosis.

[J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(22). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63 (22)]
(D) 2021 ESC/EACTS & 2020 AHA/ACC/HRS 2021 VHD guideline

*接受金屬機械瓣膜者,建議終身使用VKA(warfarin)預防血栓形成,並根據風險因子決定INR目標;若合併CAD及其他需使用抗血小板藥物適應症且出血風險低,可加上低劑量Aspirin (LOE IIB).

  • 接受外科方式(MVR/SAVR)及TVR者,若有其他需使用抗血栓藥物適應症可終身服用OAC. (warfarin) (LOE I), 否則服用OAC3個月即可 (LOE IIA)
  • 接受SAVR者,若無其他適應症,可單用SAPT(Aspirin)3個月 (LOE IIA)
  • 接受TAVI者,有其他需使用抗血栓藥物適應症可終身服用OAC (LOE I), 否則終身服用低劑量Aspirin(LOE IIA).
  • NOAC不建議使用在金屬機械瓣膜者 (LOE III harm)
    根據2020 GALILEO trail,若無口服抗凝血劑之需要,相較DAPT(ASA+plavix),低劑量rivaroxaban(10mg QD)併用低劑量aspirin(75–100 mg)不建議使用在經TAVI生物性瓣膜者. (LOE III harm) (N Engl J Med 2020;382:120129)
    2020 AHA提及出血風險低者可在前3-6月接受DAPT(Aspirin+clopidogrel)(LOE IIB).根據2020 POPular TAVI trial,接受TAVI者若無服用抗血栓藥物適應症, DAPT相較單用Aspirin無法減少血栓事件反而增加出血; 接受TAVI者有抗血栓藥物適應症, 單用VKA在減少血栓事件並不輸於VKA+plavix. TAVI 建議單用VKA或aspirn即可.
    (Am J Cardiol 2018;122:310-315. N Engl J Med 2020;383:14471457)
    (E) 根據2020 ESC/EHRA & 2019 JCS/JHRS& 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS,Electric(catheter) ablation適應症如下
  • paroxysmal and persistent 且symptomatic AFib
    抗心律藥物治療失敗,二線可選擇導管方式Electric ablation控制心律(LOE I), 或直接導管方式Electric ablation控制心律(LOE IIa/IIb).
    根據2020 EAST-AFNET 4 trial, 針對早期Afib(≤1年)及早rhythm-control 可降低心血管疾病風險 (N Engl J Med 2020: 383: 1305-1316)
    2018 CABANA trial, 在新發生或未經藥物治療AF,早期導管電燒並未改善primary cardiovascular outcomes of death, disabling stroke, serious bleeding, or cardiac arrest,故不建議在無症狀者
  • paroxysmal and persistent AFib合併HFrEF
    根據2018 CASTLE-AF及2016 AATAC multicenter randomized trial透過導管電燒改善因心搏過快造成心肌病病及LV dysfunction, 建議直接導管方式Electric ablation(LOE I),或者當作二線(LOE IIa)
    (2020 ESC/EHRA)

    (2019 JCS/JHRS Non-Pharmacotherapy of Cardiac Arrhythmias)

    根據以上指引,陣發性AF,若有症狀者可考慮電氣燒灼(Electric ablation). 另外,若為persistent 及 long-standing persistent AF,合併多重共病及left atrial enlargement,電氣燒灼效果可能下降. (Harrison 21st ed, Chapter 251)

Question 4:

病人36歲男性突然喪失意識有一個小時之久,乃急往醫院求診,時血壓96/56 mmHg 心跳: 105/min,呼吸: 20/min及體溫: 36.2℃。病人日前牙疼至診所治療,使用ibuprofen, cephalexin 及胃藥,十點入睡,在深夜裡聽見呼吸喘鳴,4 AM不醒人事並有癲癇發作及尿失禁。理學檢查顯示E1M4V2,半小時後清醒,有嘔吐及頭痛之表示,未有神經及其他異常所見。CXR 及心電圖如圖,前後相隔二小時。血液生化有K⁺ 2.8 mEq/L, Na⁺ 141 mEq/L, AST 79 U/L, ALT 98 U/L, Cr 0.97 mg/dL, BUN 13 mg/dL, Sugar 132mg/dL, Troponin I 0.04 ng/mL。(附心電圖、胸部X光)。從病人的年齡、性別、病史、發作時間、心電圖所見、生化檢驗和理學所見,本病例最可能的診斷是:


  • A.Long QT syndrome with Torsades de Pointes
  • B.Brugada syndrome with Electrical Storm and Incessant Ventricular Tachycardia
  • C.Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome with event of atrial fibrillation
  • D.Early Repolarization J Wave Syndromes
  • E. Arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 魏嘉德
(Harrison 21st ed, Chapter 52. 2017 ACC/AHA & 2018 ESC syncope guideline)
Syncope: 因腦部灌流不足造成暫時性意識喪失(TLOC),特性為rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneous complete recovery. 須與其他狀況如癲癇鑑別.

Causes of syncope 可分

  1. Reflex Syncope(Neurally Mediated): 通常反覆在特定姿勢或情境發生, Vasovagal syncope, Situational reflex syncope
  2. Syncope due to orthostatic hypotension: 與久站或姿勢改變有關.
  • Primary autonomic failure: 原發性中樞及周邊神經退化性疾病, e.g. Lewy body diseases, Multiple system atrophy
  • secondary autonomic failure: 系統性原因造成周邊神經病變, e.g. DM, amyloidosis等
  • Postprandial hypotension
  • Iatrogenic (drug-induced)
  • Volume depletion
  1. Cardiac Syncope 心因性: 在運動或平躺時發生, 發作前可能有心悸或家族有猝死病史
  • 心律不整相關: SA node dysfunction, AV node dysfunction, SVT, VT, 遺傳性離子通道病變
  • 心臟結構異常: 瓣膜性心臟病, MI, 心肌病變, 心房黏液瘤, 心包膜積液及心包填塞.

  • 其中,針對心律不整性暈厥(arrhythmic syncope), 心電圖可提供線索
    . Bifascicular block: LBBB/RBBB 加上 LAFB/LAPB
    . Intraventricular conduction abnormalities: QRS >=0.12 s
    . Mobitz I second-degree AV block and 1 degree AV block with markedly prolonged PR interval
    . Sinus bradycardia or Afib with SVR(40 -50 bpm) in the absence of negatively chronotropic medications
    . Non-sustained VT
    . Pre-excited QRS complexes
    . Long or short QT syndrome: QTc >460 or <340
    . Early repolarization
    . Brugada pattern: ST-segment elevation with type 1 morphology in leads V1-V3
    . Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC): negative T waves in right precordial leads, epsilon waves
    . Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: LVH pattern
    (A) Long QT syndrome with Torsades de Pointes(不符)

    (B) Brugada syndrome: 一種心肌鈉離子通道異常遺傳疾病, 可造成VT、VF及年輕型猝死.
    Type 1(Brugada sign): coved ST segment elevation >2mm in >1 of V1-V3 followed by a negative T wave.
    Type 2: saddleback shaped ST segment elevation >2mm
    Type 3: 具 type 1 or type 2 特色但, ST segment elevation <2mm

    Electrical Storm: 24小時內出現超過3次以上(含) VT或 VF.
    Incessant Ventricular Tachycardia: 相對血行動力學穩定,但出現超過1小時VT. © WPW syndrome (不符) ECG可出現PR <120ms, Delta wave(slurred upstroke to the QRS complex), QRS>110 ms,
    discordant ST-segment and T-wave changes及 Pseudo-infarction pattern (前側及下方導極出現負向 Delta wave/pseudo-Q waves or V1-V3導極出現明顯R waves)

(D) Early Repolarization J Wave Syndromes (不符)
J point:

J point: QRScomplex結束至ST segment.
J wave (Osborn wave) 為J point前一正像波,常見於hypothermia患者.

Early repolarization syndrome常在連續2導極出現J point上升≥ 1 mm或QRS downstroke inferior and/or lateral leads). 又可分為
. Benign form(BER): J-point notch or slurring with rapidly ascending ST segment(concave), 與QRS同向不對稱T波, 且V6導極STE/T高度< 0.25.
. Malignant form: J-point with horizontal or descending ST segment
兩者在V4導極可能出現fish-hook pattern/J wave.

(World J Cardiol. 2015 Aug 26;7(8):466-75.)
近期研究發現存在BER pattern,後續可能發生Idiopathic及recurrent VF 或 polymorphic VT.
(E) Arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy(ARVC)

ARVC為一自體顯性基因疾病,右心房 free wall心肌層出現脂肪浸潤,後續可能產生心室心律不整、sudden cardiac death及雙心室衰竭.
ECG可出現無RBBB但 V1-V3 T wave inversion(85%), Epsilon wave (下圖左,QRS 後blip or wiggle wave, 50%), V1-V3 QRS widening (> 110ms) 且 prolonged S wave upstroke (下圖右,>55ms), Ventricular ectopy of LBBB morphology with frequent PVCs > 1000 per 24 hours, VT with LBBB morphology (RVOT tachycardia).

題幹EKG為sinus rhythm, QT<400, V1出現coved STE+TWI(Brugada sign).

Question 5:


  • A.隨醫學的進步,急性心衰死亡率仍舊居高不下,尤其一個月內及半年內再住院率分別高達25%及50%,耗費醫療資源頗大。
  • B.慢性心衰急性惡化,比急性初發心衰更多,因此找出誘發心衰的原因諸如急性缺血變化、感染、心臟結構變化、心律不整、或病人用藥順從等因素最是重要。
  • C.強力的利尿劑是充血性心衰的關鍵治療。
  • D.就實証醫學,現用的血管作用劑(Vasoactive agents)及強心劑(Inotropes) 都是差強人意的治療。
  • E.氧氣療法最為重要,維持愈高氧氣濃度有助組織活力,高流量氧氣吸入,甚至內置氣管(Endotracheal intubation)供氧都是應該的處置。

Correct Answer: E

編輯者: 魏嘉德
(Harrison 21st ed, Chapter 257, 258. 2022 AHA/ACC & 2021 ESC guideline)
(A) 心衰竭自診斷開始,整體五年存活率約50%,嚴重者1年死亡率高達40%,住院次數至少1次、2次、3次及4次分別為83%、67%、54%、43%, 住院後死亡率上升(一個月、一年及5年)約10%、25%及75%,再住院率(30天、60天、3個月及半年)18%、25%、30%及50%. 種族部分,非裔風險最高,其次西班牙裔、白種人及華裔. 因心衰竭之治療成本持續攀升(2012美國住院成本300億, 2030 預估700億). [Circulation: Heart Failure, 14(4), e008335.]
(B) 慢性心衰竭(數月至數年)定義為 longstanding symptoms and/or signs of HF. 急性心衰竭則為 rapid onset or worsening of symptoms of HF,大多歸因慢性心衰竭急性惡化,但仍有約20%為因以下因素新發生者,如急性冠心症、急性瓣膜功能異常、高血壓急症及心臟手術後(postcardiotomy syndrome). 關於誘發心衰竭之前置因子如下表.

© Intravenous loop diuretic agents rapidly and effectively relieve symptoms of congestion and are essential when oral drug absorption is impaired. It is generally advisable to continue diuresis until euvolemia has been achieved with decreased risk for recurrent decompensation. 若refractory to loop diuretic, 可併用其他機制利尿劑如thiazide.

(D) 血管舒張劑及強心劑主要為輔助,研究未改善長期預後,因此在急性心衰竭並非常規使用.
Vasodilators, like IV nitroglycerin(vein), sodium nitroprusside(artery&vein), and nesiritide (a recombinant brain-type natriuretic peptide, PCWP&PVR), are frequently used in ADHF to lower intracardiac filling pressures and reduce systemic vascular tone. Nitroglycerine is commonly utilized as an adjunct to diuretics, and Nitroprusside is typically reserved due to the risk for hypotension. Also, some studies showed no clear clinical benefit with regard to subsequent HF admissions, mortality, or symptom relief with nesiritide.
Inotropic therapy, like sympathomimetic amines (dopamine, dobutamine) and phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors (milrinone), in those with a low-output state augments cardiac output, reduces systemic vascular resistance, improves perfusion, and relieves congestion acutely. Long-term inotropic therapy is associated with a risk of mortality in HF due to the increased risk of arrhythmia and sudden death. Thus, routine use of inotropic support in ADHF is discouraged, and indicated principally for short-term use as bridge therapy in cardiogenic shock or as selectively applied palliation in end-stage HF.
(E) 氧氣治療在急性心衰竭併缺氧有一定好處, 但高氧氣濃度及高血氧值可能反而造成血管收縮及心輸出量下降. (大錯)
In AHF, oxygen therapy should not be used routinely in non-hypoxaemic patients, as it causes vasoconstriction and a reduction in cardiac output. Oxygen therapy is recommended in patients with AHF and SpO2 <90% or PaO2 <60 mmHg. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, either CPAP and pressure support, improves respiratory failure, increases oxygenation and pH, decreases the pCO2 and work of breathing, improves dyspnoea and reduce the need for intubation and mortality, compared with traditional oxygen therapy. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation should be started as soon as possible in patients with respiratory distress (RR >25 breaths/min, SpO2 <90%) to improve gas exchange and reduce the rate of
endotracheal intubation. Intubation is recommended for progressive respiratory failure in spite of oxygen administration or non-invasive ventilation.

Question 6:

病人64歲家庭主婦,近三個月來有間歇性胸悶及運動性呼吸困難。病人有氣喘及高血壓10年病史,規則服用Ipratropium或Furosemide + Aldactone + Digoxin + Aspirin。事實上病人過去10年前就有類似症狀,再多加服用上列藥物,也就改善。只是近月來全身倦怠,食慾不振,上腹微痛及體重減輕七公斤,乃於七月廿六日住院診療。病人Height: 156 cm Weight: 68kg ; T/P/R:37.1/88/16;。 BP: 110/73mmHg。理學檢查發現心臟大小正常,規則律跳,唯心尖處(Apical area) 有雙峰脈波(bifid pulse) 及在左上胸緣及心尖處有Gr 4/6 Pansystolic murmur,下肢有2度浮腫,但其他器官並未有異常。血球檢查:WBC,10.14k/uL; RBC, 4.79 M/uL; Platelet, 169K/uL。血液生化結果: Albumin, 4.2 gm/dL; T-Bil, 0.86mg/dL; BUN, 16.8 mg/dL; Cre1.0 mg/dL; ALT, 90 U/L。其心電圖及胸部X光如圖。經心導管檢查: 大動脈血壓, 142/68 mmHg; 左心室出口部( LVOT), 158/28 mmHg; 左心室心尖部, 198/32 mmHg. 其Cardiac CT及左心室造影如圖。請問病人的正確心臟診斷是

  • A.高血壓性心臟病(Hypertensive cardiovascular disease)。
  • B.左心室心尖肥厚性心肌病(LV apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)。
  • C.左心室中部心肌肥厚病(Mid-LV hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)。
  • D.缺血性心臟病(Ischemic cardiomyopathy)。
  • E.擴大性心肌病(Dilated cardiomyopathy)。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 魏嘉德
本題選最理想答案, 解題如下.
理學檢查: 心尖處雙峰脈波(bifid pulse) , 聽診在左上胸緣及心尖處 Pansystolic murmur(MR)
→MR or AS
EKG: 明顯LVH, STD and T-wave inversion in lead I, aVL, V3-V6 (LV strain pattern), no STE in aVR(<1 mm), STE due to T wave discordance very deep S waves in lead V1-V3. Lead III early repolarization pattern.
→Hypertension, AS/AR, H(O)CM, Coarctation of aorta.
CXR 並無明顯cardiomegaly
Cardiac CT可發現左心室至主動脈間(LVOT)心膈較為膨出, 左心室造影則為左心室中部內外皆厚呈漏斗或啞鈴狀.
心導管檢查可發現LV-apex至aorta 壓力差56mmHg, 多來自LVOT(subaortic)狹窄→ LVOT obsturction.
(Harrison 21st ed, Chapter 259, 2020 AHA-ACC HCM guideline.)
肥厚性心肌病早期LV或雙心室心室壁厚但收縮功能正常、舒張功能下降. 症狀常以喘、胸悶、心律不整(20-25%Afib,VT及VF亦有)甚至暈厥表現, 併因應肥厚程度不一有LV outflow tract obstruction, diastolic dysfunction, myocardial ischemia, 及mitral regurgitation等結構異常(uptodate圖). (A)Normal LV wall thickness
(B) Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy. 最常見(60-70%)
© Sigmoid septum(more common in older adults)
(D) Mid-cavity hypertrophy associated with mid-cavity obstruction.[選項C] 約10%, 左心室造影在舒張期呈漏斗(hourglass)或啞鈴(dumbbell)狀.
(E) Predominantly free wall hypertrophy, an unusual pattern in HCM.
(F) LV wall thinning (associated with low LV ejection fraction) and biatrial enlargement.
(G) Predominantly apical LV hypertrophy.[選項B, EKG/心室造影如下圖] 東方人常見(15-25%, 又稱Yamaguchi syndrome), EKG 呈LVH併 giant T-wave inversion. 左心室造影在舒張期呈黑桃狀+ teardrop(Ace-of-spades)
(H) Severe concentric hypertrophy with cavity obliteration.
(I) Biventricular hypertrophy.
(J) Mild to moderate symmetric hypertrophy.

心室肥厚可能造成功能改變或小血管疾病以至心肌缺血、纖維化, 使得腔室變大且壁薄,進而影響左心室收縮功能. 診斷為排除其他原因, 具上述症狀及心超發現LV wall thickening ≥15 mm. 治療因應臨床症狀, 可先控制共病, 若有LVOT症狀, 使用b-blocker, non-dipine CCBs,避免血管舒張劑及高強度利尿劑.若藥物治療後症狀持續惡化,可考慮disopyramide及外科治療(septal ablation or myectomy).

肥厚性心肌病與主動脈狹窄有以下不同: 理學檢查若採 Valsalva maneuver時 systolic murmur較弱,且carotid pulse較弱. 在心導管檢查量測左心室到主動脈壓力, 肥厚性心肌病可發現,在VPC誘發心室收縮時,aortic pressure脈壓較小(Brockenbrough sign), 且會出現early spike and dome pattern(AS則相對slow slope且脈壓大)

(A) 心室壁應為對稱、concentric thickening.
(D) 多合併心臟衰竭(HFrEF), CXR 可見cardiomegaly, 但無法完全解釋其他症狀.
(E) LV或雙心室腔室變大但壁薄且收縮功能下降.

Question 7:

隨著病理生理機轉的認知,心衰治療及心臟影像進步,心內外手術治療的演進,有關二尖瓣閉鎖不全(Mitral regurgitation, MR) 有諸多新展,請問下列何者的主張是不合當今時宜?

  • A.因二尖瓣環(Mitral annulus)、乳突肌(Papillary muscles)及左心室異常造成的閉鎖不全是原發性MR(Primary MR),而因二尖瓣葉(Mitral leaflet)及腱索異常(Chordae tendineae)而致的閉鎖不全是續發性MR(Secondary MR)。
  • B.不論症狀之有無,左心室收縮末期直徑>40 mm及左心室射出量<60%是內外科介入手術(Intervention)的關鍵根據。
  • C.缺血性MR(Ischemic MR)常因左心室後壁失能,左心室擴大,導致腱索及乳頭肌失能而起,是混合性MR(Mixed MR) ,以外科繞道手術及二尖瓣膜置換為佳。
  • D.經導管緣對緣夾合(Trans-catheter edge to edge mitral clip) 對原發性及續發性MR都是合適的治療。
  • E. 因左心房擴大導致的肺動脈高血壓及心房纖維顫動都是決定心臟內外科手術的根據。

Correct Answer: A

(A)根據ACC:primary MR是leaflets跟chords的疾病,secondary MR是因為左心房及左心室疾病導致的
(B)根據ESC: 無症狀:LVESD:40-44mm, LVEF>60%考慮surgical intervention, LVESD>45mm, LVEF<60%為surgical intervention的indication
©Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia: Surgical management of IMR has primarily comprised revascularization with or without the addition of MVR,敘述正確
(D)Circulation: US FDA 2013及2019分別通過MitralClip為primary及secondary MR的indication, 後續也證實經導管緣對緣夾合為針對合適患者的治療選項
(E)ESC: 除了上述手術的indication, af secondary to MR或肺高壓也都涵蓋在其中

Question 8:

猝死的發生,佔心血管病死亡的50%, 也是健康人的第一次心臟病發作的50%。在台灣每年有院外猝死在院內的救活而無神經傷變者僅只21.7%,請問下列有關猝死的說法,何者不正確?

  • A.冠心病及心衰是猝死最重要的危險因素。
  • B.猝死常見的心跳閉止(Asystole) 及無脈性電氣活性(Pulseless electric activity) ,前者常因電擊(Electric cardioversion)結果,後者多因失血、缺氧、代謝異常或肺動脈栓塞而起。
  • C.寬輻QRS型快跳常是心室性異跳,應緊急處置。
  • D.正常QRS型快跳如若伴有眩暈或低血壓,亦應緊急處置。
  • E. 以藥物之治療慢性心室性期外收縮可防止猝死發生。

Correct Answer: E

(A)Circulation: CAD在世界各地造成約50%的SCA (B)Circulation: Asystole常因為decompensation of prolonged ventricular fibrillation arrest導致, 故defibrillation可能惡化導致asystole; PEA的病因分為primary(depletion of myocardial energy reserves), secondary(5H5T) ©(D)根據ACLS, tachycardia, wide QRS無論stable與否都必須處理, 多為ventricular arrythmia; 而narrow QRS配合休克、喘、胸痛等不穩定的vital signs也必須考慮cardioversion (E)心室性期外收縮為刺激來自心室,根據ACC/AHA guideline, 有效防止猝死的治療為ICD置入

Question 9:

病人王先生現年88歲,有兩個月的雙腳浮腫及運動性呼吸困難,數度前往多家醫院求診,診療罔效。病人有多年高血壓、高脂血、慢性腎臟病及前列腺肥大等過往病史。到診時意識清醒, T/P/R: 35.5 °C/99/18;BP: 106/83 mmHg; SpO2: 92%。(ambient air); BH: 165 cm; BW: 66 kg; BMI: 24.2 kg/m2 理學檢查發現顏面微腫,頸靜脈中度怒張,脈搏稍弱,並未有顯著Paradoxical pulse, 及Kussmaul sign,呼吸聲清淨,心臟大小正常,心音略遠,P2稍強,Pericardial friction可疑,無肝、脾腫大,雙腳微腫。其心電圖、胸部X光及其他影像檢查如圖:請問依照上列數個標的之理學檢查 (Targeted physical examination)及實驗室所見,這位病人最可能的診斷是

  • A.Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction。
  • B.Pericardial disease
  • C.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy。
  • D.Dilated cardiomyopathy。
  • E. Fabry disease。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者:盧昱佑 根據題幹,患者為老年人,©(D)(E)選項的機率就相對低,配合浮腫及呼吸困難的症狀,懷疑是靜脈回流不佳引起,頸靜脈怒張、脈搏較弱皆有可能導因於心臟舒張受到限制以及積水壓迫導致,雖沒有顯著的Paradoxical pulse及Kussmaul sign,正常大小的心臟等暗示可能代表尚未進展至cardiac temponade,懷疑pericadial friction可能表示仍有pericarditis,配合X ray雙側pleural effusion,心電圖不明顯的T wave以及sono和CT清楚看到少量pericardial effusion和增厚的心包膜,也許是constrictive pericarditis,同時也可以排除cardiomyopathy

Question 10:

65歲男性病人,自年輕時即診斷WPW症候群(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome),多年來相安無事。一個小時前突發心房顫動合併心搏過速來急診。急診檢查發現血壓穩定,心跳速度約每分鐘180下。你為當日值班醫師,以下處置何者正確?

  • A.靜脈注射adenosine。
  • B.靜脈注射digoxin。
  • C.靜脈注射amiodarone
  • D.給予口服beta-blockers
  • E. 給予鎮靜麻醉後,實施電擊(electric cardioversion)。

Correct Answer: E

編輯者:盧昱佑 WPW syndrome為一特定的AVRT,根據JACC,合併Af的WPW在使用AV nodal blocking agents要特別小心因為反而增加asscessory pathway的傳導速率導致VF的產生,所以包含Ca+2 blockers、β-blockers、adenosine、digoxin等的使用都應該盡量避免,可以使用IV ibutilide or procainamide,以及使用cardioversion相對為較合適的做法

Question 11:

心臟衰竭合併心房顫動(atrial fibrillation)的病人,如果採取心律控制(rhythm control)策略,以下何者是首選藥物?題幹

  • A.Propafenone。
  • B.Flecainide。
  • C.Dronedarone。
  • D.Amiodarone。

Correct Answer: D

依據ESC2020, 如下圖

Question 12:


  • A.血管收縮素轉化酶抑制劑(angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,ACEI)。
  • B.環管利尿劑 (loop diuretic)。
  • C.乙型交感神經拮抗劑(β-blockers)。
  • D.醛固酮拮抗劑(spironolactone)。
  • E. 血管收縮素受體阻斷劑(angiotensin receptor blocker)。

Correct Answer: B

根據2022 ACC/AHA guideline:
diuretics should not be used in isolation but always combined with other GDMT for HF that reduces hospitalizations and prolongs survival.單獨使用對於survival沒有幫助但能減少再住院率

Question 13:

下列有關ST節段上升的心肌梗塞(ST-elevation myocardial infarction,STEMI)的敍述,何者錯誤?

  • A.主要的發病機轉為血管內粥狀硬化斑瑰破裂,產生急性血栓將血管完全阻塞。抗血板藥物clopidogrel效果的臨床效果與ticargrelor, prasugrel相似。
  • B.抗血板藥物clopidogrel效果的臨床效果與ticargrelor, prasugrel相似。
  • C.病發如在12小時內,要照會心臟科儘快進行心導管打通血管。
  • D.可使用肝素(heparin)或低分子量肝素(low-molecular-weigth heparin, LMWH)治療。
  • E. 下壁心肌梗塞合併右心梗塞時,如血壓不穩,可考慮輸液治療。

Correct Answer: B

編輯者:詹承翰 A Type I MI: an event related to atherosclerotic plaque rupture, ulceration, fissuring, erosion, or dissection with resulting intra-luminal thrombus in one or more of the coronary arteries, leading to decreased myocardial blood flow or distal platelet emboli with ensuing myocyte necrosis. B ESC 2017: The preferred P2Y12 inhibitors are prasugrel [60 mg loading dose and 10 mg maintenance dose once daily per os (p.o.)] or ticagrelor (180 mg p.o. loading dose and 90 mg maintenance dose twice daily). These drugs have a more rapid onset of action, greater potency, and are superior to clopidogrel in clinical outcomes
C Fibrinolysis <120 mins, PCI <12 hours V
D根據2017 ESC, routine use of UFH is recommended E Intravenous fluid (usually isotonic saline) should be given to patients with evidence of low cardiac output (hypotension, hypoperfusion, and a low or normal jugular venous [JVP] pressure) who do not have pulmonary congestion or evidence of right heart failure (uptodate)

Question 14:

有關心房纖維顫動(Atrial fibrillation)相關的敘述,下列何者說法是錯誤的?

  • A.最常見的持續性心律不整,一般而言80歲以上盛行率約10%。
  • B.引起心房顫動的危險因子包括年老,高血壓,糖尿病,肥胖,呼吸終止症等。
  • C.心房顫動約增加5倍中風的機會。
  • D.抗凝血劑如aspirin等能有效預防中風發生。
  • E. 約30%的開心手術患者術後可能產生長短不等的陣發性心房顫動。

Correct Answer: D

A. ESC2020 圖 total prevalance 2-4%, 老年人2.3倍
B. ESC 2020 yes

C. 應該要看ChadVasc score但應該差不多.
D.明顯錯誤, aspirin在afib沒有角色

E. End AF trial: 20%// 2001 Atrial fibrillation occurs in 10% to 65% of patients after cardiac surgery

Question 15:

70歲陳先生,因為發燒合併喘與端坐呼吸至急診,身體檢查在心尖部位聽到第四級收縮期雜音,且肺部有囉音(rales)。心臟超音波在二尖瓣發現贅生物(vegetation),三套血液培養呈現streptococcus gallolyticus。請問除了心內膜炎外,下列疾病必須列入考慮?

  • A.腦膜病變
  • B.腎結石引發腎水腫。
  • C.大腸息肉或大腸癌。
  • D.肺部病變。
  • E.攝護腺發炎。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者:詹承翰 S. gallolyticus endocarditis or bacteremia to evaluate the possibility of high-grade adenoma or colon cancer. “2019 Colon Cancer with Streptococcus gallolyticus Aortic Valve Endocarditis: A Missing Link?” 看到S. gallolyticus 就可以直接跟大腸癌做連結

Question 16:


  • A.血壓上升且脈搏壓變寬。
  • B.胸部X光片呈現肺鬱血(lung congestion)現象。
  • C.左右心室舒張末期壓力(end-diastolic pressure)不等。
  • D.聽診時有可能會有心包敲擊音(pericardial knock),有些會出現「奇脈」(paradoxical pulse)。
  • E. 呼氣時,頸動脈擴張可能更形顯著。

Correct Answer: D

要鑑別 cardiac temponade還是contrictive pericarditis / Y descending增加代表right atrium contrictive pattern, 應該為contrictive pericarditis
A. Preload 下降, 血壓可能會下降且脈波壓下降.
B. Preload 下降, 不太會lung congestion C. There is early rapid filling in diastole and equalization of the diastolic pressures. There also is discordance of the LV and RV systolic pressures with respiration due to enhancement of ventricular interdependence. .UPTODATE

D. 沒錯, 如下圖.
E. 頸靜脈擴張

Question 17:

有關心臟衰竭 (Heart failure) 的敘述,下列何項不正確?

  • A.左心室射出率保留心臟衰竭(heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HFpEF)病患,給予血管收
  • B.毛地黃(digoxin)因無法改善病人預後,目前僅在其它藥物充分使用後仍有明顯症狀時考慮給予。
  • C.強心藥物(inotropic agents)無法改善預後,甚至可能增加死亡率及併發症,盡量在有需要時短期使用。
  • D.急性失調性心臟衰竭(Acute decompensated heart failure,ADHF)可能會併發心腎症候群(Cardio-renal syndrome),使用利尿量增加此類病人之排尿量不盡有效。
  • E. 在左心室射出減少心臟衰竭(heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, HFrEF)病患,LCZ696(Sacubitril/Valsartan)較Ramipril更能有效減少死亡率。

Correct Answer: A

A. HFpEF只有SGLT2可以改善欲後,其他藥皆失敗.
B. Digoxin class II

C. D 如平常clinical practice
E. PARAGRAM-HF是做LCZ696 vs enalapril, 有成功. 但在PARADISE-MI中Sacubitril–valsartan was not associated with a significantly lower incidence of death from cardiovascular causes or incident heart failure than ramipril among patients with acute myocardial infarction. (Funded by Novartis; PARADISE-MI, NEJM 2021.) 此選項有爭議.

Question 18:

吳先生為慢性腎臟病病人,因為全身無力就診,抽血發現血清肌酸酐(creatinine)為5.0 mg/dL ,血鉀(K)7.2 mmol/L,有關心電圖可能的變化下列何者有誤?

  • A.高尖T波(peaked T wave)
  • B.PR期間變長。
  • C.QRS波變寬。
  • D.QT期間變長。
  • E. P波變扁。

Correct Answer: D

D. QT變短. Hyperkalemia may be associated with a variety of changes on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Tall peaked T waves with a shortened QT interval are usually the first findings. As the hyperkalemia becomes more severe, there is progressive lengthening of the PR interval and QRS duration, the P wave may disappear, and ultimately the QRS widens further to a sine wave pattern. Ventricular standstill with a flat line on the ECG ensues with complete absence of electrical activity. (uptodate 2022)

Question 19:

關於慢性阻塞性肺病(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD)的描述,下列何者錯誤?

  • A.COPD患者若休息時血氧飽和度≤88%,接受長期氧療(long-term oxygen therapy, LTOT)可改善存活
  • B不建議長期使用口服類固醇。
  • C.急性發作(COPD exacerbation) 大約有1/3是呼吸道病毒感染引起的。
  • D.急性發作時,血氧不足時應給予氧氣以維持血氧飽和度≥90%。
  • E. 急性發作時,給予全身性類固醇(systemic corticosteroid)治療可以降低死亡率。

Correct Answer: E

編輯者: 謝秉耕
A: 1980年NOTT及MCR兩篇RCT指出平靜PaO2<55 or<60mmHg接受LTOT有survival benific(p68)

B: 目前建議使用不超過五天(p141)
E: Systemic steroid用在AE病患可以改善FEV1, 加速復原, 改善血氧, 縮短住院時間;但目前沒有降低死亡率的證據。另外根據GOLD 2023, 口服/IV/霧化給予Steroid的效價相似。(p141)
Ref: GOLD report 2023 https://goldcopd.org/2023-gold-report-2/

Question 20:

周先生65歲,每天抽兩包菸共抽30年,五年前由於較劇烈運動後會呼吸急促,因此戒菸。最近一年大約爬到二樓就要休息,慢慢的連稍微走一點平路都會覺得喘,常常需要停下來休息。他到附近醫院就醫,胸部X光呈現兩側肺上葉大肺泡(bullae)。肺功能檢查結果為:FEV1/FVC=50%,FEV1為預測值的35%,給予短效β2-agonist 15分鐘後FEV1改善3%。最近半年因為喘的症狀加重到醫院急診就醫三次,門診藥物治療下列何者較不恰當?

  • A.單獨給予吸入型Long-acting β2-agonist (LABA)。
  • B.單獨給予吸入型Long-acting Muscarinic Antagonists (LAMA)。
  • C.合併吸入型LAMA與LABA。
  • D.合併LABA與吸入型類固醇
  • E. 合併吸入型LAMA,LABA以及吸入型類固醇。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 謝秉耕
依照題幹+肺功能可以判斷屬於COPD沒有問題,GOLD 2023比較各種Bronchodilators後大概念是頻繁AE能吸Triple therapy最好;純粹以LABA/LAMA相比較又以LAMA更有證據

另外,在2023年版已經把Group C.D合併為Group E

因此整體而言,該病人屬於Group E以Dual-Triple為主比較沒有疑慮;硬要比較Monotherapy則一律以LAMA更優
Ref: GOLD guideline 2023

Question 21:

下列哪一項不屬於第二型氣喘(Type 2 high-inflammation asthma)相關之生物標記?

  • A.嗜酸性白血球 (eosinophils)。
  • B.嗜中性白血球 (neutrophils)。
  • C.白血球介素-4 (Interleukin-4)。
  • D.白血球介素-5 (Interleukin-5)。
  • E. 白血球介素-13 (Interleukin-13)。

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 謝秉耕
A: 比較沒有爭議, FeNO和Eosinophils是目前判斷生物製劑有沒有效的重要Markers, 截至2022 GINA Guideline引用的cut-off是Eos>150, FeNO>25
至於IL系列越來越雜, 在GINA 2022中確實引用了IL-4.5.13三者作為Type II asthma的 Biomarkers

Ref: GINA 2022, p114

Question 22:

(1)運動 (2) 過度換氣 (3) 冷空氣 (4) SARS-CoV-2 病毒感染 (5) 使用beta-adrenergic blockers, aspirin等藥

  • A.(1)+(2)+(3)。
  • B.(1)+(2)+(5)。
  • C.(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • D.(1)+(3)+(4)+(5)。
  • E. (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)。

Correct Answer: E

編輯者: 江侑洵
(1), (2), (3)Hyperventilation that occurs with exercise dries the airway lining, changing the tonicity of lining cells and causing release of bronchoconstrictive mediators. This effect is more prominent the lower the moisture content of the air, and since cold air has a lower absolute moisture content, the lower the temperature of the inspired air, the less exercise is required to induce bronchoconstriction.
(5) Beta blockers may trigger bronchospasm even when used solely in ophthalmic preparations. Aspirin may precipitate bronchospasm in those with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (and to a lesser extent angiotensin receptor blockers) may cause cough.
Reference: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 21e

Question 23:

關於社區性肺炎 (Community-acquired pneumonia) 的描述,下列何者正確?

  • A.胸腔超音波診斷肺炎的靈敏度較胸部X光高。
  • B.慢性肺疾病(chronic lung diseases, structure lung diseases)是綠膿桿菌社區性肺炎(Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused community-acquired pneumonia)的危險因子之一。
  • C.尿液Streptococcus pneumoniae 與 Legionella pneumophila抗原檢驗都有很高的診斷靈敏度。
  • D.CURB-65較The Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI)簡便且有效地判斷病患需要住院或只要接受門診治療。
  • E. 接受門診治療的病患,只有在pneumococcal resistant to macrolide小於50%的地區方可單獨使用macrolide治療

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 江侑洵
(B) Community-acquired P. aeruginosa pneumonia occurs mainly in individuals who have a compromised immune system, recent prior antibiotic use, structural lung abnormalities such as cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis, repeated exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring frequent glucocorticoid and/or antibiotic use
© Legionella pneumophila test: sensitivity 70%, specificity 99%; pneumococcal urine antigen test sensitivity 70%, specificity >90%
(D) PSI: 20 variables, including age, coexisting illness, abnormal physical and laboratory findings. 分為class 1~5.
CURB-65: 5 variables: confusion ©; urea >7 mmol/L (U); respiratory rate ≥30/min ®; blood pressure—systolic ≤90 mmHg or diastolic ≤60 mmHg (B); age ≥65 years. Among patients with scores of ≥3, mortality rates are 22% overall; these patients may require ICU admission. The PSI has greater efficacy than CURB-65 but is more difficult to calculate.
(E) The prevalence of macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae exceeds 25% in some countries; in Canada the prevalence is ~22%, and in the United States it exceeds 30%. In these situations, a macrolide should not be used as empirical monotherapy.
Reference: UpToDate, Harrison’s

Question 24:

關於氧氣治療(Oxygen Therapy)的描述,下列何者錯誤?

  • A.鼻導管(Nasal cannula)的氧氣流量以不超過 6 liters/min為原則。
  • B.使用簡單式面罩(Simple face mask)時,若固定氧氣流速( 5 liters/min),當病患每分鐘換氣量升高,則FiO2會隨之下降。
  • C.非再吸入性面罩(nonrebreather face mask)給予病患的氧氣FiO2可達0.6-1.0。
  • D.Venturi mask的好處是可以提供病患相對固定的FiO2。
  • E. 高流量鼻導管(High-flow nasal cannula)可產生吐氣末正壓(positive end-expiratory pressure),以避免肺泡塌陷。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 江侑洵
© nonrebreather masks: contains a one-way valve so that the patient can still receive room air through the open port, resulting in a lower FiO2. Thus, in clinical practice, nonrebreathing masks typically deliver oxygen concentrations lower than 95 percent. Reference: UpToDate

Question 25:

下列有關急性呼吸窘迫症候群(acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS)的描述何者錯誤?

  • A.根據Berlin definition,嚴重度是以PaO2/FiO2 ratio來區分。
  • B.最常見造成ARDS的原因是肺炎及敗血症。
  • C.呼吸器的設定應採用肺保護通氣策略(lung protective strategy),使用較低的潮氣容積(Tidal Volume;6 mL/kg),以降低死亡率。
  • D.Mild to moderate ARDS應考慮使用俯臥式通氣模式(Prone positioning) 以降低死亡率。
  • E. 類固醇的使用無法降低ARDS的死亡率。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 陳均嘉
A. 依據最新的Berlin definition 2021,嚴重度的定義和舊版都類似,The 2012 Berlin definition of ARDS simplified the terminology, clarified several criteria, and provided validated support for three strata of initial arterial hypoxaemia (PaO2/FiO2 categories of ≤100, 101–200, and 201–300 mm Hg), which correlated with mortality (45%, 35%, and 27%, respectively)
B. 只有大約60%的病因可以被診斷出來,導致ARDS的原因有很多,其中最常見的是pneumonia (40%), sepsis (32%), and aspiration (9%), Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998;157(4 Pt 1):1159.
C. Lung protective strategy: Vt<6ml/kg, Pplat<30 cmH2O, tolerate PaCO2但避免酸到小於pH7.2,其中PEEP和FiO2 setting有分兩種選擇,higher PEEP or higher FiO2,目前尚未定論,但通常會避免PEEP大於16以上
D. If P/F ratio<150,俯臥式通氣模式超過16小時可以降低死亡率50%,故只適用於Moderate to severe ARDS
E. 在原本就需要類固醇的病人或是PaO2/FiO2 ratio <200且onset less than 14days,with mortality benefit
Reference: Berlin definition 2021, Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998;157(4 Pt 1):1159, NEJM 2000;324:1301, NEJM 2013;368:2159, uptodate

Question 26:

下列哪些原因會造成滲出肋膜積液(exudative pleural effusion)?(1) Peritoneal dialysis (2) Superior vena cava obstruction (3) Asbestos exposure (4) Meigs' syndrome (5) Radiation therapy

  • A.(1)+(2)+(3)。
  • B.(1)+(2)+(4)。
  • C.(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • D.(3)+(4)+(5)。
  • E.(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 陳均嘉
先了解常見的造成transudative pleural effusion的原因

上圖不包括有可能(但大多常見的是exudative)transudative的原因,其中含有Amyloidosis, chylothorax, constrictive pericarditis, hypothyroidism, malignancy, pulmonary embolism, sarcoidosis, SVC obstcution**, COVID-19, unexpandable lung
**導致SVC obstruction的原因通常都是常見的transudate DDx,故不選擇(2)也蠻合理的
(4) Meigs syndrome is an uncommon presentation, where a benign ovarian tumor presents along with ascites and pleural effusion. Malignancy = exudative lesion
Reference: Uptodate

Question 27:

關於惡性肋膜間皮瘤(Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma)的描述,下列何者錯誤?

  • A.從石綿暴露到發病時間可以長達20-50年。
  • B.最常見的組織型態是epithelioid mesothelioma
  • C.Sarcomatoid mesothelioma可以透過肋膜液的檢驗獲得診斷。
  • D.肋膜積液的控制可以利用導管引流與滑石粉肋膜沾黏術(talc pleurodesis)。
  • E. 放射線治療無法改善病患存活。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 陳均嘉
B. The epithelioid variant is the most common, comprising about 60 percent of all mesotheliomas. Typical histologic appearances of this subtype include tubulopapillary, acinar (glandular), adenomatoid and solid epithelioid patterns.
C. Sarcomatoid是MPM的一種組織型態,所以組織型態通常都還是需要肋膜切片才能診斷
E. 治療主要分成Nonepithelioid和Epithelioid。Nonepi的治療,第一線nivolumab plus ipilimumab for unresectable mesothelioma,化療選擇則是platinum plus pemetrexed。Epi的治療則是 pemetrexed plus cisplatin為主,而免疫治療則通常作為reasonable alternative, particularly for those who are unlikely to tolerate chemotherapy.
至於放射線治療有以下幾種,術後(Extrapleural pneumonectomy, EPP orpleurectomy, decortication)的放射線治療可以改善復發率以及增加存活。而在不能手術的病人,combinations of active agents, such as cisplatin plus pemetrexed, have been shown to prolong OS in patients with unresectable disease and have therefore also been integrated into combined-modality approaches with surgery and/or RT for those with resectable disease.
Reference: NCCN guideline

Question 28:

某78歲COPD病人發生急性惡化(acute exacerbation)。意識清楚,血壓140/78 mmHg。聽診兩側肺部有喘鳴聲。動脈血氣體分析(ABG) 使用鼻導管氧氣2 L/min時顯示: pH 7.33, PaCO₂ 58 mmHg, PaO₂ 64mmHg。下列處置何者最不適當?

  • A.給予非侵襲性雙陽壓呼吸器(BiPAP)支持。
  • B.立即插管(endotracheal intubation)及使用呼吸器。
  • C.給予吸入性支氣管擴張劑。
  • D.給予抗生素治療。
  • E. 給予類固醇治療。

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 陳均嘉
B. 我想依據大家的臨床經驗都可選出這類病人,因wheezing related hypoventilation導致hypercapnia with respiratory acidosis,但氧合需求不高,N/C 2L PaO2 64mmHg依COPD病人lower SpO2 goal而言其實不需要調整目前供氧。且題幹中並沒有提到病人的respiratory pattern,故也沒有短時間急遽惡化的可能。意識清楚也沒有protect airway的需求。因此最適合的應該是給與NIPPV。
依最新critical 2019年發表的early intubation guidance,可以在poor respiratory pattern and >5 L/min nasal oxygen (or Venturi mask more than 40%) fail to keep SpO2>95%,就可以及早插管,不會增加mortality或其他complication,但可以改善氧合(這不是廢話嗎)。但本題幹描述之病人連early intubation的條件都不符合,因此B為錯誤。
Reference: Critical care 2019

Question 29:

某30歲支氣管擴張症(bronchiectasis)病患因反覆咳血至急診就醫。血壓 105/80 mmHg,血氧(SpO₂) 94%,但仍持續咳嗽並大量咳血,胸部X光顯示右下肺輕微浸潤。此時在急診應優先安排下列何種檢查或處置最為適當?

  • A.輸血
  • B.支氣管鏡檢
  • C.核醫肺灌流顯影(perfusion scan)
  • D.電腦斷層肺血管攝影(CT angiography)
  • E. 給予非侵襲性雙陽壓呼吸器(BiPAP)支持

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 徐大鈞
參考 uptodate 對 life-threatening (massive) hemoptysis 的初步處理,bronchoscopy 跟 CT 都是可以考慮的 initial management (但臨床經驗上 bronchoscopy 的止血效果有限)。對於continued or recurrent bleeding,應考慮進一步 secure airway,及 arteriography + embolization,而先做 CTA 可以增加 embolization 止血的成功率,並減少須緊急手術的風險。另有一篇在 Chest 發表的 review 提到,雖然bronchoscopy 也很重要,但不應因此延遲臨床穩定的病人去做 CT,以利更有效率地找到出血位置,進行 BAE (bronchial artery embolization) 止血,因此選D。

Reference: 1. Uptodate ( https://www.uptodate.com/contents/evaluation-and-management-of-life-threatening-hemoptysis )
2. Davidson K, Shojaee S. Managing Massive Hemoptysis. Chest. 2020 Jan;157(1):77-88. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.07.012. Epub 2019 Jul 30. PMID: 31374211.

Question 30:


  • A.Anti-IgE (Omalizumab)。
  • B.Anti-IL5 (如Mepolizumab或Benralizumab)
  • C.茶鹼(theophyllines)。
  • D.高劑量吸入性類固醇-長效乙二型刺激劑(ICS-LABA)。
  • E. Tiotropium。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 徐大鈞
Step 5 treatment options:

  1. Combination high dose ICS-LABA
  2. Add-on LAMA (Tiotropium)
  3. Add-on Azithromycin (three times a week)
  4. Add-on biologic therapy
  • anti-IgE: Omalizumab (≧6y/o)
  • anti-IL-5/5R: SC Mepolizumab (anti-IL-5, ≧6y/o); IV Reslizumab (anti-IL-5, ≧18y/o); SC Benralizumab (anti-IL-5R, ≧12y/o)
  • anti-IL-4Rα: SC Dupilumab(≧6y/o)
  • anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin (anti-TSLP): SC tezepelumab(≧12y/o)
  1. Sputum-guided treatment: adjust treatment based on eosinophilia (>3%) in induced sputum
  2. Add-on treatment with bronchial thermoplasty
  3. As a last resort, add-on low dose oral corticosteroids (≦7.5 mg/day prednisone equivalent)
  4. Maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) with ICS-formoterol選項B雖然沒有特別指出Benralizumab是anti-IL-5R,但廣義上anti-IL-5/5R都可算是anti-IL5 therapy,所以還是選錯得最明顯的C
    Reference: 2022 GINA Main Report

Question 31:

某80歲COPD病人,吸入支氣管擴張劑前FEV1為預測值之71%,吸入支氣管擴張劑後FEV1為78%,COPD評估測驗(CAT)分數為8分, 過去一年有1次COPD急性惡化住院。請問根據GOLD指引,其肺功能分級與COPD嚴重度分群為何?

  • A.肺功能分級為GOLD 1,COPD嚴重度為A群。
  • B.肺功能分級為GOLD 2,COPD嚴重度為B群。
  • C.肺功能分級為GOLD 1,COPD嚴重度為C群。
  • D.肺功能分級為GOLD 2,COPD嚴重度為C群。
  • E.肺功能分級為GOLD 3,COPD嚴重度分群為D群。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 徐大鈞
此題根據 GOLD 2022 (左圖) 應選 D,但 GOLD 2023 (右圖) 已經把 group C 跟 group D 合併為 group E,用以強調這群病人與 excerbation 的相關性
Reference: GOLD report 2022 & 2023

Question 32:

某90歲病人因乾咳與呼吸困難就醫,過去未曾吸菸。聽診時下肺葉有 crackles,胸部電腦斷層如圖所示。下列肺功能與動脈血氣體分析結果何者最符合其診斷?

  • A.FVC 67%,FEV₁ 70%,FEV₁/FVC 0.81,DLCO 40%,PaO₂ 75 mmHg,PaCO₂ 40 mmHg。
  • B.FVC 92%,FEV₁ 70%,FEV₁/FVC 0.70,DLCO 78%,PaO₂ 75 mmHg,PaCO₂ 40 mmHg。
  • C.FVC 77%,FEV₁ 90%,FEV₁/FVC 0.87,DLCO 80%,PaO₂ 75 mmHg,PaCO₂ 55 mmHg。
  • D.FVC 100%,FEV₁ 70%,FEV₁/FVC 0.55,DLCO 40%,PaO₂ 65 mmHg,PaCO₂ 40 mmHg。
  • E.FVC 57%,FEV₁ 89%,FEV₁/FVC 0.75,DLCO 87%,PaO₂ 75 mmHg,PaCO₂ 58 mmHg。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 徐大鈞
圖為 IPF 病人常見的 UIP pattern,典型肺功能變化為 restrictive pattern (FVC下降,但FEV1/FVC正常) 及 DLCO下降,僅 A 選項符合

Reference: Uptodate

Question 33:

某位體重60公斤之65歲男性病患因COVID-19併發急性呼吸窘迫症候群(ARDS)接受呼吸器治療。其呼吸器設定(VC mode)為: FiO₂ 0.55、呼吸速率16次/min、潮氣容積(tidal volume) 600 mL、最高吸氣流速70L/min、吐氣末陽壓(PEEP) 10 cmH₂O。其動脈血液氣體分析為:pH 7.34、PaO₂ 72 mmHg、PaCO₂ 51mmHg、HCO₃ 28 mEq/L。請問應調整那個呼吸器參數值最為妥當?

  • A.增加呼吸速率。
  • B.減少FiO₂。
  • C.減少潮氣容積(tidal volume)。
  • D.增加吸氣最大流速。
  • E. 減少吐氣末陽壓(PEEP)。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 林采榆

  • limitation of tidal volume (6 ml/kg predicted body weight)
  • adequate high PEEP (>12 cmH2O)
  • a recruitment maneuver in special situations
  • a 'balanced' respiratory rate (20-30/min)
    A. permissive hypercapnia allows pCO2 values of 45-55 mmHg, as long as pH is >7.25=>不須調整RR
    B. Oxygenation goal: PaO2 55 to 80 mmHg or SpO2 88 to 95 percent=>可以調整FiO2,但不是最重要的數值
    C.題目中未提患者身高,predeicted/ideal body weight(IBW)算法如下

    由上圖可知成年男性在ARDS(tidal volume 6ml/kg)下tidal volume要達到550ml, 身高需78 英吋 = 198.12 公分, 因此在此題調降tidal volume是比較適合的
    D. Increasing the peak inspiratory flow rate will decrease inspiratory time, increase expiratory time, and decrease the I:E ratio=> if patients with air hunger, 可以調整peak inspiratory flow rate,但不是最重要的數值
    E. FiO2 0.55, PEEP 10, ABG PaO2 72mmHg代表目前 oxygenation沒問題,對照下表亦是合適的ARDS setting
    Reference: Uptodate

Question 34:

某肺炎導致呼吸衰竭病患接受呼吸器治療時突然產生血氧與血壓下降,聽診時右側肺部呼吸音減低。下列何者為適當之處置?(1) 增加吐氣末陽壓(PEEP) (2) 增加吸入氧氣分率(FiO₂)至100% (3) 暫時脫離呼吸器,使用甦醒球急救(Ambu) (4) 用胸腔超音波確認診斷 (5) 如為張力性氣胸,應立刻用細針或引流導管插入肋膜腔減壓幹

  • A.(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • B.(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • C.(3)+(4)+(5)。
  • D.(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)。
  • E. (1)+(3)+(5)。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 林采榆
(1) 增加吐氣末陽壓(PEEP)=>應減少PEEP,除已置入胸管情況下可以不用調整PEEP
(2) (3) (4) (5) =>正確
Reference: Uptodate

Question 35:

某懷孕35週之硬皮症產婦緊急剖腹產後呼吸困難加重轉來內科加護病房,意識清楚,血壓由剖腹產前134/88 mmHg下降至 92/50 mmHg,心跳 110/min,SpO₂ 90% (NRM)。右心導管檢查顯示右心房壓(RAP)為12 mmHg,平均肺動脈壓(mean PAP)為44 mmHg,肺動脈楔壓(PA wedge pressure(PAWP))為14 mmHg,心輸出量為3.0 L/min。下列敘述何者為錯誤?

  • A.病患肺血管阻力為14 Wood units
  • B.硬皮症肺動脈高壓(PAH)如未治療則三年存活率低於50%。
  • C.可使用肺血管擴張劑以降低肺血管阻力。
  • D.不應該給予大量輸液來提高血壓。
  • E. 可使用吸入一氧化氮以降低肺血管阻力。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 林采榆
A. PVR = (MPAP−LAP or PCWP)/Qp, Qp is approximately equal to CO(cardiac output)
Qp = pulmonary flow, MPAP = mean pulmonary artery pressure, PCWP = pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, LAP = mean left atrium pressure

答案為 (44-14)/3.0=10 Wood units
B.C.D.E. =>正確

The Emergence of New Therapeutic Targets in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: from Now to Near Future
February 2013 Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 7(1):43-55 DOI:10.1586/ers.12.83

Question 36:

對於肺炎併發之肋膜積液(parapneumonic pleural effusion), 下述何者不是進行胸管引流之條件?

  • A.肋膜積液的白血球數目> 1000/uL。
  • B.肋膜積液的革蘭氏染色(Gram stain)抹片發現細菌。
  • C.肋膜積液的pH值為6.9
  • D.肋膜積液的glucose值為8 mg/dL
  • E. 肋膜積液有惡臭味。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 林采榆
Indications for urgent drainage : Complicated parapneumonic effusions (廣義上包含Empyema)
(1) frankly purulent fluid,(2) a pleural fluid pH lower than 7.20 or a glucose lower than 60 mg/dl
(但要注意糖尿病高血糖病人身上glucose lower than 60 mg/dl不一定適用)
(3) loculated effusions, and
(4) bacteria on Gram stain or culture
Porcel, José M.. Distinguishing complicated from uncomplicated parapneumonic effusions. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 21(4):p 346-351, July 2015. | DOI: 10.1097/MCP.0000000000000164

Question 37:

肝生檢(liver biopsy)之相關敘述,下列各項那些正確?
(1) Cholestasis病人診斷之首選檢查是肝生檢
(2) Budd-Chiari syndrome病人診斷之首選檢查是肝生檢
(3) 肝生檢有助於肝纖維化程度之判斷
(4) 現在有數種非侵襲性方式(non-invasive tests)可精準判斷肝纖維化程度,已可取代肝生檢
(5) 肝生檢有助於不明原因肝炎之診斷
(6) 有明顯腹水之病人,懷疑有肝內瀰漫性腫瘤,祇能以經皮肝生檢診斷
(7) 肝生檢有助於自體免疫肝炎之確診

  • A.(1) + (3) + (5)。
  • B.(2) + (4) + (6)。
  • C.(3) + (4) + (5)。
  • D.(3) + (5) + (7)。
  • E. (4) + (5) + (6)。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 聞遠志
(1) Cholestasis先區分Direct/Indirect type hyperbilirubinemia, 非liver biopsy

Harrison: FIGURE 45-1 Evaluation of the patient with jaundice.
(2) Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is defined as hepatic venous outflow tract obstruction, independent of the level or mechanism of obstruction. The diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome can usually be established noninvasively with Doppler ultrasonography.
(3) Child-Pugh Score: albumin, ascites, Bilirubin, Encephalopathy, INR
(4) Liver biopsy is the traditional gold standard for staging of fibrosis and diagnosis of cirrhosis. 非liver biopsy難以區分severe alcoholic hepatitis或decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis.
Ref: EASL. Management of alcoholic liver disease. J Hepatol 2012;57:399–420
(5) For patients with hepatitis of various etiologies, liver biopsy is used not only to establish the cause of the disorder, but also to assess the degree of inflammatory activity (grading) and the extent of fibrosis (staging).
(6) Contrast CT, MRI, MRCP可初步診斷
(7) Simplified Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) Score

Question 38:


  • A.HBeAg陽性患者應接受治療至HBeAg消失後,再繼續服用一年。
  • B.HBeAg陰性患者應接受治療至血中HBV DNA測不到(每半年測一次,連續三次測不到),療程至少兩年,至多三年。
  • C.證實有肝硬化的患者,祇要血中測得到B肝病毒,得長期服用抗病毒藥物。
  • D.肝細胞癌患者,祇要血中測得到B肝病毒,得終生服用抗病毒藥物。
  • E. 準備接受化學療法的慢性B肝患者,可於化療啟動前一周開始預防性用藥,直至化療結束再服用半年

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 聞遠志
健保給付規定 110/03/01 (新版)

  1. HBsAg(+)且已發生肝代償不全者
  2. 慢性B型肝炎病毒帶原者 HBsAg(+),或HBsAg(-)但 B型肝炎核心抗體(anti-HBc)陽性者
    (1) 接受非肝臟之器官移植者,自移植前7天內可開始預防性使用,或接受非肝臟之器官移植後,B 型肝炎發作者,可長期使用。
    (2) 接受癌症化學療法中,B 型肝炎發作者,經照會消化系專科醫師同意後,可長期使用。
    (3) 接受肝臟移植者,可預防性使用。
    (4) 接受癌症化學療法,經照會消化系專科醫師同意後,可於化學療法前1週開始給付使用,直至化學療法結束後6個月,以預防B型肝炎發作。
    (5) 肝硬化病患,可長期使用。註:肝硬化條件為需同時符合下列二項條件:
    i. HBsAg(+)且可檢驗到血清HBV DNA者。
    ii. 診斷標準: a.肝組織切片(Metavir F4或 Ishak F5以上)b.超音波診斷為肝硬化併食道 或胃靜脈曲張、超音波診斷為肝硬化併脾腫大、超音波診斷為肝硬化且血小板< 120,000/μL,或肝硬度超音 波診斷為肝硬化。
    (6) 在異體造血幹細胞移植時
    (7) 血清 HBV DNA≧ 106 IU/mL 之懷孕者,可於懷孕滿27週後開始給付使用 telbivudine 或 tenofovir disoproxil,直至產後4週。
    (8) 確診為肝癌並接受根除性治療且可檢驗到血清 HBV DNA,可長期使用,直至肝癌復發且未能再次 接受根除性治療止
    (9) 接受免疫抑制劑治療者:
    i. 預防使用:HBsAg(+)者,於接受下列免疫抑制藥物治療前一週起,至免疫抑制藥物停用後 6個月內,免疫抑制藥物如下列: i.Rituximab。 ii.Anthracycline 類衍生物。 iii.中高劑量類固醇(指 prednisolone≧ 20mg/day 或相當之劑量,使用時問超過4週。) Ⅱ.HBsAg(+)者,或 HBsAg(-)但 B 型肝炎核心抗體陽性者,於接 受免疫抑制藥物治療後 B 型肝炎發作,開始給付使用抗病毒藥物治療,給付至免疫抑制劑停用後6個月 3. HBsAg(+)超過6個月(或 IgM antiHBc 為陰性)及 HBeAg(+),且符合以下條件之一者,其給付療程為治療至 e 抗原轉陰並再給付最多12個月:
    (1) ALT 值大於(或等於)正常值上限 5倍以上(ALT≧5X)。
    (2) ALT 值介於正常值上限2至5倍之間(2X≦ALT<5X),且血清 HBV DNA≧20,000 IU/mL,或經由肝 組織切片(血友病患及類血友病 患經照會消化系專科醫師同意 後,得不作切片)證實 HBcAg 陽 性。(93/8/1、98/11/1) (3)經由肝組織切片或肝臟纖維化掃 描或 Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4)證實, 等同 METAVIR system 纖維化大 於或等於 F3者,其 ALT 值半年有 兩次以上(間隔大於3個月)大 於正常值上限(ALT>X),且血清 HBV DNA≧ 20,000 IU/mL 或經肝組織切片證實 HBcAg 陽性之患者。
  3. HBsAg(+)超過6個月(或 IgM antiHBc 為陰性)及 HBeAg(-),且符合以下條件之一者,其療程至少二年, 治療期間需檢驗血清 HBV DNA,並於檢驗血清 HBV DNA 連續三次,每次間隔6個月,均檢驗不出 HBV DNA 時停藥,每次療程至多給付36個月
    (1) ALT 值半年有兩次以上(每次間隔3個月)大於或等於正常值上限 2倍以上(ALT≧2X),且血清 HBV DNA≧2,000 IU/mL,或經由肝組織切片證實 HBcAg 陽
    (2) 肝纖維化程度大於或等於 F3 者,其 ALT 值半年有兩次以上(間隔大於3個月)大於正常值上限(ALT>X),且血清 HBV DNA≧ 20,000 IU/mL 或經由肝組織切片證實 HBcAg 陽性。
  4. 若上述治療中出現 lamivudine 100mg、entecavir、telbivudine 抗藥性病毒株,可改換對於抗藥株有效之 B 型肝炎抗病毒藥劑治療,治療藥物及療程之規定詳如10.7.4. 之 1至4項。(98/11/1、99/5/1、 99/7/1、102/2/1、104/12/1) 6.符合第3至4項條件者,若使用 entecavir,劑量為每日0.5mg。 (104/12/1、110/3/1) 7.醫事服務機構及醫師資格: (109/7/1)
    2.慢性B型肝炎病毒帶原者 HBsAg(+):
    (1)接受非肝臟之器官移植者,接受非肝臟之器官移植後,B 型肝炎發作者,可長期使用。
    (2)接受癌症化學療法中,B 型肝炎 發作者,經照會消化系專科醫師 同意後,可長期使用。
    (3) 接受肝臟移植者,可預防性使用。
    (4) 接受癌症化學療法,經照會消化 系專科醫師同意後,可於化學療法前1週開始給付使用,直至化學 療法結束後6個月,以預防B型肝炎發作。
    (5) )肝硬化病患,可長期使用。肝硬化符合條件:
    A. 肝組織切片(Metavir F4或 Ishak F5以上)
    B. 或超音波診斷為肝硬化併食道 或胃靜脈曲張,或超音波診斷為肝硬化併脾腫大。
    (6) 在異體造血幹細胞移植時
    (7) 血清 HBV DNA≧ 106 IU/mL 之懷 孕者,可於懷孕滿27週後開始給 付使用
    (8) 確診為肝癌並接受根除性治療且 HBV DNA≧ 2000 IU/mL,可長期使用,直至肝癌復發且未能再次接受根除性治療止。
  5. HBsAg(+)超過6個月及 HBeAg(+)超 過3個月,且 ALT 值大於(或等於)正 常值上限5倍以上(ALT≧5X),符合 前述條件者,其給付療程為治療至 e 抗原轉陰並再給付最多12個月。
  6. HBsAg(+)超過6個月及 HBeAg(+)超過3個月,其 ALT 值介於正常值上限 2至5倍之間(2X≦ALT<5X),且血清 HBV DNA≧20,000 IU/mL,或經由肝 組織切片><5X,且血清 HBV DNA≧20,000 IU/mL,或經由肝組織切片證實 HBcAg 陽性之患 者,符合前述條件者,其給付療程 為治療至 e 抗原轉陰並再給付最多 12個月。
  7. HBsAg(+)超過6個月及 HBeAg(-)超 過3個月,且 ALT 值半年有兩次以上 (每次間隔3個月)大於或等於正常值 上限2倍以上(ALT≧2X),且血清 HBV DNA≧2,000 IU/mL,或經由肝 組織切片證實 HBcAg 陽性之患 者,符合前述條件者,其療程至少 二年,治療期間需檢驗血清 HBV DNA,並於檢驗血清 HBV DNA 連續三 次,每次間隔6個月,均檢驗不出 HBV DNA 時停藥,每次療程至多給 付36個月。
    1. 01新版本!!!

Question 39:

(1) 現在是以全口服藥物(Direct-Acting Antivirals, DAAs)為治療主流
(2) C肝病人要等6個月才能接受DAAs治療
(3) 現在台灣的執業西醫師皆可開立DAAs治療C肝病人
(4) 有肝功能失代償的患者,祇能用Maviret(Glecaprevir + Pibrentasvir,含NS3/4A protease
(5) 絶大多數C肝病人(含代償性肝硬化)接受現在所用的DAAs治療,C肝病毒根除率可達98%
(6) 被偵測出有一個直徑3公分肝癌的病人,同時被發現為C肝患者,他應該先接受DAAs治療
(7) 合併有B肝和C肝之患者,於接受DAAs治療中,其並存之B肝病毒可能會被激活

  • A.(1)+(3) + (5)。
  • B.(2) + (4) + (6)。
  • C.(3) + (6) + (7)。
  • D.(2) + (5) + (7)。
  • E. (3) + (4) + (5)。

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 聞遠志
(1) Antiviral therapy of HCV has been rapidly evolving with the introduction and proliferation of DAAs that offer the potential for highly effective, interferon-free (and in many cases, ribavirin-free) regimens for the majority of HCV infected individuals.
(2) 107.1.1修正後給付規定,只要有檢測到C肝病毒、18歲以上,跟12~18歲基因型第一型的青少年患者,都可以適用C肝口服藥物的健保給付。
(3) 2021.10.22起, 所有醫師皆可加入 治療C 肝計畫,無限制科別。
(4) For patients with decompensated cirrhosis who are ribavirin ineligible, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 24 weeks is currently recommended.

Ref: AASLD HCV Guidance
(5) 國內有2萬9千人接受口服C肝新藥治療,經統計完成療程的病人用藥後12週之病毒檢測結果,其中約97%治療成功
(6) Those with HCV-associated HCC are recommended to start treatment 3–6 months after complete treatment of their HCC, given lower rates of sustained virologic response (SVR) with active HCC. B肝應跟HCC同時開始治療,C肝應先治療HCC。
(7) HBV reactivation may occur regardless of HCV genotype and type of DAA regimen. HBV screening is strongly recommended for co-infected HCV/HBV patients before initiation and during DAA therapy regardless of HBV status

Question 40:


  • A.若無併發症,急性膽囊炎一般建議在確立診斷後48-72小時內施行膽囊切除術。
  • B.糖尿病人有膽囊結石,若無任何症狀,不必建議接受預防性膽囊切除術。
  • C.膽囊內的radiolucent cholesterol stones不論大小,皆有50%機會能以Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
  • D.在超音波檢查意外發現的膽囊結石,若受檢者過去從無相關症狀,長期追蹤後,60-80%不會產生症狀。
  • E. 50歲以上若經超音波檢查發現有大於1 cm的膽囊息肉,一般會建議接受膽囊切除術。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 聞遠志
Candidates for UDCA treatment should have cholesterol-enriched non-calcified gallstones < 20 mm in diameter and a patent cystic duct。且Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) 主要是治療膽固醇結石,對於感染性結石治療效果不佳
Ref: WGJ, Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy in gallbladder disease, a story not yet completed

Question 41:


  • A.兩者皆可能以胸痛及吞嚥異常為病人的症狀。
  • B.在Manometry檢查時,會有不同的esophageal pressure topography呈現。
  • C.針對圖A之病況,通常會先嘗試以藥物治療,有相當高的機會能長期改善病人之症狀。
  • D.針對圖B之病況,雖然manometry之結果是主要的診斷依據,但仍需以內視鏡檢查排除其它可能產生類似症狀之疾病。
  • E.罹患圖A之病人,若未加以處理,超過十年以上,有較高機率會產生squamous cell carcinoma。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 聞遠志
Treatment of achalasia is aimed primarily at decreasing the resting pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to a level at which the sphincter no longer impedes the passage of ingested material.
For patients who have average surgical risk, preferred options for treatment include pneumatic dilation, laparoscopic Heller myotomy with a partial fundoplication, and POEM.
Medical therapy is the least effective treatment option in patients with achalasia.

Question 42:

Barrett's metaplasia是gastroesophageal reflux disease的併發症之一,下列各項敘述何者錯誤?

  • A.現在內視鏡診斷及強而有效之抑制胃酸分泌藥物皆有很大的進展,因此 Barrett's metaplasia之發生率逐漸減少。
  • B.酗酒不是Barrett's metaplasia之風險因子。
  • C.Long-segment Barrett's metaplasia 是esophageal adenocarcinoma之precursor lesion。
  • D.Barrett's metaplasia未併有dysplasia者,約每3-5年接受一次內視鏡檢查即可。
  • E. Barrett's metaplasia併有high-grade dysplasia者,應接受endoscopic eradication therapy。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 聞遠志
(A) The incidence of BE increased dramatically during the late-20th century and incidence estimates continue to increase, with a prominent male:female ratio. A number of anthropomorphic and behavioral risk factors exist for BE including obesity and tobacco smoking, but GERD is the strongest risk factor, and the risk is more pronounced with long-standing GERD.
Risk factor: gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity, age older than 50 years, male sex, tobacco use, and a family history of Barrett esophagus or esophageal adenocarcinoma

Question 43:

關於peptic ulcer disease (PUD) 之治療,下列各項敘述那些錯誤?
(1) Refractory PUD接受較高劑量proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) 治療8週有 90% 以上會癒合
(2) 長期服用PPIs 可能增加 community-acquired pneumonia發生機率
(3) 新開發的 K-competitive acid pump antagonist (P-CAPs) 之療效尚不明確
(4) Gastric maltoma (MALT) lymphoma 應接受化學治療
(5) Helicobacter pylori (HP) 存在胃中之偵測方法包括:stool antigen檢測, urea breath test (UBT)
及serological testing
(6) 欲證實 HP eradication therapy 已成功,需在eradication therapy 結束4週後為之題幹

  • A.(1) + (2) + (3)。
  • B.(2) + (4) + (5)。
  • C.(3) + (4) + (5)。
  • D.(4) + (5) + (6)。
  • E. (3) + (4) + (6)。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 張建林
(1) 正確
(2) 正確Long-term acid suppression, especially with PPIs, has been associated with a higher incidence of community-acquired pneumonia as well as community- and hospital-acquired
Clostridium difficile– associated disease. (Harrison 21th, P.2444)
(3) 此藥物目前研究已證實治療H.pylori效果比PPI好(Gastro Hep Advances 2022;1:824–834)
(4)要治療H. pylori的感染,接下來才是lymphoma的治療像是使用R-CHOP。For patients with MALT lymphoma, eradication of H. pylori with antibiotics is highly effective therapy
(5)雖然三者都可以使用,但我想題幹的意思應該是目前有在感染中的情況,那serological testing就不太適合因為它陽性可以代表正在感染中或是之前有感染過

(6)正確, 四週後再追蹤 (Harrison 21th, FIGURE 324-14 Overview of new-onset dyspepsia)

Question 44:


  • A.糞便潛血檢測與內視鏡檢查已成篩檢之主要工具。
  • B.Air contrast鋇劑顯影及virtual colonoscopy(電腦斷層)已少用了。
  • C.美國Multi-Society Task Force針對一般風險成年人,建議50歲 (最近改成45歲) 以上之大腸直腸癌篩檢方式為每年糞便潛血檢測+ 每五年一次flexible sigmoidoscopy或每十年一次total coloncolonoscopy。
  • D.美國Multi-Society Task Force對於初次大腸鏡檢查發現有不含惡性成分之polyp(s) 且已予以完全切除者之後續追蹤,除了adenomas超過10顆以上者,若後續糞便潛血檢測呈陰性時,一般建議3年後再以大腸鏡追蹤。
  • E.Peutz-Jeghers syndrome患者之腸道息肉轉為惡性之機率極高,應密集追蹤篩檢

Correct Answer: E

編輯者: 張建林
A. 正確
B. 臨床上真的不太常用,雖然21th Harrison上還是有放XD
C. 篩檢年齡下修到45歲但是low-quality evidence,每年糞便採檢加上五年一次flexible sigmoidoscopy或是十年一次high-quality coloncolonoscopy
Multi-Society Task Force 官方建議,除非超過10顆要每年追蹤,其他則為三年以上


Question 45:

一位70歲男性病人主訴最近一年老是覺得飯後會有心窩處疼痛,讓他對進食心生恐懼,體重已減輕了6公斤。就醫時身體診察顯示較消瘦,腹部檢查無明顯異常。安排上消化道內視鏡檢查並未發現消化性潰瘍、胃癌或逆流性食道炎。腹部超音波檢查未發現膽結石。電腦斷層攝影也確認沒有胰臟癌。心電圖顯示有心房振顫(atrial fibrillation)。有關這位病人之敘述,下列何者錯誤?

  • A.其病情有時會有急性病況,死亡率可能高達 50% 以上。
  • B.Duplex ultrasound 在急診室常被拿來做為這種病人之初步篩檢工具,其診斷之敏感度及特異性相當不錯。
  • C.Duplex ultrasound 檢查要在飯後為之效果最佳。
  • D.若診斷已大致確立,進一步處置前務必要有 CT angiogram
  • E. 其處置包括 endovascular or open surgical revascularization

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 張建林

Question 46:

30歲男性患者有多年的嗆咳及吞嚥困難,接受食道攝影及檢壓術(manometry),結果如圖1、圖2,下列敘述何者錯誤?(1)此病可以預防 (2)起因為下食道括約肌壓力太低 (3)可以用nitrate或calcium channel blocker治療,但效果有限 (4)可以用內視鏡擴張術(pneumatic dilation)治療,但不同中心有效結果報告從30~90% (5)per oral esophageal myotomy (POES)效果不錯,且較傳統外科手術恢復快

  • A.(1)+(2)。
  • B.(2)+(3)。
  • C.(3)+(4)。
  • D.(4)+(5)。
  • E.(1)+(5)。

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 張建林 看到這題目相信問的應該是食道弛緩不能(Achalasia),25-60歲為好發年紀,食道X光攝影、胃內視鏡合併括約肌張力檢測、食道蠕動機能檢測或高解析食道測壓儀可做為診斷,病生理為神經節功能缺失異常導致下食道括約肌無法放鬆,此無法預防必須治療

Question 47:

下列不適用於幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori)之救援治療(salvage therapy)[B] 的處方(regimen)?

  • A.bismuth quadruple regimen。
  • B.clarithromycin triple regimen。
  • C.concomitant regimen。
  • D.levofloxacin triple regimen
  • E. rifabutin triple regimen。

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 張建林

一線治療失敗後的治療(題目問這張表,選項B) clarithromycin triple regimen沒有在這張表中出現)

Question 48:

有關膽酸(bile acid)和腸肝循環(enterohepatic circulation)的敘述何者正確(1)膽酸由膽固醇(cholesterol)在肝臟合成,每天5公克 (2)從肝臟合成的初級(primary)膽酸有cholic acid和lithocholic acid (3)膽酸合成由7α-hydrxylase自主調控(autoregulated) (4)次級(secondary)膽酸的形成須大腸內的細菌協助 (5)膽酸透過門靜脈回到肝臟,然後再度分泌到小腸

  • A.(1)+(2)+(3)。
  • B.(2)+(3)+(4)。
  • C.(3)+(4)+(5)。
  • D.(1)+(3)+(5)。
  • E. (2)+(4)+(5)。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 張建林

(2)Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in the liver. The two primary bile acids are cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid(初級膽酸產物)
(4)The two major secondary bile acids are lithocholic acid and deoxycholic acid.(次級膽酸在大腸由細菌幫助下形成)

Question 49:

25歲男性因長期血便、體重減輕,經醫師診斷為克隆氏病(Crohn’s disease),下列四張鋇劑腸道攝影結果,何者特徵符合此病?

  • A.圖A。
  • B.圖B。
  • C.圖C。
  • D.圖D。
  • E.以上皆非。

Correct Answer: D

答題關鍵: Crohn’s disease的特色(跳躍式病兆、deep ulcer、易造成stricture、fistula) 圖D

  1. 紅字A: 在受Crohn’s disease影響的腸子和正常的腸子間,容易產生stricture;另可以發現在兩個A字中間這段腸子,bowel wall 因受Crohn’s disease ulceration影響而較不平滑
  2. 黃色箭頭: Gut fistula
  3. 紫色箭頭: deep ulcerations at bowel wall
  4. 綠色箭頭: aphthoid ulcers
    補充: 其他Barium Enema in Crohn’s disease的特徵
    Cobblestoning seen in sigmoid colon

    cobblestone-like mucosa

    Asymmetric and patchy involvement of large gut seen causing strictures, narrowing and ulceration in transverse colon and sigmoid

    Multiple strictures transverse colon with pseudodiverticula formation and ulcerations

    Aphthous ulcers

    Multiple perianal fistulas and sinuses

Question 50:


  • A.此病發生率呈增加趨勢。
  • B.超過八成的患者可發現糞石(fecalith)。
  • C.一半以上患者身體檢查出現psoas sign。
  • D.年老患者易有非典型表現。
  • E. 治療以內科保守性方式為主

Correct Answer: D

A. 根據2017年一篇systemic review “The Global Incidence of Appendicitis: A Systematic Review of Population-based Studies” (Ann Surg. 2017 Aug;266(2):237-241.) 研究顯示: 比較1990年代及21世紀後,在西方已開發國家Appendicitis的發生率沒有太大變化(annual percent change(APC)=-0.36; 95% CI: -0.97, 0.26);然而新興開發中國家則不一定(台灣發生率減少(APC=−1.12%; 95% CI: −1.54, −0.70),但奈及利亞和智利則是增加)
但是!!! 根據2022一篇systemic review “Incidence of complicated appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (Int J Surg Open. 2022 Aug;45:100512.)研究發現,相比Covid-19疫情之前,疫情後complicated appendicitis的發生率是增加的!! (這篇沒有台灣的data)
B. 根據2015年一篇retrospective study “Association between the appendix and the fecalith in adults” (Can J Surg. 2015 Feb;58(1):10-4.) 在1357個病人中,只有186 個病人(13.7%)有發現fecalith。(順帶一提,這篇研究顯示fecalith 和gangrenous/perforated appendix 沒有直接顯著相關)
另一篇2021年的 case series and literature review "Re-assessing the role of the fecalith in acute appendicitis in adults: case report, case series and literature review" (J Surg Case Rep. 2021 Jan 29;2021(1):rjaa543. ) 統計顯示,約23.5% (range 1.5–65.1%)的acute appedicitis的病人合併有fecaliths。
C. 根據一篇2018年的paper “ Abdominal Physical Signs and Medical Eponyms: Movements and Compression” (Clin Med Res. 2018 Dec;16(3-4):76-82.): The psoas sign sensitivity (13 – 42%); specificity (79 – 97%); positive likelihood ratio of 2.0 for detecting appendicitis.
→ 並沒有>50%
D. 根據一篇2002年一篇Retrospective review "Outcome of Elderly Patients With Appendicitis" (Arch Surg. 2002;137(9):995–1000.) 的內文: :Morbidity and mortality rates are greater in older patients who often have delayed and atypical presentations, leading to increased frequency of perforation and intra-abdominal infection." 和2021年Literature Review "Acute Appendicitis in the Elderly: A Literature Review on an Increasingly Frequent Surgical Problem" (Geriatrics (Basel). 2021 Sep 18;6(3):93.) 的內文 " The elderly patient presents a diagnostic challenge regarding atypical presentations due to physiological changes with age, a wide variety of differential diagnoses, comorbidities and their associated polypharmacy, and an appropriate choice of imaging modality. "
→ 選項正確
E. 根據 World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) Jerusalem guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis (World J Emerg Surg 2020 Apr 15;15(1):27) : Appendectomy (laparoscopic or open) is recommended as the most definitive treatment for uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis. For some adults and adolescents with uncomplicated appendicitis who wish to avoid an operation, acute appendicitis can be safely managed with antibiotics and monitoring (non-operative management), although this approach is associated with a substantial risk for recurrence
→ 第一線治療仍是開刀,uncomplicated appendicitis用藥物治療雖然安全,但recurrence rate較高。

Question 51:

74歲女性因皮膚黃、茶色尿和灰白便十天至急診處,身體檢查發現黃疸。實驗室檢查結果如下:ALP:175 U/L,ALT: 57 U/L,AST: 49 U/L,Bil(T/D): 6.0/4.6 mg/dL。腹部電腦斷層顯示有後腹腔纖維化(retroperitoneal fibrosis)及胰臟腫大如香腸狀(sausage-shaped)併胰管狹窄,內視鏡檢查併細針抽取細胞學檢查在高倍下發現10個以上的IgG4-positive細胞,且沒有惡性細胞。以下何者為最適當治療?

  • A.azathioprine。
  • B.ERCP with biliary stent placement
  • C.prednisolone。
  • D.methotrexate。
  • E.totoal pancreatectomy

Correct Answer: C

關鍵字: Obstructive jaundice symptoms、sausage-shaped pancreas、retroperitoneal fibrosis、IgG4-positive cell
→ Autoimmune pancreatitis and IgG4-related systemic diseases
● Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is the pancreatic manifestation of IgG4-related disease
● There are 2 clinical and pathological subtypes of AIP

○ Type I少腹痛、多 other organ involvement(retroperitoneum)、和IgG4相關性高、 histology is characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and fibrosis →本題病人
Type II常以腹痛表現、只影響到Pancreas、No serological biomarkers、histology identifies granulocyte epithelial lesions
● 臨床表現: acute pancreatitis and jaundice (secondary to extrinsic compression of distal common bile duct from pancreatic enlargement), back pain, steatorrhea, pruritus, acute cholangitis
● 診斷:
○ suspect autoimmune pancreatitis in patients with presence or history of unexplained pancreatic disease with painless obstructive jaundice and/or diffusely enlarged pancreas (capsule-like rim) without pancreatic ductal dilation or low density pancreatic masses on CT or MRI, pancreatitis, pancreatic atrophy, or exocrine insufficiency
○ ruling out malignancy is nearly always necessary
○ International consensus diagnostic criteria for autoimmune pancreatitis 非常複雜,需依照imaging, serology, histology和對steroid的治療反應來診斷,此處附上圖表和連結,給有興趣的朋朋參考

Question 52:

45歲女性因alkaline phosphatase (ALP)持續異常追蹤一段時間,症狀只有輕微皮癢(pruritus),並無家族史或其它系統性疾病,身體檢查正常,血液檢查包括CBC,AST/ALT,albumin,bilirubin和total protein均為正常,只有ALP 212 U/L上升。下列何項是診斷的最適當檢查?

  • A.anti-smooth muscle antibody
  • B.antinuclear antibody。
  • C.anti-mitochondria antibody
  • D.serum IgG4。
  • E. liver biopsy。

Correct Answer: C

在人體內,ALP在liver及bone的含量最高,因此ALP升高往往和liver or bone disease 相關;然而包括intestine, kidney, placenta and leucocytes等等也含有ALP,以下是Hepatic and Non-hepatic cause of elevated alkaline phosphatase整理表格:
根據題意,此中年女性除了皮膚搔癢和抽血ALP異常升高外,無其他症狀或lab data/PE異常;再往選項看去,出題老師明顯是要大家往autoimmune cholestatic disease方向去想,此時PBC必須列入考慮
(小murmur: 個人覺得題目給的線索非常有限且空泛,並無法把所有表格內的Ddx都排除,至少也多個ABD sono r/o other causes of cholestasis吧..)
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
● PBC is a chronic, nonsuppurative cholangitis of unknown cause, mainly affecting the interlobular bile ducts, leading to portal hypertension and cirrhosis.
● PBC primarily affects women > 40 years old.
● PBC is associated with autoimmune disorders such as scleroderma, Sjogren syndrome, sarcoidosis, and autoimmune hepatitis.
● May present with fatigue, pruritus, jaundice, or be asymptomatic with initial suspicion raised by abnormal cholestatic type liver tests or positive autoantibodies
● Unlike other causes of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and esophageal varices may develop before development of cirrhosis in patients with PBC.
● Diagnose PBC with findings of 2 or more of the following:(AASLD Guidance)
a. persistent unexplained elevation of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) ≥ 1.5 times upper limit of normal for ≥ 24 weeks
b. serum AMA titer ≥ 1:40
c. liver histologic findings of nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis and destruction of interlobular bile ducts
註1: serological hallmark of PBC with reported sensitivity 90%-95% and specificity > 99%
註2: liver biopsy usually unnecessary for diagnosis but may be considered in the absence of specific autoantibodies
註3: Consider MRI or ERCP to rule out primary sclerosing cholangitis or other disorders of chronic cholestasis in AMA-negative patients.
● disease severity and activity should be evaluated at baseline and during treatment for risk assessment
○ Abdominal sonography to identify splenomegaly and overt cirrhosis, and transient elastography (TE) to measure increases in liver stiffness
○ esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) for screening for varices, with duodenal biopsy to screen for celiac disease
● 治療:
○ Advise patients with chronic liver disease to avoid alcohol and be vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B
○ Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) 13-15 mg/kg/day orally is recommended for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and abnormal liver enzymes to improve biochemical markers
○ For pruritus:
■ 優先採取保守治療(潤膚劑、洗冷水澡、antihistamines)
■ For refractory pruritus, consider rifampicin 150-300 mg twice daily, naltrexone 50 mg/day, or sertraline 75-100 mg/day
故綜合以上敘述,©為最佳解,(E) Liver biopsy非第一線診斷選擇。
參考資料: Clin Liver Dis. 2012 May;16(2):199-229; Hepatology. 2019 Jan;69(1):394-419

Question 53:

60歲男性,於門診追蹤時發現AST/ALT值上升。本身有糖尿病、高血壓及高血脂,目前服用metformin,hydrochlorothiazide, losartan和atorvastatin。他有social drinking,BP: 143/80 mmHg,BMI: 37,腹部檢查有肝腫大但無壓痛或觸痛,也無脾腫大。實驗室檢查ALP: 180 U/L,AST: 42 U/L,ALT: 64U/L,CBC、albumin和bilirubin均正常。超音波檢查只有膽息肉,肝臟腫大,且echogenicity增加,但膽管正常。下列何者為此病患最適當的治療?

  • A.戒酒。
  • B.停用atorvastatin。
  • C.加用pioglitazone。
  • D.減重。
  • E. 停用losartan

Correct Answer: D

關鍵字: AST/ALT值上升、高血脂、social drinking(代表無酗酒)、無壓痛或觸痛(無症狀)、超音波看到肝臟腫大+ echogenicity增加
根據題意,這是一位肥胖(BMI=37且有DM+Dyslipidemia history)但無酗酒的病人,本身無症狀但健檢時意外發現AST/ALT/ALP上升,超音波發現肝臟腫大 + hyperechogenicity (無看見其他造成elevated liver chemistries or hepatic steatosis的原因) → 因懷疑是Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
NAFLD usually diagnosed in asymptomatic patients during routine screening or testing for other reasons, such as
○ elevated biochemical markers of liver injury and cholestasis - alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase
○ abnormal hepatic ultrasonography or computed tomography (CT)
● NAFLD 的治療: 根據AGA/AASLD/ACG guideline
○ lifestyle interventions 仍是第一線建議(包括hypocaloric diet (Strong recommendation), exercise (Strong recommendation), weight loss ≥ 3%-5% (Strong recommendation))
○ pharmacotherapy recommended for patients with NASH or at higher risk of disease progression(ex: metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high necroinflammation, or chronically increased ALT levels)
■ Vitamin E 800 units/day in nondiabetic adults (AGA/AASLD/ACG Strong recommendation)
■ Pioglitazone (Actos) (AGA/AASLD/ACG Strong recommendation)
■ Liraglutide: Hepatology 2019 Jun;69(6):2414→ “In adults with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD and inadequate glycemic control on metformin, addition of liraglutide might decrease body weight and intrahepatic lipid compared to addition of insulin glargine”

參考資料: American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) guideline (Gastroenterology 2022 Sep;163(3):764); American Association of Clinical Endocrinology/American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AACE/AASLD) guideline (Endocr Pract 2022 May;28(5):528); Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Aug;15(8):461-478.

Question 54:

40歲女性在飯後30至60分鐘後,有上腹痛、腹脹、噁心和腹瀉,已發生三個月,有時大餐後合併頭痛、流汗現象,上述症狀在飯後30分鐘至2小時會緩解。本身為肥胖、高血壓和第二型糖尿病患者,四個月前接受減重手術sleeve gastrectomy。胃鏡檢查除sleeve gastrectomy外並無異常,胃切片無幽門螺旋桿菌,十二指腸切片及胃排空檢查均為正常。此位患者最恰當的治療為?

  • A.acarbose。
  • B.metformin。
  • C.metoclopramide。
  • D.rifaximin。
  • E.少量多餐。

Correct Answer: E

病人有做過gastrectomy的history,合併在餐後有 vasomotor symtpoms(頭痛、出汗)和 abdominal symptoms(腹痛、腹脹、噁心、腹瀉),Dumping syndrome是需要考慮的診斷。
● Dumping syndrome

Vasomotor and gastrointestinal symptoms due to rapid exposure of the small intestine to hyperosmolar fluid and large, partly digested food particles
2. Incidence/Prevalence: after gastric bypass surgery(75%), after esophagectomy(50%), after sleeve gastrectomy(40%), after partial gastrectomy(14-20%)
3. Pathogenesis: 分為early(飯後30分鐘內) 和late(飯後30分鐘至3小時)
a. Early dumping: 因胃部容積下降+消化功能下降,導致含hyperosmolar particles的食糜快速進入small intestine→導致體液從intravascular compartment shift into intestinal lumen →造成bowel contractility and small intestine distention(腹脹、腹痛、噁心、腹瀉)→另外也會刺激一些腸道激素釋放(VIP, peptide YY, pancreatic polypeptide, neurotensin,enteroglucagon) → 導致減慢gastrointestinal motility和 造成splanchnic vasodilation(低血壓、心跳快)
b. Late dumping(發生率較低(0.1-0.3%), 又稱Postprandial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, PHH): hyperosmolar 的食糜快速進入腸道造成血糖上升→導致insulin不正常快速釋放(可能和GLP-1, GIP和 incretin level 有關,目前詳細機轉仍不清楚)→低血糖症狀(difficulty with concentration/cognition, perspiration, tremor)

  1. 診斷:
    a. 臨床上多是根據clinical 表現和合併的risk factor來做診斷
    b. 若要確定診斷,可以安排 modified oral glucose challenge test
    i. ingestion of 50 g of glucose with water and measurement of blood glucose, hematocrit, blood pressure, and pulse rate for 3 hours at 30-minute intervals
    ii. positive test results if any of
  2. initial hyperglycemia and late hypoglycemia (defined as serum glucose < 60 mg/dL)
  3. early rise in hematocrit of > 3%
  4. early rise in pulse rate (> 10 beats per minute in first hour)
  5. 治療:
    a. 大多數病人可以靠飲食習慣調整來獲得改善,包括
    i. 少量多餐(一天≥ 6餐)
    ii. restrict fluid intake during meals and for ≥ 30-120 minutes after meals
    iii. avoid simple sugars; complex carbohydrates preferred
    iv. increase protein and fat intake to meet caloric needs
    v. pectin and guar gum may be useful to delay glucose absorption and prolong transit time
    b. 藥物治療 (若在調整飲食習慣後3-4周仍沒改善可以考慮)
    i. Acarbose(第一線) ->在進食完後使用可以避免late dumping symptoms
    ii. Octreotide ->在進食前15-30分鐘施打25–50 mcg
    c. 手術: Corrective surgery may be considered if medical, dietary, and behavioral therapies fail after a minimum 1 year trial
    i. pyloric reconstruction - initial corrective operation for patients after pyloroplasty
    ii. Roux-en-Y appears most effective for patients with Billroth I and Billroth II gastrectomies
    iii. jejunal interposition in patients who already have Roux-en-Y reconstruction

    資料來源: Nutr Clin Pract. 2005 Oct;20(5):517-25; Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009 Oct;6(10):583-90

Question 55:

血液透析病人的血管通路(AVF, arterio-venous fistula),透過例行檢視(physical examination)可以及早發現阻塞或血流異常,及時處理。以下哪一種徵兆符合AVF 動脈端狹窄(inflow stenosis)與血流灌注不足?(1) increased pulsatility or water hammer pulse during systole
(2) reduced pulsatility during systole
(3) reduced softening and“empty” access during diastole
(4) a high pitch, discontinuous bruit
(5) weak thrill
(6) Increased pulse intensity (augmentation) test

  • A.(1) + (4) + (6)。
  • B.(1) + (3) + (5)。
  • C.(2) + (3) + (5) + (6)。
  • D.(2) + (3) + (4) + (5)。
  • E. (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6)。

Correct Answer: D

編輯者: 吳宜鴻
根據KDOQI guideline for vascular acess(2019 update):
Guideline建議定期藉由PE監測AVF功能是否良好來發現常見問題包括stenosis(最常見), thrombosis, or related pathology; 其中又可依據stenosis位置分成inflow steonsis(在A端), juxta anastomosis steonsis(在V端靠近A端2cm內), Outflow stenosis(在V端)

● Pulsatility: 評估force of access expansion during systole and the degree of softening during diastole, 也就是收縮跟舒張壓力的差異; An inflow stenosis will blunt the systolic component and create the impression of an “empty” access during diastole, unless there is a coexisting outflow stenosis
● Bruit: A change in pitch toward higher frequency is typical at the site of a stenosis due to accelerated flow velocity at this site. A discontinuous flow murmur indicates that during diastole flow is so low that no audible shear force is created. This is the sign of a severe inflow or outflow stenosis. Typically, the stenotic inflow murmur is faint (like a whistle), while the stenotic outflow murmur can be coarse and loud (akin to a wood saw)
● Trill: 正常應該continuous with slight pronunciation during systole, a discontinuous thrill can
be found with severe stenosis
● Augmentation: 正常AVF再把ouflow端用手指壓住後,會感受到近端有脈動增強; In inflow stenosis will impair augmentation
● Collapse with gravity: 手臂高舉過心臟,若動靜脈瘻管是鼓脹,表示流出路徑靜脈可能狹窄

故綜合以上敘述,可選出符合inflow stenosis的選項(2)(3)(4)(5)

Question 56:

一位60歲男性,腎功能正常。例行性超音波檢查無意間發現有良性前列腺肥大(BPH),兩側中度hydronephrosis,兩側腎臟大小仍在正常範圍。醫師擬安排進一步檢查可能的病因,並希望能藉此項檢查來選擇哪一側先做經皮腎臟造瘻(Percutaneous Nephrostomy, PCN) 來暫時緩解腎臟傷害。 以下何項檢查最合適?

  • A.high-resolution multidetector row computed tomography (CT) scan
  • B.retrograde urography
  • C.radionuclide renal scan with furosemide。
  • D.Magnetic resonance urography。
  • E. endoscopic voiding cystourethrography

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 吳宜鴻
選項C: Radionuclide renal scan with furosemide(Diuretic renogram)
泌尿系動態曲線(腎圖) 可分為三段:
a. 放射性陡然上升段:反映腎血流灌注情況。
b. 放射性集聚段:反映腎臟的功能(包括腎血流量) 。
c. 達到峰時後的下降段:反映造影劑流出腎區的情況,與尿流量和尿路通暢情況有關。

● 造影前 30分鐘飲水500 ml (well hydrated)。
● 造影前排尿。
● 檢查前24小時停用利尿劑。
● 利尿腎圖之檢查包含基礎腎臟攝影,當泌尿系動態影像表 現為腎盂擴大並消退延遲,於20分鐘時靜脈注射 furosemide (Lasix) ,繼續採集20分鐘。
● 尿量的增加可以加速排出滯留在單純擴張的上尿路內的造影劑,使原有擴張的腎盂影像明顯消退,使腎圖的下降段 改善。
● 尿量的增加不能明顯地把滯留在機械性阻塞的上尿路內造影劑沖刷出去,因此擴張的腎盂影像無明顯變化,腎圖的下降段也不會出現明顯的改善。

Question 57:

以下有關多囊腎(ADPKD,Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease)的敘述,何種組合是正確的?
(1) 血壓建議以140/90 mmHg 為目標,可降低心血管併發症,而若是能進一步控制收縮壓目標達110mmHg,可以延緩腎功能惡化。
(2) 選擇脂溶性抗生素[如trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, quinolones, 及 chloramphenicol] 對囊泡(cyst)感染,穿透性與治療效果較佳。
(3 )喝水量不建議過多(> 2500 mL/day),以免促進囊泡生長(cyst growth)
(4)抑制腎素-血管張力素系統(RAA, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system),可控制血壓與減緩腎功能惡化。
(5) tolvaptan, 一種vasopressin V2 receptor (V2R) antagonists,可以抑制囊泡(cyst)細胞增生。建

  • A.(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5)
  • B.(2) + (3) + (4) + (5)。
  • C.(2) + (3) + (4)。
  • D.(2) + (4) + (5)。
  • E.(2) + (4)。

Correct Answer: E

編輯者: 吳宜鴻
根據CJASN 2018. 最新的一篇ADPKD management review(CJN.03960318)
(1)針對18-50yr且腎臟功能較好的病人(eGFR>60 ml/min per 1.73 m2),BP 控制在 110/
75 mm Hg以下會減緩惡化(total kidney volume),尤其是有severe kidney disease (class C–E by the imaging classification) or cardiovascular associations such as intracranial
aneurysms or valvular heart disease(The HALT PKD Study A trial),其他的ADPKD病人則建議控制在130/85 mm Hg以下
(2)脂溶性抗生素穿透腎臟感染囊泡較佳[如TMP-SMX, quinolones, 及 chloramphenicol]

ADPKD基因突變導致產生PC1, PC2(Polycystic)蛋白質,本身為集尿管上皮的鈣離子通道,突變造成Ca↓ PKA活化而催化ATP變成cAMP產生下游的cell proliferation造成Cyst增生; Vasopressin作用在V2 receptor也會催化以上反應。因此多喝水可以抑制vasopressin減少cyst產生,目標 Uosm≦280 mOsm/kg, drink >3 L of fluid per day, unless the eGFR is <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 or the patient is at risk for hyponatremia; Tolvaptan為一種V2R antagonist 健保:健保: 初次使用限用於已出現病情迅速惡化跡象之第3期慢性腎臟病的18-50歲自體顯性多囊性腎臟病(ADPKD)患者,且腎臟影像呈雙側/瀰漫性水泡(>55yr or eGFR太低才使用益處不大, 且禁用在18歲以下) (4)根據guideline, 首選降壓建議ACEI/ARB, 可reducing the intraglomerular pressure and/or glomerular hypertrophy,減少 protein excretion,延緩腎功能惡化

Question 58:

健檢發現無臨床症狀血尿(asymptomatic hematuria)病人, 2020年AUA guideline建議,依據危險等級程度進行追蹤處置建議。 以下何種病人,建議應安排CT scan或cystoscopy 以排除泌尿道腫瘤(urological malignancy)的風險 ?

  • A.< 50 歲女性,無抽菸病史。
  • B.< 60歲男性,有抽菸病史。
  • C.> 60 歲,不論男女,曾合併有gross hematuria病史。
  • D.有dysmorphic RBC, cellular cast及proteinuria的病人。
  • E. 已經連續多年,每年健檢都是asymptomatic hematuria,腎臟超音波也未發現異常。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 吳宜鴻
根據AUA 2020 Microhematuria guideline

屬於High risk的病人建議安排CT scan或cystoscopy排除malignancy

Question 59:

血壓控制對於嚴重子癇前症(severe preeclampsia)的婦女很關鍵。以下哪一種藥物較不合適?

  • A.oral renin–angiotensin–aldosterone inhibitors。
  • B.oral nifedipine。
  • C.oral methyldopa。
  • D.parenteral hydralazine。
  • E.oral or parenteral labetalol。

Correct Answer: A

根據AHA hypertension: Update on the Use of Antihypertensive Drugs in Pregnancy guideline in 2008, ACEi/ARB為懷孕contraindicated(FDA drug risk D)

Question 60:

以下有關lupus nephritis的敘述,何者正確?

  • A.Class IV lupus nephritis若是在renal biopsy時發現有crescent,應積極治療,避免進展至rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis(RPGN) 與renal fibrosis。
  • B.有anti-phospholipid antibody陽性的病人,有較高機會發生thrombotic microangiopathy,應給予anticoagulant可以有效預防lupus nephritis惡化。
  • C.診斷為Class I, II的病人,應盡早給予moderate or high dose steroid以預防病情進展至Class IV or V的lupus nephritis 與renal fibrosis。
  • D.臨床預後與ANA level 及complement levels密切相關,宜定期追蹤ANA與C3, C4 levels,評估治療效果。
  • E.Class IV lupus nephritis病人,建議儘早使用rituximab or tacrolimus,可較傳統high dose steroid更有效達到及維持renal remission

Correct Answer: A

編輯者: 吳宜鴻
根據Harrison's 21ed

© class I and II lesions are typically associated with minimal renal manifestation and normal renal function; nephrotic syndrome is rare. Patients with lesions limited to the renal mesangium have an excellent prognosis and generally do not need therapy for their lupus nephritis
(A)(E) Patients with crescents on biopsy often have a rapidly progressive decline in renal function. Without treatment, this aggressive lesion has the worst renal prognosis, with class IV-S worse than class IV-G. However, if a remission—defined as a return to near-normal renal function and proteinuria≤330 mg/dL per day—is achieved with treatment, Renal outcomes are excellent.
Current evidence suggests that inducing a remission with administration of high-dose steroids and either cyclophosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil for 2–6 months, followed by maintenance therapy with lower doses of steroids and mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine, best balances the likelihood of successful remission with the side effects of therapy. There is no consensus on use of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone versus oral prednisone, monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide versus daily oral cyclophosphamide, or other immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus, or rituximab.
(B) Antiphospholipid antibodies present in lupus may result in glomerular microthromboses and a thrombotic microangiopathy. The renal prognosis is worse despite anticoagulant therapy. 可以考慮Anti-coguation但不影響預後
(D) Anti-dsDNA and C3/C4 可以當作腎炎的活動指標,但ANA應為篩檢工具非活動指標

Question 61:有關asymptomatic bacteriuria(定義: voided urine specimen > 10⁵ cfu/ml of an uropathogen isolated, absence of signs and symptoms of UTI),依據2019 IDSA (Infectious Diseases of America),一般是不需要例行性篩檢與治療(screen and treatment)的,以免產生不必要的抗藥性。以下何種情況IDSA才建議例行性篩檢與必要時的治療?

  • A.pregnant woman。
  • B.older patients with cognitive impairment, delirium
  • C.diabetes。
  • D.kidney transplant patients。
  • E.patients with spinal cord injury

Correct Answer: A

在Harrison 21版的flow chart中,asymptomatic bacteruria (ASB) 需要治療的只有三者:1. pregnant, renal transplant recipient, patients undergoing invasive urological procedures。因此需要考慮的是(A)、©兩個選項。

2019 IDSA Gudeline for the Management of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria中其實不建議 >1month renal transplant recipeints接受 ASB相關治療,原因在於過去的研究發現治療ASB沒有顯著降低 rejection rate或避免形成pyelonephritis,反而增加抗藥菌的產生。不過在接受renal transplant一個月內的ASB是否需要治療,IDSA guideline沒有特別下定論

Question 62:

一位40歲男性,輕度高血壓(sBP 148 mmHg),serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL, urine protein 0.6 g/24-Hr
urine, renal biopsy為 IgA nephropathy, without advanced tubulointerstitial fibrosis, nor crescent
formation. 醫師先給予 RAAS blocker, 持續追蹤6個月,再檢測實驗室數值為: serum creatinine 1.4
mg/dL, urine protein 1.3 g/24-Hr urine, sBP 120 mmHg. 請問: 以下處置,何者最適宜?

  • A.intravenous methylprednisolone (500-1000 mg/day, for 3 days) followed by oral azathioprine for declining renal function
  • B.add on oral steroid 0.4 mg/kg/day。
  • C.add on fish oil
  • D.arrange tonsillectomy + add on fish oil。
  • E.hold RAAS blocker, shift to SGLT2i (sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor)。

Question 75:

75.下列何者比較不適合使用非侵襲性呼吸器(noninvasive positive pressure ventilation)?

  • A.中或重度COPD急性惡化。
  • B.心因性肺水腫(cardiogenic pulmonary edema)。
  • C.敗血性休克。
  • D.免疫不全病人併發呼吸衰竭。
  • E.腹部手術後併發缺氧性呼吸衰竭。

Correct Answer: A

根據 “Indications and practical approach to non-invasive ventilation in acute heart failure” Eur Heart J. 2018 Jan 1;39(1):17-25. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx580

PIP tends to decrease blood pressure, aggravating hypoperfusion. However, in the ‘Cardshock study’,61 NIV was used in nearly 13% of the patients with early or non-severe CS, after correction of hypotension, avoiding EI in the majority. Therefore, although the use of NIV remains limited in hypotensive patients, it may be cautiously considered in selected CS patients without severe haemodynamic instability.

Question 76:

除? (1) Aspirin ; (2) Digoxin ;(3) Lithium (4)Tobramycin; (5)Vancomycin

  • A.(1)+(2)
  • B.(2)+(3)
  • C.(2)+(5)。
  • D.(2)+(4)。
  • E.(3)+(5)。

Correct Answer: C

根據Handbook of Dialysis 5.ed
The following factors will influence poison dialyzability (Lavergne, 2012)
1.Molecular weight
diffusion such as hemodialysis usually have an approximate cutoff of 5,000 Da, while convection- and adsorption-based techniques are capable of removing poisons that are in excess of 50,000 Da in size. Plasmapheresis can remove poisons that are up to 1,000,000 Da in size.
2.protein binding Since the poison–protein complex cannot freely pass through dialyzers or hemofilters, only poisons that are largely unbound (or free) can be removed by these techniques. However, at higher concentration (such as in overdose), protein binding of a drug can become saturated; under such conditions, a higher proportion of the drug is unbound or “free,” which is then available for removal by extracorporeal treatment.
3.Volume of distribution
VD is the theoretical volume into which a drug is distributed. With drugs that have a high VD (e.g., digoxin, tricyclics), the amount of drug present in the blood represents only a small fraction of the total body load. Thus, even if a hemodialysis or hemoperfusion treatment extracts most of the drug present in the blood flowing through the extracorporeal circuit, the amount of drug removed during a single treatment session will represent only a small percentage of the total body drug burden.
4.Endogenous clearance
Extracorporeal removal usually is not indicated when endogenous clearance by metabolism and elimination is expected to exceed the rate of exogenous elimination. This explains why hemodialysis is not indicated for poisons like cocaine or toluene. Similarly, the presence of kidney impairment for renally eliminated poisons (e.g., lithium) will make extracorporeal removal more important.
(1)Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, MW 180 Da). In adults, severe aspirin poisoning is usually accompanied by metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkalosis. The appearance of central nervous system (CNS) symptoms is a sign of severe poisoning. MDAC should be initiated and urine alkalinization carried out if substantial urine output is achievable, particularly when symptoms are present and serum salicylate levels are >50 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L). Aspirin has a VD of only 0.15 L/kg. Despite the fact that the drug is about 50% protein-bound, aspirin is well removed by hemodialysis. Hemodialysis should be considered when the serum level exceeds 90 mg/dL (6.5 mmol/L) or there is evidence of marked acidemia, neurologic involvement (neurologic symptoms, hyperthermia, seizures) or noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.
(2)Digoxin (MW 781 Da). The probabilities of digoxin-induced arrhythmias are 50% and 90% at serum levels of 2.5 and 3.3 ng/mL (3.2 and 4.2 nmol/L), respectively. Treatment includes correction of hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and alkalosis and administration of oral-activated charcoal.
The VD of digoxin is large (8 L/kg in normal patients, 4.2 L/kg in dialysis patients), and the drug is 25% protein-bound. For these reasons, only 5% of the body load will be removed by a 4-hour hemodialysis treatment. Although hemoperfusion is more effective and has been shown to improve symptoms, it is not routinely recommended in the treatment of digoxin toxicity as the VD of the drug is so large that total body clearance is limited.
(3)Lithium (5)Vancomycin
Hemodialysis is the therapy of choice for water-soluble drugs, especially those of low molecular weight along with a low level of protein binding, as such compounds will diffuse rapidly across the dialyzer membrane. Examples are ethanol, ethylene glycol, lithium, methanol, and salicylates. Water-soluble drugs that have high molecular weights (e.g., amphotericin B [MW 9,241] and vancomycin [MW 1,500]) diffuse across dialyzer membranes more slowly and are less well removed; removal rate is accelerated by use of high-flux membranes and hemodiafiltration.
(4)Tobramycin(MW 467 Da). Tobramycin binding to serum proteins is negligible. Tobramycin is not appreciably metabolized

Question 77:

白血球為5.1 K/μL,fT4 為 1.9 ng/dL (參考值 0.89 ~ 1.76 ng/dL),TSH為 0.36 μIU/mL (參考值 0.4 ~
4μIU/mL) ,請問下列哪一個選項最正確?

  • A.給予抗甲狀腺藥物。
  • B.給予抗生素。
  • C.給予甲狀腺素。
  • D.給予抗甲狀腺藥物及抗生素。
  • E.給予類固醇或非類固醇抗發炎藥物(NSAID)。

Correct Answer: E

病人頸部腫痛,合併URI,或是合併ESR上升,較有可能為subacute thyroiditis,thyroiditis 有可能合併hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism(要看在哪個病程,如下圖),subacute thyroiditis,放射線碘掃描,放射線碘的攝取會下降,治療主要用Aspirin、NSAID、steroid

Harrison’s Internal Medicine 21st.ed

Question 78:

一位病人因血小板低下應診,下列各項檢[E] 驗中何者為鑑別血小板低下原因幫忙最小者?

  • A.H. pylori infection。
  • B.Serology tests for SLE。
  • C.Hepatitis C infection
  • D.HIV infection。
  • E.Platelet antibodies

Correct Answer: E

根據Harrison’s Internal Medicine, 21ed, ASH-SAP self assessment program 7ed

(E)Antiplatelet antibody testing — Antiplatelet antibody testing has low sensitivity and does not correlate with clinical outcomes. Thus, these tests are not recommended to aid in the routine diagnosis or management of ITP

Question 79:

一位32歲婦女因兩側雙手及雙腳腫痛約2週到醫院住院,她有兩手早晨僵硬現象,沒有其他的特別病史,理學檢查顯示雙手第三、第四及第五近端指間關節壓痛及腫脹及兩側第二、第三掌指關節腫脹及壓痛,手部及腳部X-光正常,下列那些檢查對病人是最有幫忙診斷?(1). 紅血球下降速度(ESR) (2). C反應蛋白(CRP) (3).抗瓜胺酸蛋白抗體(ACPA) (4). 類風濕性因子(RF) (5). 抗核抗體(ANA)

  • A.(1)+(2)
  • B.(2)+(3)
  • C.(3)+(4)。
  • D.(4)+(5)。
  • E.(1)+(5)。

Correct Answer: C

編輯者: 何玉倩 The disease onset in RA is usually insidious, with the predominant symptoms being pain, stiffness (especially morning stiffness), and swelling of many joints. Typically, the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints of the fingers, the interphalangeal joints of the thumbs, the wrists, and the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of the toes are sites of arthritis early in the disease. 根據題幹,懷疑此婦女有Rheumatoid Arthritis,根據ACR/EULAR criteria,分數>=6分可診斷為RA.

*RFs occur in 70 to 80% of patients with RA. Their diagnostic utility is limited by their relatively poor specificity, since they are found in 5 to 10% of healthy individuals, 20 to 30% of people with SLE, virtually all patients with mixed cryoglobulinemia (usually caused by HCV infections), and in those with many other inflammatory conditions. *ACPAs have a similar sensitivity to RF for RA but have a higher specificity (95 to 98%). The specificity is greater in patients with higher titers of ACPAs (at least three times the upper limit of normal). *The ESR level tends to correlate with disease activity in RA as well as disease severity and may be useful for monitoring the therapeutic response. *Assessment of the CRP has been advocated as an objective measure of disease activity in RA. Radiologic damage, as assessed by erosion counts in RA, is significantly more likely to progress when CRP and ESR are elevated.

Question 80:

一68歲男性病人,診斷罹患乙狀結腸癌(adenocarcinoma, sigmoid colon),以根治性手術切除左側乙狀結腸與淋巴結廓清術,病理組織確定手術邊緣沒有癌細胞,清除淋巴結共25顆中病理檢查有6顆已有癌細胞,沒有遠處器官轉移,醫師建議手術後進行6個月化學治療以降低復發率與增加存活。各種臨床指引均一致建議之最適合之輔助性(adjuvant)治療處方為何者?

  • A.Irinotecan added to 5-FU and Leucovorin (FOLFIRI)
  • B.Oxaliplatin added to 5-FU and Leucovorin (FOLFOX)。
  • C.Bevacizumab added to FOLFOX。
  • D.Cetuximab added to FOLFOX
  • E.Panitumumab added to FOLFOX

Correct Answer: B

編輯者: 何玉倩
根據NCCN guideline, stage為pTxN2aM0, stage III,故adjuvant選擇FOLFOX或是CAPEOX(capecitabine plus oxaliplatin).

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