# 2021-2022 HoloViz meeting minutes See https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/minutes for current minutes. # HoloViz meetings ## https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/minutes/edit HoloViz meetings are usually either General (planning and status discussions) or Triaging (dealing with open issues on HoloViz repos.) See https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/BygVgIC6L for the triaging checklist, and https://status.holoviz.org for the list of projects to triage. # 2023-01-20 HoloViz Steering Committee meeting Agenda: - Welcome, Intros - Governance, trademark, SC scope and responsibilities - SC communication channels, github team - Meeting cadence - Roadmap # 2023-01-09 HoloViz triaging New policy: Triage PRs first, before triaging issues Releases: - GeoViews - SpatialPandas - HoloViews Triaging: - Param: Jim, Philipp, and Demetris - GeoViews + HoloViews: Jean-Luc, Simon, Ian - examples.pyviz: Maxime, Sophia # 2023-01-06 HoloViz meeting Present: Demetris, Jim, Sophia, Maxime, Simon, Jean-Luc Stevens, Ian, Philipp, Mateusz Agenda: - Numpy 1.24 - Ragged array warning became a ValueError - Need fixed releases for GeoViews, HoloViews, SpatialPandas, and (maybe) Datashader ASAP before Numba is released with Numpy 1.24 support - GeoViews release - Numpy and Shapely updates plus annotations - Simon to prepare release - HoloViews docs - Need to document AdjointLayouts more prominently - ``<<`` API should be presented as useful only for single items - Other keyword-based API should be added for specifying location of the marginal plot - Docs should mention the word "marginal" - ACTION for Jean-Luc - Examples.holoviz.org - Maxime is trying to streamline how environments are handled so that they can be more maintainable - Now supports having executed notebooks in git that aren't reexecuted because of a declaration in the .yml - labels: maintainers, labels, orphans, created all moved to a sub-section - Main site build moving towards the standard holoviz theme and layout - main vs master - adding authors, dates # 2023-01-04 HoloViz docs meeting Present: Demetris, Jim, Sophia, Maxime, Simon, Jean-Luc Stevens, Ian, Philipp - Demetris - Links to meetings are now public on HoloViz.org. During a google meeting, the meeting organizer will receive a request to admit any new attendees who are not already on the event's guest list. - Steering committee slack channel has been created. Target date for inaugural SC meeting is Jan 20 during the normal HoloViz slot. We are waiting on Rich to join the channel and confirm his availability. Dharhas has already confirmed. Initial cadence target is quarterly. - An example of how to adopt the default project governance docs is now a Param pull request (https://github.com/holoviz/param/pull/674). Maintainers of Param will need to review/approve, but anyone can chime in since this will inform how other projects do it. One question being discussed is whether to use a tagged-commit-link to the holoviz repo. - Demetris will start working on HoloViz.org getting started experience, as described here: https://github.com/holoviz/holoviz/issues/351 - Philipp - Migrating Panel User Guides into How To's here: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/4251 - Some of the How-To pages still contain a lot of explanation - Discussion about How-To titles needing to coherently complete the phrase "how to ..." - There is still decisions to be made about the reference sections - Jim - What do we do with examples.pyviz and how will that interact with the bioscience oriented material that will be created soon. - Group leaning towards maintaining examples.pyviz (as examples.holoviz) and use tags and sections for different domain materials. We could still create additional explaner pages or even another site to provide context/report for particular funding initiative, but this is not urgent. # 2022-12-21 HoloViz docs meeting Present: Demetris, Jim, Sophia, Maxime, Simon, Jean-Luc Stevens - Updates - Demetris: - Working on pangeoML materials. - Finalizing numfocus application and governance. - Fighting with anaconda-project locking of HoloViz.org tutorial. - Sophia: - Contemplating a ChatGPT Panel blog post - Maxime: - Working on HoloViz infrastructure reorg plans - Jim: - Contributing to infrastructure plans and working on funding opportunities for 2023 - Philipp: - Released Lumen 0.5.1 with bug fixes - Working with Marc to modernize examples on the Panel home page (Fast template, responsiveness) and the page itself - Jean-Luc: - Working on annotators; getting there! Now supports a swappable sqllite backend for persistence, tap streams for select, undo - Making LTTP ready for merging (better decimation for curves) - Simon: - Upgrades for Shapely 2.0 support - Working on annotators - Fixing envt creation for CI - Timeline for individual project governances? - Demetris will create issue for each core project, then responsibility of each lead maintainer and project director - Demetris will create a simple version for colorcet, param, or datashader that largely references the holoviz.org project gov and updates the members list - Publish public calendar and links for meetings - Align meeting link platform? Triage is on google meet; docs and general holoviz meetings are on zoom - Will use Google Meet; the Friday meeting and the docs meeting have been updated. - Move holoviz dev chat from slack to gitter, discord, or a new holoviz slack? - Try to get nonprofit slack discount - A dedicated HoloViz slack would replace our current #holoviz-docs and #holoviz-internal channels - Inaugural steering committee is formed! Let's organize a welcome party/meeting when all steering committee members (and as many other devs as possible) can join? Maybe someday this could be in person, but just virtual for now. - Let's target the second holoviz meeting in Jan. - Demetris will help coordinate schedules with external steering committee members # 2022-12-12 HoloViz triaging meeting Agenda: - Fixing getting Bokeh 3 accidentally - Jean-Luc to update website to remove `bokeh` from conda install command. - Jean-Luc to do a quick survey of how we instruct users to install (including https://holoviews.org/install.html), and clean it up slightly - Then need to tag a docs build - Also could tag a tiny hv release to fix the overlay issue Upcoming releases: - Lumen - Philipp releasing today - HoloViews - To triage PRs today - Param - Jim to push sentinel fix forward - Philipp to push selector fix forward - Pickling issue? Today: - Philipp to ship Lumen - Jim to focus on sentinel fix - Simon and Jean-Luc to review hv PRs # 2022-12-09 HoloViz meeting Updates: - Philipp: - Working on Lumen docs for release on December 12 midnight GMT - Panel 0.14.2 release later next week - Mateusz: - Helping with Bokeh3 support for Dask and HoloViz (mostly Panel). - Releasing jupyter_bokeh for Bokeh 3 compatibility. - Working on vectorized vlines/vspans in Bokeh - Ian: - Working on Datashader `where` across CPU/GPU/Dask/etc. - Looking into moving edge bundling to NetworkX; seems like copying is the only feasible approach for now - Maxime: - Releasing Param and HoloViews for Python 3.11; only a patch release in both cases - Fighting a never-ending battle with CI, mostly conda related - Jean-Luc: - Making a temporary repo for annotations, to be shared across projects while still in develoment - Demetris: - PyData Sprint worked well! - Working to finish up the governance docs - Working on first Pythia cookbook from contents of EarthML - Simon: - Working on Python 3.11 support; now looking at GeoViews - Looking at changes needed for Shapely 2.0 release - Working on Bokeh 3 support for Panel tests (on panel-1.0 branch) and for HoloViews (PR not ready to merge yet) - Jim: - Setting up CZI contract with NumFocus Agenda: - Bokeh 3 conda issues - Should be helped by the latest hv release, because it pins more specifically - Patch repodata on conda-forge and defaults? - Maxime to submit for conda-forge - Jean-Luc to work on defaults - Add runtime warning in latest HoloViews objecting to having Bokeh 3? - Up to Jean-Luc. - Overlay issue - Philipp has a fix - Proposed HoloViz European meeting: April 20-21, 2023 - Jim to send formal invitation - Discord or gitter for "internal" chat? - To investigate for governance arrangements - Improving dev instructions for installation - To discuss in infrastructure meeting next week # 2022-12-07 HoloViz docs meeting Present: Demetris, Jim, Philipp, Maxime, Sophia, Jean-Luc, Ian, Simon - code of conduct PR has been merged with unanimous approval - Demetris gave a governance summary - Lead Maintainer vs Project Lead naming is hard to distinguish - ++Demetris will consider a more distinguishing name for one of them. DONE - People should review the HoloViz Duties spreadsheet as it will impact the initial project governance for each project - Maintainers will have voting power, contributors may be granted merge rights but cannot vote - Ian: perhaps we should adopt an objective threshold (like 2 PRs as is for Bokeh) for someone to be a maintainer - Jim: any such threshold would need to be adapted to the velocity of a given project, as some change much less frequently than others - Ian, Demetris: Also a bokeh maintainer does not have voting or merge rights, so it's not equivalent to the proposed HoloViz Maintainer position. - Let's keep it informal without an objective threshold for now (no objections) - Philipp: the currently proposed thresholds for overriding Project Lead (3/4) and removing Project Lead (4/5) can be gamed, i.e. with 3 out of 4 votes, maintainers could add a member that they conspire with to then remove the Project Lead with 4/5 votes. - Demetris: This applies right now to HoloViz.org Project, and can be changed for other Projects (Panel, Lumen). Jim and myself don't have a problem with these current thresholds - Jim: I don't think we have to be too worried about this one... that's an extreme situation...anything you set up can be gamed... although if Philipp thinks that we should change this, as it is default project gov, then he should come with a proposal - ++Philipp may propose something. DR DONE and approved by Philipp - Proposal includes requirement to record evidence of consensus - Jim initiated discussion about what determines whether something needs to escalate to a vote or to have consensus. What defines something as a governance topic? - Daily process/decisions may carry on without formal record, but if any member/maintainer says that an issue needs to seek consensus, then that would be the trigger the entering of consensus forming processing. If there are strong objections/blockers in this process, it would move to a vote. - Ian suggested that numpy has some prior art about consensus process. ++Demetris will review. DONE - Philipp and Jim suggest there isn't such a need for a recorded consensus process. - Daily process decisions will be made by consensus according to the usual mechanisms involving commenting on PRs, discussions, meetings, etc. And then there is a single escalation to a vote when called for. - Ian: in terms of documenting consensus for daily process, consensus is assumed unless there is evidence to the contrary. (or unless a maintainer calls for a vote even without evidence).. - ++Demetris will update decision making. DONE - ++Demetris will change vote minimum period from 3 days to 3 working days. DONE - Demetris presented example/template of github vote issue - Jim requests GitHub teams for each Project, e.g. @holoviz/param-maintainers - Demetris reviewed some recent changes - Removed Steering committee chair position - Simplified Project roles - removed distinguished contributor, emeritus, release manager - discussion ensued about merits of keeping emeritus. Resolved to keep it removed since github maintains better record of contribution. - renamed project owner to project lead - Public record of voting - contributors can be granted merge rights - ++Demetris will clarify language that a maintainer is 'expected' to review releases, etc. Compared to a contributor with merge rights that has no such expectation. DONE - added example method of voting - steering committee must have access to all holoviz org/project accounts (++Demetris clarify language in gov to include project accounts. DONE) - External members for Steering committee - consensus around asking Dharhas Pothina (has since accepted) and Rich Signell (has been requested) # 2022-11-23 HoloViz docs meeting Present: Maxime, Jean-Luc, Simon, Ian - Marc and Maxime improved hvPlot docstrings - Maxime wants to set up a place to experiment with docs, perhaps using the nbsite dev website - Maxime found that our holoviz projects are using different versions of nbsite (via the pyviz dev channel) and python. He suggests pinning nbsite on the projects so that we can feel free to update nbsite. - A concern is managing pinned nbsite across projects, but Maxime has a script to update multiple repos at the same time. - Jean-Luc suggested to use a different label (not 'dev') on nbsite for this experimenting - Jean-Luc and Simon suggested that maybe the release docs should be tested against the release packages and not the dev versions (as they currently are) because users likely won't have the dev versions of packages. - Ask Jim and Philipp about either using a different label other than 'dev' for nbsite experimenting, or pinning nbsite on the other projects - Jean-Luc suggested to make doc build exceptions be raised as errors and then fix them, starting with smaller projects. Or rather that there docs should continue building through exceptions but provide a non-zero exit code at the end so we can review all the exceptions without stopping at every error. - Maxime wants to compare the performance of building the notebooks with MyST vs our nbsite/nbconvert. We may be able to run the notebooks in parallel. - Jean-Luc suggests investigating Jupyter caching to speed up builds - Jean-Luc reviewed governance PR and it seems ok, he would like to be on steering committee - Ian spoke about anti-aliasing docs and worked on a couple docstring changes in datashader - Ian: There's a few ways to specify lines in datashader and the docs are missing a concise explanation (JLS: similar problem with HoloViews and constructors). ~ how you make the decision on what to do, given the available API ~ - Another example: there are X different reductions in datashader, so we need one page with simple data showing the results for the different reductions. It's not really API docs. It's more of a visual representation of what the algorithms do. People should find it when searching 'max reduction' or something similar. Likely an 'explanation' page or an enhanced 'reference' - Maxime likes plotly reference pages, lots of visual examples and recipes - Maxime suggested a question mark icon on docs pages to link to something explaning where to find help across projects.. something like an updated HoloViz community page # 2022-11-24 Bokeh/HoloViz integration meeting Present: Ian, Maxime, Mateusz, Simon - Simon: - Update and discussion on Bokeh 3.0 support in Panel - Still targetting 3.0 support in January - Maxime: - Planning to discuss with Mateusz existing panel UI tests and how to modify them to use BokehJS query API - Mateusz: - Bokeh 3.0 various regressions reported, mostly as expected - Demo of persistent select annotations - Question of how to combine and how to clear selections, interactions between selections - Recommend early release of part-functionality so it can be used and tested by multiple people - Discussion of 'experimental' label - Ian - Plan to apply for NumFOCUS Small Development Grant for joint Bokeh/TARDIS new functionality # 2022-11-21 HoloViz triaging Releases: - hvPlot: needed this week Triaging: - Datashader: Jim and Ian - hvPlot: Maxime and Jean-Luc - Governance: Demetris and Sophia # 2022-11-17 Bokeh/HoloViz integration meeting Present: Ian, Simon, Maxime, Jim, Philipp, Mateusz - Ian: - Discuss categorical colormapper - Simon: - Working on indicator upgrade - Pulling out CSS variables - HoloViews compatibility PR - Maxime: - Started user-facing migration guide - Jim: - Question: New meeting for Bokeh CZI or use this one? - Mateusz: - Fixing layout regressions: - Gridplot collapse issues (computed layout propagation problems) - Width/height as fixed size, in Bokeh historically it has been a suggestion unless sizing_mode='fixed' (at Panel level we enforce fixed sizing if width/height explicitly set) - Persistent selections (box, poly and span) now editable/resizable - Support for multiple selections could fall out of this - Brainstorm UI/UX for combining selections across tools - Vectorized annotation glyphs such as Spans/Bands: - Working on spatial indexing - Philipp: - Created `branch-1.0` in Panel where all progress towards Bokeh 3.0 compat should land - Bug fixes still applied to master - If we decide to release new enhancements/features before 1.0 could still have 0.15 - Opened PR for tooltip support on widgets - Sliders and maybe others do not currently have description property - Input widgets had obvious solution for placing tooltip - Not all widgets have labels - Same issue with placement as the description tooltip button - Decision: Do we patch over it at the Panel level? - At bokeh level will probably provide Form layouts that take control of control, label, description component Actions: - [Philipp] Investigate interaction of sizing_mode/width/height and intrinsic width/height (and then decide on desirability of current behavior) - [Maxime] Release hvPlot 0.8.2 with HoloViews pin to avoid Bokeh 3.0 to be pulled in # 2022-11-11 HoloViz meeting Present: Philipp, Maxime, Simon, Ian, Demetris, Mateusz - Simon: - Identifying general memory leak in panel + holoviews - HoloViews updates for Bokeh 3.0 - Demetris: - Working on governance documentation PR - needed for certain funding streams - Closed down user survey - 134 responses in total. - Working on geo docs - Ian: - Working on supporting all reductions for antialiased lines - Monday: Should have all reductions except std/var - Decision: Commit large PRs and release, or release without PRs? - Cannot do antialiased lines on GPU - could take a year to do! - Helping Dask at NYCPyData use datashader/hvplot - Jean-Luc: - HoloViews 1.15.2 released - Progress on Annotators - Mateusz: - Finishing work on persistent selections e.g. for box select, lasso, poly etc. - Working on new glyphs, Spans/Bands implementing functionality from Labels (richer text functionality) - Working on regressions reported by Simon for bokeh 3.0 - Thinking about inline annotation tools over plots - Maxime: - Worked on hvplot support of dataframes with non-string column names - Finalizing xarray support in hvplot explorer, followed by hvplot patch release - Updating param CI to work on Python 3.11 - fixing issues with deprecated asyncio features - Need a param release for 3.11 - aim to release soon - Philipp: - Working on updating panel for bokeh 3.0 - Working around some CSS issues - patching around shadow DOM in places - Support for 'static stylesheets' will make things easier - Planning panel 1.0 to coincide with bokeh 3.1 - Discussion of governance - everyone needs to review the PR on holoviz. - Discussion of replacing nbsite with MyST as much as possible, as well as no longer including examples/assets in the package - Could have data package for all our projects that could be automatically generated? - Maxime will write up a proposal for removing examples from packages - Could replace pyct for this purpose? # 2022-11-09 HoloViz docs meeting Present: Demetris, Simon, Ian - [Governance PR](https://github.com/holoviz/holoviz/pull/335): - Org docs define roles for steering, code of conduct committees - Project docs define roles for maintainers, owner, lead, release manager, contributor - Once PR is generally approved, project docs can be used as template, copied, adapted to individual core packages - List of maintainers will be specified for each project - [code of conduct PR](https://github.com/holoviz/holoviz/pull/332) almost at full approval > *Demetris will follow up with Philipp - Ian: bokeh uses the more general phrase "bokeh developers" for attribution in releases, compared to the named contributors approach that we (and other projects like fsspec) use. - *Demetris will add short summary of other numfocus sponsored project gov types to PR, including attribution strategy - Let's try to have the gov docs reviewed in the next 2 weeks - Analytics - Demetris will follow up with Philipp about server hosting - Docs tasks project board - Two versions right now, [google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yeni-TLbE2_5GJ-YGlOyArHpA8N6DQ6CrZHpIfKoYbk/edit#) and [github project](https://github.com/orgs/holoviz/projects/6/views/1) - Simon and Ian prefer having it on GitHub. All agreed. - User Survey - It's been ~1 month, Demetris will close it down - PyData Sprint - Since last meeting where we discussed possibly focusing on docstrings/reference, Jim has suggested another possible sprint topic: Make a PR for https://pythonplot.com/ or https://aeturrell.github.io/coding-for-economists/vis-common-plots.html or similar sites with hvPlot examples. - This probably provides a more interesting sprint experience for certain newcomers, but docstrings/reference would be very useful for us. - Ian: Good to have a couple options for tasks for newcomers at sprint. - *Ian and Demetris to chat in the next couple weeks about preparing for the sprint. We shouldn't do too much, maybe just a short intro, present the task options - docstrings, hvplot examples, and any issues (panel, hvplot) that are good first issues. Then just be available to help. # 2022-10-31 HoloViz triaging meeting - Lumen - Release postponed due to Philipp travel - Panel - 0.14.1 released 10/28; needs announcing - HoloViews - 1.15.2 release imminent - Jean-Luc and Marc to investigate broken lasso (last remaining issue besides fixing CI) - Fix CI for MacOS - After CI fix, Simon to release, with Jean-Luc's help - Triaging - Marc and Sophia to triage Panel # 2022-10-28 HoloViz meeting - Lumen - Release postponed due to Philipp travel - Panel - 0.14.1 to be released today if pypi goes back online - HoloViews - 1.15.2 has a couple of remaining issues to work through; Simon try to fix and release Monday or Tuesday - Jean-Luc to work on multi-axis support for 1.15.3 - hvPlot - Will need a patch release ASAP after holoviews 1.15.2 - Datashader - Ian working on GPU antialiased lines. Seems possible to release including multi-level aggregations by end of next week; we'll see. If not, still possible to omit that support and release. - CI - Playwright tests will need some thought when moving to Bokeh 3.0 due to its use of Shadow DOM, which makes it hard to use CSS selectors; instead will need to query BokehJS via Playwright's execute_script API (follow up with Mateusz) - Bokeh - 3.0 scheduled on Monday - Mateusz and Simon working on making HoloViz tools support 3.0; could use help - Jean-Luc can - Upcoming post 3.0 new features - Vectorized "annotations" (in the hv sense, not necessarily Bokeh sense) (can actually start in bokeh 2.4, making spans and bands glyphs). Mateusz to look into it and get back to Ian. - Persistent box select - Pop-up editor boxes for annotations - Categorical colormapping (datashader colorize, but in Bokeh) # 2022-10-26 HoloViz Docs meeting - survey results comments: - improved ref API docs most requested on survey to help new users, also a trend as the underlying issue on discourse and github issues -> could be pydata sprint focus - Jim suggestion: add HTML version of output of hv.help into reference gallery for given component and improve hv.help output format, content - Jim, Philipp: Don't deprioritize homepage redo. Important for the newest visitors and potential users, who would not be well represented in the survey results. - Ian, Philipp, and Jim support docstrings focus for pydata sprint - Demetris will make action points doc - Jim: Another sprint idea is take solved issues from discourse or Stack Overflow with information that should become docs and have attendees convert them into doc PRs - Demetris to create HoloViz Docs project board for issues and add from survey write-ins, results - Demetris - [code of conduct PR](https://github.com/holoviz/holoviz/pull/332). - working on HoloViz governance docs. will push draft within 1-2 weeks - survey results - website analytics - GA > plausible? - philipp will reach out about plausible serving - Philipp - Ref for HoloViews, Panel include a lot of manual input - Lumen ref is automatically created from docstrings (fixed style), param definitions, and examples (sourced from notebooks, docs) - Could also add WASM examples, parameter control dashboards - For HoloViews, Panel, we don't have to remove the existing docs, just render it as an example under the auto gen # 2022-10-24 HoloViz triaging meeting - Lumen - Philipp to release - Panel - 0.14.1 release waiting on CI issues - HoloViews - 1.15.2 needs releasing soon, after JupyterLite and other fixes - Need to create 1.15.x milestone to help define the 1.15.2 release, bumping less-urgent ones to it (or to 1.16 if it's a new feature) - Datashader - Needs a release soon to add guardrails for unsupported aggregations for antialiased lines, but trying to push through and support them instead. Will decide next week whether to just go ahead and release or not. # 2022-10-14 HoloViz meeting - HoloViews - 1.15.1 released - Panel - 0.14.0 released - 0.14.1 to be released today or Mon/Tue with bugfixes - Colorcet - 3.0.1 released - Lumen - Scheduled for release by Oct 21 or so - hvPlot - Maxime starting to work on xarray explorer and on bugfixes - Datashader - Ian working on making edge bundling shippable - Could edge bundling code move into NetworkX? Ian to talk to Mridul. - hiveplotlib - Does it belong in HoloViews? - Would make the most sense as an extension. We don't currently have quite the right support for new custom Elements - Discussion topics: - Long-term deployment: Can we have a lightweight mechanism for publishing especially WASM apps (which should be not that big a deal) - Panel extension mechanism? # 2022-10-03 HoloViz triaging meeting Many team members are away, so we decided to focus on Jim and Sophia releasing colorcet, Demetris finalizing the user survey, Simon working on Lumen, and Ian working on Datashader. # 2022-09-30 HoloViz meeting - HoloViews release - Jean-Luc has prepared release notes - Philipp working on regression from 1.15 - Jean-Luc working on Selection1D for Scatter and associated tests - Jean-Luc to see if hv docs explicitly state that Pandas column names must be strings, and fix if not - To release RC today, full release Tuesday - Panel release - Waiting on pyscript release [done 30 Sept] and hv release - Philipp to finish blog post - Philipp to open an issue on hv or panel sketching a plan for how to unify pn.extension and hv.extension (e.g. hv.extension being the same as pn.extension plus a few extra keywords?) - Release Sphinx pyodide extension - holoviz? doesn't seem right - pyscript? not strictly true; isn't specifically pyscript - pyviz? not necessarily viz, but probably most useful for projects with some viz - philippjfr? would leave Philipp on the hook for it - executablebooks? may be good for engaging with the community - Colorcet dev release - Jim to tag so that it will stop warning about deprecated API on our other projects - Lumen release - Docs well underway - Still a few features to add - Release expected by end of next week - hvPlot release - Xarray hvPlot Explorer (and geo Explorer) - Other bugfixes - Datashader release - Some fixes already done - Ian working on GPU fixes - CI solutions could happen, using internal GPU resources - Faster edge bundling? - Param release - Jim failing to work on it - Colorcet release - Jim to tag Monday # 2022-09-26 HoloViz triaging meeting - Ian: - Report from NumFocus Summit: - lots of great interactions with various people on different projects - Lots of people were interested in Panel - Releases: - HoloViews first, with Jean-Luc as release manager. Jean-Luc and Demetris preparing release notes and closing some PRs - Panel next, with Philipp as release manager. RC1 happens today; we'll see if there are any issues after that. - Lumen by end of next week - Sphinx/MyST pyodide support is currently in nbsite, but after the Panel release it should graduate into its own repo and be announced - Triaging - Jim and Sophia triaged Datashader, Colorcet, and some Lumen # 2022-09-19 HoloViz triaging meeting - Philipp: - Preparing Panel and Lumen releases - Need a HoloViews point release to fix Pyodide/Pyscript support - Jean-Luc will prepare release notes -Triaging: - Jean-Luc and Demetris triaged HoloViews - Maxime and Simon triaged hvPlot # 2022-09-12 HoloViz triaging meeting - Philipp: - Has implemented Sphinx/pyodide integration for use in our docs - Making use of this will take some thought -- how can we make users easily grasp what the affordances of a page are (static JS, read-only JS+Python, editable, notebooks, etc.) - Takes a hit for the initial download (150ish MB?), for a given version of the docs; rest is quick - May need a progress bar and popup explaining what's happening to the user - Preparing Panel release, now including some Sphinx+webassembly support - Lumen release expected by end of September - Maxime: - Need to fix docs builds - Sophia: - Giving a guest lecture on HoloViz at U. Minnesota - Ian: - Giving a Datashader talk at PyCon UK this weekend # 2022-08-29 HoloViz triaging meeting - Philipp: - Panel 0.14 release expected next week (still/again) - Need to document Jupyter-server Panel preview support - Needs a blog post - Need a HoloViews 1.15.1 release soon (bugfixes, including range streams), ideally next week - Maxime: - hvPlot 0.8.1 released, including a blog post - Triaging: - Sophia, Jim, and Demetris triaged holoviz - Philipp and Marc planned the upcoming Panel release # 2022-08-22 HoloViz triaging meeting - Philipp: - Panel 0.14 release scheduled for next week - Marc: - Would like help for applying hooks automatically - Often not needed: instead can use plot options (set as Parameters on the underlying class), style options (set using hv.opts.defaults), or Bokeh theme options and CSS (not possible to do in a way that will work with both bokeh2 and bokeh3) - Can hvPlot allow CSS customization somehow, providing it to Panel to be injected in the right place? - Please open an issue outlining the use cases involved, and we can give feedback on the right approach for each one - Demetris: - Doing a survey of the state of HoloViz docs and formulating a plan for improvements Triaging: - Philipp and Marc to triage Panel and plan the release - Jean-Luc and Simon to triage HoloViews - Maxime triaged hvPlot today; will look at CI issues - Jim and Demetris to triage the website and internal tools # 2022-08-08 HoloViz triaging meeting - Jim: - Not finishing Param release - Simon: - Updating Panel for Bokeh 3.0 - Bug fixing - Marc: - hvPlot docs - LightningAI support in Panel - Trying to join slack channel for docs. But don't have the permissions needed. - Philipp: - PyScript/Pyodide conversion including service worker support - Many existing Panel examples already work as-is with PyScript - Jupyter Server Extension with support for spawning kernels - Panel 0.14.0 release planning - Lumen 0.5.0 pipelines and release planning - Jean-Luc: - Annotators prototype for customer work - New vectorized VLines element that extend linked selection machinery to annotation needs - Demetris: - onboarding, installing, etc - meeting team members - nucleus packages drafting - Maxime: - Eating lots of nice French food and drinking lots of nice French wine, presumably. 🥩🍷 - Working updated hvPlot docs and release, including the explorer feature - Prepared contributing guide (in progress) - Sophia - Ran HoloViz tutorial at KDD 2022 in DC - Submitting to PyData NY and/or PyData Global - Invited to give HV talks Agenda: - Docs - Sophia volunteered for user survey - Should grab Google Analytics data and then replace it with plausible.io (or Heap?) - User Survey Goals - Scientific vs enterprise - domain - frequency of use - User Survey outreach - popup on website? - socials - discourse - personal connections - Bokeh 3.0 planning - Panel (& other extension) upgrades - Models updated to use shadow DOM - Models updated to use new layout - Ensure CSS for templates is applied - Once we have experience we will produce migration document - HoloViews backward compatibility - Should be feasible for the next hv release to support panel<1 (Bokeh 2.x) and panel>=1 (Bokeh 3.x) - Future of improving look and feel, styling -- how can we make progress? - Post Bokeh 3.0 Actions: - [ ] Demetris to survey existing documentation and produce a document - [ ] Demetris and Sophia to design user survey - [ ] # 2022-08-08 HoloViz triaging meeting - Ian: - Datashader release 0.14.2 expected on Wednesday to address divide-by-zero issue, plus other fixes, including fixing tests for the new Dask release - Maxime: - hvPlot release likely to be ready this week - Philipp: - Panel auto-detects and enables ipywidgets-based rendering, but HoloViews doesn't, which makes using hv awkward in colab. Needs new hv release? And/or pyviz-comms? - Panel 0.14 is not quite ready, but need to get some fixes out, so will be releasing Panel 0.13.2. - Jean-Luc: - Updating the examples.pyviz.org anaconda-project YAML files to work with anaconda-project 0.11 # 2022-08-01 HoloViz meeting - anaconda-project issue? - Maxime will upload a .zip archive containing the updated .yml file that works with all anaconda-project versions, and update holoviz.org instructions - Datashader - Hoping to release next week; some issues will need to be punted - hvPlot - Fixing issues with .interactive and hvPlotExplorer - explorer functionality will be limited in this release; will need another follow-on release for geo and xarray support - Panel release planning has started - Maxime preparing a pyviz-comms bugfix release # 2022-08-01 HoloViz triaging meeting - Maxime and Simon preparing hvplot release - Ian made spatialpandas release today; preparing Datashader release - Jean-Luc following up about anaconda-project 0.11 behavior changes - Jim and Sophia fully triaged holoviz, colorcet, and pyviz-comms. # 2022-07-25 HoloViz triaging meeting - Working on a responsibility matrix for the HoloViz group - hvPlot release getting ready, possibly this week - Datashader release has 18 issues still open - SpatialPandas release also imminent; Ian dealing with pyarrow issues # 2022-06-27 HoloViz meeting - Possible github org for holoviz-community for alternative tutorial, 'awesome' lists, 30 day challenge etc. Or dump onto holoviz? - Maxime queries which notebooks are pushed evaluated on pyviz-topics (OSM, Landsat?) - Sophia sending link July 15 for tutorial. Maxime will consider moving his tutorial to this org (makes sense to accept tutorials but not talks) # 2022-06-24 HoloViz meeting Action item updates: - Datashader 0.14.1 released. Bugfix release will probably be needed soon. - Param 1.12.2 released - Autohiding Bokeh toolbar: Requires Bokeh 3.0 branch; not backported to bokeh 2. Will revisit later. - Philipp to build dev website with webgl enabled and send around address for people to check - Philipp to finish legend_labels, merge that and any other outstanding PRs (pyodide support?) and cut hv RC, then Jean-Luc to write release notes - After hv release, will need to test holoviz.org tutorial with latest releases and pin if so. Status: - Jim: - Mostly on holiday - Jean-Luc: - Has been working on Datashader categorical/antialiasing interaction issues. - Maxime: - Updated nbsite to be compatible with latest myst-nb, which has had a lot of recent changes. - Updated GH Actions for examples - Adding playwright UI tests for the Tabulator widget - Working on HoloViz tutorial for Scipy - Ian: - Started on colorbar clipping for Bokeh's rescale_discrete_levels - Fixing CI on spatialpandas - To meet with Jim Pivarski about Awkward in early July - Philipp: - Working on hv release - Working on Panel/PyScript integration PyScript in tutorial - Worth adding something to make people aware of PyScript as a deployment option - Point people to an existing PyScript+Panel example? - Make a simple PyScript example using the data from the tutorial? - Philipp to provide an example next week # 2022-06-20 HoloViz meeting - [x] Maxime to release Param in next 24 hours - [x] Ian to release Datashader 0.14.1 in next 24 hours - [ ] HoloViews: autohiding toolbar, webGL (enable within holoviz and docs builds). Philipp to cut RC tomorrow, then two days of freeze while JL writes release notes. Suggestion legend_labels for custom categorical labelling. Need to investigate plotly/bokeh issue with NaNs for empty data. - [ ] hvplot: 2/3rd of a blog post prepared by Maxime. Identified some issues with .interactive - lots of reloading data. Merge categorical datashader PR. - [ ] Panel updating docs/pyscript conversion/blog post. - [x] Updating HoloViz tutorial - see previous suggestions for improvements. Maxime to update tutorial and push draft PR by end of week for feedback. # 2022-06-13 HoloViz meeting - Welcome Simon and Demetris! - Philipp: - Typing panel/param. - Panel docs - UI tests - HoloViews 1.15 release - Ongoing Lumen work - Maxime: - More Panel UI tests - Release param - Fixing broken CI (due to extending the template) and then pin in nbsite. - Jean-Luc: - Will test new PRs regarding empty image element data - Ian: - Trimesh rendering PR is ready for review. - Image flipping PR. - Datashader dev release to test with holoviews/hvplot. - Sophia: - Work with Marc and Jim at tutorial KDD (knowledge, data discovery data mining) - Blog post summarizing pydata conference - Marc: - Templates and looking at typing in param/new docs. - Marc: When is Bokeh 3.0 expected? Philipp: it is complicated and will take a long time. Hope for something to test Thursday. - Releases: - HoloViews - can be released now but some new PRs have cropped up: empty data, enable toolbar autohiding? (and Image flipping testing) - Datashader: hopefully next week when Jim is back! - param: ready to release! - hvplot: waiting on HoloViews. - Maxime writing up hvplot explorer not sure about naming. - Philipp suggests an `hvplot.explore` utility that dispatches appropriately. Marc: seeing lots of errors for many combinations. - Needs way to grab a handle on a plot for notebook usage. - Open PR to expose rescale_discrete_values # 2022-05-30 HoloViz meeting - Status of Ibis backend in HoloViews: Unexplored. Should revisit and connect to Snowflake, Dremio, etc. - Maxime: - Working on CI issues - Writing hvPlot blog post - Documenting hvPlotExplorer - Jean-Luc: - Working on [issue with ](https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews/issues/5255) ; not clear if it's the right fix. Philipp to look into it. - Deployments? Need to fix holoviews@gmail emails. - Philipp: - Overhauling Panel docs - Adding Panel typing (and also possibly Param) - Jim: - Only a few hours left to work; what should I do? - releasing datashader, param - Ian: - Fixing datashader trimesh - Working on colormapping datashader output at the Bokeh level Agenda: - Welcome Ian! - Overall allocation of team members - HoloViz tutorial at SciPy. Should add: - hvPlot Matplotlib backend - hvplot.bind - More Panel examples? - PyScript? - Releases needed? (releasing datashader, param, hv anyway) - Drilldown (inspect_points, linked_selections) - Releases: - Param ready for release; Maxime to release it on Monday - Datashader: Fix https://github.com/holoviz/datashader/issues/1054 and Ian's issues then release ASAP next week. - HoloViews: - mostly ready for release - docs need attention to use eq_hist more uniformly, but maybe punt on that. Jean-Luc to file issue mentioning what needs to be done, and put that on the next release's milestone? - Jean-Luc to cherrypick hv 1.15.0 dropping python 2 without requring latest Panel; to release Monday (and delete any dev versions that have newer code than the 1.15 release and update the Python requires declarations in setup.py) - Philipp to follow quickly with 1.16.0 pinning to latest Panel next week - Maxime to release hvPlot early next week # 2022-05-30 HoloViz meeting CI status: * Datashader: Pin fiona/geo-stack to fix the example tests (Maxime) / Note that it would be nice not to depend on fiona at all * Colorcet: Vendor version.py from Param, it doesn't need to depend on Param at all (Jim) * HoloViews: fix the package build of pip (Maxime) Releases: * Param: * Release as is without the precedence feature, it's just a bug fix release (Jean-Luc) * Datashader: * Ready for release tomorrow (Jim) # 2022-05-23 HoloViz meeting ## PyScript and Panel: Would like an updated Panel website with live, PyScript-based examples. Blockers: - Data access: Can access Python literals, public datasets, and files shipped along with the .py - Page size: Currently requires 60MB. Need to remove the Bokeh compiler from Panel and Bokeh, which would save maybe 30MB of that. It's cached, but invalidated often. - No Datashader support # 2022-05-16 HoloViz meeting - Releases: - [x] Philipp to test Panel with Bokeh dev release - [x] Jean-Luc to make updated taxi-density data for holoviews/examples/getting-started/Introduction.ipynb, replacing 0s with NaNs - [ ] Maxime to manage holoviews 1.15.0 release: - [x] add plot option to holoviews for rescale_discrete_values, testing with bokeh dev version - [ ] build docs with rescale_discrete_values enabled (and Bokeh dev version) as a test to see what it looks like - [ ] drop py2 - [ ] release 1.15.0. - [ ] Jim to test Bokeh dev version then make Datashader release, and feed back any update needed to Maxime - [ ] Maxime to prepare hvPlot release (update docs - holoviz, hvPlot, add Bokeh rescale_discrete_levels using dev release of hvPlot), then release when Bokeh 2.4.3 releases. - [ ] Maxime to start blog post: hvplot features blog post. - Meanwhile, and independently, a Param release to fix py2: - [x] Philipp merged the async fix - [ ] Philipp to investigate Scott's ordering issue; include fix? - [ ] Maxime to rebase serialization fix for date/time ranges; Jean-Luc to merge - [x] Maxime's timezone info to be deferred to following release - [ ] Jim to make release notes and tag release # 2022-05-13 HoloViz meeting - Releases: - Datashader release and Bokeh release independent - hvPlot after Bokeh release (update docs - holoviz, hvPlot, add Bokeh rescale_discrete_levels using dev release of hvPlot) - Add plot option to holoviews, release 1.15.0, build docs with it enabled to see what it looks like. - Blog post: hvplot features blog post. - Param release to fix py2 (async and serialization fix for date/time ranges, add timezone info) - Actions: - Philipp: Check hv master does not break API compatibility (i.e. 1.x series) and if easily adapted, cut 1.15 branch - Jim to ask Mateusz: Tooltips! Just text and maybe LaTeX. - Jean-Luc: Get grabcut working. # 2022-04-29 HoloViz meeting - Releases: - HoloViews 1.14.9 released - hvPlot 0.8.0 released - Datashader 0.14.1 should release this week - Param 1.x/2 - GeoViews tests and release if needed? Maxime to investigate. - hvPlot blogpost: - hvPlot release notes - Datashader release notes - Some new Panel features (e.g. Tabulator, export to PyScript) - Panel PyScript blogpost: - Show off panel exporting to pyscript - List typical gotchas and limitations for guidance - Datashader blogpost: - Can start to prepare now - Should release after Bokeh release - HoloViz tutorial for SciPy - Should be updated for hvplot.bind, Matplotlib support # 2022-04-29 HoloViz meeting - Staffing updates - Panel 0.13.0 - Released! - Datashader 0.14.0 - Released! - Likely to need a patch release for rescale_discrete_values - Ian working to port similar changes to Bokeh - HoloViews 1.14.9 - Jim finishing changes to Large_Data today - Jean-Luc to make PR for controlling PlotSize scale - hvPlot 0.8.0 - On hold until Maxime's return - release notes - blog post - Param 2.0 - Jim to work on this after hv release - Deployment - HuggingFace? # 2022-04-25 Triaging meeting 1. Datashader release: - Today! 2. HoloViews release: - Merge remaining PRs 5280 and 5281, then 5218 hotfix PR to merge to branch 1.14 3. hvPlot release - Need to test antialiasing line_width and rescale_discrete_levels=True - Merge zarr partial read PR - Document UI Agenda: - Large Data - Lots of updates needed now that we have antialiasing and are trying to use higher resolution. # 2022-04-04 Triaging meeting - Datashader release: - Merge antialiasing and dynamic span by Tuesday, updating linewidth to line_width - Tag dev release to define API for hvPlot - Jim working on docs/prs/issues for the rest of the week - HoloViews release: - Dev release by Wednesday, using dev Datashader - hvPlot release: - hvPlot dev release by Wednesday, using dev Datashader - Full release by Friday? - holoviz.org - Need holoviz.org updated to real releases - Web Mercator limits fix needs merging back to HoloViews master; was only in a hotfix release - Absolutely due by Friday; no more code changes after that - Should push a schedule to holoviz.org/pyconde22.html # 2022-04-01 HoloViz meeting In keeping with the festive spirit of the day, after the next release of each HoloViz tool we will be migrating all tools to work solely with a GnuPlot backend. In the meantime, let's get those last releases out: - Datashader 0.14.0 - Still some RaggedArray failures - Needed substitute for rioxarray on py36 - numpy!=1.22.0 spec was swallowed on Windows - xarray inversion issue - blog post (once hv and hvPlot have good support for antialiasing and span reduction) - hvPlot 0.8.0 - Philipp working on PR still - Jean-Luc to review docs in backend PR - release notes - blog post - Panel 0.13.0 - Closing issues; Philipp to tag RC today - Param 1.12.1 released; 2.0 still underway - HoloViews 1.14.9 - Needs antialias and discrete values options in hv - Jean-Luc to cherrypick - To release as a fast follow to the Datashader release # 2022-03-28 Triaging meeting - Marc: Talk for PyData Copenhagen; has been updating Awesome Panel - hvPlot release: - Delayed due to issues with multiple copies of JS; being addressed - Docs building broken a bit - GH Actions being problematic today - conda is having server issues - Hard to release! - Jean-Luc to release HoloViews 1.14.9 - Philipp to add PR for extension firs - Philipp triaging Panel - Need Datashader release soon as well - Ian: Antialiased lines - Maxime: xarray fix - Ian: Discrete colors # 2022-03-21 Triaging meeting Conference presentation plan (with releases): - Data Science Central, March 22: - Using hvPlot - Data Umbrella, March 29: - hvPlot release: mpl support, .interactive updates, dataset selector - PyData Berlin, April 11: - Needles in the haystack talk: Working with Ian to add hit testing for lines - Tutorial: builds on hvPlot release, needs holoviz.org updates - AI in Finance, April 21: - Using existing apps - GeoPython, June 20: - GeoViews release? hvPlot geo docs? - Nucleus webinar, sometime in Q2: - Same material as AI in Finance? - SciPy, July 11: - Tutorial: update holoviz.org - Other releases: - Datashader: overdue, plus antialiased lines - Param 2.0: selector, Undefined-based inheritance # 2022-03-07 Triaging meeting - hvPlot release: - Philipp to look at what's left; ready? Should address https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/issues/706 - Jean-Luc to add style option examples to the mpl and plotting notebooks. - Jean-Luc to document compatibility mode - Other open issues? - Philipp: - Preparing Panel 0.13 blog post - Mridul - Working on Github Actions environment building - Jean-Luc: - Still need to get back to the examples.pyviz outstanding changes - Jim: returning to the Param inheritance PR - Jean-Luc and Mridul to triage the hvPlot 0.8 milestone, bumping most to 0.8.1 and leaving what needs to be addressed before 0.8 release # 2022-02-28 Triaging meeting - Jean-Luc triaging HoloViews - Maxime and Mridul triaging hvPlot # 2022-02-21 Triaging meeting - Jim working on Param inheritance PR https://github.com/holoviz/param/pull/605 - Philipp to fix GeoViews RGB and re-release (maybe needing HoloViews too) - hvPlot release? - Need to manage the new-user experience - add mpl support - LooseVersion, to support 3.10 - Panel 3.10 support? - Mridul: - Working on caching conda envts in Github Actions, to be invalidated every 24 hours - Replacing nbsmoke with nbQA, etc. - Marc: - Triaging Panel - Finishing up some open Panel PRs - Thinking about simple deployment support like https://github.com/ehmatthes/django-simple-deploy as discussed in https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/django-chat/id1451536459?l=da&i=1000551305205 # 2022-02-16?? HoloViz meeting - Jim: Reviewing Ian's Datashader PR, other Datashader PRs - Maxime: Finishing hvPlot mpl backend - All: Review hvPlot PR https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/pull/653 - Jean-Luc: hv needs a new release, but waiting on Philipp - Mridul: envt caching seems to be working well on hvPlot. nbsmoke replacement PR currently failing due to tqdm # 2022-02-16 HoloViz meeting - Jim: - Working on Param sentinel support - Maxime: - Updating packages for Python 3.10 - Readying hvPlot mpl backend (see below) - Jean-Luc: - HoloViews 1.14.8 released - Philipp - GeoViews 1.9.4 released - Working on Lumen and Panel, then soon Param - Need to finalize snag list for Panel 0.13 - Mridul - Working on using other tools (e.g. nbQA) instead of nbsite and nbsmoke for holoviz packages - The example on node embeddings isn't turning out to be pretty so for 2d projection of real world networks. Agenda: - Need some demo page of what works for mpl - Worst case: just put a notebook on anaconda.org (or as a page in the user guide) and point to it from the release notes and the homepage. Also need a user guide page about things that are specific to mpl or plotly, including limitations. - Better: Duplicate reference gallery during build time and replace backend - Best?: Have multiple versions of the entire website, including especially the user guide, per backend - How will an hvPlot user select the mpl backend? - import hvplot.pandas.matplotlib (or mpl), import hvplot.pandas.bokeh, import hvplot.pandas defaults to bokeh (which requires switching bokeh -> mpl in the import)? - Or, import hvplot.pandas, hvplot.matplotlib? - Expose hv.extension as hvplot.extension, to be able to explain to people how to select a backend without side-effecty imports - Review https://github.com/holoviz/param/pull/605 # 2022-02-14 Triaging meeting - Jean-Luc working on HoloViews 1.14.8 release - Jim working on Param inheritance PR https://github.com/holoviz/param/pull/605 - Philipp working on Param release # 2022-02-07 Triaging meeting - Jim and Mridul to triage Param et al. - Jim to look at Datashader PRs - HoloViews 1.14.8 release prep: - Jean-Luc to work on cherrypicking hv release - Philipp to add Hline overlay on Bars to hv prior to release - Maxime to add py39 to hv testing matrix - PowerPC support issue on defaults? - Need to add ibis latest release support to hv - Need hvPlot release with mpl support asap - Docstring conventions? - VSCode only seems to support rendering Markdown - Sphinx doesn't? - hv follows Google conventions - Panel follows Numpydoc - Param follows all possible conventions - Most of SciPy ecosystem follows numpydoc # 2022-02-04 HoloViz meeting - Marc: - Working on VegaFusion - I have also been working on param_stubgen a stub generator to support mypy and VS Code tooltips. - I have also have a quite amazing drag and drop FileInputArea lying around that could go to Panel one day. I can see Panel is not very efficient for use cases focusing on working in drag and drop uploaded images, videos, audio files, tables etc. - Philipp: - Readying Panel 0.13 - Working on Selectors for Param 2.0 - Mridul: - Looking at NetworkX + hvPlot - Starting on an example for node embeddings - Maxime: (by proxy) - Working on colorcet CI - Required fix in HoloViews - Jean-Luc: - Fixed LooseVersion issue; hv 1.14.8 seems ready for release - examples.pyviz.org is restored to working status, but still has outstanding changes that need to be applied - Jim: - Looking at Param 2 issues today # 2022-01-31 Triaging meeting - Jim looking at Param 2.0 issues - Philipp looking at selector issue for Param 2.0 - Maxime fixing CI on hvplot - Jean-Luc working on examples.pyviz. First finishing the LooseVersion issues. - Marc triaging Panel - Jim and Mridul to triage Param et al. ## VegaFusion Jon Mease presented his new VegaFusion library, which is a bit Datashader-like for the Vega+Vega-Lite+Altair ecosystem. Our overall takeaway was that it clearly provides important features for the Vega community, but that beyond being one supported plotting type for Panel there wasn't much overlap with the HoloViz ecosystem. # 2022-01-21 HoloViz meeting - Mridul: - Welcome! - Working on NetworkX, adding multiple dispatch for different data-library/computation backends - Will look into hvPlot's [NetworkX support](https://hvplot.holoviz.org/user_guide/NetworkX.html) and Datashader's graph plotting - Jim: - ... - Maxime: - Working on hvPlot Matplotlib backend - Need a HoloViews release - Submitted HoloViz tutorial proposal to PyData Berlin/PyConDE - Jean-Luc: - Fixing examples.pyviz. Everything is broken! - Philipp: - Working on Panel's Tabulator support - hvPlot UI improvements merged at last - hvPlot tests should be fixed now; should release soon - Param 2.0 initial PR - Panel 0.13 underway prep, to start a blog post - Lots of work to do to integrate Panel with the upcoming Bokeh 3.0 release, and to provide migration path for any users who customized CSS Agenda: - Publicizing blog posts - Need more prominent links, e.g. from the top of the Releases page on each project - Philipp to add to Panel; others should add on any other project where appropriate - Param 2.0 - Three remaining main breaking changes to deal with: - [Remaining Parameterized method renaming/moving](https://github.com/holoviz/param/issues/543) (simple) - [Sentinel value for inheritance of Parameter values](https://github.com/holoviz/param/issues/97) (medium hard) - [Selector dict issues](https://github.com/holoviz/param/issues/331) (hard) # 2022-01-10 Triaging meeting - Jim looking at Datashader issues - Maxime looking at hvPlot builds - Philipp addressing Panel issues - Jean-Luc to address LooseVersion deprecation (from distutils deprecation) # 2022-01-07 HoloViz meeting Happy New Year! - Jim: - Preparing Datashader release - SciPy tutorial (July 11-17, 2022) proposal due 2/15 (talk deadline 2/11) - Maxime: - Finishing Grabcut example - Released GeoViews 1.9.3 - Conda-forge release stalled; Philipp will bump it - PyConDE/PyData Berlin submission? - pyctdev PR https://github.com/pyviz-dev/pyctdev/pull/82 open; seems mergeable - Jean-Luc: - Deployments need restarting to pick up the new certs - Need to see if the lambda can be improved to check the SSL to catch this in future - Need to streamline nbsite's thumbnail handling to simplify envt requirements - Philipp: - Working on Panel, particularly reviewing PRs - Panel branch-1.0 can now be used with the bokeh branch-3.0 (or the new dev release), though there are lots of CSS and compatibility issues to work through - hvPlot needs a release with mpl/plotly support Agenda: - Project priorities - Streamlit/Panel blog post from Marc? # 2021-12-06 Triaging meeting - Jim working on getting Datashader tests working prior to preparing new release - Philipp focusing on releasing Panel 0.12.6, hopefully today or tomorrow - Marc working on AI/ML applications for Panel (flexible inputs (images, videos, etc.) and outputs incrementally displayed) - Jean-Luc focusing on examples.pyviz.org deployments - Adding pre-computed thumbnails for all projects - Dealing with problems found in current projects - Maxime: - updated colorcet to use pydata sphinx theme - Adding Pandas warning fix (and other warnings fixes) to hv - Need to cherrypick warning fix and geoviews/cartopy slowdown fix - hv 1.14.7 release ready after that - When do we dub Panel worthy of 1.0? - Jim: It's already used in production and has tens or hundreds of thousands of users; what are we waiting for? - Philipp: Want to do some API cleanup, docs cleanup, and implement a `panel deploy` command - Docs cleanup can be done at any time, but it makes sense to tie API cleanup to the Bokeh 3.0 release, to avoid two iterations of breaking changes # 2021-11-29 Triaging meeting - Jim released colorcet 3.0.0, with 23 new colormaps - Jim to write release notes for holoviews 1.14.7 - Maxime to write function to suppress HoloViews warnings from Pandas and apply it to uses of astype - After that fix, the team will release HoloViews 1.14.7 - Jean-Luc to focus on finishing examples.pyviz.org deployments and website updates * Need to address endpoint declaration issue or use heuristic - Philipp releasing Panel 0.12.6 and working on Lumen/Lumen Builder - Jim triaging Datashader # 2021-11-15 Triaging meeting - Philipp: - Fixing lack of "tight" option for MPL that was causing huge whitespace around Datashader plots - Reviewing HV issues in prep for point release - Jim: - Trying to release Colorcet; debugging CI - Fixed regression on HV - Maxime: - Made new separate GrabCut example - Annotators broken on GeoViews - Jean-Luc: - Working on opticon tool for managing deployments # 2021-11-12 HoloViz meeting - Jim: - Working on releasing colorcet; struggling with CI - Maxime: - Working on Matplotlib and Plotly backends for hvPlot; finding various issues on HoloViews - Philipp: - Headaches from upgrading Tabulator 4->5 in Panel - Starting to focus on Lumen again - Starting to prepare Panel 0.12.5 release - Marc: - Working on possible extensions to the Pandas and Scikit-image docs - Jean-Luc: - Working on automating deployment from examples.pyviz.org to pyviz.demo.anaconda.com ### Fixing examples doc building - Doc building on examples.pyviz.org is painful. - Can we simplify it by requiring manual thumbnail creation? - It's a problem for examples.pyviz because of needing independent environments per project. - Should generate thumbnails for existing projects, then disable that support. - Needs a new config option to avoid evaluating notebooks, so that we can separate notebook running envts from doc building envts # 2021-11-01 Triaging meeting - Jim: - HoloViews clearly needs triaging - examples.pyviz.org status? # 2021-10-25 Triaging meeting - Jim: - Param released; will announce when ready on conda defaults - Need to remind PyData Global participants - Jean-Luc: - Will demo deployment manager on Friday - Cleaning up deployments - Maxime: - Working on pyviz.org - Trying to fix Datashader CI, which requires fixing nbsmoke and releasing it - Debugging GeoViews dependence on the name "geometry" - Marc: - Building a library of Panel components: https://github.com/marcskovmadsen/panel-components ; see https://www.youtube.com/embed/ufrDZnZ3Jwc - Should think about how to handle user contributed components, a la https://www.webcomponents.org , and how much curation is desired or required ## Python dependency management - Maxime: Should Panel (and hvPlot?) have a guide for users to pin their dependencies so that they avoid breakage on upgrades, particularly for deployments? Just putting some advice there seems like it could be useful. Maybe put best practices on holoviz.org and link to it from other projects? - Rate of development on HoloViews, given that it is now mainly a basis for hvPlot and used in Panel examples, but with fewer new features: - Focus on it specifically in triaging meetings, so that we address bugs reported faster? - Same issue definitely applies to GeoViews, and somewhat to hvPlot (but for different reasons, mainly that neither has much code) - Looked at issue open/close/remaining data: - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/param - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/holoviews - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/panel - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/geoviews - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/hvplot - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/datashader - https://9-volt.github.io/bug-life/?repo=holoviz/colorcet # 2021-10-18 Triaging meeting - Jim: - Need Param release by Wednesday - Jean-Luc: - Working on deployment automation - Maxime: - Developing Zarr chunk viewer - Philipp: - Panel also needs matching release for compatibility? # 2021-10-15 HoloViz meeting - Jim: - PyData Global dashboarding workshop went well; lots of good discussion and information that lets people compare the various alternatives. - Jean-Luc: - Working on tool for managing deployments - Maxime: - Debugging nbsmoke (needed for Datashader CI) # 2021-10-15 HoloViz meeting - Jim: - Jim recorded Param webinar for airing 10/20 - Param needs a 1.12.0 release between now and then - Goal should be to support and document only the 2.0 API (while not breaking compatibility) - 2.0 release should follow soon-ish after, removing the old APIs - Philipp: - Need a Panel patch release ASAP (or workaround in Param) upon Param release - Marc: - Nice response to streaming panel tweet - Looking at wrapping button types across many libraries # 2021-10-11 Triaging meeting - Marc: Would be nice to have panel examples in the style of shiny.rstudio (panel issue #803) - Philipp: - Fixing capitalization issue in nbsite reported by Maxime - Change panel name? Renamed. - Improving the panel homepage: - Want short examples at the top of the page, longer further down (GIFs on top, videos lower) # 2021-10-04 Triaging meeting - Jean-Luc: - Param user guide: avoid __call__ in getting started - Will file PR tweaking discussion of Parameter `name` - Maxime: - Filed Param PR to fix up docs - Philipp: - Working on Param PR - Jim: - Working on Param 2.0 API - Marc: - Helping out on discourse - Param subobject semantics - If a parameterized's subobject changes but its underlying parameter value hasn't changed from the previous object, should it trigger an event? I.e., is that "changed", or not? - Param 2.0 discussion - # 2021-10-01 HoloViz meeting - Jim: - Jim to merge Param doc PR and build site - Philipp to rebase his open PR - Jim added Bokeh comms doc for Panel - Working on Param 2.0 API prior to webinar - Maxime: - Making small fixes - Jean-Luc: - Still working on examples.pyviz deployments - Philipp: - Recovering from a spate of releases and fixes to do with Bokeh 2.4 # 2021-09-27 Triaging meeting - Jim working on Param 2.0 API, cleaning up Param issues in the process - Philipp to release nbsite 0.7.0 - Jean-Luc working on examples.pyviz deployments - Marc: Lots of activity in the discourse - Mateusz needs to update jupyter_bokeh and release - Philipp to update ipywidgets_bokeh - Marc proposes to make [Panel components](https://github.com/panel-components) be a real repo and infrastructure, with a high-level motivation and guidelines and simple examples (and maybe a cookie cutter) # 2021-09-20 Triaging meeting - geoviews needs rebuilding to work with Bokeh 2.4: Philipp - Philipp to make another Panel patch release to address remaining Bokeh 2.4 issue - Jim to work on the one remaining Param user guide - Philipp to reply to Param#520 about JSON nesting and/or schedule a meeting - Jean-Luc to deploy examples.pyviz - Maxime to continue fixing infrastructure - Marc to continue updating sites to work with Bokeh 2.4 # 2021-09-17 HoloViz meeting - Jim finished Dynamic Param guide; one more to go. - Released Panel 0.12.2, tied to Bokeh 2.4 - .show() gives an error even though the tests pass; probably need 0.12.3 soon. - Released HoloViews 1.14.6 on conda with Bokeh 2.4 compatibility fix, then manually on pip - Still struggling with hv docs build - Some hv tests are transient/flaky - Need to check in with Mateusz to see how they handle those in Bokeh - hv mac develop install on Mac is failing in doit. Workaround is in place, but need to address the real problem. ## Postmortem on Bokeh 2.4 release - Panel: - Philipp's plan was to have an immediate 0.12.2 release - Release branch was _almost_ ready, but there were problems remaining on that branch (e.g. https://github.com/holoviz/panel/issues/2726, which appears to be a hole in the test suite) - Next time, need a Panel rc tagged once Bokeh has an rc, but _before_ Bokeh's release, to reveal such problems. - Once we have such an rc, should tell Bokeh team that we've done it. - HoloViews: - Philipp had cherrypicked a couple of fixes he knew were needed for 2.4 into an hv hotfix release branch - Philipp's plan was to release from that branch when Bokeh was released - hv test suite was broken, covering up issues with Bokeh 2.4 compatibility - Also wasn't testing with 2.4 anyway - We need to keep better tabs on CI. Change Monday triaging meetings to address CI before doing any triaging? - Also need to evaluate our CI approach wrt master or dev versions of packages -- how can we test both current releases and (_separately_) bleeding edge? - Once we have CI healthier, next time should make a proper RC after the Bokeh rc, not just having a partially tested hotfix branch. - Bokeh: - There was only 24h between the first rc and the full release. That doesn't give us much time to evaluate anything. - Need to discuss with Bokeh team. # 2021-09-06 HoloViz meeting - Discussed Philipp's/Maxime's recent work on hvplot. * Discussed having a way to toggle between bokeh/matplotlib in the docs, both per plot and globally. * Discussed automatically enumerating all options per backend in the docs. * Discussed writing a matplotlib example that outputs a GIF/publication quality plot. - Philipp suggested cutting another HoloViews minor release to re-enable Bokeh's WebGL support now that it is working well again. - Decided that old panel versions should be yanked off PyPI due to the problem of specifying working Bokeh pins. - Marc showed how he used Panel + Reactive HTML to make an interactive SVG schematic. Offered to work on a gallery example. # 2021-08-30 Triaging meeting - Philipp and Maxime to triage Panel - Jean-Luc to address https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/183 - Jim to work on Param docs # 2021-08-27 Internal huddle - Updating the holoviz package now that it's pinning ancient versions * [x] Jean-Luc to remove pip version * [x] Jean-Luc to remove pins in conda package * [x] Jean-Luc to release unpinned conda package * [ ] Website will need editing to avoid mentioning the package or mention it as a generic metapackage - [ ] Need to deploy, build website, and announce exoplanets - Major relevant issues at https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues: * [Deploying examples.pyviz.org live notebooks and apps](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/183) * [Monitoring deployments](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/184) * [Formatting of main page](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/185) - Others needing attention: * [Census example spatial indexing](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/178) * [Voila GPX viewer USGS link dead](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/177) * [Gull tracking data download problem](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/176) * [Seattle lidar notebook dask client issue](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/175) * [OSM example spatialpandas issue](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/174) * [Land use classification intake-xarray issue](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/173) * [IEX_stocks notebook TypeError](https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/issues/172) # 2021-08-23 Triaging meeting - Jim and Blythe to triage SO - Philipp to release holoviews - Maxime to triage misc projects # 2021-08-20 HoloViz meeting ## Blythe - Finished work on examples ## Maxime - Been working on param issues - Switched param to nose and github actions - Soon to be working on Panel tasks ## Jim - Working on Param docs ## Philipp - Supporting clients - hvPlot GUI: nearly done apart from the gridded version - Adding profiling/debugging interface to Panel ## Agenda - Native apps: Jean-Luc to investigate - Browser-based apps: Bryan is proposing changes to Bokeh # 2021-08-16 Triaging meeting - Welcome, Maxime! - PyData Global submissions: - Marc: Highly interactive data apps with Panel (Panel introl) - Philipp: hvPlot .interactive + Panel - Jim: HoloViz tutorial - Dashboarding workshop? - Triaging - Marc and Philipp to triage Panel # 2021-08-09 Triaging meeting - Philipp and Marc to triage Panel - Jean-Luc and Pam triaged HoloViews - Jim and Blythe triaged examples.pyviz.org, holoviz.org, and param, bringing them all up to date # 2021-08-06 HoloViz meeting Updates: ## Pam: - easing back into things ## Blythe: - Working on examples.pyviz.org ## Jean-Luc: - Busy on client work ## Philipp - Working on Panel 0.12.1 release - Working on Lumen; need to announce - hvPlotExplorer - In progress ## Agenda - holoviz.org - Jean-Luc making website fixes - Pangeo work - Adding a matplotlib backend to hvPlot - Documenting and polishing hvPlot .interactive - Can we run pandas/xarray's own test suite for a .interactive object? - Panel.holoviz.org splash page # 2021-08-02 Triaging meeting - examples.pyviz.org needs help - Blythe has been reviewing/updating - Jim/Jean-Luc/Blythe to review projects - Philipp and Jean-Luc investigating formatting issues at examples.pyviz.org # 2021-07-26 Triaging meeting - Changelog maintenance - For holoviews/panel/hvplot, currently triply duplicated between toplevel CHANGELOG.md, doc/releases.md, and Github releases page. - Typical current workflow (if after a release): 1. git log v0.7.2..v0.7.3 (presumably replacing v0.7.3 with "master" or a release branch name, if unreleased?) 2. edit CHANGELOG.md to summarize changes 3. copy release notes to doc/releases.md, changing heading levels 4. copy release notes to github releases - Proposed policy: - Some HoloViz packages will continue to have not changelogs - For those that do have them, will continue with the current triply duplicated approach, owned by Philipp and Jean-Luc - Try to get rid of any remaining .rst - Replace doc/releases.md with symlink to top-level CHANGELOG.md? (Jean-Luc) - How can we maintain instructions for using Dask and GPU dataframes and arrays with our code? We have examples scattered, but doing it properly requires bifurcating all our stuff but with tiny changes in certain difficult-to-predict locations. - No good suggestions yet. # 2021-07-23 HoloViz meeting The Holoviz tutorial at SciPy'21 (and later at ESIP'21) went smoothly. Seems like focusing on hvPlot .plot and .interactive is working well! Lots of small improvements needed, but the basic idea seems sound, easily communicated, and not crazy to support. Definitely need something like dim() or other transforms at some point. From here, the priority items are: 1. Update holoviz.org (Jean-Luc): - Use released versions now that hvPlot 0.7.3 has been released - Fix the interactivity warning - Rebuild website 2. SpatialPandas quick fixes (Philipp) 3. Finish Param manual (Jim) 4. Param 2.0 release (Jean-Luc and Jim) 5. SpatialPandas sustainability: Pandas issues, overlap with GeoPandas/Awkward (Maxime) # 2021-07-19 Triaging meeting - Philipp walked Pam, Blythe and Jean-Luc through the process of converting CI from travis to GitHub actions for holoviz.org. # 2021-07-09 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - HoloViz ecosystem status: - Panel release delayed until next week - hvPlot dev released - Param full released 1.11.0 and 1.11.1 - Bokeh 2.3.3 released - SciPy tutorial - To be built on dev releases of hvPlot, HoloViews, and Panel - Working on https://github.com/holoviz/holoviz/pull/283 # 2021-06-28 Triaging meeting - Jim preparing Param release - In June triaging meetings Philipp and Marc have been triaging Panel, and Jean-Luc has been working with Blythe on pyviz/examples - Philipp is triaging Panel in prep for release # 2021-06-26 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - SciPy tutorial instructions - Now based on anaconda-project, which is making them much cleaner - Jean-Luc to finish, then send to Blythe for QA, then Jim for approval - .interactive example for SciPy - Needs getattr fixes in .interactive and dim expressions - Already merged in hvplot and holoviews - Philipp to send out example dashboard - Releases prior to SciPy - Need hvplot and hv dev releases ASAP - Also need panel 0.12 full release - Memoization/caching in Panel/Param - Depends on comparison (to see if a value has changed) - Hashing is the only viable approach - No existing hashing code appears directly reusable - Memoization itself ## Marc updates ### Panel - panel-chemistry NGL Viewer seems popular - Working on Tabulator Fast Styling (.css sheet) - Platforms & Integrations are important - ContainDS - Lux ### Param - Working on Promo Video ### Discourse - Lots of good but complex questions. Who can answer? ### Awesome-Panel - Difficult to serve "site" with meta data, menu, gallery etc and something where users can download indivial examples. ### Dream of - Speeding up (Fast) Templates - Themes just working for Tabulator, Plotly, Matplotlib for Default and Dark Themed Templates etc - Matplotlib and Echarts with Events - panel-trading package - Panel 0.12 release :-) # 2021-06-22 SciPy Tutorial Prep ## Updates - Philipp - [x] Working on getitem for .interactive. A mess. - Needs to make it work in the next couple of days or revert to using pn.bind - Jean-Luc - [x] Finishing anaconda-project setup - [ ] Add repr for bound objects, param.bind - Blythe - Will review work as generated by others - Jim - Will make final pass to make the overall story coherent - Pam - [x] Working on intro/motivation # 2021-06-15 SciPy Tutorial Prep ## Action items - Jean-Luc - [x] Reorder material and open PR - [x] Review plotting tutorial and make minor tweaks - [x] Rework composing plots to include link selections - Pam - [x] Provide feedback on revised plotting tutorial - [x] Think about simplifying story for introduction/overview - Blythe - [x] Provide feedback on exercises and installation instructions - Philipp - [x] Making a new example with a solid story about using .interactive to build an app, then and pass around for feedback and decision - [x] Make PR(s) to support range filtering in interactive - [x] Start reworking Panel tutorial section # 2021-06-11 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Triggering Events in HoloViews Overlays - Scope of Panel itself vs. user-contributed packages: - Should we have a contrib folder? Associated repo? Extensions repo? Ideally would be something discoverable, but not required to be maintained by the HoloViz team directly. - Maybe put into github.com/panelorg (already owned by Philipp)? We'd need to give permissions for external contributors to have a repo there, but that seems ok. ## Updates - Jean-Luc - Working on tutorial packaging tasks - Blythe - Coming up to speed on HoloViz tools - Marc - FastTemplate improvements. - Contributor added persisting layout (per browser) to the React template; Marc copied that support into FastTemplate - Showcasing branding/style changes. Exports template instantiation example, with the user-selected settings - Bokeh regression: sizing_mode='both' seems to have issues in the latest release; need to pin them down. Mateusz is looking at it. - For Panel-Chemistry, currently wrapping an object already available as an ipywidget. Should we continue to make a Panel widget in such cases? Maybe we can improve the ipywidget support in general and avoid having to make separate versions. - [Matplotlib interactivity in Panel](https://github.com/holoviz/panel/issues/2349) (then HoloViews and hvPlot later) - Jim - Released Datashader 0.13.0 - Need to write Datashader blog post cover 0.12.1 and 0.13.0 - Gave recorded talk at AnacondaCon about viz libraries in general; announced DS Matplotlib support - Philipp - Released spatialpandas 0.4.1 - Released pyviz_comms 2.0.2 (and JLab extension) to fix ipywidgets rendering in notebooks - JupyterLab extension with a preview button - Refactored and merged Panel Terminal - Working on GridStack layout (like the Grid templates but dynamic) - # 2021-05-28 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - SciPy tutorial prep - packaging: Jean-Luc - [x] Make an anaconda-project with existing dependencies (from defaults channels) and test that - [x] Update to latest versions - [ ] fix any minor issues with the tutorial - [ ] Decide where to put the project (anaconda.org? github release?) - [ ] Update instructions and website - [ ] Unpin holoviz metapackage and make final release - [x] Jim and Philipp to review current content - Jim and Philipp's tutorial outline proposal: - [ ] Limit overview/demo to 10 min (hard!) - [x] Basic Plotting first (.plot and hvPlot) - Go to exercise immediately, for plotting - [x] Composing Plots (and link_selections?) - Exercise? - [x] New material: .interactive (not interact()), to add one or more widgets - New Exercise - [x] Quickly turn what you have so far into a .servable() dashboard - [x] New: Overview of Panel (general (not tied to a plotting library), plus components, pn.bind, layouts, .show(), serve, etc., motivated each time by what they let the user do - [x] New Panel content outlining easy path to a fancy templated app (link_selections, inspect_points (maybe), some form of drilldown) - [x] Final app should illustrate some most-useful, most-approachable subset of the available mechanisms - [x] Other content can go into a separate set of tutorials (listed on the same index page, but in a separate section) # 2021-05-28 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - SciPy tutorial prep - Jim to set up recurring meeting until then - Need to revisit: - Lazy data guide - scatter_matrix PR - Ibis backend ## Updates - Maxime: - Welcome! To join team in August. - Jim: - Working on Datashader and Param releases. - Jean-Luc: - Bugfixing hv - Overlay issue? To file. - Fixing broken pyviz.org badges - Philipp: - Released hvPlot and HoloViews - Switched to pytest and dropped py2 support for HoloViews and dropped deprecated functionality - Working on Panel release # 2021-05-24 Triaging meeting - Jim updating examples.pyviz.org issues - Jim triaging Datashader and Param issues that are release blockers - Pam looking over https://github.com/holoviz/param/milestones/v1.10.2 for tractable issues and then diving into the HoloViz tutorial materials # 2021-05-17 Triaging meeting - Pam and Jim to address the param milestone - Jean-Luc to add Lumen to status.holoviz.org, look into why pyviz.org badges are showing "invalid" for some pypi sites, and triage hv - Philipp to triage hv # 2021-05-14 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - SciPy tutorial prep ## Updates - Jim: - Working on CZI grant for Bokeh - Philipp: - Working on Param release - Lots of Panel issues - Readying Lumen for a proper launch - Kim: - Welcome back! - Marc: - Working on Fast template; PR is ready - Fixed the template sidebar. Responsive, also? - Fast gallery and menu? - Pam: - Welcome back! - New example of Panel pipeline in Quansight blog: https://www.quansight.com/post/building-a-panel-pipeline - Pierre: - Welcome! - Has worked with Pam and Kim and Hugues-Yanis using the various HoloViz tools - Background includes SQL, public transport # 2021-05-10 Triaging meeting - status.holoviz.org needs updating to list GH Actions, not Travis or Appveyor. Would be nice to show # of untriaged issues and open PRs on each project - Jim triaged colorcet (no actions needed beyond pinging one PR author) and param (now up to date for triaging and needing a new release) - Jean-Luc to address anaconda-project locking issue on examples.pyviz.org - Philipp and Marc to triage Panel # 2021-05-03 Triaging meeting - Marc quickly triaged Panel urgent issues, if any - Jim and Pam triaged holoviz.org and examples.pyviz.org issues; all now triaged! - Jean-Luc and Kim started fixing the boids project on examples.pyviz.org # 2021-04-30 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - PyCon Israel talk - Jim presented HoloViews+Panel - +/ for hierarchical layouts? - Jean-Luc to make a plan - CSS layouts for Bokeh - Philipp to organize with Mateusz: - Design document (BEP?) - First steps - Final deliverables - SciPy prep - packaging - Jim to review open issues - Philipp to review current state - Marc updates - working on Binder - working on better support for Panel in containds - Thinking about dash-labs - Thinking about Streamlit forms - Thinking about Dash Pyodide # 2021-04-26 Triaging meeting - Jim, Pam, and Jean-Luc addressing open issues on examples.pyviz.org - Marc and Philipp discussed Panel # 2021-04-16 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Panel modals in notebooks - Not currently allowed; requires template in Bokeh server - Is there a way to have some expandable area in the notebook output that display the content that would be in a modal, allowing development in a notebook but still supporting deployment as a template? - Philipp has some things he can try - Mateusz: Support hover tooltip on Bokeh widgets (or some larger class if appropriate) - Outstanding issues requiring releases ## Updates - Marc: - New themes are great; look good and work well - New user experience; getting started is difficult - New terminal and tqdm support for Panel; waiting on final review - Released panel-highcharts and panel-sketch. p-h is working well and seems quite usable. p-s is more of a sketch still. - Jean-Luc: - Website wrapper as a landing page instead of diving into the docs? - Add little example slideshow (with next) to the main page, to give concrete bits, as intros for our website? - Helping improve Lumen - Philipp: - Considering working on Deck backend for GeoViews - Lots of website/docs infrastructure work; mystnb, pydata-sphinx-theme - Working on Lumen Builder - Jim: Please put AE5 Monitor as a Lumen example - Jim: - Working on Param docs - Gave talk and brainstorming session on Lumen - Working on dynspread and various issues reported on holoviz.org, examples.pyviz, datashader, etc. # 2021-04-12 HoloViz meeting (ad hoc) ## Agenda - Website infrastructure - MyST: Extend Sphinx to allow .md where we have been using .rst - MySTNB: Extend Sphinx to parse notebooks as .md instead of .rst with embedded HTML blobs, preserving more of the .md structure (headers, etc.) as well as supporting MyST directives - jupyter-sphinx: Called by MySTNB to run notebooks and populate the output cells (but we use nbconvert for that). Maybe also still used my MySTNB to parse the executed output? - jupyter{book}: Sphinx theme (which we are not using) + registers various extensions (MySTNB, etc.) + an HTML to PDF converter (probably not relevant for our needs, overall) - pydata-sphinx-theme: From Pandas originally, used by Bokeh (now no longer a fork), tentatively used in Panel dev, Param - nbsite: - patching links between notebooks (no longer needed when using MySTNB) and adding anchors for class names - populates doc/ with .rst stubs that embed notebook content from examples/ - auto-generates the API docs/ reference manual (how is that done for bokeh,pandas?) - provides a Sphinx directive that can be used in a .rst file (or now .md) to embed a notebook with special HoloViz options: - slicing off the first heading or other code using an offset - allows the interactivity warning to be disabled - gallery (similar to what's available in sphinx-gallery; not clear whether we can adapt to use that instead) - Generates index.html redirect pages to provide short links for example pages. - Support for examples.pyviz.org (.zip links, etc.) - binder support? - Copying assets from examples to doc/ - sphinx-paramdoc (support for API docs for Parameterized; could move to Param?) - datashader website (mpl output still broken) # 2021-03-19 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - CZI Grant - Python 3.9: Could add GH Action target for colorcet; others waiting on ecosystem (e.g. Numba). Should open some PRs with 3.9 tests enabled, and see when it's ready to use. - Website template - All agreed that the new one on the Lumen and Param websites was an improvement, especially for mobile users, but needs a bit of work ## Updates - Jim: - Nada - Philipp: - Lumen webinar happened, along with lumen 0.3 - Released gv 1.9 - Fixed Param website - Release Panel 0.11.1 (fixes for binder) - Panel 0.12 release mid-April (ReactiveHTML) - Jean-Luc: - Improving hv error message for people who try `sum(layout)`, steering them to `Layout(layout)` - Pam: - Working on lazy data doc. Need to add Ibis examples somewhere and link to them. - scatter_matrix PR has tests failing - Kim: - Working to move colorcet to GH Actions. The plotting module is failing on py27. but can be fixed. https://github.com/holoviz/colorcet/pull/66 # 2021-03-05 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Recent releases: - Bokeh 2.3 - Panel 0.11 - HoloViews 1.14.2 - hvPlot 0.7.1 - Jim to ping Jon about HoloData progress ## Updates - Jim: - Working on contracts and interviewing - Fixing Datashader for raster input - Stuck on Datashader and Param docs builds - Philipp: - Gearing up to release Lumen; webinar https://know.anaconda.com/FlexibleMonitoringApp-LP.html - ReactiveHTML PR for Panel - Kim: - Colorcet CI on GitHub Actions - in progress, slowly - pytest mpl plugin is tricky to handle - missing package (only included in `test_extras` because its pip only) - https://github.com/matplotlib/pytest-mpl - Throws the warning: `/home/travis/build/holoviz/colorcet/colorcet/tests/test_matplotlib.py:37: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare` for colorcet pytests - the `test_extras` are included for the conda build + test, but the "regular" tests throw the above warning. - How the packages listed in `test` and `test_extras` are installed in different ways once deep inside doit... very confusing. - Outcome: for colorcet at least, explicitly install pytest-mpl on CI before running the tests - Pam: - Worked on scatter_matrix datashading; will ping for review - Made edits to lazy data doc and should finish those up today; will ping when done - Jean-Luc: - Worked on releases - Working on inspect vs. link_selections # 2021-03-08 Triaging meeting - Jim to release Datashader today to fix xarray raster issue # 2021-03-01 Triaging meeting - Panel and HoloViews to be released today for Bokeh compatibility - Pam to triage datashader - Kim to answer discourse questions - Marc and Philipp to finalize Panel blogpost and release notes # 2021-02-22 Triaging meeting - Marc and Kim triaged Panel, triaging most of the remaining bits; not all issues have milestones but they at least have labels - Jean-Luc and Pam to skim the new HoloViews website build and look for problems, then triaged some HoloViews issues # 2021-02-19 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Status of Ibis backend docs * Ping Tony; discuss with Pam ## Updates - Jim: - Stuck trying to debug Datashader docs building - Job ad for a new HoloViz developer approved # 2021-02-15 Triaging meeting - SciPy 2021 submissions? * Jim to submit tutorial * Jean-Luc to make first pass at one covering new interactive features (link_selections (submitted to SciPy 2020 but not presented), inspect, .interactive()) * Marc to consider submitting a user-focused talk/demo about Panel applications - Jim and Jean-Luc triaged Autover, merging one open PR, closing one, and addressing issues with another. Only two open PRs left! - Philipp and Marc triaged Panel # 2021-02-08 Triaging meeting - Pursuing NumFocus membership? - Jim and Pam to continue triaging Datashader - Jean-Luc to triage HoloViews - Philipp and Marc to triage Panel # 2021-02-05 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Tile source issues - Need to update examples to avoid Wikipedia tiles? - Need to fix or replace Stamen labels. - HoloData update / HoloViews v2 branch timing. Current plan: https://hackmd.io/@hRpHzIHYRN6MbtBd-S3v0Q/HJjdQUOeu ## Updates - Jim: Recovering. Trying to get approval for adding a full-time member to the HoloViz group. Have approval for a summer intern. - Philipp: Working on bokeh 2.3 compatibility; so far so good. Due for release next week. Panel 0.11/0.10.4 in the works. HoloViews 1.14 ready whenever Bokeh releases. Need a new GeoViews release. - Jon: HoloData refactoring experiments, discussions, planning. - Pam: Made a little progress on the hvplot.scatter_matrix PR. Saw that Jean-Luc commented, need to address those. Edited the lazy data doc, still need to add examples. - Jean-Luc: has been improving inspect_points and making operations support dictionaries for streams # 2021-02-01 Triaging meeting - Jim to continue triaging Datashader - Marc to triage Panel - Pam and Jean-Luc to continue triaging hvPlot - Philipp to work on Panel release, including pinning older versions in repodata.json to indicate incompatibility with bokeh 2.3 and later # 2021-01-25 Triaging meeting - Tenative support for OHLC/candlestick plot type in HoloViews, but it would be nice to have some more general abstraction - Github Actions: Colorcet still needs migrating; others still not quite complete (hvPlot, GeoViews) - holoviz package: - Jim and Kim triaged Datashader; lots to still do. - Marc and Philipp reviewed open PRs on Panel. Filed new issues that need to be addressed before merging the PRs - Pam and Jean-Luc triaged hvPlot; lots still to triage # 2021-01-23 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Discussion: what sort of thing should go in Panel? - e.g. [Geogebra](https://discourse.holoviz.org/t/geogebra-in-a-panel-pane-anybody-want-to-play-there-is-a-javascript-api/1684) or [JSME Editor](https://jsme-editor.github.io/dist/JSME_test.html)? - Set out principles in dev docs: compositional etc. - How to split the docs? - Bokeh docs: Creating custom models - Panel docs: Wrapping Bokeh models with param - Create cookiecutter for creating Panel/Bokeh extension - Fast templates - ReactiveHTML - Need to think about security issues; need docs for guiding users to avoid connecting text input widgets to components that execute code ## Updates - Jim/Jean-Luc/Philipp: - Have been working on a new ship_tracking example for examples.pyviz.org; see https://github.com/pyviz-topics/examples/pull/130 - Pam: - Pushed lazy data notebook - Marc: - Pushed FastTemplate # 2021-01-18 Triaging meeting Instead of triaging today, we brainstormed about big issues holding back HoloViz uptake: - ipywidgets: no one knows about our support, so our tools aren't considered part of Jupyter - hvPlot interactive: massive power, needs some tweaks for Pandas, no one knows about it - Lumen: vast reach, huge new potential userbase, usable but not ready yet - hvPlot not supporting Matplotlib/plotly holds back uptake for .plot users. - Param user guide is missing; people needing to do anything with Param hit a dead end - Debugging complex Panel apps: Easy to get started with an app, but can be a huge time sink to figure out how to get _everything_ working - Docs: Reference Gallery is great, but other docs are hard to find what I need. User experience of our docs is overwhelming; there's lots of stuff, hard to get a specific question answered. For older tools StackOverflow has that format, but it takes years to build up this Q/A database. - people not knowing about holoviz (or a particular tool that solves their problem) at all - gap between hvplot and rest of HoloViz tools -hard for holoviews users to work with hvplot users - overwhelming websites/docs - many styles of example with different approaches, mostly historical and no longer recommended, making the experience of a new user bewildering. E.g. really people should be using pn.bind in most cases, but there are tons of other ways to tie Panel widgets to Python code... # 2021-01-08 HoloViz meeting ## Agenda - Status updates - Triaging - Need developer docs updated - Panel 0.11 release planning - Tabulator - Loading indicators on components - FastTemplate? - Marc's widgets (Philipp to review) - Community Survey? - Should we do it? Yes. - HoloViz vs. Panel? HoloViz. - Philipp to make a first draft/sketch/brainstorm - Proposal for streams and parameters on DynamicMap - Jean-Luc to file issue with proposal as an alternative to: ```python def callback(a, b, x, y): return hv.Curve() hv.DynamicMap(pn.bind(callback, a=widgeta, b=widgetb, x=tap.param.x, y=tap.param.y)) ``` ## Updates - Jim: - Busy using HoloViz rather than developing it; will be able to show some good examples that came out of that soon. - Marc: - Added new Panel text to speech widgets; try em out! - Added FastStyler (customizing template UI from widgets) - Lots of people joining our Discourse forum - Cool progress on streaming - Created [Awesome-Analytics-Apps-Template](https://github.com/MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-analytics-apps-template) (see [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/embed/QmwSyQqkKvI)) - Pam: - New lazy data doc ready for review - Should make it a PR on HoloViews user guide - - Jean-Luc: - Been using HoloViz heavily, and coming up with ideas for better Panel/HoloViews integration/support - Jon: - Still thinking about holo/data - Philipp: - Lots of migration from Travis-CI to GH Actions - Released pyviz_comms 2.0 with support for JLab 3.0 - Merged [Tabulator](https://pyviz-dev.github.io/panel/reference/widgets/Tabulator.html#widgets-gallery-tabulator) into Panel - Exploring wrapping of arbitrary HTML (and Webcomponents) with new DataModel - Released Datashader 0.12 - Added support for async callbacks on `.param.watch` - Exploring writing [Jupyter Server ExtensionApp](https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter_server/tree/master/examples/simple) to run Bokeh server on Jupyter Kernel # 2021-01-01 Triaging meeting - Should we add a community survey? - Priorities for Panel: - Easier transition for new contributors - How to integrate new templates? - Easier debugging experience - Layout performance - Custom HTML callbacks and data transfer - Panel 0.11: - Loading indicators - More templates? - Fast (with or without widget) (probable 0.12) # 2020 minutes See https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/holoviz2020