HoloViz meetings HoloViz meetings are usually for general planning and status discussions. See https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/BygVgIC6L for the triaging checklist, and https://status.holoviz.org for the list of projects to triage.
2025-03-25 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Isaiah, Philipp, Simon, Andrew, Demetris, Mateusz
Releases Status
Last Release
Next Release
Current Status/Plans
Jan 2025
In progress: fix doc regression, type checking, rc as soon as remaining PRs merged
Feb 2025
Blocked by: Waiting on Bokeh 3.7 release; Fixed existing text editor component; busy with panel-material-ui; rc already out; release tomorrow
Feb 2025
Waiting on big table lookup work (PR open waiting for review). Metadata lookup almost done. UI being updating. Maybe sometime next week
Mar 2025
In progress: Dendrogram, no triaging yet, will include selectors, considering dropping py 3.9
Dec 2024
release likely when Maxime is back to include new docs updates
Dec 2024
nothing planned. In the past, usually coupled with Bokeh releases, but no longer the case.
Dec 2024
PRs in review, no solid plans. Needs HoloViews release prior to param
Jan 2025
nothing planned
Feb 2025
nothing planned
Sep 2024
nothing planned
Bokeh release
SizeBar update: starting working on it, based on ColorBar spec. But turns out to be quite different. Inline plot implementation instead. Intended for 3.8.0
Lumen not on defaults?
Request already made to package team.. going to take some time.
hvsampledata on defaults. Yes!
Holonote on defaults? To be considered. No technical reason.. just not a high priority
HoloViz Triaging
Any decisions made yet or actions taken (stale-bot, new issue auto-labeling, etc)?
no agreement on stale bot
message bot - alerting maintainers of old issues?
Align minimal set of standardized labels across HoloViz
Isaiah will propose this set. Will post in holoviz/holoviz
GitHub has issue types now.. Panel has started this conversion.
Move some issues to discussions?
Maxime posted findings here
HoloViz Steering Committee coming up this Friday. Topics?
How to improve these meetings?
include HoloViz/Bokeh OSS community health metrics checks?
~30 second check-ins (per person)
- Philipp: Panel material UI. Lots of issues with layouts. Behaving pretty well now.
- Simon: HoloViews released and working on Dendrogram. Maintaining, CI. Working on versioning of docs website; progress being made, but limitations remain.
- Andrew: Lumen. Playing with JSComponent, wants to write blog post about it. Want to create a Panel extensions reference page in docs.
- Isaiah: hvPlot docs (NF) work, creating tutorials for people coming from Pandas/Xarray.
- Demetris: Working on Panel app for UMAP/tSNE/PCA FeatureMap. Incorporating datashader inspections soon.
- Mateusz: CZI keyboard support (3.8), thinking about creating an example UI for Anaconda (replicating Navigator in Bokeh) utilizing the CZI progress, could act as a test bed.. includes dependency graphs.
2025-03-11 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Andy, Jim, Maxime, Isaiah, Philipp, Simon, Andrew, Jean-Luc
Andrew submitted a Lumen talk
Panel 1.6.2 due; waiting on Bokeh 3.7.
Improvements mainly for panel-materialui
Need a 1.6 blog post
Considering upgrading QuillJS for the TextEditor component, though there's concern about breaking changes in a micro release
Philipp to investigate and decide
Lumen 0.9
Improvements for working with a data lake
Ready to start collecting release notes
Bokeh 3.7
hvsampledata 0.1
Initial version released
Gradual updates
New examples will use it
Planning for end of month
Triaging : Several HoloViz projects have thousands of issues open; what should we do?
Auto-close? It's rude for issues that people took the time to submit, but is it our only realistic option?
Isaiah: Looking forward, should add NEEDS-TRIAGE label automatically. For the backlog, could prompt user to comment on status, but then maintainer would have to close?
Mateusz: auto-closing is definitely rude. Mateusz currently goes through the entire set of issues on Bokeh every couple of months. Mateusz tries to deal with new issues ASAP, or else they get lost. Features either get prioritized quickly or closed as WONT-DO.
Jim: Can we have a label for a valid feature request that hasn't been implemented and probably never will, so that we can close the issue without marking it done or rejected? Such issues can then be searched if needed, but won't be distracting us as open.
Mateusz: Convert such features to GitHub Discussions?
Lumen plans
2025-02-25 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Andy, Jim, Maxime, Isaiah, Mateusz, Demetris, Philipp, Simon, Andrew
SciPy 2025
Lumen Tutorial?
Would have to be pitched at Python Coders to set up workflows for their non-technical colleagues
Lumen Talk?
Can reuse PyCon proposal
Andrew will decide
PyCon 2025
Snowflake Summit
PyData London
CfP closed yesterday
Maybe extended?
Lumen Marketing
Anaconda announcement
OSS channels
Philipp aiming to overhaul UI and then make bigger social media push, HN, Reddit, etc.
HoloViz Steering Committee Meeting scheduled for March 28th
Anaconda & Lumen Retrospective
Role of Lumen in HoloViz
Scott raised concern about organizational affiliation
Panel 1.6.1
Will fix get_ipython
errors asap in 1.6.2
Panel 1.6.2
spatialpandas 0.5.0
Released last week
Full compatibility with new dask scheduler (afawk)
Bokeh 3.7.0
WIP, RC tomorrow
introduced (Have to rename in Panel)
HoloViews 1.20.1
Released last week
Small regression introduced:
Still a few weeks out
work in progress
Various small bugs:
Simon implemented the package structure
Currently deciding on datasets to ship and ensure license/docs etc. are included
A few tasks left:
Manually verifying components
Setting up documentation infra
Writing more tests
Mobile Support
In Bokeh this was never explicitly
Page component does account for mobile experience
hvPlot + rx Discussion
Two separate issues:
Replacing .interactive
Using rx as arguments
2025-02-11 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Simon, Andy, Philipp, Isaiah, Demetris, Maxime, Mateusz, Jim, Andrew
Lumen Positioning
Press release is next week
Who is Lumen for?
OSS Developer Community not really the target audience
Enterprise use cases is more our market
Use cases
Quick exploration tool
Lumen AI is OSS but BSD licensed which means anyone, including us can build commercial products on top
Panel 1.6.1
Release by tomorrow
Plotly 6.0
Reverse Proxy
Bokeh 3.7.0
Originally scheduled for now, but no pressure for release
RC maybe in two weeks
Session reconnect
Glyph API typing
Maybe Philipp to hand over Andy maybe?
CZI Accessibility Grant:
Accessibility audit completed
Keyboard management
Accessibility (colors, icons, move various features from canvas to CSS to allow aria labels to apply)
Lumen 0.8.0
Lots of improvements before announcement
Release by EOW
Added support for latest dask
Small cleanup left before release and numba+python 3.13 testing
Aiming to replace every (base)-widget
Better mobile experience
Aiming for release by end of February
Scverse integration and new HoloViews elements (Simon leading with Philipp)
HoloViz Org, organization proposal (incubator, core, etc)
hvsampledata initialized by Simon via NumFOCUS funding.
Plan is to add it to defaults
Other HoloViz packages to adopt?
HoloViz Steering committee likely sometime in March
Next HoloViz deep dive, JLS will likely present on streams sometime in March
2025-02-05 NumFocus SDG / hvPlot docs Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Maxime
Simon: No work this week
Pause work on the Pandas AI guide
Comment on the Getting Started guide to address
2025-01-29 NumFocus SDG / hvPlot docs Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Maxime
Shared WIP repo with Maxime
Working on auto-generating type-hints (.pyi) for hvsampledata
Refactoring Getting Started being reviewed
Updated the Pandas API doc, PR to open
Started prototyping API doc, found and opened issues about signature/docstring
2025-01-22 NumFocus SDG / hvPlot docs Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Maxime
Simon: no update yet, work planned end of this week
Getting started refactored, almost ready to be shared in a PR
Migration to pixi merged
nbsite update to support latest pydata-sphinx-theme in a dev release
2025-01-15 NumFocus SDG / hvPlot docs Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Philipp, Andrew, Maxime
Simon's updates:
Been protyping the dataset package and its API
Wondering whether exposing or not parameters
to customize loading gridded data -> Better scratch this for now, potential future improvement
Close to opening a new repo
Isaiah's updates:
2025-01-14 HoloViz Meeting Attendees:
Panel Extensions
Add "Extensions" section to Component Gallery
Problem is that it's auto-generated
May have to ability to define extra sections in nbsite
Thumbnails stored in S3 bucket
AWS accessible via passkeys defined in 1Password
How to build and publish an extension
Blog Post:
Social Media
Accounts: HoloViz, HoloViews and Panel
Philipp to add HoloViews account credentials
Andrew to post on HoloViews account
Philipp to set up Panel and HoloViz
Will authenticate with DNS
Marc maintains Panel account
Lumen AI Release
pyviz_comms 3.0.4
Resolved issues rendering ipywidgets in latest JLab
Released today
Panel 1.6.0
Floating modal PR (Simon)
Target EOW
Lumen 0.7.0
Ready but blocked by Panel 1.6.0 release
AI dependencies not yet available on conda
instructor (available on conda-forge)
Andrew to make list of packages not available on conda-forge or default
Should it always be referred to as Lumen AI?
Split of AI and core spec half complete (links in header are duplicated)
Bokeh 3.7.0
RC in two weeks and full release shortly after
ToDo items:
Measurement tools
Try to get websocket re-connect PR in
CZI items:
Keyboard support
Status bar
CSS Changes postponed to 3.8 release
panel-material-ui 0.1
Working towards first release next week
Goal is API compatibility with equivalent Panel components
Datashader 0.17.0
Edge bundling
Dask compatibility check:
Someone should attempt to check against
Andy to check if test suite passes
Dask classic interface removal
Updating to new data backend likely not straightforward
2024-12-17 HoloViz Meeting Attendeees: Jim, Isaiah, Demetris, Simon, Isaiah, Andy, Philipp, Andrew
Blog Posts
What is the point of these examples?
Census 2020
What's the point?
Jim: It's an effective visualization, relevant to people since it relates to their day-to-day life
Would be nice to have a comparison between 2010 and 2020
New example shifts everything from datashader API -> hvPlot (notebook with output is likely HUGE!)
Panel Extension on conda
For PyPI we support using trusted publisher config
Create new holoviz
channel instead?
Should we migrate pyviz
conda channel to holoviz
Let's do it
We did set up the org:
Long term:
Bokeh CZI R6 Updates
Usability and accessibility fixes
Alt text and selectable text
Better conformance with CSS standards
Improving tool interactions
Keyboard handling, including shortcuts, tabbing/focus
Status bar to improve discoverability of affordances of tools
Early days, Mateusz working on a work plan
Quansight UI designer will start working on color palettes, contrast improvements
GH Policies for External Contributors
Was asked for clarification by Ross - outside collaborator for holoviz-topics/holoseq
No real concern expressed about merge/review, since we can't guarantee timely review
For "admin" actions, e.g. adding contributors we should not give access unless HoloViz votes to grant them
panel-neuroglancer 0.1.0
Param 2.2.0
hvPlot 0.11.2
GeoViews 1.14.0
Panel 1.5.5
.node_modules was included in 1.5.4, causing huge size of wheel
Other bug fixes
Bokeh 3.7
2024-12-06 HoloViz Steering Committee Attendees: Jim, Philipp, Dharhas, Sophia, Andy, Charlie, Simon, Scott, Isaiah, Mateusz, Maxime, Marc, Jean-Luc
holoseq: Agreed to move to holoviz-topics. Relevant to cancer researchers.
SDG: NumFOCUS funding focused on hvPlot Documentation
Lead: Maxime
10k total, quarter going to Simon. Working on packaging data sets for examples. Rest will be Isaiah working on various docs issues.
NSF: Submitted application for $200K or so of funding over three years
Support for unstructured grid plotting via uxarray.
If funded, big improvements possible in API and usability, avoiding unnecessary copies in memory etc.
May also include support for hexagonal grids.
Submitted, no ETA for approval.
Reached out to us with their representative, discussing possible grants.
Congrats to Sophia and Mridul to their election to the NumFOCUS board!
Process for extensions and incubation org
Panel Extensions Org
Panel 1.5 made it easier to create now components and extensions.
New org: https://github.com/orgs/panel-extensions/repositories
Added new templating project in spirit of cookie cutter
Agree on language to clarify level of support for these packages
Andrew considering adding a panel-langchain, webllm and fullcalendar extensions
Some existing panel components may be split out and moved to the extensions org.
Lumen AI Release
Nearing release, includes API cleanup to allow modularity.
Feature freeze next week. Release candidate planned for next Friday.
Please give us feedback! (including UX feedback)
Authoring demos including showcases using external providers.
Consider adding entry in the Mistral cookbook.
Dharhas: Initial feedback is that it worked well!
What problem does it solve?
What is the market?
What are the alternatives?
What is the audience?
Unique Selling Point: Flexible display of any type of output.
Jim: Should message correctly as a preview to indicate something bigger coming.
Sphinx vs. MkDocs
Sphinx largely adopted by the PyData ecosystem
MkDocs seems more modern and is adopted by Web (pydantic, FastAPI etc.) and AI tools
Notebooks vs. Markdown
Key is to offer notebooks to users, regardless of how content is authored.
Maxime: Blog is an experiment using quarto. Want to minimize number of frameworks used.
Marc: Plugins exist to help view and store output.
Experimenting on the panel extensions org.
Andrew contributed PR to markdown exec plugin.
How does API doc generation work?
Developer Survey
Kick off early next year.
Start with review of feedback from last survey and what we did about it
Should lean into Lumen AI to try to get traction
Clarify docs on recommended APIs (bind vs. depends vs. … )
HoloViz Team: We have been trying to update examples, added best practices guide
Spent a lot of time on migrating to 1.x and struggled adapting to current "best practices"
Still have layout issues
Working on reproducing these standalone but it's not straightforward
Notebook -> Deployed app rendering sometimes differs
Give more control
Perhaps build more "cookbook" like examples using AI usecases
Create central place to collect AI related examples
Marketing push on AI
State of governance documents across projects
2024-12-03 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Maxime, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Isaiah, Simon, Mateusz, Philipp, Andy
Blog Posts
What do we do about file downloads?
Steering Committee Agenda
Process for extensions and incubation org
Panel Extensions
Developer Experience
layout for our repos?
panel-copier-extension uses it
Should tests move out of the src/?
General consensus in favor
Bokeh 3.6.2
Being released right now
Fixes for scalebar, some fixes for circle/scatter glyph APIs, fix rendering of multiple tile sources
Bokeh 3.7
Param 2.2
Removed some deprecated APIs
Made some deprecation warnings "louder"
Marc has been improving docstrings
Shouldn't wait on "finishing them"
Ensure the formatting follows
Future changes
Working on types
Generalizing DataFrame support
hvPlot 0.11.2
Bug fixes required for nyc_buildings
Lumen (AI)
User Testing
Suggestion to feature video showing it off
Panel Extensions
Give badges to contributors
2024-11-19 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Isaiah, Andy, Simon, Andrew, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Philipp, Jim, Maxime
Unstructured grids funding
hvPlot SDG
Run Jan - Aug 2025
Maxime is lead
Isaiah will do most of the work and Simon will set up versioning and create the holoviz-dataset package
holoviz-datasets package
Filling in docs pages
API Reference
Getting Started Guides
Infrastructure for handling plotting and data backend matrix ?
Data Backends:
Mainly Tabulator vs Gridded
Let Maxime know if you want to involved
Plotly AnyWidget Migration
Panel Extensions
holoviz deep dive (.rx)
Second week of December
Philipp to present
Blog posts
HoloViews 1.20
Simon to push PR with bullet points
Jean-Luc to help
Lumen Release
Please try out and provide feedback
LLM is the focus
Please try out Lumen AI:
For the LumenAI demo, you can get started with:
pip install "lumen[ai]==0.7.0b2" "panel-graphic-walker[kernel]" panel==1.5.4
and then run:
lumen-ai serve <your-csv-or-parquet-file(s)> --show
assuming you’ve configured OpenAI API keys as environment variables.
If you haven’t you can manually configure it with:
import lumen.ai as lmai
llm = lmai.llm.OpenAI(api_key=..., organization=...) # Or some other LLM implementation from https://github.com/holoviz/lumen/blob/main/lumen/ai/llm.py
lmai.ExplorerUI([<your-csv-or-parquet-file(s)>], llm=llm, agents=[lmai.agents.VegaLiteAgent]).servable()
and then run it with:
panel serve app.py --show
2024-11-05 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Philipp, Isaiah, Jim, Simon, Andy, Mateusz, Jean-Luc
Andy introducing himself
Physics background
Lots of experience with Bayesian modeling and visualization frameworks such as ArViz and PyMC
Previous background using HoloViz tools for client projects at Quansight
Docs: Include HoloViz links ( holoviz.org , Panel, HoloViews, Blog, etc.) on every website => UX discussion. PR with preview .
Please chime in on the PR
Move from top-left to bottom-left
Maybe add the HoloViz logo
Clean up footer
NSF Proposal
Joining existing grant proposal for uxarray
Idea is to bring support for irregular mesh data formats to HoloViz
uxarray supports:
Funding support for:
uxarray datastructures in HoloViews and Datashader
Higher NGon meshes will be broken down as trimeshes
Lots of tradeoffs between converting just-in-time and ahead of time.
Next HoloViz deep dive
HoloViz tutorial setup is obsolute ( anaconda-project download ...
). How to replace it?
anaconda-project effectively dead
What do we migrate to?
Quick Fix:
Maxime to upload project to S3
Update instructions to say download then run anaconda-project
Anaconda Cloud
Blocked by numba/datashader support
Panel Extensions
Release Review:
HoloViews 1.20.0 released
No announcement yet
Blog post?
Simon to recruit someone to help
Panel 1.5.4
Mostly fixes for ESM components
hvPlot 0.11.2
Not a real regression
Release will wait
Bokeh 3.6.1
Patch release
Regression on mobile fixed
Bokeh 3.6.2
Various improvements to enable templating in HoverTool
Bokeh 3.7.0
Long way off (roughly January)
2024-10-22 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Jean-Luc, Jim, Mateusz, Simon, Philipp, Thuy
Glaciers is down
Should perhaps redeploy examples with --reuse-sessions
Finishing up various examples
Carbon Flux (waiting on Simon to review)
Working on Census 2020
HoloViews 1.20.0
One issue to be worked out with Demetris
Maybe Popup anchor positioning
Panel 1.5.3
Bokeh 3.7.0
Going to be a while
Lots of CSS stuff happening
hvPlot 0.11.2
Might be soon due to regression with HoverTool
But actually hover_opts
is the correct way to do this
Make checklist for initial Lumen AI release tomorrow
2024-10-8 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Jean-Luc, Jim, Jean-Luc, Isaiah, Charlie, Simon, Maxime, Philipp
Next steps on examples
Update from Isaiah
Some existing examples still need to be updated
Also working on Census 2020 update
Maxime set up lambda on AWS
Every week on Monday morning
Also hourly to check for failures
How does it check?
Seems like a HEAD request
Examples deployment infrastructure
Moving more to WASM? (particularly for Panel examples rather than examples.holoviz.org )
Nebari app deployments?
Bare EC2 instance?
Some sort of DevOps tooling? Would be great if it were conda based, but that's a tall order. Terraform?
Py.Cafe Integration
Playground is very useful
Link sharing
Do we use it?
e.g. for docs, recommendation as a way to share MREs
Pixi feedback session
Are people using it?
Are we just early?
Simon: pixi intended for endusers, not necessarily developer setup
Marc has issues with resource consumption (e.g. lock)
It takes a little bit of time (up to 6 minutes)
hvPlot 0.11 is out
Small regression in automatic projection support when tiles enabled and data is dask
0.11.1 this week
Blog post is out - looks great!
HoloViews 1.20.0
Philipp to push fix to cuDF datetime selection
Scalebar support to be merged
Target RC by EOW
Panel 1.6 roadmap
Tree and FileTreeSelector
Dataclass/pydantic/traitlets compatibility layer
Could enable automatic anywidget support for traitlets based models
Panel 1.5.3
Tabulator related regressions
Release or RC by EOW
2024-09-24 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Jean-Luc, Mateusz, Jim, Philipp
Moving this meeting
Let's move it to 4-5 pm UTC
Workbench Monitoring
CI tries to deploy, deletes deployment, and then fails to redeploy
Set up monitoring
Maxime and Jean-Luc to "sprint"
Either lambda, or GH Action or some other service
Issues to get started with
Whatever bothers you the most
Bokeh 3.6
RC was yesterday (23rd of September)
Almost done
Action on Simon:
Check if there's incompatibilities for Panel
Will make minimal test suite against 3.5 and then upgrade entire Panel test suite to 3.6
Check TypeScript upgrade does not cause issues
Still a number of open issues
Will ask Maxime to provide update on Discord dev channel
HoloViews 1.20.0
Waiting on:
Inspection Improvement PR
Streaming Improvement PR
Simon to request review
Integrating Bokeh 3.6 ScaleBar improvements
Simon would like to drop Python 3.9
Panel 1.5.1
Almost ready, will wait on Panel
Tabulator rendering fixes/improvements
FastAPI nested endpoint support
Waiting on:
2024-09-10 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Philipp, Simon, Maxime, Andrew, Demetris, Thuy
Thuy Introductions
Two new members joining next week
Isaiah of NF SDG fame
Charles Vaske joining as subject matter expert
Sprint Planning
To be announced at Internal HoloViz Meeting
(DR) Sessions on contributing to HoloViz codebase?
Would be very helpful to get some guidance on the core parts of HoloViews in particular
Need to make sure all the work doesn't fall on presenter
Attendees come with questions
Write docstrings together OR attendeees distill their learnings
Architecture diagrams as output (perhaps also auto-generated?!)
Turn transcripts into documents with the help of AI
Previous experience shows that issue focused approach didn't work that well
Example topics
DynamicMap, how does it work
HoloViews plotting machinery
Step-by-step how we go from Panel object containing hvPlot generated HoloViews object
Bokeh 3.6
CSS related stuff
Replace slider and progress bar components with native implementations
Scalebar PR still open; Simon to review this week
Other features:
Should we reduce scope to reduce timeline OR backport scalebar
Demetris to raise backport/reduced scope option at Bokeh meeting
Well overdue
Maxime to triage this week and then make the release happen
Let's merge import machinery hackery to test it out
Aim for RC by EOW
Panel 1.5.0
Aim to release by EOW
Philipp writing blog post
ESM components and FastAPI server
Actions Items:
2024-08-28 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Andrew, Philipp, Simon, Demetris
Last meeeting:
Best practices notebook in progress: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/6819
Ready for review (Philipp and/or Marc and anyone else)
How to organize into sections?
Where to put it in the panel docs?
Ready for review
Two current sections: dev and user experiences
Could potentially be two different notebooks, but would be better for scope-limited search to have all on same page.
Andrew will split it
Andrew will add links to more in-depth explanations
label snippets with categories: (maybe will merge )
Good: recommended, works.
Okay: works (with intended behavior), maybe good enough, but not-recommended.
Bad: Deprecated (may or may not work), just don't do it.
Wrong: Not intended behavior, won't really work
add toc of categories at top
ensure short explanation sentence for all snippets
mention trade-offs wherever relevant
REVIEW (Philipp): Simon Speeding up nbsite build via parallelization: https://github.com/holoviz-dev/nbsite/pull/287
Wrapping up NF SDG in the next couple of weeks
Examples site updated with categories and filtering
Jean-Luc suggests sorting (e.g. based on last updated)
TODO: DR will spend a few min (15 max) on this
hvsampledata (Maxime is champion?)
WIP: Philipp try docs versioning
WIP: Demetris update holoviz.org nav
HoloViz Tutorial
Improvements to HoloNote docs
Waiting for funding
Needs a logo
2024-08-22 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Mateusz, Andrew, Jim, Mateusz, Philipp
Team Meetup:
Any sessions we should have?
Goals for HoloViz
Integration of Ibis, Narwhals/Polars, PyArrow, DuckDB
Do we want to invite external members?
Narwhals + PyArrow + Vega(Fusion)
They are demonstrating modern stack where PyArrow format flows all the way from disk/database, through data transformations (VegaFusion) to the frontend Vega/Altair
We have catching up to do at all layers of the stack Bokeh, HoloViews, Panel, Datashader etc.
hvPlot DuckDB
via Ibis vs directly wrapping PyRelation objects
Action items:
2024-08-14 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Maxime, Jim
TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge
Remaining tasks:
WIP: modernize prioritized examples
TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
Modernize Examples
NYC buildings
TODO: Isaiah reverted to spatialpandas (did not yet push this change)
Tried switching back to spatialpandas, but seems even slower than geopandas now
TODO: Isaiah to push the new spatialpandas version
TODO: Maxime or Demetris try running NYC buildings with geopandas (current version on PR)
WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data
Remaining issue:
Works sometimes, but seeing errors with intake and dask.
spoke with Simon about resetting the environment
DONE: will fully document the issue on the PR and Maxime or Demetris will try to replicate
Otherwise ready for review
NYC taxi
DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots
Created a PR here
TODO: Jim or Maxime (or Demetris) Review
DONE: Isaiah fix resolution and tiles
Vid now 27 minutes
Recording shorter clips and later joining them
DONE: Isaiah to upload and share WIP.
Remaining tasks:
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
Updated IEX based on Isaiah's rereview
Now waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris
Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback)
TODO: Demetris investigate bug
Sketch of blog post
2024-08-22 HoloViz Meeting 2024-08-13 Holoviz Meeting Attendees: Jim, Simon, Jean-Luc, Philipp
HoloViews Tap streams on multi-y overlays
Tap on single element maps to that elements y-dimension
Tap on multi-y overlay either errors or accepts a dictionary of y-values or we add a new stream (e.g. MultiYTap
Action items:
2024-08-08 Holoviz Meeting Attendees: Marc, Angie, Simon, Mateusz, Andrew, Jean-Luc, Philipp
Panel contributor has started committing typing PRs
Started with panel.io.cache and panel.io.profiler
Marc had initially suggested just do it function by function or file by file
We should make sure we give him guidance
Lean on him for guidance (since he seems to have more experience)
How do we prevent future regressions?
Simon has added mypy checks to CI (without failing)
Should we enable strict checks for files that are fully typed?
Bokeh approach has been to slowly add types by adding all files to denylist and then removing 1:1
Bokeh (Python) still not fully or well typed
How to deal with partial typing?
Depends on mypy configuration
Ensure it is sufficiently strict (since it's easy to make it so lax that it's useless)
MyPy vs. Pyright
Not always consistent, i.e. passing mypy checks can fail pyright and vice versa
What about Param?
@ghandis1 has started looking at it
How we ensure he gets good reviews?
Escalate to Philipp if needed
HoloViz Examples
Sort options
last updated
creation date
Filter options
Ideally after sorting/filtering it would be global (i.e. categories would disappear)
Difficulty level categorization?
Panel Home Page Featured Examples
Should have one BI based example (lots of indicators KPIs)
Should have a chat example, e.g. RAG based on Panel docs
Could start with a streaming messages app and enhance later
Videostream is nice as it provides a counterpoint to BI app (and it's live and streaming)
Panel 1.5 Release
ESM components
Review documentation
Ensure docs actually render the examples
User has given feedback on JSComponent
Child rendering of JSComponent is inefficient
Start building out changelog asap
Maybe Features:
JupyterLab Preview resource loading
HoloViews Plotting Backends
Current blockers:
Panel HoloViews pane currently hardcodes some size handling (this needs to be extensible)
hv.extension currently assumes that backend can be imported from holoviews.plotting.<backend>
Implementing basic element types not too difficult
Once you get into overlays and layouts things get more difficult
Very, very long tail of features to support
Could still be useful to build restricted backend with small subset of plots and features supported
Action items:
Marc to reach out to @gandhis1 to let him know he's very valued and we are happy to follow his guidance
Simon to work with @ghandis1 and look at bokeh's settings to figure out best CI configuration
Philipp to narrow down selection for Panel homepage apps and share on Discord
Philipp to write up changelog for 1.5.0 by EOW and share
Philipp to eliminate the blockers to building custom plotting backends
2024-08-07 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris
TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge
Remaining tasks:
WIP: modernize prioritized examples
DONE: merge your own new example
DONE: suggest categorizations for the examples
TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
NYC buildings
TODO: Isaiah reverted to spatialpandas (did not yet push this change)
Tried switching back to spatialpandas, but seems even slower than geopandas now
TODO: Maxime or Demetris try running NYC buildings with geopandas (current version on PR)
WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data
Remaining issue:
Works sometimes, but seeing errors with intake and dask.
spoke with Simon about resetting the environment
TODO: will fully document the issue on the PR and Maxime or Demetris will try to replicate
Otherwise ready for review
TODO: Review IEX trading: Done
NYC taxi
DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots
Created a PR here
TODO: Jim or Maxime (or Demetris) Review
New example
Decided to stick with the scatterplot for thumbnail
Remaining tasks:
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
Updated IEX based on Isaiah's rereview
Now waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris
Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback)
TODO: Demetris investigate bug
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
TODO: continue making updates as demonstrated
2024-08-02 HoloViz Committee Meeting Q3
Attendees: Philipp, Sophia, Demetris, Mateusz, Dharhas, Simon, Isaiah
Conference (SciPy) recap
HoloViz everywhere
The conference is explicitly not becoming an AI/ML/LLM conference
Presentation included rx.
Didn't get to the later tutorial notebooks
Maybe next year have a more advanced session, focusing more on the later parts? Or on a specific application area?
Dharhas: two tutorials, included HoloViz aspects, well-attended. Some technical issues (unreleated to HoloViz). Went well overall.
streamlit, posit well-advertised
Ongoing NF SDG is wrapping up soon
Lots of progress on our examples
Pointed out many issues and ambiguities about our preferred approaches
We did not get approved for the next NF SDG funding round, so we'll be finishing soon
Blog post will announce the results and progress
Lumen.ai Demo
Good at generating SQL
Uses DucKDB for data ingestion
Chain of thought
Use-defined functions that return a visual result show up as buttons in the chat if relevant to the chat content
all content is serializable, download jupyter notebook and continue analysis
is lumen.ai the best name?
there are other things with similar names out there
will write mistral API wrapper
Sophia: Mistral can help promote if mistral is included as an option
How we want to handle extensions and add-ons to the main HoloViz packages
Remaining TODO: draft a HoloViz library category (core, extension, incubator) policy and process
To be determined:
Marc suggests 'experimental' category, separate from core, extension, incubator.
Incubator vs experimental
experimental would be even less governed
Jim suggests 'extensions' to be core-package specific (Panel extensions, HoloViews extensions)
TODO: Philipp will delegate progress on this
Pursue Param based Desktop GUI package?
maintenance burden
risk to reputation
dilutes focus and messaging
address more of the market for data viz and apps
make it easier to distribute HoloViz apps to other contexts
higher raw graphics performance
better integration into larger desktop apps
Get Panel working well on mobile via Beeware tooling
2024-07-31 HoloViz Docs Meeting Attendees: Demetris, Jean-Luc, Simon, Andrew
Best practices notebook in progress: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/6819
Ready for review (Philipp and/or Marc and anyone else)
How to organize into sections?
Where to put it in the panel docs?
Ready for review
Two current sections: dev and user experiences
Could potentially be two different notebooks, but would be better for scope-limited search to have all on same page.
Andrew will split it
Andrew will add links to more in-depth explanations
label snippets with categories: (maybe will merge )
Good: recommended, works.
Okay: works (with intended behavior), maybe good enough, but not-recommended.
Bad: Deprecated (may or may not work), just don't do it.
Wrong: Not intended behavior, won't really work
add toc of categories at top
ensure short explanation sentence for all snippets
mention trade-offs wherever relevant
REVIEW (Philipp): Simon Speeding up nbsite build via parallelization: https://github.com/holoviz-dev/nbsite/pull/287
Wrapping up NF SDG in the next couple of weeks
Examples site updated with categories and filtering
Jean-Luc suggests sorting (e.g. based on last updated)
TODO: DR will spend a few min (15 max) on this
hvsampledata (Maxime is champion?)
WIP: Philipp try docs versioning
WIP: Demetris update holoviz.org nav
HoloViz Tutorial
Improvements to HoloNote docs
Waiting for funding
Needs a logo
2024-07-31 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Philipp
TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge
Remaining tasks:
WIP: modernize prioritized examples
WIP: merge your own new example
DONE: suggest categorizations for the examples
TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
NYC buildings
TODO: revert to spatialpandas
Tried. Seemed even slower that the current geopandas PR
WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data, will report on discord
Created a PR but still some issues. Not yet ready for review.
New example
DR reviewed, revised, and pushed a lot of changes
DONE: use frame_width and frame_height to specify the pitch plot instead of width and height
DONE: consider adding subheading in player events section
DONE: consider replacing thumbnail
Replaced it with a modified version of the same image
TODO: Review IEX trading
DONE: Will take another, more opinionated review, noting any points of confusion
NYC taxi
DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots
Remaining tasks:
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
Waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris
Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback)
TODO: Demetris investigate bug
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
DONE: Simplified the introduction
TODO: Replace the viz/story with nyc_taxi
DONE: Add links
DONE: Add code snippets
DONE: improve the conclusion
TODO: Add small section on personal reflections
Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API
versions of HoloViz packages and other pydata packages (except for intake)
TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi
similar issue in NYC_taxi
Maxime to decide on prioritizations
If we have time, after updating Seattle_lidar and Carbon_flux.
HoloViz Meeting July 30th Attendees: Marc, Jim, Mateusz, Maxime, Jean-Luc, Simon, Demetris
Support for other DataFrame-like APIs ( https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/9045 )
Python world moving on from just Pandas
We now have standards, e.g. Narwhals and Ibis
Narwhals supports a limited subset
Hopefully we can implement a Polars interface that then "just works"™ with Narwhals wrappers
DataFrame API standard exist
HoloViz Examples Preview
Demetris Demo
Added sections/categories
Label filters
"Featured" vs "Favorite"
Marc: Which examples can be shared (after updates)?
Answer is items in the "featured" section (for now)
hvPlot 0.11
Panel 1.4.5
Almost ready, needs fix to --autoreload
empty warning
Release by tomorrow
Panel 1.5
Marc: How ready does ESM documentation need to be?
Some things still missing?
Does it have to be complete?
Explanation for need for new classes (too much complexity?!)
Try more anywidgets:
Outstanding Actions
Data API
Simon and Philipp to look at Narwhals
SciPy Tutorial
Philipp still has to address the Panel story
HoloViz Meeting July 25th Attendees: Angie Brannen, Demetris Roumis, Andrew Huang, James Bednar, Philipp Rudiger, Jean-Luc Stevens, Maxime Liquet, Mateusz Paprocki
Environment Management in anaconda.cloud
We think it's fully solved but not "materialized"
SciPy tutorial
Updating the remaining dashboard tutorials.
Philipp to look into it in August.
Need to update both the Panel story and the HoloViews Streams story.
Philipp to create/update proposal; see https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews/issues/4739 .
Ambitious proposal: Something Streams-like for Panel, potentially for all Panel-supported plotting libraries including Altair, Vega-Lite, etc., instead of HoloViews?
Panel pn.widget, etc. for the simplest onboarding
Review Maintainers/Duties
Lumen / Lumen.ai
Lumen.ai deeply entangled with Lumen
Lumen.ai likely primary entrypoint for Lumen
Not accepted; no feedback but likely due to repeat SDG application
hvPlot 0.11
Merged pandas index support
Still missing:
Import extension hackery
Philipp to assess impact (on Polars and others)
0.11.0a1 is released, please test !!!
Panel 1.4.5
Today or tomorrow
Mainly bug fixes
Maybe to go in:
Panel 1.5.0
2024-07-24 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Maxime
Remaining tasks:
Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review)
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
Waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris
Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback)
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
Simplified the introduction
Adding viz, starting with portfolio_optimizer
TODO: Discuss with Demetris whether it's in a good enough state to expose more
TODO: check if there is an example that has the 3 API changes
Add links
Add code snippets
Add viz (focus on a single modernization)
Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized)
TODO: improve the conclusion
Next week pitch on full draft
Remaining tasks:
modernize prioritized examples
merge your own new example
suggest categorizations for the examples
make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
Maxime still opening bug reports
NYC buildings
TODO: revert to spatialpandas
HoloViz team to review
Seattle_lidar, Carbon_flux .. update Python version
New example
- Improved PR description
- Ready for review
TODO: Review IEX trading
Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API
TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi
similar issue in NYC_taxi
Maxime to decide on prioritizations
If we have time, after updating Seattle_lidar and Carbon_flux.
2024-07-17 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Jim
Remaining tasks:
modernize prioritized examples
merge your own new example
suggest categorizations for the examples
make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
Maxime still opening bug reports
Heat and Trees
NYC buildings
TODO: revert to spatialpandas
HoloViz team to review
Seattle_lidar, Carbon_flux .. update Python version
Opened PR for Seattle Lidar
New example
- Ready for review
TODO: Review IEX trading
Remaining tasks:
Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review)
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
TODO: DR final review
Waiting on Demetris
Ready for review
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(None)
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
Update the datashade section
Add links
Add code snippets
Add viz (focus on a single modernizatio)
Revise intro as discussed
Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized)
Next week pitch on full draft
Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API
TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi
similar issue in NYC_taxi
TODO: Maxime to decide on prioritizations
Scipy feedback
Several people mentioned using our examples
HoloViz Meeting July 16th Attendees: Philipp, Mateusz, Demetris, Maxime, Jim
SciPy Feedback
Lots of conda licensing discussion
Panel everywhere
e.g. check out Sam Gardner's
LlamaBench relevant to LumenAI
Sean Law StumPy talk
Anywidget based datashader competitor
Now have live code execution
Maybe migrate over from nbsite implementation
Data libraries
Jim to share notes
HoloViz still very present
GeeMap and adjacent tools not as present yet
It worked!
Nebari was everywhere … but broke
Follow up on Andrew's reports of issues on windows (maybe just problem with accessing terminal)
Need to follow up on updating remaining tutorials, i.e. the Panel and streams sections
Workbench Instance
Oversubscription configuration
Increased the "overcommitment ratio" of the profiles, i.e. ratio between limit/request memory
Need monitoring
Panel 1.5
Waiting on tabulator fixes
Panel 1.4.5
hvPlot 0.11
Wide data PR etc.
CI still broken
HoloViz Meeting July 11th Attendees: Maxime, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Jim, Andrew, Philipp
SciPy Feedback
Panel Preview Extension
Workbench Instance
Oversubscription configuration
Panel 1.5
Waiting on Maxime/Philipp to work on Tabulator fixes
HoloViews 1.19.2
Could release soon
Merged 2 optimizations
Streaming improvements
hvPlot 0.11
Wide data and reset_index
Import hook hackery
CI Broken
2024-07-10 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Maxime, Jason, Philipp
Remaining tasks:
modernize prioritized examples
merge your own new example
suggest categorizations for the examples
make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
colormaps are different, origin lines showing up depending on environment.. some change in HoloViews?
Reproduced the errors
Maxime to investigate and fix the issue
Heat and Trees
TODO: Maxime to check the website and then merge
NYC buildings
Maxime still has TODOs (performance, bugs)
We may need to revert the GeoPandas changes if they prove to be too slow compared to the original
HoloViz team to review
New example
Updated the pitch size
Still strugglying with some Panel/Bokeh sizing warnings, and setting the dimensions of one plot
Implemented an example of the passes with some interactivity to selectively display in the vicinity of the click
TODO: plots with player passes -> try points instead of heatmap
Remaining tasks:
Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review)
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
TODO: DR final review
Waiting on Demetris
Still WIP
During the meeting, we had a look at an issue with hover not being displayed on a plot, to find out you had to zoom in a lot to get them :)
TODO: let us know when it's ready for review
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized)
Integrated part of the proposal
TODO: HoloViz team to review
TODO: Explain what APIs were modernized
2024-07-03 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Demetris, Maxime, Jason, Jim
Remaining tasks:
Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review)
Complete the modernization of IEX trading
Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period
made updates
TODO: DR final review
Sketch of blog post
drafting here
TODO: Add a first section about the initiative as a whole
External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized,
Review the proposal for some initial content to start from
Remaining tasks:
modernize prioritized examples
merge your own new example
suggest categorizations for the examples
make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough)
Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft)
New example
TODO: figure out the coordinate axes of the data that corresponds to an accurate aspect of the football pitch
TODO: try to implement an example of the passes, hopefully with some interactivity to selectively display in the vicinity of the click
colormaps are different, origin lines showing up depending on environment.. some change in HoloViews?
maxime investigating
try self_intersect = True
Heat and Trees
Maxime requested a change
TODO: Maxime will check and then merge
NYC buildings
Maxime still has TODOs from last week
Isaiah working on Maxime's comments
DR updated the categories
TODO: Isaiah, suggest a category for any with "??" in the Category column on the Examples google spreadsheet
HoloViz Meeting July 2th Attendees: Simon, Maxime, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Jim, Andrew
SciPy tutorial
Need Panel 1.5 dev? => likely not
Maxime to sync with Andrew to merge Philipp's PR
anaconda-project download
hard-coded to download from anaconda.org :(
SpatialPandas / dask-expr
Spatialpandas would need to be made compatible with latest dask
In the mean time, how can we improve the user experience?
Things to pay attention to in Simon's abscence:
HoloNote 0.2.0
Datashader 0.16.2
Older minutes 2024H1 https://hackmd.io/k1Ulsd2pQ8K42zCtvsoD3Q
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Pre-2020 https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/holoviz2020