# HoloViz meetings ## https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/minutes/edit HoloViz meetings are usually for general planning and status discussions. See https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/BygVgIC6L for the triaging checklist, and https://status.holoviz.org for the list of projects to triage. # Next Meeting ## 2024-10-8 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Jean-Luc, Jim, Jean-Luc, Isaiah, Charlie, Simon, Maxime, Philipp - Next steps on examples - Update from Isaiah - Some existing examples still need to be updated - Also working on Census 2020 update - Monitoring - Maxime set up lambda on AWS - Every week on Monday morning - Full overview - Also hourly to check for failures - How does it check? - Seems like a HEAD request - Examples deployment infrastructure - Moving more to WASM? (particularly for Panel examples rather than examples.holoviz.org) - Nebari app deployments? - Bare EC2 instance? - Some sort of DevOps tooling? Would be great if it were conda based, but that's a tall order. Terraform? - Py.Cafe Integration - Features - Playground is very useful - Link sharing - Do we use it? - e.g. for docs, recommendation as a way to share MREs - Pixi feedback session - Are people using it? - Questions - Are we just early? - Simon: pixi intended for endusers, not necessarily developer setup - Feedback - Marc has issues with resource consumption (e.g. lock) - It takes a little bit of time (up to 6 minutes) - Releases: - hvPlot 0.11 is out - Small regression in automatic projection support when tiles enabled and data is dask - 0.11.1 this week - Blog post is out - looks great! - HoloViews 1.20.0 - Philipp to push fix to cuDF datetime selection - Scalebar support to be merged - Target RC by EOW - Panel 1.6 roadmap - Modal - Tree and FileTreeSelector - Dataclass/pydantic/traitlets compatibility layer - Could enable automatic anywidget support for traitlets based models - Panel 1.5.3 - Tabulator related regressions - Release or RC by EOW # 2024-09-24 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Isaiah, Simon, Jean-Luc, Mateusz, Jim, Philipp - Moving this meeting - Let's move it to 4-5 pm UTC - Workbench Monitoring - 404 - https://glaciers.holoviz-demo.anaconda.com/ - https://portfolio-optimizer.holoviz-demo.anaconda.com/ - CI tries to deploy, deletes deployment, and then fails to redeploy - https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/actions/runs/10964020732/job/30446792409#step:6:35 - Maxime to fix - Set up monitoring - Maxime and Jean-Luc to "sprint" - Either lambda, or GH Action or some other service - Issues to get started with - Whatever bothers you the most - Releases - Bokeh 3.6 - RC was yesterday (23rd of September) - Almost done - Action on Simon: - Check if there's incompatibilities for Panel - Will make minimal test suite against 3.5 and then upgrade entire Panel test suite to 3.6 - Check TypeScript upgrade does not cause issues - hvPlot - Still a number of open issues - Will ask Maxime to provide update on Discord dev channel - HoloViews 1.20.0 - Waiting on: - Inspection Improvement PR - Streaming Improvement PR - Simon to request review - Integrating Bokeh 3.6 ScaleBar improvements - Simon would like to drop Python 3.9 - Panel 1.5.1 - Almost ready, will wait on Panel - Fixes: - Tabulator rendering fixes/improvements - FastAPI nested endpoint support - Waiting on: - Bokeh 3.6 support # 2024-09-10 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Philipp, Simon, Maxime, Andrew, Demetris, Thuy - Thuy Introductions - Two new members joining next week - Isaiah of NF SDG fame - Charles Vaske joining as subject matter expert - Sprint Planning - To be announced at Internal HoloViz Meeting - (DR) Sessions on contributing to HoloViz codebase? - Would be very helpful to get some guidance on the core parts of HoloViews in particular - Need to make sure all the work doesn't fall on presenter - Suggestion: - Attendees come with questions - Write docstrings together OR attendeees distill their learnings - Architecture diagrams as output (perhaps also auto-generated?!) - Turn transcripts into documents with the help of AI - Previous experience shows that issue focused approach didn't work that well - Example topics - DynamicMap, how does it work - HoloViews plotting machinery - Step-by-step how we go from Panel object containing hvPlot generated HoloViews object - Release - Bokeh 3.6 - CSS related stuff - Replace slider and progress bar components with native implementations - Sidebar?! - Scalebar PR still open; Simon to review this week - Other features: - ngon - axis click - Timeline: - Should we reduce scope to reduce timeline OR backport scalebar - Demetris to raise backport/reduced scope option at Bokeh meeting - hvPlot - Well overdue - Maxime to triage this week and then make the release happen - Let's merge import machinery hackery to test it out - Aim for RC by EOW - Panel 1.5.0 - Aim to release by EOW - Philipp writing blog post - ESM components and FastAPI server - GeoViews - To follow Panel release - HoloNote - Patch release today Actions Items: - [ ] Maxime to reach out to conda team to find out how they built knowledge base - [x] Demetris to find time and create a list of topics to vote on # 2024-08-28 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Andrew, Philipp, Simon, Demetris - Best practices notebook in progress: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/6819 - Where does it belong? - Some user feedback that it is helpful early on - Philipp will review and decide where it goes - Simon Speeding up nbsite build via parallelization: https://github.com/holoviz-dev/nbsite/pull/287 - Ready to merge - NF SDG Examples - Isaiah created a contributing video (16 min long) - Needs review - [Blog post](https://github.com/holoviz-dev/blog/pull/64), Jason created PR, Isaiah created a newer PR - ready for review Last meeeting: - Best practices notebook in progress: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/6819 - Ready for review (Philipp and/or Marc and anyone else) - How to organize into sections? - Where to put it in the panel docs? - Ready for review - Two current sections: dev and user experiences - Could potentially be two different notebooks, but would be better for scope-limited search to have all on same page. - Andrew will split it - Andrew will add links to more in-depth explanations - label snippets with categories: (maybe will merge ) - Good: recommended, works. - Okay: works (with intended behavior), maybe good enough, but not-recommended. - Bad: Deprecated (may or may not work), just don't do it. - Wrong: Not intended behavior, won't really work - add toc of categories at top - ensure short explanation sentence for all snippets - mention trade-offs wherever relevant - REVIEW (Philipp): Simon Speeding up nbsite build via parallelization: https://github.com/holoviz-dev/nbsite/pull/287 - Wrapping up NF SDG in the next couple of weeks - Examples site updated with categories and filtering - Jean-Luc suggests sorting (e.g. based on last updated) - TODO: DR will spend a few min (15 max) on this - hvsampledata (Maxime is champion?) - no update - WIP: Philipp try docs versioning - no update - WIP: Demetris update holoviz.org nav - no update - HoloViz Tutorial - Improvements to HoloNote docs - Waiting for funding - Needs a logo # 2024-08-22 HoloViz Meeting Attendees: Mateusz, Andrew, Jim, Mateusz, Philipp - Team Meetup: - Any sessions we should have? - Goals for HoloViz - Integration of Ibis, Narwhals/Polars, PyArrow, DuckDB - Sprints? - Do we want to invite external members? - Narwhals + PyArrow + Vega(Fusion) - They are demonstrating modern stack where PyArrow format flows all the way from disk/database, through data transformations (VegaFusion) to the frontend Vega/Altair - We have catching up to do at all layers of the stack Bokeh, HoloViews, Panel, Datashader etc. - hvPlot DuckDB - via Ibis vs directly wrapping PyRelation objects - Action items: - [x] Simon to work with @ghandis1 and look at bokeh's settings to figure out best CI configuration - [ ] Philipp to narrow down selection for Panel homepage apps and share on Discord - [ ] Find different (later) times for HoloViz meetings # 2024-08-14 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Maxime, Jim Maxime - OpenSky - TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - WIP: modernize prioritized examples - TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - Modernize Examples - Seattle: - https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/404 - TODO: Demetris, review and try to fix CI - NYC buildings - TODO: Isaiah reverted to spatialpandas (did not yet push this change) - Tried switching back to spatialpandas, but seems even slower than geopandas now - TODO: Isaiah to push the new spatialpandas version - TODO: Maxime or Demetris try running NYC buildings with geopandas (current version on PR) - Carbon_flux - WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data - Remaining issue: - Works sometimes, but seeing errors with intake and dask. - spoke with Simon about resetting the environment - DONE: will fully document the issue on the PR and Maxime or Demetris will try to replicate - Otherwise ready for review - NYC taxi - DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots - Created a PR [here](https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/412) - TODO: Jim or Maxime (or Demetris) Review - DONE: Isaiah fix resolution and tiles - Contribution - Vid now 27 minutes - Recording shorter clips and later joining them - DONE: Isaiah to upload and share WIP. - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - IEX - Updated IEX based on Isaiah's rereview - Now waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris - Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback) - TODO: Demetris investigate bug - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - TODO: Jason submit PR https://github.com/holoviz-dev/blog # 2024-08-22 HoloViz Meeting # 2024-08-13 Holoviz Meeting Attendees: Jim, Simon, Jean-Luc, Philipp - HoloViews Tap streams on multi-y overlays - Tap on single element maps to that elements y-dimension - Tap on multi-y overlay either errors or accepts a dictionary of y-values or we add a new stream (e.g. `MultiYTap`) - Blogs - HoloViews + CZI - Releases - - Action items: - [x] Philipp to write up changelog for 1.5.0 by EOW and share - [x] Philipp to eliminate the blockers to building custom plotting backends - [ ] Marc to reach out to @gandhis1 to let him know he's very valued and we are happy to follow his guidance - [ ] Simon to work with @ghandis1 and look at bokeh's settings to figure out best CI configuration - [ ] Philipp to narrow down selection for Panel homepage apps and share on Discord - [ ] Find different (later) times for HoloViz meetings # 2024-08-08 Holoviz Meeting Attendees: Marc, Angie, Simon, Mateusz, Andrew, Jean-Luc, Philipp - Typing - Panel contributor has started committing typing PRs - Started with panel.io.cache and panel.io.profiler - Marc had initially suggested just do it function by function or file by file - We should make sure we give him guidance - Lean on him for guidance (since he seems to have more experience) - How do we prevent future regressions? - Simon has added mypy checks to CI (without failing) - Should we enable strict checks for files that are fully typed? - Bokeh approach has been to slowly add types by adding all files to denylist and then removing 1:1 - Bokeh (Python) still not fully or well typed - How to deal with partial typing? - Depends on mypy configuration - Ensure it is sufficiently strict (since it's easy to make it so lax that it's useless) - MyPy vs. Pyright - Not always consistent, i.e. passing mypy checks can fail pyright and vice versa - What about Param? - @ghandis1 has started looking at it - How we ensure he gets good reviews? - Escalate to Philipp if needed - HoloViz Examples - Sort options - title - last updated - creation date - Filter options - Tags - Maybe author - Ideally after sorting/filtering it would be global (i.e. categories would disappear) - Difficulty level categorization? - Panel Home Page Featured Examples - Should have one BI based example (lots of indicators KPIs) - Should have a chat example, e.g. RAG based on Panel docs - Could start with a streaming messages app and enhance later - Videostream is nice as it provides a counterpoint to BI app (and it's live and streaming) - Crossfiltering - Releases - Panel 1.5 Release - ESM components - Review documentation - Ensure docs actually render the examples - User has given feedback on JSComponent - Child rendering of JSComponent is inefficient - Start building out changelog asap - Maybe Features: - FileTree - Modal - JupyterLab Preview resource loading - hvPlot - HoloViews Plotting Backends - Current blockers: - Panel HoloViews pane currently hardcodes some size handling (this needs to be extensible) - hv.extension currently assumes that backend can be imported from `holoviews.plotting.<backend>` import - Implementing basic element types not too difficult - Once you get into overlays and layouts things get more difficult - Very, very long tail of features to support - Could still be useful to build restricted backend with small subset of plots and features supported Action items: - Marc to reach out to @gandhis1 to let him know he's very valued and we are happy to follow his guidance - Simon to work with @ghandis1 and look at bokeh's settings to figure out best CI configuration - Philipp to narrow down selection for Panel homepage apps and share on Discord - Philipp to write up changelog for 1.5.0 by EOW and share - Philipp to eliminate the blockers to building custom plotting backends # 2024-08-07 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris Maxime - OpenSky - TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - WIP: modernize prioritized examples - DONE: merge your own new example - DONE: suggest categorizations for the examples - TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - Seattle: - https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/404 - TODO: Demetris, review and try to fix CI - NYC buildings - TODO: Isaiah reverted to spatialpandas (did not yet push this change) - Tried switching back to spatialpandas, but seems even slower than geopandas now - TODO: Maxime or Demetris try running NYC buildings with geopandas (current version on PR) - Carbon_flux - WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data - Remaining issue: - Works sometimes, but seeing errors with intake and dask. - spoke with Simon about resetting the environment - TODO: will fully document the issue on the PR and Maxime or Demetris will try to replicate - Otherwise ready for review - TODO: Review IEX trading: Done - NYC taxi - DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots - Created a PR [here](https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/412) - TODO: Jim or Maxime (or Demetris) Review - New example - Decided to stick with the scatterplot for thumbnail - Merged! - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - IEX - Updated IEX based on Isaiah's rereview - Now waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris - Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback) - TODO: Demetris investigate bug - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - TODO: continue making updates as demonstrated # 2024-08-02 HoloViz Committee Meeting Q3 > REMEMBER TO RECORD Attendees: Philipp, Sophia, Demetris, Mateusz, Dharhas, Simon, Isaiah - Conference (SciPy) recap - HoloViz everywhere - The conference is explicitly not becoming an AI/ML/LLM conference - Presentation included rx. - Didn't get to the later tutorial notebooks - Maybe next year have a more advanced session, focusing more on the later parts? Or on a specific application area? - Dharhas: two tutorials, included HoloViz aspects, well-attended. Some technical issues (unreleated to HoloViz). Went well overall. - streamlit, posit well-advertised - Ongoing NF SDG is wrapping up soon - Lots of progress on our examples - Pointed out many issues and ambiguities about our preferred approaches - We did not get approved for the next NF SDG funding round, so we'll be finishing soon - Blog post will announce the results and progress - Lumen.ai Demo - Good at generating SQL - Uses DucKDB for data ingestion - Chain of thought - Use-defined functions that return a visual result show up as buttons in the chat if relevant to the chat content - all content is serializable, download jupyter notebook and continue analysis - is lumen.ai the best name? - there are other things with similar names out there - will write mistral API wrapper - Sophia: Mistral can help promote if mistral is included as an option - How we want to handle extensions and add-ons to the main HoloViz packages - Remaining TODO: draft a HoloViz library category (core, extension, incubator) policy and process - To be determined: - Holonote - hvsampledata - benchmarking - Marc suggests 'experimental' category, separate from core, extension, incubator. - Incubator vs experimental - experimental would be even less governed - Jim suggests 'extensions' to be core-package specific (Panel extensions, HoloViews extensions) - TODO: Philipp will delegate progress on this - Pursue Param based Desktop GUI package? - Downsides: - maintenance burden - risk to reputation - dilutes focus and messaging - Upsides: - address more of the market for data viz and apps - make it easier to distribute HoloViz apps to other contexts - higher raw graphics performance - better integration into larger desktop apps - Alternative: - Get Panel working well on mobile via Beeware tooling # 2024-07-31 HoloViz Docs Meeting Attendees: Demetris, Jean-Luc, Simon, Andrew - Best practices notebook in progress: https://github.com/holoviz/panel/pull/6819 - Ready for review (Philipp and/or Marc and anyone else) - How to organize into sections? - Where to put it in the panel docs? - Ready for review - Two current sections: dev and user experiences - Could potentially be two different notebooks, but would be better for scope-limited search to have all on same page. - Andrew will split it - Andrew will add links to more in-depth explanations - label snippets with categories: (maybe will merge ) - Good: recommended, works. - Okay: works (with intended behavior), maybe good enough, but not-recommended. - Bad: Deprecated (may or may not work), just don't do it. - Wrong: Not intended behavior, won't really work - add toc of categories at top - ensure short explanation sentence for all snippets - mention trade-offs wherever relevant - REVIEW (Philipp): Simon Speeding up nbsite build via parallelization: https://github.com/holoviz-dev/nbsite/pull/287 - Wrapping up NF SDG in the next couple of weeks - Examples site updated with categories and filtering - Jean-Luc suggests sorting (e.g. based on last updated) - TODO: DR will spend a few min (15 max) on this - hvsampledata (Maxime is champion?) - no update - WIP: Philipp try docs versioning - no update - WIP: Demetris update holoviz.org nav - no update - HoloViz Tutorial - Improvements to HoloNote docs - Waiting for funding - Needs a logo # 2024-07-31 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Philipp - Demetris - examples website changes Maxime - OpenSky - TODO: Maxime still opening bug reports, then resolve and merge - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - WIP: modernize prioritized examples - WIP: merge your own new example - DONE: suggest categorizations for the examples - TODO: make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - TODO: Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - Seattle: - https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/404 - DONE: Some issues with graphviz, may be resolved by specifying the Dask engine to visualize a graph with cytoscape - TODO: Demetris, review and try to fix CI - NYC buildings - TODO: revert to spatialpandas - Tried. Seemed even slower that the current geopandas PR - Carbon_flux - WIP: working through an issue about retreiving the data, will report on discord - Created a PR but still some issues. Not yet ready for review. - New example - DR reviewed, revised, and pushed a lot of changes - DONE: use frame_width and frame_height to specify the pitch plot instead of width and height - DONE: consider adding subheading in player events section - DONE: consider replacing thumbnail - Replaced it with a modified version of the same image - TODO: Review IEX trading - DONE: Will take another, more opinionated review, noting any points of confusion - NYC taxi - DONE: fix resolution of output datashaded plots - Created a PR [here](https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/412) - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - IEX - Waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris - Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback) - TODO: Demetris investigate bug - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - DONE: Simplified the introduction - TODO: Replace the viz/story with nyc_taxi - DONE: Add links - DONE: Add code snippets - DONE: improve the conclusion - TODO: Add small section on personal reflections - Datashader_dashboard - Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API - versions of HoloViz packages and other pydata packages (except for intake) - TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi - similar issue in NYC_taxi - Maxime to decide on prioritizations - If we have time, after updating Seattle_lidar and Carbon_flux. # HoloViz Meeting July 30th Attendees: Marc, Jim, Mateusz, Maxime, Jean-Luc, Simon, Demetris - Support for other DataFrame-like APIs (https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/9045) - Python world moving on from just Pandas - We now have standards, e.g. [Narwhals](https://github.com/narwhals-dev/narwhals) and Ibis - Narwhals supports a limited subset - Hopefully we can implement a Polars interface that then "just works"™ with Narwhals wrappers - DataFrame API standard exist - HoloViz Examples Preview - Demetris Demo - Added sections/categories - Label filters - "Featured" vs "Favorite" - Decision "Featured" - Marc: Which examples can be shared (after updates)? - Answer is items in the "featured" section (for now) - Releases - hvPlot 0.11 - Philipp still has to make decision on `hvplot.<ext>` import hackery (https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/pull/1359), also need to check https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/issues/1373 - Reviews: - subcoordinate_y: https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/pull/1379 - Nice to have: - Automatic lon/lat -> mercator (if tiles are enabled) (https://github.com/holoviz/hvplot/pull/1377) - Panel 1.4.5 - Almost ready, needs fix to `--autoreload` empty warning - Release by tomorrow - Panel 1.5 - Questions - Marc: How ready does ESM documentation need to be? - Some things still missing? - Does it have to be complete? - Explanation for need for new classes (too much complexity?!) - JSComponent - ReactComponent - AnyWidgetComponent - Try more anywidgets: - e.g. https://github.com/manzt/quak - ## Outstanding Actions - Data API - Simon and Philipp to look at Narwhals - SciPy Tutorial - Philipp still has to address the Panel story # HoloViz Meeting July 25th Attendees: Angie Brannen, Demetris Roumis, Andrew Huang, James Bednar, Philipp Rudiger, Jean-Luc Stevens, Maxime Liquet, Mateusz Paprocki - Environment Management in anaconda.cloud - We think it's fully solved but not "materialized" - SciPy tutorial - Updating the remaining dashboard tutorials. - Philipp to look into it in August. - Need to update both the Panel story and the HoloViews Streams story. - Philipp to create/update proposal; see https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews/issues/4739 . - Ambitious proposal: Something Streams-like for Panel, potentially for all Panel-supported plotting libraries including Altair, Vega-Lite, etc., instead of HoloViews? - Panel pn.widget, etc. for the simplest onboarding - 7003 - Review Maintainers/Duties - Updated https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rPNM1WRpyk-oguQU--gn1VZEuRWr_M_rexIRh54BLSo - Lumen / Lumen.ai - Lumen.ai deeply entangled with Lumen - Lumen.ai likely primary entrypoint for Lumen - NumFOCUS SDG - Not accepted; no feedback but likely due to repeat SDG application - Releases - hvPlot 0.11 - Merged pandas index support - Still missing: - Import extension hackery - Philipp to assess impact (on Polars and others) - 0.11.0a1 is released, please test!!! - Panel 1.4.5 - Today or tomorrow - Mainly bug fixes - Maybe to go in: - `CodeEditor.value_input` behavior - Panel 1.5.0 - Philipp and Maxime # 2024-07-24 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Maxime - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review) - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - Gapminders - Merged!!! - IEX - Waiting for review from Maxime/Demetris - Warning/Error reported in the PR still present in IEX_stocks (triggered on a callback) - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - Simplified the introduction - Adding viz, starting with portfolio_optimizer - TODO: Discuss with Demetris whether it's in a good enough state to expose more - TODO: check if there is an example that has the 3 API changes - Add links - Add code snippets - Add viz (focus on a single modernization) - Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized) - TODO: improve the conclusion - Next week pitch on full draft - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - modernize prioritized examples - merge your own new example - suggest categorizations for the examples - make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - OpenSky - Maxime still opening bug reports - Seattle: - https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/404 - Some issues with graphviz, may be resolved by specifying the Dask engine to visualize a graph with cytoscape - Ready for review when this is resolved - NYC buildings - TODO: revert to spatialpandas - Not done yet - Categorizations - Done - HoloViz team to review - Modernizations - Seattle_lidar, Carbon_flux .. update Python version - New example - Improved PR description - Ready for review - TODO: Review IEX trading - Done! - Datashader_dashboard - Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API - TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi - similar issue in NYC_taxi - Maxime to decide on prioritizations - If we have time, after updating Seattle_lidar and Carbon_flux. # 2024-07-17 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Jason, Demetris, Jim - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - modernize prioritized examples - merge your own new example - suggest categorizations for the examples - make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - OpenSky - Maxime still opening bug reports - Heat and Trees - Merged - NYC buildings - TODO: revert to spatialpandas - Not done yet - Categorizations - Done - HoloViz team to review - Modernizations - Seattle_lidar, Carbon_flux .. update Python version - Opened PR for [Seattle Lidar](https://github.com/holoviz-topics/examples/pull/404) - New example - Ready for review - TODO: Review IEX trading - Looked through it. - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review) - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - Gapminders - TODO: DR final review - Waiting on Demetris - IEX - Ready for review - df.index = df.index.tz_localize(None) - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - Update the datashade section - Add links - Add code snippets - Add viz (focus on a single modernizatio) - Revise intro as discussed - Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized) - Next week pitch on full draft - Datashader_dashboard - Jim requests a first pass to update versions and then he will update the API - TODO: update the versions to match NYC_taxi - similar issue in NYC_taxi - TODO: Maxime to decide on prioritizations - Scipy feedback - Several people mentioned using our examples # HoloViz Meeting July 16th Attendees: Philipp, Mateusz, Demetris, Maxime, Jim - SciPy Feedback - Lots of conda licensing discussion - HoloViz - Panel everywhere - e.g. check out Sam Gardner's - LlamaBench relevant to LumenAI - Sean Law StumPy talk - Uses Panel and HoloViews - Lonboard - Anywidget based datashader competitor - MyST - Now have live code execution - Maybe migrate over from nbsite implementation - Data libraries - Lots of DuckDB - Modin - Jim to share notes - Geo - HoloViz still very present - GeeMap and adjacent tools not as present yet - Tutorial 1. It worked! 2. Nebari was everywhere...but broke 3. Follow up on Andrew's reports of issues on windows (maybe just problem with accessing terminal) 4. Need to follow up on updating remaining tutorials, i.e. the Panel and streams sections - Workbench Instance - Oversubscription configuration - Increased the "overcommitment ratio" of the profiles, i.e. ratio between limit/request memory - Need monitoring - Releases - Panel 1.5 - Waiting on tabulator fixes - Panel 1.4.5 - Early next week - hvPlot 0.11 - Wide data PR etc. - CI still broken # HoloViz Meeting July 11th Attendees: Maxime, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Jim, Andrew, Philipp - SciPy Feedback - Next meeting - Panel Preview Extension - Fix in Panel 1.4.5a4 - Workbench Instance - Oversubscription configuration - Releases - Panel 1.5 - Waiting on Maxime/Philipp to work on Tabulator fixes - HoloViews 1.19.2 - Could release soon - Releases: - Merged 2 optimizations - Streaming improvements - Subcoordinate-y - hvPlot 0.11 - ToDo: - Wide data and `reset_index` calls - Import hook hackery - CI Broken # 2024-07-10 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Maxime, Jason, Philipp - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - modernize prioritized examples - merge your own new example - suggest categorizations for the examples - make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - OpenSky - colormaps are different, origin lines showing up depending on environment.. some change in HoloViews? - Reproduced the errors - Maxime to investigate and fix the issue - Heat and Trees - TODO: Maxime to check the website and then merge - NYC buildings - Maxime still has TODOs (performance, bugs) - We may need to revert the GeoPandas changes if they prove to be too slow compared to the original - Categorizations - Done. - HoloViz team to review - New example - Updated the pitch size - Still strugglying with some Panel/Bokeh sizing warnings, and setting the dimensions of one plot - Implemented an example of the passes with some interactivity to selectively display in the vicinity of the click - TODO: plots with player passes -> try points instead of heatmap - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review) - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - Gapminders - TODO: DR final review - Waiting on Demetris - IEX - Still WIP - During the meeting, we had a look at an issue with hover not being displayed on a plot, to find out you had to zoom in a lot to get them :) - TODO: let us know when it's ready for review - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - Added an introduction (External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized) - Integrated part of the proposal - TODO: HoloViz team to review - TODO: Explain what APIs were modernized # 2024-07-03 NumFOCUS SDG Attendees: Isaiah, Demetris, Maxime, Jason, Jim - Jason - Remaining tasks: - Finish the modernization of Gapminders (if there is anything left to do after the ongoing review) - Complete the modernization of IEX trading - Author a complete draft of a blog post summarizing the work completed during this contract period - Gapminders - made updates - TODO: DR final review - IEX - WIP - Sketch of blog post - drafting [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtSAPFPgOnA_Bm6kCCZeIa9KK3y8ynBYWTchd4qFaNY/edit) - TODO: Add a first section about the initiative as a whole - External impact, team/internal impact, goals, intro to examples, which examples we modernized, - Review the proposal for some initial content to start from - Isaiah - Remaining tasks: - modernize prioritized examples - merge your own new example - suggest categorizations for the examples - make a significant enhancement to the contribution process (such as recording a video walkthrough) - Collaborate with Jason on a final blog post (Jason will author an initial draft) - New example - TODO: figure out the coordinate axes of the data that corresponds to an accurate aspect of the football pitch - TODO: try to implement an example of the passes, hopefully with some interactivity to selectively display in the vicinity of the click - OpenSky - colormaps are different, origin lines showing up depending on environment.. some change in HoloViews? - maxime investigating - try self_intersect = True - Heat and Trees - Maxime requested a change - TODO: Maxime will check and then merge - NYC buildings - Maxime still has TODOs from last week - Isaiah working on Maxime's comments - Categorizations - DR updated the categories - TODO: Isaiah, suggest a category for any with "??" in the Category column on the Examples google spreadsheet # HoloViz Meeting July 2th Attendees: Simon, Maxime, Demetris, Jean-Luc, Jim, Andrew - SciPy tutorial - Need Panel 1.5 dev? => likely not - Maxime to sync with Andrew to merge Philipp's PR - `anaconda-project download` hard-coded to download from anaconda.org :( - SpatialPandas / dask-expr - Spatialpandas would need to be made compatible with latest dask - In the mean time, how can we improve the user experience? - Things to pay attention to in Simon's abscence: - Pandas 3.0 - Bokeh 3.5 was tested normally, so we should be fine - Make a GeoViews minor release (python 3.9 dropped) once Panel 1.5 is released, see https://github.com/holoviz/geoviews/pull/735 - Releases - HoloNote 0.2.0 - Jean Luc's hook => possibly not required - Website's state => Okay - https://github.com/holoviz/holonote/pull/108 => Discussion with Andrew - WIP https://github.com/holoviz/holonote/pull/118 from Demetris - https://github.com/holoviz/holonote/pull/106 to merge, improvements in future releases - Datashader 0.16.2 - GeoPandas 1.0 recently released, no code breakage - Jim to review or not https://github.com/holoviz/datashader/pull/1347 # Older minutes 2024H1 https://hackmd.io/k1Ulsd2pQ8K42zCtvsoD3Q 2023 https://hackmd.io/5zt05J9nQyGUIgGNs4Jl2w 2021-2022 https://hackmd.io/wp8PI9AjQFesMh31NebQLA Pre-2020 https://hackmd.io/@holoviz/holoviz2020