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# `design-criteria` Design Criteria Catalogue
A (still small) collection of design criteria along with examples that can be considered when designing furnitur and larger structures.
The design process is always a trade-off between different desirable criteria. Otherwise, design woudl be easy---and boring.
## Idea dump
Just add stuff here if you are in a hurry, so that others can organize it later...
## Related resources
- WikiHouse https://www.wikihouse.cc/Design-principles
## Detachability
- Can connections/joints be easily undone?
- Screws instead of nails
- screws vs. nails [:link:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD5-rYRB4qI)
- No gluing, of course
### wedge/gusset
- http://richterei.com/keiler/

### strap with ratchet
- GEA https://gea-waldviertler.at/shop/tabula-rasa.html [:link:PDF](https://doc.fundi.gea.at/n/40d3c2655b4d47f0058e0e2a19c0b188/unterlagen/lagerelement/2020/4/tabularasa18_02_20.pdf)
*strap tensions plate to legs*
## Self-connecting
- explicit connector (the "connectee" also functions as connector)
### "unfolding" of sheet metal
- Ronan Kadushin, *Open Design* https://www.ronen-kadushin.com/#/candle-holder/
- same idea with a chair https://www.ronen-kadushin.com/#/hack-chair/
### connection is establish with gravity
- Ronan Kadushin, *Open Design* [:link:](https://www.ronen-kadushin.com/s/Kadushin-Italic-shelf.zip) https://www.ronen-kadushin.com/italic-shelf

*shelf, vertical dividers hold horizontal boards*
### push-in/plug-in connection
- nooved https://www.nooved.com/

*reconfigurable shelf*

*piece with slot (back and/or horizonta piece?)*

*back and horizontal pieces connected*
- http://casajasmina.cc/projects/back-to-stool/

*stool, plug-in only?, pressure from top strengthens connection?*
- Ronan Kadushin, *Open Design* https://www.ronen-kadushin.com/#/neubau-shelf-fit-collection/
*precision CNC parts*
### integrated connector
- https://www.core77.com/projects/58827/A-Modular-Shelving-System-That-Relies-on-Threaded-Wooden-Rods
"The threading process involving a CNC router produces precisely matching connections, so glue and any metal fixtures are unnecessary."

*shelf, vertical distance pieces double as screws*
## Reconfigurability
- using parts in different configuration/contexts
- the more generic, the more versatile (Lego)
### up <-> down
- http://lhk-manufaktur.de/ (no longer available)
## Sufficiency
- Do not use more matrial than strictly necessary
- Use the most "inferior" material that gets the job done (OBS/plywood vs. solid wood)
### no scrap
- Van Bo Le-Mentzel https://refugiumberlin.wordpress.com/2014/03/28/van-bo-le-mentzel-hartz-iv-moebel-a-guide-to-diy-furniture/

*one panel yields one chair, has a little scrap?*
### thin plywood
- GEA Zachl http://www.zachl.at/sebastian/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/natur-197x300.jpg
versus https://www.franz-bettenbauer.de/nachttischlieserl
### lightweight parts
- GEA Blackbird https://gea-waldviertler.at/blackbird/
*full-sized bed*
- Martin Breuer Bono https://moebelwerk.at/fuerdrinnen/martin-breuer-bono-schlagseite-buecherregal/
*bookshelf, 2.5 degrees skewed*
- Till Richter, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 http://richterei.com/xyz-table-v-2-0/

## Upcyling/repurposing
- Increase the "value" of a part (best: without modifying it)
### palette upcycling
- applies to "throw-away" palettes, **not EPAL* [:link:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EUR-pallet), which are reused
- EPAL furniture (many examples)

*EPAL, should rather be re-used in transportation*
## Norm/standard parts
- can be seen as a form of repurposing/upcyling (?)
### based on construction sets
- construction set examples
- Gridbeam, cf. [diy-gridbeam](/x8vP88QFS-aWpzJ_2oDK1g)
- for kids, cf. [diy-construction_sets](/Yq2yVSGeRNaKbPed0E9BDg)
- Mifactory https://mifactori.de/brio-lamp/

*construction-set (Brio) lamp: all (semi-)standard parts*
### + custom parts
- MID https://www.fastcompany.com/3024532/nifty-device-can-turn-broom-handles-into-lamps

*broom-handle lamp: standard parts + (3D-printed?) custom part*