UN Smart Maps Report
2023-08-18 UN Open GIS Monthly
Good local time!
Updates (2023-07-27/08-18)
Pilot project formation
2023-08-09: Smart Maps Meetup Atlantic (Quarterly)
Community building
2023-08-16: F2F meeting in Tokyo
2023-08-18: Smart Maps Meetup Pacific (Monthly)
2023-08-09: Smart Maps Meetup Atlantic (Quarterly)
2023-08-09: Smart Maps Meetup Atlantic (Quarterly)
SMG introduced its principles (identity, vision, mission), Smart Maps Assistant (LLM), and Smart Maps Bazaar (IPFS). Use cases to explore:
Language analysis with Large Language Models (LLMs)
Multilingual assistant, hate speech analysis.
Digital Twin and Basemaps with Interplanetary Filesystem (IPFS)
Gather data limitlessly, carry them anywhere.
3D city models in CityGML, drone data, etc.
Awaiting for use cases and sample data (after internal clearance)
2023-08-16: Face-to-face meeting in Tokyo
2023-08-18: Smart Maps Meetup Pacific
A guest presentation about Virtual Shizuoka , one of the best digital twin / experiment field project by Shizuoka prefectural government.
Community Development: recent progress
SMG as a people hub - expanding the group by improved onboarding process and materials.
Distributed web for QGIS - feeding FlatGeobuf from IPFS.
Digital Twin - collaboration with existing projects to provide experiment fields for FOSS4G.
Better and more stable workshop experience - Use Raspberry Pi remotely .
Thank you
Resume presentation
UN Smart Maps Report 2023-08-18 UN Open GIS Monthly Good local time!
{"image":"https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJhqOWah2.jpg","description":"A monthly report for UN Open GIS Initiative by UN Smart Maps Group (SMG). ","title":"Smart Maps Report 2023-08","slideOptions":"{\"theme\":\"simple\",\"width\":\"93%\",\"height\":\"100%\"}","contributors":"[{\"id\":\"fc0f9ab3-2844-43fe-a29f-da028138304f\",\"add\":2468,\"del\":178}]"}