# Helmholtz AI FFT seminar series #2: </br> Eric Upschulte ###### tags: `HelmholtzAI`,`FFT` [ToC] ## :memo: Seminar details **6 May 2021, 11:00 - 12:00** - Speaker: **Eric Upschulte**, Helmholtz AI research group - PhD student @ Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) - Title: **Recent paradigms for deep generative modeling** - Chair: **Markus Götz**, KIT (Head of Helmholtz AI Consultant Team) ## :memo: Notes :::info :bulb: Write down notes and/or interesting information of the seminar ::: - Generative adversarial networks (GANs) - field with increasing interest, exponential growth since 2014/2015 - Vanilla framework - noise into generator, produces a generated example - generated example and real data are fed into a discriminator - discrimonator is a classifier attempting to distringuish fake from real data - joint optimization to improve the fake generation performance - major challenge: mode collapse - generator focuses solely on a small subset of the training distribution - one solution: unrolled GANs - GAN considerations - discriminator can behave strangely, particularly if not calibrated - generator only learns indirectly through discriminator - consequence: locally sensible, but globally nonsensical artificats possible - Style-based GANs (2020) - architectural improvement over traditional GANs - different (hierarchical) noise input in specialized synthesis network - allows generation of personalized local features - probability map prediction avoids 'existance check' discriminators - discriminator may focus on a small subset of output - if it can consistently decide local information is fake, overall generator does not improve - counter strategy: output a whole probability map for each generated pixel - normalizing flow models - Allows to smoothly transition between generated examples - input X input to flow model network f, obtain latent representation z - z is fed back into inversion(mathematically invertible) network f^(-1) to obtain x' - x and x' should match - makes z flowlike/walkable ## :question: Questions for the speaker :::info :bulb: Write down any questions or topics you wish to discuss during the seminar ::: :arrow_right: Q1: Invertible means bijective? - Vanilla strictly bijective - There are relaxed versions, recent paper proposes embedding of low-resolution images that are not invertible :arrow_right: Q2: How are GANs used in your neuro-medical application? - Mostly for self-supervised learning, annotations are scarce - Simulation is another application field for :arrow_right: Q3: How do GANs compare to other representation learners? - GANs hard to train, but if successful usually high quality :arrow_right: Q4: To what extent are you doing high-performance computing - Inference is the major issue and usage of parallelization - Mostly embarassingly parallel problem, however, there can be difficult postprocessing stages - Own mpi4py implementations :arrow_right: Q5: What are future directions in GAN research - Scaling of GANs to large image dimensions - Both parallelism but also smarter architecture/methods will enable this - Transformer-based generators and discriminators ## :question: Your Feedback :::info :bulb: Write down your feedback about the seminar ::: ### Share something that you learned or liked :+1: - ... ### Share something that you didn’t like or would like us to improve :-1: - ... :::info :pushpin: Want to learn more? ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials) :::