# Welcome to Hao-Jung Chen's Website :wave: ## Summary * LinkedIn: [Hao-Jung Chen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/haojungc/) * GitHub ID: [haojungc](https://github.com/haojungc) * Email: [haojungc@gmail.com](mailto:haojungc@gmail.com) * Mobile: [(314) 600-7714](tel:314-600-7714) ## Projects ### Yelp Business Search This project allows users to browse Yelp search results based on their inputs by calling [Yelp Fusion](https://docs.developer.yelp.com/docs/fusion-intro) and other APIs. Below are the main features: * Autocomplete searchbox: [Yelp Fusion Autocomplete](https://docs.developer.yelp.com/reference/v3_autocomplete) API * IP address :arrow_right: geographic location: [ipinfo.io](https://ipinfo.io/developers) API * Human-readable address :arrow_right: geographic location: [Geocoding](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview) API by Google I developed a responsive web app with [Angular v14](https://v14.angular.io/docs) and built an Android app using Java. #### Angular Web App ([click me to try it out](https://yelp-businesses-search.uw.r.appspot.com/search)) :::info TODO: Add mobile demo here ::: Demo ([desktop](https://youtu.be/VEXYXlCDDJ4), [mobile]()) Details * Front-end: Angular v14, HTML/CSS, TypeScript, Bootstrap 5 * Back-end: [Express](http://expressjs.com/) * Web hosting: [Google App Engine](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/) #### Android App * [demo](https://youtu.be/p_OsEof9a9g)