# Assignment1: RISC-V Assembly and Instruction Pipeline
contributed by < `handsomehsia` >
## make an isoceles triangle
Step 1 - Take number of rows to be printed, n.
Step 2 - Make an iteration for n times
Step 3 - Print " " (space) for in decreasing order from 1 to n-1
Step 4 - Print "* " (start, space) in increasing order
Step 5 - Return
### C code
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i, j, size = 8;
for (i = 1; i < size + 1; i++)
{ // 印出第i列
for (j = 1; j < size + i; j++)
{ // 每一列有size+i-1個符號
if (j < size - i + 1)
{ // 在size-i左邊(含)的符號是空白
printf(" ");
{ // 其他的是*
return 0;
#### Result
### Assembly code
| info | |
|cycles |1812 |
|retired|1186 |
|CPI |1.53 |
|IPC |0.65|
length: .word 8 #legs size
star: .string "*"
spa: .string " "
newline: .string "\n"
#s2 = i
#s3 = j
#s4 = legs size
#t0,t1,t2 = temp size
add s2, x0, x0 # i =0
add s3, x0, x0 # j = 0
lw s4, length # size = 8
la a0, newline #print newline
li a7, 4
addi s2, s2, 1 #i = i+1
addi t0, s4, 1 #t0 = size+1
blt s2, t0, cond #for(i < size+1)
j exit
addi s3, s3, 1 #j = j+1
add t2, s4, s2 #t0=size+i
bge s3, t2, loop1 #for(j < size+i )
sub t1, s4, s2 #t1=size-i
addi t1, t1, 1 #t1=size-i+1
blt s3, t1, printSpace #if (j < size - i+1)
j printStar
add s3, x0, x0 # init j
j loop2
la a0, star
li a7, 4
j loop2
la a0, spa
li a7, 4
j loop2
li a7, 10
## Pipeline
Pipeline has 5 stages, IF, ID, EX, MEM and WB. We use pipeline to improve the efficiency of program.
#### use `add x18 x0 x0` funtion for example
- IF (Instruction Fetch)
- Fetch the instruction from the Instruction Memory.
- It's depends on the PC (program counter) which is a register can record the address of the instruction being executed at the current time.
- PC will be change if some instructions happen like `beq`, `jal`, `j` etc.
-ex. pc send pc addr to instruction memory and fetch the instruction addr out 0x00000933
- ID (Instruction Decode)
- Registers fetch and instruction decode.
- It also has some control signals which can decide the register behavior. like write data, clear bit etc.
-ex.We fetch 0x0000093 out from instruction memory last time,and now we decode 0x0000093 by its type and there is four part of the result
- EX (Execution)
- This stage will execute the instruction according to the opcode.
- In branch instruction will check the result is true/false to set the flag and change the PC.
- ex.ALU will calculate 0x00000000 + 0x00000000 = 0x00000000 to initialize x18 to zero value.
- MEM (Mem structure)
- Write/Read data with the data memory.
- It's decide the address of the memory according to opcode.
- It has two signals `MemRead` and `MemWrite` which can distinguish between write and read operation.
- ex.Add instruction don’t need to access memory or write data. It just need to pass by the mem stage.
- WB (Write Back)
- Write ALU output back to the register file.
- it has a signal `MemtoReg` which decide whether write data back to the register file.
## Description