Hash-based Signature Aggregation

1. Hash-based Signature Parameter

We use Poseidon2 instantiation with the following parameter:

  • \(\textbf{Lifetime}\ L = 2^{20}\)
  • \(\textbf{Encoding}\ = \mathsf{TSW}\)
  • \(w = 2\)
  • \(\delta = 1\)

The implementation of this specific instantiation could be found here.

2. Approach - zkVM

2.1. With succinctlabs/sp1 (based on plonky3)

2.2. With openvm-org/openvm (based on plonky3)

3. Approach - Circuit

3.1. With plonky3

3.1.1. Introduction

In order to handle non-uniform computations efficiently, we split the circuit into multiple AIR traces and use lookup to connect input/output between each other.

AIR traces are:

  • Main
  • Chain
  • MerkleTree
  • Decomposition
  • RangeCheck

hash-sig-agg-overview Main

The Main is mainly used to synchronize other AIR traces, it does 3 things:

  1. Send (sig_idx, msg_hash) to Decomposition to make sure the x are decomposed from msg_hash.
  2. Send (sig_idx, parameter) to Chain to make sure it's using the same parameter as others.
  3. Send (sig_idx, parameter, msg_hash, merkle_root) to MerkleTree to make sure the msg_hash is computed from the same parameter as others, and at the same time send to expected merkle_root to be checked for sigs[sig_idx].

And parameter and merkle_root parts are the statement of this aggregation circuit, verifier can calculate their polynomial evaluations in \(O(n\log n)\) tiem by FFT.

hash-sig-agg-main Chain

The Chain receives x (msg_hash chunks) from Decomposition, computes rest of the chain if the one_time_sig_i of i-th chain is not yet the end, then sends the one_time_pk_i to MerkleTree.

We ignore the chain if it's already in the end, so the number of rows for a signature could be constant (equal to the target sum).

A sample trace with x = (0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 0, ..., 1, 3, 3) might look like:

hash-sig-agg-chain MerkleTree

The MerkleTree receives 2 things:

  1. It receives one_time_pk_i where x_i is not yet end from Chain, and hashes them with one_time_pk_i where x_i is already end into merkle_leaf_hash, and then computes the merkle_root to be used latter.
  2. It receives (parameter, merkle_root, msg_hash) as synchronization, where the merkle_root is computed from merkle_leaf_hash and siblings, parameter is used in all tweakable hashes, and msg_hash is computed separately in the next adjacent row.

A sample trace with epoch = 0b0...01 might look like:

hash-sig-agg-merkle-tree Decomposition

The Decomposition receives msg_hash as values, and calculates
(((values[4] * P) + values[3]) * P + ...) * P + values[0], then decompose it into base 2w chunks and send non-ending chunk to Chain.

A sample trace with x = (0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 0, ..., 1, 3, 3) might look like:

hash-sig-agg-decomposition RangeCheck

The RangeCheck is filled by range 0..212 to receives limb from Decomposition as range check. Other gadgets used in the chips

See https://hackmd.io/@tcoratger/SyWbmVPckx for more details.

3.1.2. Benchmark

  • Machine spec
    • CPU: i9-13900K
    • RAM: 64GB (2x Crucial DDR5 5600 32GB Dual Channel)
    • OS: Linux 5.15.0-124-generic x86-64
  • FRI Parameter:
    • Extension field bits: 124 (degree-4 extension of KoalaBear)
    • Number of queries: 256 / R

The benchmark aggregates 8192 signatures, to reproduce please run the following script in <repo>/circuit:

sh bench.sh
python3 render_table.py
1 4 5.10 s 1607.76 1.68 MB 6.96 GB 106.29 ms
1 8 3.04 s 2693.43 1.68 MB 7.14 GB 97.61 ms
1 16 2.56 s 3200.80 1.68 MB 7.17 GB 94.19 ms
1 24 1.87 s 4377.18 1.68 MB 6.82 GB 86.38 ms
2 4 7.73 s 1059.11 932.94 kB 10.16 GB 50.58 ms
2 8 4.46 s 1836.99 932.94 kB 10.66 GB 49.80 ms
2 16 3.67 s 2230.50 932.94 kB 10.25 GB 62.66 ms
2 24 2.95 s 2774.11 932.94 kB 10.81 GB 43.62 ms
3 4 12.94 s 632.99 670.54 kB 18.32 GB 42.56 ms
3 8 7.45 s 1099.65 670.54 kB 18.35 GB 44.90 ms
3 16 5.71 s 1433.46 670.54 kB 18.37 GB 30.09 ms
3 24 4.92 s 1666.33 670.54 kB 20.16 GB 30.44 ms

R: Log 1/rate T: Threads PT: Proving time TP: Throughput (sig/s) PS: Proof size PM: Peak proving memory VT: Verifying time

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