## Buggy behavior for energy usecase **Update: "curtailment" unaffected by all bugs.** 1. if "set" button clicked without entering a value in irridance, ES SOC, or Load, system crashes. 2. if a very large number (e.g. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999) is input in irridance, ES SOC, or Load, the system crashes. ![](https://i.imgur.com/uYkHdyH.png) 4. ~~if a very large number is input in irridance, ES SOC, or Load, the OS (a Virtual Machine in this case) crashes!~~ **Rechecked multiple times - VM not crashing now. Terminal got stuck once, but for other times, (2) happened.** 5. Upon entering a blank value (i.e., a space) in irridance, ES SOC, or Load, system crashes. 6. If weird values (like "\`1") are entered and set, the system crashes BUT values like "1q" do not crash the system. 7. Entering alphabetical values in Irridance, ES SOC, and Load crashes the system ## Buggy behavior for Shapes Demo 1. On one single window, if we subscribe before a publisher, a black shape appears on the screen, and disappears when we publish on the same window 2. If there are >2 shapes and we keep clicking subscribe from the same window as the publisher, the black dot in shape starts blinking 3. If we subscribe, then publish a lot, the subscriber keeps subscribing to different shapes #### Multiple instances example 1. No errors #### Durability example 1. If I follow the example, but then subscribe a few times, then if I keep on publishing, the new shapes are automatically subscribed on the subscriber window #### Partition example 1. No errors #### Ownership example 1. No errors #### Time filter example 1. No errors ## Task 4 I have tested this app a lot, there are not a lot of bugs I found. The ones I found are: 1. When we publish multiple shapes and then subscribe once, the subscriber subscribes to all shapes ![](https://i.imgur.com/6Gnig0w.png) In this screenshot, I only subscribed once, but the subscriber has subscribed to both images 2. If we publish a new shape, all old subscribers automatically subscribe to that new shape ![](https://i.imgur.com/QHeIEbU.png) I published a third shape, and the subscriber automatically subscribed to that shape 3. If we: a. subscribe b. publish 4x Then the subscriber suscribes to only 2 out of the 4 shapes ![](https://i.imgur.com/0P4Ri6r.png) All shapes are the same, but the subscriber only subscribes to 2 4. If we a. Subscribe b. Publish 4x c. Then, adding new subscribers does not subscribe to 2/4 shapes ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ea56B9.png) There are a lot of similar shapes, but only 2-3 have subscribers