Though smart contract wallet offers many flexibity and possibility to manage wallets, the current AA wallet implementation faces a few UX issues that prevent it from mass adoption.
To solve these two issues, we propose to a keystore-centric AA wallet design. The goals of the keystore include:
In essence, the keystore is a database that stores users' signing keys to their smart contract wallets. Ethereum and L2 chains all need the read access to it in order to deploy AA wallets, while some chains have the write access to update the keys. The design of the keystore comes to the following questions.
The following figure shows an overview of the keystore architecture.
A few things to note in this design:
is the main storage that holds the user signing keys. L2Keystore
is a proxy of the L1Keystore
that allows wallets on L2s to read the keys.L2Keystore
will use L1Blocks
contract and the l1Sload
precompile to load the keys from L1Keystore
(see more details here) to derive the same account address across all EVM-compatible chains. We first deploy a universal AccountFactory
contract to the same address across on all chains. Then the AccountFactory
contract is used to deploy all user wallet contracts via CREATE3
. More details will be describe in the AccountFactory
contract section. Note that in the figure the User Wallet
and AccountFactory
in the "L2 Chain A (EVM compatible)" have the same addresses as the ones on Ethereum.L1Keystore
// L1 keystore contract
contract L1Keystore {
struct WalletEntry {
address owner;
// mapping from chain id to implementation address
mapping(uint64 => address) implementations;
struct UserAccount {
// key-value map storage
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) keys;
// mapping from chain id to the deployed contract address, only needed for non-EVM compatible chain
mapping(uint64 => bytes32) bindings;
// a L2 rollup contract that can update this account
// address l2KeyUpdate;
// The universal address of AccountFactory contract
immutable address accountFactory;
// The wallet registry contract
immutable address walletRegistry
// Reserved keys
uint256 constant _SALT_KEY = xx;
uint256 constant _WALLET_ID_KEY = yy;
uint256 constant _INITDATA_HASH_KEY = zz;
uint256 constant _L2_UPDATE_ADDRESS = ww;
// mapping from AA wallet addr to user account storage
mapping(address => UserAccount) accounts;
// mapping from wallet id to wallet registration entry
mapping(bytes32 => WalletEntry) walletRegistry;
modifier canWrite(address account) {
require (msg.caller == account || msg.caller == accounts[account].keys[_L2_UPDATE_ADDRESS]);
function registerAccount(
bytes32 salt,
bytes32 walletId,
bytes32[] initKeys,
bytes32[] initValues,
bytes memory initdata,
address l2Rollup
) returns address {
// validate inputs
require(salt != 0, "invalid salt");
require(initKeys.len() == initValues.len());
require(walletRegistry[walletId].owner != 0, "wallet is not registered");
address addr = CREATE3.getDeployed(salt, accountFactory);
require(accounts[addr].keys[_SALT_KEY] == 0, "account already existed");
// Write the special keys
accounts[addr].keys[_SALT_KEY] = salt;
accounts[addr].keys[_WALLET_ID_KEY] = walletId;
accounts[addr].keys[_INITDATA_HASH_KEY] = keccak256(initdata);
// Write the initial keys
for (int i = 0; i < initKeys.len(); i++) {
accounts[addr].keys[initKeys[i]] = initValues[i];
// If specified, allow a L2 chain to update the keys for this account
if (l2Rollup != 0) {
accounts[addr].keys[_L2_UPDATE_ADDRESS] = l2Rollup;
return addr;
function loadKey(address account, bytes32 key) returns bytes32 {
return accounts[account].keys[key];
function writeKey(address account, bytes32 key, bytes32 value) canWrite(account) {
require(accounts[account].keys[key] == 0);
accounts[account].keys[key] = value;
function updateKey(address account, uint256 key, uint256 oldValue, uint256 newValue) canWrite(account) {
require(key != _SALT_KEY, "salt cannot be updated");
require(accounts[account].keys[key] == oldValue);
accounts[account].keys[key] = newValue;
function updateAccess(address account, address oldUpdateContract, address newUpdateContract) canWrite(account) {
updateKey(address, _L2_UPDATE_ADDRESS, oldUpdateContract, newUpdateContract);
function getWalletImplementation(address account) returns address {
bytes32 walletId = accounts[account].keys[_WALLET_ID_KEY];
assembly {
let chainId := chainid();
address impl = walletRegistry[walletId].implementations[chainId];
require(impl != 0, "implementation is not registered");
return impl;
function bindAddress(address account, uint64 chainId, bytes32 address) canWrite(account) {
accounts[account].bindings[chainId] = address;
The L1Keystore
contract is mainly a storage layer that serves as the single source of truth for all user keys. Note that this contract stores the key mappings for all users from different AA wallets. It doesn’t add any constraints to data format and layout. The interpretation of the keys stored in the contract is up to the AA wallet implementation.
More specifically, it stores the following data fields:
: a mapping from user account address to its own key store entry. The user wallet contract will read the keys from the keystore contract to verify user identity. There are 3 reserved keys in every user’s key store entry.
: stores the salt value that determines the user account address. This value is read-only and cannot be modified after the initial setup in order to achieve the same address on new chains in the future.._WALLET_ID_KEY
: stores the wallet ID in the wallet registry that is used to load the wallet implementation address._INITDATA_HASH_KEY
: stores the Keccak digest of init data that is used to initialize the wallet contract.The reason to store the wallet ID and initdata hash in the keystore is to prevent others from front-running the wallet deployment on a chain with (malicious) implementation contract address or initialization data to possess user account address on a new chain.
: a mapping from user account address to a L2 rollup contract that is allowed to update the keys for the user. This entry can be empty, meaning that the key can be only updated by the user wallet contract on Ethereum.walletRegistry
: a mapping from wallet ID to the wallet registration entry. The entry contains a mapping from chain ID to the wallet implementation address. Each entry can be updated by owner
, a AA wallet project controlled address.The L1Keystore
wallet provides the following functions:
is used to register a new account in the keystore and return the new address for this account. The following parameters need to be provided to this function:
: a value used to decide the deterministic contract address for the user account.walletID
: the wallet ID of the AA wallet implementation.initKeys
and initValues
: the initial signing keys and values to be stored in the user keystore. The initKeys
specifies the location to store the initValues
in the user keystore entry.initdata
: the initdata to initialize the AA wallet implementation. It can be the metadata other than user signing keys that doesn't need to be stored in the keystore.l2Rollup
: the L2 rollup contract address that can update the user keystore entry. If a user doesn't want to give the permission to any L2, she can just pass 0x0
to this parameter.loadKey
loads the value given the user account and a key. This function can be called by everyone.writeKey
and updateKey
writes a new value and updates an existing value in the user keystore respectively. This function can be only called by the user wallet contract or a L2 rollup contract if specified. The updateKey
function requires users to provide the old value to prevent the data racing.updateAccess
updates the key-update contract access to the user account, only allowing user contract or the previous L2 rollup contract.getWalletImplementation
returns the wallet implementation address based on the chain id.L2Keystore
// L2 keystore contract
contract L2Keystore {
immutable address l1Keystore;
immutable address l2Messenger;
uint256 constant _UPDATE_KEY_GAS_LIMIT = xx;
modifier canWrite(address account) {
require(msg.caller == account);
function registerAccount(
bytes32 salt,
bytes32 walletId,
bytes32[] initKeys,
bytes32[] initValues,
bytes memory initdata,
address l2Rollup
) returns address {
revert("registerAccount is not supported on L2");
function loadKey(address account, bytes32 key) returns bytes32 {
bytes32 slot = _computeKeySlot(account, key);
// l1Sload is a new precompile that allows the smart contract to trustlessly read a storage slot from L1 state root without a merkle proof.
return l1Sload(l1Keystore, slot);
function writeKey(address account, bytes32 key, bytes value) canWrite(account) {
require(loadKey(account, key) == 0);
bytes _message = abi.encodeCall(IKeystore.writeKey, (account, key, value));
l2Messenger.sendMessage(l1Keystore, 0, _message, _WRITE_KEY_GAS_LIMIT);
emit WriteKey(account, key, value);
function updateKey(address account, bytes32 key, bytes oldValue, bytes32 newValue) canWrite(account) {
require(key != _SALT_SLOT);
require(loadKey(account, key) == oldValue);
bytes _message = abi.encodeCall(IKeystore.updateKey, (account, key, oldValue, newValue));
l2Messenger.sendMessage(l1Keystore, 0, _message, _UPDATE_KEY_GAS_LIMIT);
emit UpdateKey(account, key, oldValue, newValue);
function getWalletImplementation(address account) returns address {
bytes32 walletId = keyStorage[account][_WALLET_ID_KEY];
assembly {
let chainID := chainid();
bytes32 slot = keccak256(walletId . chainId . _WALLET_REGISTRY_SLOT);
address impl = address(l1Sload(l1Keystore, slot));
require(impl != 0, "implementation is not registered");
return impl;
function _computeKeySlot(address account, bytes32 key) internal view returns bytes32 {
// ...
The L2Keystore
contract serves as a proxy of the L1 keystore contract. This contract relies on the L2 chain to provide access to L1 state root so that it can load the keys from the L1Keystore
contract. The overall functions of L2Keystore
are the same as the L1Keystore
but with slight difference.
is not supported on L2s.loadKey
uses the l1Sload
precompile to load a storage slot using the current L1 state root stored on the L2. The l1Sload
precompile provides a convenient way to access the L1 storages without providing Merkle proofs. This precompile will be proved by the zkEVM circuit.writeKey
and updateKey
will encode the key update to a message and send to the L2 bridge. After the L2 is finalized on the Ethereum, the message can be then executed to materialize the update. These two functions can only be called by the user account on L2s.AccountFactoryEvm
// deploy on all EVM-compatible chains
contract AccountFactoryEvm {
immutable address keystore;
uint256 constant _SALT_KEY = xx;
uint256 constant _WALLET_ID_KEY = yy;
uint256 constant _INITDATA_HASH_KEY = zz;
function createAccount(address account, bytes memory initdata) {
// get the salt from the account
bytes32 salt = keystore.loadKey(account, _SALT_KEY);
// verify the initdata is correct
bytes32 initdataHash = loadKeystore(account, _INITDATA_HASH_KEY);
require(keccak256(initdata) == initdataHash);
// get the wallet implementation address
bytes32 walletId = keystore.loadKey(account, _WALLET_ID_KEY);
address impl = keystore.getWalletImplementation(walletId);
// deploy the user account
bytes memory creationCode = abi.encodePacked(
address proxy = CREATE3.deploy(salt, creationCode, msg.value);
require(proxy == account);
The EvmAccountFactory
contract is deployed on all EVM-compatible chains. It should have the same address across all chains. It provides one single function createAccount
. The function takes the account
address and the contract initialize data initdata
as input and then loads the salt
and wallet contract implementation address from the L1 or L2 keystore contract to deploy the user contract. One thing to note is that the user account needs to pre-exist in the keystore before the contract being deployed.
// L2 keystore contract
contract L2Keystore {
// for non-EVM compatible chain
modifier canWrite(address account) {
assembly {
let _chainId := chainid();
bytes32 _bind = l1Sload(l1Keystore, _computeBindingSlot(account, _chainId));
require(msg.caller == account || bytes32(msg.caller) == _bind);
function _computeBindingSlot(address account, uint64 chainId) internal view returns bytes32 {
// ...
The majority of the L2Keystore
contract for non-EVM-compatible chains is the same as that for EVM-compatible chains. The only difference is that the write permission to user account now allows both the account address and the binded address specified on L1.
// deploy on all EVM-compatible chains
contract AccountFactoryNonEvm {
immutable address keystore;
uint256 constant _SALT_KEY = xx;
uint256 constant _WALLET_ID_KEY = yy;
uint256 constant _INITDATA_HASH_KEY = zz;
function createAccount(address account, bytes memory initdata) returns address {
// get the salt from the account
bytes32 salt = keystore.loadKey(account, _SALT_KEY);
// verify the initdata is correct
bytes32 initdataHash = loadKeystore(account, _INITDATA_HASH_KEY);
require(keccak256(initdata) == initdataHash);
// get the wallet implementation address
bytes32 walletId = keystore.loadKey(account, _WALLET_ID_KEY);
address impl = keystore.getWalletImplementation(walletId);
// deploy the user account
address proxy = new ERC1967Proxy{salt: salt}(
// include the account addr in the keystore
abi.encode(account, initdata)
return address;
This figure outlines the account creation workflow.
to the L1Keystore
contract to register a new user account with the init keys and other information.AccountFactory
on the Ethereum to deploy the user wallet contract.AccountFactory
contract on L2 to deploy the user wallet contract on L2.(will add description)
(will add description)
contract FooEvmAccount is IAccount, UUPSUpgradeable, Initializable {
/// The ERC-4337 entry point singleton
IEntryPoint public immutable entryPoint;
/// The keystore contract
IKeystore public immutable keystore;
/// Signature verifier contract
Verifier public immutable verifier;
constructor(IEntryPoint _entryPoint, IKeystore _keystore, Verifier _verifier) {
entryPoint = _entryPoint;
keystore = _keystore;
verifier = _verifier;
function initialize() public virtual initializer {
function validateUserOp(
UserOperation calldata userOp,
bytes32 userOpHash,
uint256 missingAccountFunds
) onlyEntryPoint returns (uint256 validationData) {
bytes messageToVerify = _encodeMessage(userOp);
if (_validateSignature(messageToVerify, userOp.signature)) {
function _validateSignature(
bytes memory message,
bytes calldata signature
) private view returns (bool) {
// First byte identifies the keySlot
uint8 keySlot = uint8(signature[0]);
// Load the signature from keystore
uint256 x = uint256(keystore.loadKey(address(this), keccak256(keySlot, 0));
uint256 y = uint256(keystore.loadKey(address(this), keccak256(keySlot, 1));
return verifier.verifySignature(message, signature, x, y);
system contractIn this design, the L2Keystore
contract on L2s needs to read the storage slots in the L1Keystore
contract. This requires L2s to provide trustless L1 access to the contract.
In order to achieve this, we introduce a system contract IL1Blocks
that provides interfaces to read L1 blockhashes and state roots. The L1Blocks
contract should hold a ring buffer of N
blockhashes and state roots where N
can be decided by each L2.
interface IL1Blocks {
function latestBlockNumber() external view returns uint256;
function l1Blockhash(uint256 number) external view returns bytes32;
function latestL1Blockhash() external view returns bytes32;
function l1Stateroot(uint256 number) external view returns bytes32;
function latestL1Stateroot() external view returns bytes32;
This contract is read-only from externals and can be only updated by system transactions generated by L2 seqeuencers. To lift the trust of the honesty of L2 sequencers, the L2 proofs need to verify that the blockhashes and state roots in the system transactions are correct.
precompileThe l1Sload
precompile allows smart contracts to read a L1 storage slots without providing Merkle proofs. This precompile is important such that AA wallets don't need to supply the Merkle proofs to read keys from L2Keystore
contract. It not only reduces the overhead of AA wallets to construct a transaction but reduces the tx cost and tx calldata size.
The l1Sload
returns the storage value against the latest state root in the L1Blocks
contract given the contract address and storage key.
Stack | Name | Description |
Top - 0 | address |
The contract address |
Top - 1 | key |
The storage key |
Stack | Name | Description |
Top - 0 | value |
The storage value based on the latest state root in the L1Blocks |
The sequencer is responsible for providing the storage value given the latest state root in the L1Blocks
. To prevent the sequencer from giving wrong values, the L2 proof system needs to construct a valid Merkle proof from the value to the state root stored in the L1Blocks
can deploy a contract to a deterministic address. It first uses CREATE2
with a fixed init code to deploy a proxy contract to a deterministic address, and then call the proxy contract to deploy the desired contract via CREATE
The contract address deployed by CREATE3
is computed as follows
. The proxy address is
proxy_addr = keccak256(0xff + deployer_address + salt + keccak256(PROXY_BYTECODE))[12:]
is fixed, the proxy_addr
depends on the salt
and deployer_address
. Given that we can have the same deployer_address
, the proxy_addr
only depends on the salt
. The contract address is
deployed_addr = keccak256(rlp([proxy_addr, proxy_nonce]))
is 1 since the proxy contract is newly deployed. Therefore, the deployed_addr
depends on the proxy_addr
, which consequently depends only on the salt