Latest commit: [81116d6e729e029437340964f9e47b031c39f54e]( ## 1 [Medium] First depositor can break the minting of shares Fixed in [c03689dd8198b362d9f504b450356e787a794939]( Updated in [7984e27b5e504157560e6f27509732e2417df32e]( ## 2 [Medium] Order of vaultInfo.pricedTokens is not checked Fixed in [e890f541a49fc6e92e23d3b3e3605afce3cb9b09]( ## 3 [Medium] Users might not receive rewards for the last period before rewardsEmissionEndTime Fixed in [e63a67761fdbaa13afbe87fda5abf5bafa5b3b6e]( ## 4 [Low] Users can bypass the perUserSupplyCap limit during minting Fixed in [4765a6db1d3aabf8f4a378f0d5703ae49ae54ef3]( ## 5 [Low] Users could bypass the externalCallWhitelist and execute arbitrary logic by using the "permit" functionality Fixed in [2f5df68cffd7cacb555b5efd07e85b1c8e7effc9]( ## 6 [Low] dryMint(...) result differs from mint(...) result Fixed in [378609f576a6c34308e17e48fba8a23ee3d7e9f5]( Updated in [7984e27b5e504157560e6f27509732e2417df32e]( ## 7 [Info] XL value in the code and paper is different for isInSecondRegion(...) Paper has been updated paper. ## 8 [Info] Dead code in VaultRegistry Fixed in [f456f0bdc2c6b5ce2715369364597a17b92c06a1]( ## 9 [Info] Excessive memory allocation in the function batchRelativePriceCheck(...) Fixed in [0f5d9de3b189eebdadb58565f3e0b518b3d897f3]( ## 10 [Info] Region detection does not exclude equality cases Fixed in [96d499646443e59e4601078a3a19523e0ea8cb0c]( ## 11 [Info] Return value of 0 from ecrecover is not checked Fixed in [4196e4e3be81e4686a3a88dcaea5a8bffb98a1f4]( ## 12 [Info] Users can execute calls from the Motherboard contract Fixed in [2f5df68cffd7cacb555b5efd07e85b1c8e7effc9]( ## 13 [Info] Users might lose everything if they do not call the function withdraw(...) when a pending withdrawal is available immediately Risk is accepted. This will be documented to the users. ## 14 [Best Practice] Interface AggregatorV2V3Interface has multiple functions from deprecated Chainlink API Fixed in [e8605e621aaa4d7532ec9456b01d86c35a953fa8]( ## 15 [Best Practice] Returning the named returns is redundant Fixed in [caed7733a8cad6955d591a3b81ab75b03cd603ee]( ## 16 [Best Practice] Upgradeability issues Fixed in [387c8405da88e3f37696c605a7fab109f5061be0](