# Mamba org public meetings ## 2024-01-02 | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Ruben Arts | Prefix.dev | @ruben-arts | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | @baszalmstra | - (JM)Release of Mamba 2.0 is on its way - Alpha release is out - Libmamba is working well - Antoine is going over the breaking change - (RA) Going for rattler-build in conda-forge before 2025 ;) ## 2023-09-26 | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | - (BZ) Resolvo (rust libsolv port) released as a seperate repository (broken away from rattler) - https://github.com/mamba-org/resolvo - Forgot to mention: its now also faster than the C implementation (up to 5x) - (BZ) We are working on a PyPi solver based on this work. - (Hind) Replacing mamba with dynamic build of micromamba - (Johan) New downloader (and support of OCI Registry + mirrors) coming soon ## 2023-08-01 | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | ## 2023-07-18 | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | | Wolf Vollprecht | Prefix.dev | wolfv | | Travis Hathaway | Anaconda | travishathaway | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | | Joël Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | - (WV) Pixi & deno task shell - (TH) New Pixi issue for me :sunglasses: - Maybe: https://github.com/prefix-dev/pixi/issues/76 (support the `channel::package` syntax) ## 2023-07-04 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | | Wolf Vollprecht | Prefix.dev | wolfv | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | - (BZ) libsolv-rs port has been merged in Rattler. - (WV) pixi user surveys ongoing - (WV) rattler-build - new recipe format - vote happening soonish! - https://github.com/conda-incubator/ceps/pull/54 ## 2023-06-20 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | | Ruben Arts | Prefix.dev | ruben-arts | | Wolf Vollprecht | Prefix.dev | wolfv | | Travis Hathaway | Anaconda | travishathaway | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | JohanMabille | - Introductions - (WV) libsolv-rs is a thing now :) - (WV) Patch libsolv (C) to remove the subdir checks - (WV) Release boa 0.15 in a way that isn't broken - (BZ) [Rattler 0.3.0](https://github.com/mamba-org/rattler/releases/tag/v0.3.0): JLAP support has landed in Rattler (Thanks to Travis). - (RA) [pixi](https://github.com/prefix-dev/pixi) going public :rocket: ## 2023-06-06 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | Prefix.dev | baszalmstra | | Ruben Arts | Prefix.dev | ruben-arts | | Wolf Vollprecht | Prefix.dev | wolfv | | | | | | | | | - WV: JLAP support for Rattler PR by Travis (Anaconda) (https://github.com/mamba-org/rattler/pull/197) - WV: resolvelib-rs seems to be pretty slow for certain cases. Went back to the drawing board, currently investigating porting libsolv. - A: splitting the Transaction class in mamba - WV: Please comment on the new yaml based format for conda-build (https://github.com/conda-incubator/ceps/pull/54) - WV: Previously demoed px tool renamed to pixi - RA: Demo of pixi ## 2023-05-23 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Bianca Henderson | Anaconda | beeankha | | | | | | | | | | | | | - px teaser (built on rattler) -> https://prefix.dev - rattler-build CEP - resolvelib-rs (https://github.com/prefix-dev/resolvelib-rs) ## 2023-04-25 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |-------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Travis Hathaway | Anaconda | @travishathaway | | Jaime RodríguezG. | Quansight | @jaimergp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Johan: Powerloader concepts in libmamba directly, scheduled for end of June - ## 2023-04-11 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |------------------|-------------|-----------------| | Ruben Arts | prefix.dev | @ruben-arts | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix.dev | @wolfv | | Tim de Jager | prefix.dev | @tdejager | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | Travis Hathaway | Anaconda | @travishathaway | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | - rattler developments: - more types in the parsed json things (timestamp, hashes, ...) - more ordering when writing out files (consistent alphabetical order) - working on rattler-build :) - mamba release 1.4.2: - Fixed environment variables not read as unicode - Fixed corner case in SAT solver - Fixed segfault in add_pin/all_problems_structured - Safely ignores virtual packages in compute_final_precs function - Fix PKG_BUILDNUM env variable for post-link scripts - jlap impl? - https://github.com/conda-incubator/ceps/pull/48 - https://github.com/conda-incubator/ceps/pull/20 - https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/pull/2029 - https://github.com/mamba-org/powerloader/pull/122 - micromamba documentation (installation) - Add TOC for different install methods - Use tabs for differen't os'es: https://sphinx-tabs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ## 2023-03-28 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | |------------------|-------------|---------------| | Bas Zalmstra | prefix.dev | @baszalmstra | | Ruben Arts | prefix.dev | @ruben-arts | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix.dev | @wolfv | | Tim de Jager | prefix.dev | @tdejager | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | - Wolf: Roar!? - Antoine: Generic wrapper around the solver - Hind: The context in mamba - Joel not making it a singleton ## 2023-03-14 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | Github Handle | Favorite Snake | |------------------|-------------|---------------|----------------| | Bas Zalmstra | prefix.dev | @baszalmstra | Rattler | | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | Yig | | Ruben Arts | prefix.dev | @ruben-arts | | | Martin Renou | QuantStack | @martinRenou | Python | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | | Jaime R.G. | Quansight | @jaimergp | | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix.dev | @wolfv | | - Wolf: Rattler progress - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1E7LA-P2eUeffvLEGfrkE0uG4kQmqCCRRx0xJImz2qjE/edit?usp=sharing - Johan: Update on mamba refactoring - isolation of dependencies (curl, libsolv) - abandonment of powerloader (the ideas will be developed again directly into mamba) - cleanup / robustification of mamba (memory / threading external tools) - Jaime: community contributions on mamba? Guidelines, how to best communicate with the team? - Wolf: Next mamba release? - Can have a release quickly ## 2023-02-28 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub handle | |------------------|-------------|----------------| | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | Bas Zalmstra | prefix | @baszalmstra | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix.dev | @wolfv | - Rattler - Showed progress on Rattler and the API for the libsolv agnostic solver. - PRs to merge soon? - https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/pull/2138 - https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/pull/2329 - ## 2023-02-14 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub handle | |------------------|-------------|----------------| | Johan Mabille | QuantStack | @JohanMabille | | Jonas Haag | Quantco | @jonashaag | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | | Hind Montassif | QuantStack | @Hind-M | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix.dev | @wolfv | - QuantStack: - powerloader integration (fix ssl certificate path) - mamba API refactoring (how do we break API) - break C++ api is ok, python api needs to be stable - break python api after announcing a breaking change (major versio change) - issues triage - jlap support & lockfile sync - file locking: planned in mamba API refactoring - might or not change implementation and strategy, need more research - [rattler](https://github.com/mamba-org/rattler) ## 2023-01-30 - Jaime R: CZI/CF team introduction ## 2023-01-16 - Jonas Haag: provision-with-micromamba rewrite, semver, new name, typescript. RFC: https://github.com/mamba-org/provision-with-micromamba/issues/114 ## 2022-10-24 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub handle | |------------------|-------------|----------------| | Sylvain Corlay | QuantStack | @SylvainCorlay | | Jonas Haag | Quantco | @jonashaag | | Joel Lamotte | QuantStack | @Klaim | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | Updates on advancement of - better error messages - picomamba - powerloader integration. ## 2022-10-10 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub handle | |------------------|-------------|----------------| | Joel (Klaim) | QuantStack | | | Hind | QuantStack | | | Jonas Haag | QuantCo | | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix | @wolfv | ### Agenda #### Technical - [ ] Work towards 1.0 micromamba release then decide on future for mamba, micromamba, conda. #### Community - [ ] Team compass with a calendar indicating that call - [ ] Decide on an official channel - [ ] Some kind of governance - [ ] NumFOCUS affiliation ### Notes - People talking about the differnt PR's - Why is self-updating important - Joel Mentioned butler for itch.io - Jonas has run the benchmark, and seen an improvment with the new use of libcurl ## Next Agenda #### Technical - [ ] Check how far we are with micromamba 1.0 release - [ ] Discuss deprecation of `mamba` (as in everything under `mamba/`) - [ ] Subsituting executable with `micromamba` should be easy enough - [ ] Port relevant `mamba.api` to `libmambapy`? - [ ] Rename `mircomamba` > `mamba` ? #### Community - [ ] Team compass with a calendar indicating that call - [ ] Decide on an official channel - [ ] Some kind of governance - [ ] NumFOCUS affiliation ## 2022-09-26 ### Attendees | Name | Affiliation | GitHub handle | |------------------|-------------|----------------| | Sylvain Corlay | QuantStack | @SylvainCorlay | | Antoine Prouvost | QuantStack | @AntoinePrv | | Wolf Vollprecht | prefix | @wolfv | | Bas Zalmstra | prefix | @baszalmstra | ### Agenda #### Technical - [ ] Ask about interested party for “mamba-devbox” - [ ] Antoine: What to do with Mamba, Micromamba and Conda now that Conda is also integrating libsolv. - [ ] DL Speed testing (WV) #### Community - [ ] Team compass with a calendar indicating that call - [ ] Decide on an official channel - [ ] Some kind of governance - [ ] NumFOCUS affiliation ### Notes - Powerloader integration: - Johan finished the fully static build of powerloader. - Joel iterating on integration (Joel is off this week). - Missing item on Powerloader: - providing a gzipped repodata.json from OCI, but it won't be automatically unzipped, because we cannot set the http headers properly. - Question asked to GH support. Looking for a workaround. - Mamba-org governance - adopt conda-like or jupyter-like governance. - Dave Clements: chat platform consolidation - https://conda.discourse.group/t/infrastructure-resources/40 - https://conda.discourse.group/t/about-the-mamba-category/17 - conda/mamba ecosystem acknowledgement. - apply for NumFOCUS membership. 3 signatories - Error messages - Antoine working on making fake errors - Wolf: download speed optimization - Mamba, micromamba, and conda - Wolf: get rid of mamba and just use micromamba - What is missing in micromamba? - Removing environments - Missing commands or support for CLI arguments. - Track completeness of support for conda features. - We should allow for self-updating micromamba. - Renaming micromamba to mamba?