# Zupass Resources for Developers
**Zupass Official Repo**: https://github.com/proofcarryingdata/zupass
The README provides a starting point for devs.
**Usage Examples for Devs**: https://consumer-client.onrender.com
This page contains examples for devs on how to integrate Zupass into various application flows, such as authentication, proof generation/consumption. Code for these examples is in the official Zupass repo.
**Example Application: Zuzalu Confessions**: https://confessions-client.onrender.com/
This is a fully-functional anonymous message board built on Zupass, demonstrating authentication and identity-hiding proofs. For development/demonstration/reference purposes only!
**Zuzalu Confessions Reference Code**: https://github.com/proofcarryingdata/zuzalu-confessions
This contains the source code for Zuzalu confessions.
**Zupass RFP (request for projects) doc:** https://0xparc.notion.site/2023-03-28-Zuzalu-Passport-RFP-31f9fa45d3ba40289edcf45559536bbb
This contains a list of project ideas that might inspire the motivated hacker :)