tags: Openwrt
# Building guide
# Update and install feeds
[OpenWrt Feeds](https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/feeds)
In OpenWrt, a “feed” is a collection of packages which share a common location.
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
# Configure target and options
make menuconfig
E.g. for target "armvirt32"
Target System (QEMU ARM Virtual Machine) ---> │ │
Subtarget (QEMU ARM Virtual Machine (cortex-a15)) ---> │ │
# Build image
make -j1 V=sc
The parameter V=x specifies level of messages in the process of the build.
V=99 and V=1 are now deprecated in favor of a new verbosity class system,
though the old flags are still supported.
You can set the V variable on the command line (or OPENWRT_VERBOSE in the
environment) to one or more of the following characters:
- s: stdout+stderr (equal to the old V=99)
- c: commands (for build systems that suppress commands by default, e.g. kbuild, cmake)
- w: warnings/errors only (equal to the old V=1)
Completion can take time. If successful, the images are in directory `./bin/targets/armvirt/32`
~/openwrt/bin/targets/armvirt/32$ ls
config.buildinfo openwrt-armvirt-32-root.ext4 openwrt-armvirt-32-zImage version.buildinfo
feeds.buildinfo openwrt-armvirt-32-root.ext4.gz openwrt-armvirt-32-zImage-initramfs
openwrt-armvirt-32-default.manifest openwrt-armvirt-32-rootfs.cpio.gz packages
openwrt-armvirt-32-default-rootfs.tar.gz openwrt-armvirt-32-root.squashfs.gz sha256sums
## Building single packages
~/openwrt$ make package/network/services/dnsmasq/compile V=s
For a rebuild
~/openwrt$ make package/network/services/dnsmasq/clean V=s
~/openwrt$ make package/network/services/dnsmasq/compile V=s
# Cleaning up
## Clean
make clean
deletes contents of the directories `/bin` and `/build_dir`.
## Dirclean
make dirclean
deletes contents of the directories `/bin` and `/build_dir` and additionally `/staging_dir` and `/toolchain` (=the cross-compile tools), /tmp (e.g data about packages) and `/logs`.
## Distclean
make distclean
nukes everything you have compiled or configured and also deletes all downloaded feeds contents and package sources.
In addition to all else, this will erase your build configuration (`<buildroot_dir>/.config`).
## Clean less
Clean linux objects.
make target/linux/clean
Clean package base-files objects.
make package/base-files/clean