# Radicle CI Broker ## Requirements - You've created a radicle identity for the "CI" node - You have the radicle-node and radicle-httpd running ## Process - 1. Deploy Concourse - 2. Deploy CI Broker - 3. Write a Concourse pipeline - 4. Open a Patch to add the pipeline - 5. Watch Build Updates as Patch comments ## 1. Deploy Concourse Basically following the official [quick start guide]() ```yaml= version: '3' services: concourse-db: image: postgres environment: POSTGRES_DB: concourse POSTGRES_PASSWORD: concourse_pass POSTGRES_USER: concourse_user PGDATA: /database concourse: image: concourse/concourse command: quickstart privileged: true depends_on: [concourse-db] ports: ["8080:8080"] environment: CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_HOST: concourse-db CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_USER: concourse_user CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: concourse_pass CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_DATABASE: concourse CONCOURSE_EXTERNAL_URL: http://localhost:8080 CONCOURSE_ADD_LOCAL_USER: test:test CONCOURSE_MAIN_TEAM_LOCAL_USER: test # instead of relying on the default "detect" CONCOURSE_WORKER_BAGGAGECLAIM_DRIVER: overlay CONCOURSE_CLIENT_SECRET: Y29uY291cnNlLXdlYgo= CONCOURSE_TSA_CLIENT_SECRET: Y29uY291cnNlLXdvcmtlcgo= CONCOURSE_X_FRAME_OPTIONS: allow CONCOURSE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY: "*" CONCOURSE_CLUSTER_NAME: tutorial CONCOURSE_WORKER_CONTAINERD_DNS_SERVER: "" # For ARM-based machine, change the Concourse runtime to "houdini" CONCOURSE_WORKER_RUNTIME: "containerd" ``` ## 2. Deploy Radicle CI Broker Add an extra container to your docker-compose deployment: ```yaml= radicle-ci-broker: image: quay.io/gsaslis/radicle-ci # mount your RAD_HOME as a volume volumes: - /home/radicle/.radicle:/root/.radicle # for SSH agent forwarding - type: bind source: ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} target: /run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock # pass in environment variables configuring which Concourse Instance and Radicle HTTPD the broker will connect to environment: CONCOURSE_URL: {{ concourse_domain }} CONCOURSE_USER: {{ concourse_user }} CONCOURSE_PASS: {{ concourse_password }} RADICLE_API_URL: https://radicle.yorgos.net.gr # to know where the repo can be cloned from SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock # for SSH agent forwarding ``` Start Concourse and CI broker: ```yaml= docker-compose up -d ``` ## 3. Write a Concourse pipeline With those in place, you are now ready to add a Concourse pipeline, **in the special file**: `.concourse/config.yaml` in your repo. ```yaml= jobs: - name: pipeline-configure plan: - task: get-code config: outputs: - name: repo platform: linux image_resource: type: registry-image source: repository: alpine/git run: user: root entrypoint: "" path: /bin/sh args: - -c - | git clone ((repo_url)) repo cd repo git fetch origin ((patch_revision_id)) git fetch origin ((patch_head)) git checkout FETCH_HEAD ls -al .concourse - task: test-all config: platform: linux image_resource: type: registry-image source: repository: quay.io/gsaslis/rust-git-builder # built from https://github.com/gsaslis/rust-git-builder/blob/main/Dockerfile tag: latest inputs: - name: repo outputs: - name: output.txt run: dir: repo path: /bin/bash args: - -c - | git --version . "$HOME/.cargo/env" cargo --version # run tests RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --all | tee output.txt ``` ## 4. Open a Patch to add the pipeline ```bash= git add .concourse/config.yaml git commit -m 'adds pipeline' git push rad -o patch.message="Add Concourse Pipeline" HEAD:refs/patches rad sync ``` ## 5. Watch Build Updates as Patch comments (for now - Check COBs later) The moment the broker triggers the concourse pipeline, it adds a comment to the patch: ### Build started Here's a screenshot of a patch with a comment added by the CI node (comment content still work-in-progress): ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByMQYUOJp.png) ### Build Completed Once the job has completed, another comment confirms this: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJkqLYOya.png) ### Concourse Job View This is an example of where the link would lead to: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJq2UYu1p.png) ## 6. Which projects does the CI node run jobs for ? Any project it tracks. The Radicle CI Broker subscribes to node events and is specifically interested in `radicle::node::Event::RefsFetched` events. Right now, it looks for `RefUpdate::Updated` and `RefUpdate::Updated` references related to patches.