We love Green Pill. We love the idea of using crypto to regenerate the world. We love to bring that idea into our local communities, and make real impact to our society.
Since we’re starting at Taiwan, leveraging the local connections within FAB DAO, we’re GreenPill Taiwan chapter.
We’re also Green Sofa, an iconic name our members voted for. This enables us to fertilize the idea of GreenPill, making our chapter more inclusive and limitless. Till this day, we have core members not living in Taiwan, but also in other continents. It’s the connections that build our community.
Green Sofa embodies the spirit originated from FAB DAO's first principle: Be fun and not exhausting (source). While we are serious about making contributions, we also take time to relax on the sofa and build connections with our members.
We’re excited about the road ahead, and invite everyone to join any GreenPill chapter you like, contributing to the flourishing of the GreenPill network.