German: Dies ist eine Anleitung zur Verwendung von Tornado Cash nach der Krise vom 8. August 2022, als das US-Finanzministerium Sanktionen gegen die Organisation und die Smart Contracts verhängte. Dadurch kam es zu einer Welle der Zensur durch Dienstleister, wodurch Nutzer den Zugang zu ihren Geldern verloren. (Edited)
German: Der Quellcode für die Version der Nutzergemeinschaft lässt sich auf der *offiziellen Git-Seite* finden. Für ein Tutorial zur Auditierung unserer Veränderungen, sieh dir *Micah's Anleitung* an. (Edited)
German: Der Browserverlauf muss bei der Verwendung des Tor-Browsers aktiviert sein! Es ist jetzt möglich, die Gemeinschaftsversion über eine Onion-Adresse dank der Zugangsstelle zu erreichen. Sollte die Seite nicht erreichbar sein, beachte den *Netzwerkstatus* wegen möglicher Unterbrechungen.
y7ghfvm6jlgfvx25sy5l7muvqnqkw37jjbmzbikpn6sfma65dp3qysqd (Edited)
Tornado Cash post-censorship
This is a guide to using Tornado Cash after the 8th August crisis, when the OFAC decided to sanction the organisation and the smart contracts. This led to a widespread wave of censorship from middleware service providers, resulting in users being vulnerable and unable to access their assets.
Browser history must be enabled when using TOR browser for event caching.
It is now possible to access the builds via onion hidden services with the community resolver (, if there is no response see the network status page for possible disruption.
If you want to deposit you may have to change your wallet RPC, as most providers have censored the smart contracts. The default provider of Metamask, Infura along with Ankr and Alchemy do not prohibit transactions to and from the protocol, governance and the TORN token.
Try searching for a working endpoint on Chainlist, which could take multiple attempts (take note of the ChainID for network configuration). An example of how to change your RPC provider for MetaMask is shown below.
Then you are freely able to withdraw, deposit, stake or participate in decentralised governance like nothing ever happened.
Why do I keep recieving the error Failed to fetch relayers?
This error is either related to a poor connection or a result of no available relayers on your network. It usually can be solved by refreshing.
Why do I keep recieving the error Failed to fetch proving keys?
This error is either related to a poor connection, it usually can be solved by refreshing or changing VPN location for better latency.
Why do I keep recieving the error Failed to fetch all deposit events from contract when trying to withdraw?
This error is related to a poor connection or using a censored RPC endpoint. To resolve this either:
change VPN location for better latency
try a new browser or method of access
configure the application RPC configuration to an alternative
Why can't I make a deposit from my wallet?
Most RPCs censor transactions to the protocol and governance since the OFAC sanctions, you need to configure your wallet RPC to a uncensored endpoint. .