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How to check the job details?

Click on the green button "Job Accepted" to open the job details window.

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  • The image was uploaded to a note which you don't have access to
  • The note which the image was originally uploaded to has been deleted
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Why do I need to enter a charge price?

When working on an hourly basis, the freelancer can enter the charge based on the exact number of hours worked. If the client and freelancer have agreed on a pay-per-hour arrangement, the freelancer simply inputs the final amount according to the hours completed.

In general, the job's maximum budget represents the highest amount the client is willing to pay. However, the actual cost of the job is determined by the freelancer based on the work done.

What happens if the client wants to cancel the job?

The client cannot unilaterally cancel the job. Instead, the client must communicate with the freelancer. The freelancer can then enter the agreed-upon amount for the work already completed, which will close the job.

What happens if I miss the delivery date?

If the freelancer misses the delivery date, the full amount held in escrow is refunded to the client. This is why it's crucial for freelancers to deliver the work before the agreed deadline to avoid losing payment.

Can I submit an empty delivery if the work is submitted on the client’s platform?

Yes, if the client uses their own platform for submitting work, you must still make a submission on Just include a note stating that the deliverable has been submitted through the client’s system.

Leaving a note is important because, in case a dispute arises, needs to know where to access the submitted work for resolution.