# misfit Game Design Concept and MVP Roadmap # Preface Misfits is a social sandbox game where players raise little monsters on small deserted planets and complete challenges to unlock essential goods such as food, tools or spaceships that allow them to thrive and explore other civilizations in the misfit galaxy. The mistfits change their behaviour, look and skills depending on their treatment. You can raise misfit in-game in special environments called misfit planets, special protected enemy-free sanctuaries designed for the safety and well-being of the defenceless misfit. Misfits hatch from eggs and grow through infancy into maturity. However, the way you care for your misfit will determine its physical characteristics, rarity, behaviour, personality, and way of life. These misfits create a very unique ecosystem, learn and breed new misfits with special skills according to what you do. You must help your misfit live by providing it with the necessary things such as food, attention and by living an active lifestyle. Your steps, workouts and sleeping schedule can directly impact your misfit's wellbeing. Unlike traditional video games, the misfits gaming universe is collectively owned and controlled by both the developers and the players. When players participate in the in-game economy, they generate value for other players as well as the developer. Rebirth Labs builds blockchain-based lifestyle apps and games that reward players with digital assets such as NFTs, character skins, and crypto. Rewards can be obtained by completing levels, entering contests, as well as simply playing the game. Players' assets can be used to unlock additional rewards or sold on a digital marketplace. In this digital age, the popularity of gaming platforms has never waned. Players can now earn money for each game they play, in addition to the entertainment value of today's Move-To-Earn technology. As a result, many gamers are drawn to the block chain industry. The fitness industry, in addition to the game industry, benefits from the principle of rewarding users for each physical exercise. This has the chance to attract a large number of fitness industry users. This M2E concept has a high chance of dominating the block chain sector in the coming years, given the potential increase in the number of block chain users. As a result, Move-To-Earn NFTs have emerged as a profitable investment option. # High Level Concept / Design ### Working title *Your game’s title should communicate the gameplay and the style of the game* Misfits - Survive, rise and battle. Misfits is a social sandbox game where players raise little monsters on small deserted planets and complete challenges to unlock essential goods such as food, tools or spaceships that allow them to thrive and explore other civilizations in the misfit galaxy. ### Concept statement *The game in a tweet: one or two sentences at most that say what the game is and why it’s fun.* Misfits is a f2p social game where players raise a team of virtual creatures and battle others in funny ai-based mini games. ### Genre(s) *Single genre is clearer but often less interesting. Genre combinations can be risky. Beware of ‘tired’ genres.* Sandbox + Shooter + MOBA + Metaverse ### Target audience (/Stake Holders) Motivations and relevant interests; potentially age, gender, etc.; and the desired ESRB rating for the game. **1. Millenials: NFT Collectors / Crypto Investors** Motivations: Being early in NFT or Crypto Projects; Finding "Gems"; Making Money (Investing); (Financial) Freedom Interests: Collecting rare NFTs; Lending NFTs to scholars (see Axie Infinity) Age: 25+ Gender: mostly male **2. GenZ** Motivations: Play-to-earn; Making Money; (Financial) Freedom Interests: Playing Games, Being Creative, Social Media (IG + TikTok), Music Age: 16+ Gender: f/m/x **3. Brands / Celebrities** Motivations: Build Communities; Grow Revenues; Be Innovative Interests: Art Age: 18+ Gender: f/m/x ### Unique Selling Points *Critically important. What makes your game stand out? How is it different from all other games?* - Player-owned open world: Decentralized, assets owned by players and governance token allows for DAO structure to vote on game/protocol related improvements - Play-to-own: Active players can unlock (earn) assets as well as the in-game currency - Game incentivizes healthy daily activities, which will train their character and unlock items - Social Game: Players can meet and connect with one another in competitions but also built collectives (teams) to compete in tournaments - Creativity: Users can dress up their characters (unlimited variations possible), use them as profile pictures (we provide various renderings), use the characters in the sandbox game and trade the fully equipped character (incl. clothes, weapons, attachments) ## Product Design ### Player Experience and Game POV *Who is the player? What is the setting? What is the fantasy the game grants the player? What emotions do you want the player to feel? What keeps the player engaged for the duration of their play?* **WHO** The player is a person that likes to explore new web3 games, play social games, unlock items, own game assets. The player is invisible and will later receive an avatar. **Setting** Each creature lives on an individual planet (= piece of "land") that can later expand into a bigger star. Each planet consists of resources that allow the misfit to survive, have fun and later craft items (tools / starship). **Fantasy** A universe planets to explore with different creatures to battle against. The more players the more planets will be created (game expands) and automatically new creatures and species will appear. More story to be developed. **Emotions** - Connected: Connection to a virtual pet - Happiness by being supportive and caring - Fulfilment due to completing challenges - Surprised due to rare assets/loot/airdrops - **Engagement / Gamification** - **Constant Attention:** each misfit demands constant / regular attention, food, a healthy lifestyle (workouts) to evolve into a rare and powerful character - **Activity Rewards:** the better the player takes care of it and himself, the better the individual skills of a misfit - **Quests:** Regular quests, daily tasks, competitions and activity (engagement) rewards in the form of the $misfit tokens will be distributed regularly depending on a users activity, engagement, love & care for his misfit - **Exclusive Drops:** Events (whitelist spot), Drops, Competitions are timely limited and the player has to open the app to claim them - **Leaderboards** - **Social Elements:** Players can invite and compete with others in social mini games: racing battle, fight, swimming etc. - **Realtime Gaming:** Later enemies can attack your star (players receive notifications) and steal resources - regularly login to claim/save your resources! ### Visual and Audio Style *What is the “look and feel” of the game? How does this support the desired player’s experience? What concept art or reference art can you show to give the feel of the game?* - General: 3D (2005 genre); Colors, style and graphics similar to fortnite/valorant - Characters + Environments: Misfits are little monsters living on deserted planets with trees (plants), water and stones - Future: the planets grow and can be connected to one another physically or via portals; there'll be one main planet that every misfit can visit, the misfit metaverse. We'll allow people to develop their own games based on the existing characters and their (on-chain?) metadata and get a share of the token reward pool (proof of life/existence) ### Game World Fiction *Briefly describe the game world and any narrative in player-relevant terms (as presented to the player).* ### Monetization How will the game make money? Premium purchase? F2P? How do you justify this within the design? #### Business Model - In-game purchases (NFTs): Wearables & consumables as NFTs - Marketplace Fee: 6% creator fee on secondary sales - Metaverse Ads: Free spaces on metaverse buildings or other high traffic zones can be used for Ad Placements -> See Roblox - Physical Items in the Future through Partnership with MyToys or so ### Platform(s), Technology, and Scope (brief) *PC or mobile? Table or phone? 2D or 3D? Unity or Javascript? How long to make, and how big a team?* - Mobile: Game + Primary Sales (Drops) - Web: Secondary Marketplace - 3D: 2005 style - Rigging: Unity3D - Unity3D - Duration -> tbd - Team Size -> tbd (to be calculated) *How long to first-playable? How long to complete the game? Major risks?* to be planned ## Detailed & Game Systems Design ### Core Loops *How do game objects and the player’s actions form loops? Why is this engaging? How does this support player goals? What emergent results do you expect/hope to see? If F2P, where are the monetization points?* **Main Gameplay** Misfits is a collective game with survival game elements, where the first collective is between the player and the two eggs. The player's goal is to level up their misfits by taking good care of them. Different actions or food train different skills and the happier and well skilled the misfit, the higher the chances of unlocking rare attachments or (mutant) eggs in one of the NFT drops or by looting the maps, because attachments, tools, weapons will be found inside stones. The skills of a misfit impact the rarity of its loot! Misfits are cute defenceless creatures, that can't decide on their own and will only learn to better take care of themselves the older and more skilled they get. **Solo Gameplay** In the beginning the main gameplay is raising the misfit, keeping it healthy and happy. **Collective Gameplay** The misfits can use a portal or spaceship to get to the metaplanet where they can meet other misfits, play games and build collectives to surive or improve their life on the planets. Some Mini game examples - Fishing (see castaways): players can rent out boats to go fishing with other misfits. the player controls the boat or the fishing rod -> the player can see the fish's shadow on the surface of the water - **Stats / Point System** See Chao Gargen and Pokemon Card Stats for Reference Stats Reference See [Chao Garden Stats](https://chao-island.com/wiki/Stats#:~:text=Each%20stat%20can%20be%20leveled,Chao%20moves%20around%20the%20garden.) [Pokemon Evolutional Cycles](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_evolution_family#Kanto-based_evolution_families) [Pokemon Card Stats and Skills](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Abomasnow_(Pok%C3%A9mon)) ### #1 Phase (Alpha): Spawning/Embryo Duration: 1-2 days Egg cycles: 3 The shell evolves during these 1-2 days. Pumping a serum into the shell brings the player to the next stage. 6 stages = egg cycles (min. 6 different designs per egg and different animations) **Game Objects** 1 planet (= piece of land) 2 eggs: each contains 1 misfit X serum: booster (speed up) [Egg Example #1](https://twitter.com/jmarino_vfx/status/1578825056225894400?s=12&t=DUdp0Oj9vUn2MHlzk3J2uw) [Egg Example #2](https://clonex.rtfkt.com/) [Environment Example](https://twitter.com/natashalfawn/status/1579551339579060225?s=20) [Serum](https://lookbook.rtfkt.com/dna/genesis) In this stage, the character will still be contained inside his egg/shell, and the player will need to perform different actions during the day to maintain the proper environment for the character to grow from an embryo into a fully fleshed life form. **Player Actions (Features)** - Turn on/shake the shell every period of time - Provide nutrients solution for growth, by pumping/building pressure for the serum to reach the shell - Hatching animation - Misfit walks around map automatically, controlled via ai - Player can fly around the map - Player can buy Serum to level up faster ### #2.1 Phase (Alpha): Alive (Baby, Child, Juvenile, Adolescent, Adult) **Stage: Baby** Duration: 3-4 months Baby Cycles: **Game Objects** 1 planet (= piece of land) 2 misfits +trees: fruits +plants: vegetables +rocks/energy stones X serum: booster consumables expire after some time -> nfts will be burned if the food is not consumed/collected **Player Actions (Features)** - Collecting Food - Feeding misfits - Playing with the misfit: skill training - tickling - etc. - Shaking phone to interact with the new eggs - Buy Food serum to boost the growth of food - Misfits walks around automatically, sleeps at night - Waiting, when misfit takes a rest (food coma) or sleeps **Point System** Stats Reference [Chao Garden **Stats**](https://chao-island.com/wiki/Stats#:~:text=Each%20stat%20can%20be%20leveled,Chao%20moves%20around%20the%20garden.) **Gameplay** In this stage two baby misfits will be born and move around their planet. Two plants and two trees will supply the misfits with necessary nutrients that will be dropped on random locations on the planet's surface. The player collects the fruits and vegetables and feeds the misfits ideally regularly throughout the day The misfit will get unhappy when hungry and will perform certain actions/animations (app notifications?). The misfits will move around via ai and will perform animations according to the player's interactions: feeding/eating, dancing <> playing some music, happiness <> taking a selfie with it, tickling it etc. The two additional eggs will mark the beginning of the skill based mini games by hatching the first iteration of skill based animals / avatars / robots: fly, swim, speed (run), race (car), power (fighting), random ### #2.2 Phase (Alpha): Alive (Baby, Child, Juvenile, Adolescent, Adult) **Stage: Child** Duration: 3 months **Game Objects** 1 planet (= piece of land) 2 misfits +2 eggs after 3 weeks 2 trees: fruits 2 plants: vegetables 3-4 rocks/diamonds (energy?) X serum: booster - Training (MVP): Different workouts train different skills, Skill Training (same interaction as feeding -> animation), Avatar trains by itself. - Energy - Hunger: Feeding every period of time - Sleeping: Automatically, based on timezone - Later: Small Skill Games, Workouts (Apple Watch / Fitness Trackers) /// ARCHIVE - Keeping the character healthy and helping it evolve requires taking care of the character as well as being active daily - This supports players goals because the more active the more rare NFTs and coin rewards the user can unlock - Emergent results: Seeing creativity in terms of cool looks, the characters being used as social media profile pictures, unpack videos (à la NBA TopShot), more active (healthy) players by rewarding their steps **Monetization** - NFT Drops + in-game purchases of items & consumables: In-game sales - Metaverse Ads: Free spaces on metaverse buildings or other high traffic zones can be used for Ad Placements -> See Roblox - Marketplace Fee: 6% creator fee for secondary sales, can be our own marketplace or opensea - Physical Items in the Future through Partnership with MyToys or so ### Objectives and Progression *How does the player move through the game, literally and figuratively, from tutorial to end? What are their short-term and long-term goals (explicit or implicit)? How do these support the game concept, style, and player-fantasy?* The game is divided into different stages, each corresponding to the different lifecycles of the character that is being taken care of. The goal of the game is to level the character up as much as possible, which improves the earning ability when putting the character to work, or the chance to win fights via P2P battles later on. ### Game Dev Stages ### Game Dev Stages ### Game Systems *What systems are needed to make this game? Which ones are internal (simulation, etc.) and which does the player interact with?* ### Interactivity *How are different kinds of interactivity used? (Action/Feedback, ST Cog, LT Cog, Emotional, Social, Cultural) What is the player doing moment-by-moment? How does the player move through the world? How does physics/combat/etc. work? A clear, professional-looking sketch of the primary game UX is helpful.* ## Technical Notes • Major technical areas and risks Rendering Movement • Target hardware and specific requirements/assumptions We want to be able to target all major mobile platforms, hence the • Server, client, and network architecture (as needed) The game will be single-player client for the MVP, but • Artificial intelligence and other autonomous/procedural systems o Procedural world creation o Pathfinding o Economy • Technical (programming doc for each major feature or system, linked to the design doc for each above. These docs are for programmers, and focus on implementation details rather than the design itself or its rationale. • Game cheats for testing