# Login / Register Web Application Task ## Description of the task In this task you have to create a functional **register** and **login** webpage. The design should not be very fancy as this task's purpose is to make you familiar with how the **backend** works. The finished project must contain: - A login page - A register page - A home page You must also create a **github repository** for the project. ## How the pages should look like ### Login Page A simple design with: - A title (e.g "Sign in!") - Two input fields, one for the user's email and one for the user's password - One "Sign in" button - A link ("Don't have an account? Create one here!") that redirects the user to the register page ### Register Page A simple design with: - A title (e.g "Sign up!") - Two input fields, one for the user's email and one for the user's password - One "Sign up" button - A link ("Already have an account? Click here to sign in!"), that redirects the user to the login page ### Home Page A simple design with: - A "Welcome *users's email*" (**without** @mail-service.com) title (for example if a user signs up with the email *nikoskaramelas@gmail.com* the title should be *Welcome nikoskaramelas!*) - A log out button that logs the user out and redirects them to the sign in page ## Optional tasks 1) Have a name input in the register page. 2) Have a "Welcome *name*!" in the home page. 3) Add a paragraph in the home page with an *Edit* button. For every user load their unique paragraph. Use "Edit this paragraph!" as the default text for the paragraph. 4) Make the user be able to upload a profile picture and display it in the home screen. ## Useful links - This web application will use **[Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/)** for the backend. Documentation for Firebase can be found [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs). You will have to use [Firebase Authentication](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth) for the login/register system and [Firebase Realtime Database](https://firebase.google.com/docs/database) if you chose to implement the optional tasks. - You can get inspired by a lot of designs in ([Figma](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1155142242842246816)) - A website for cool svg icons can be found [here](https://undraw.co/search) - A webiste for cool backgrounds can be found [here](https://fffuel.co/llline/) (scroll to see background templates and customize them to your needs) The **deadline** for this project is **24 November 2022**, when we will have a meeting. If you wish to improve the design or add functionality by implementing some of the optional tasks, we can discuss for a new deadline in the meeting. Feel free to ask **any** questions and we will be happy to reply. We can also arrange a meeting before the deadline if you want to discuss any problems! Keep us informed of any updates. $Ioannis\ Gkountras$ $Ioannis\ S. Horgos$ ![](https://i.imgur.com/VO22mTd.png) ###### tags: `Orana`