# **BACK-END: AULA 09 - 25/07 (Exercício Aula)** ###### tags: `SQL` `Backend` `Cubos Academy` **1 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select Category, count(category) from times group by category order by count(Category) desc; ``` **2 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select year, honor, name from times where Birth_Year between 1920 and 1965 and Birth_Year not between 1945 and 1955 limit 5 ; ``` **3 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select year, honor, name from times where death_year is null order by Birth_Year asc limit 1 ; ``` **4 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select year, honor, name from times where birth_year in ( select birth_year from times where birth_year is not null and death_year is null ) order by birth_year limit 1; ``` **5 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select count(category) from times where category = 'Revolution' or category = 'Science' or category = 'Technology' ; ``` **6 QUESTÃO** ```sql= select count(category) from times where category in ('Revolution','Science','Technology') ; ```