# depsolve usecases The following are usecases our users want, based on direct conversations w/ actual users and TAMs. ## Cases ### "I want a RHEL8.1 version of the RHEL8 repo" * how? * "rhel8 RPMs with no errata attached (rhel8-release), plus RPMs mentioned in errata as of (rhel8-release-date)" * depsolve-yes, why? * "rpms w/out errata" sometimes results in non-release-day RPMs, which can't be installed w/out their dependencies * depsolve-no, why? * "all rpms from date-0 to date-N" should be as complete as the repo was on date-N * depsolve is only needed in cases where we're pulling in RPMs the user doesn't want anyway * questions ### "I want RHEL8.1 plus security-errata (only) as of (date)" * how? * start with the above for RHEL8.1 * find all security-errata post-RHEL8.1 * add all the RPMs mentioned therein * depsolve-yes, why? * later security-errata may (often do) depend on later RPMs, and won't install w/out dependencies * questions ### I want RHEL8.1 *plus* these specific NEVRAs from Later" * how? * RHEL8.1 from above * add specific RPMs * depsolve-yes, why? * see "plus security errata" - the later RPMs may not be installable w/out unmentioned dependencies * depsolve-no, why? * potentially may bring in many new RPMs unexpectedly * questions ### "I want RHEL8.1, but NOT THESE RPMs" * how? * start with the above for RHEL8.1 * remove the specified RPMs * depsolve-no, why? * removing RPMs may make repoclosure impossible - and that must be, by definition, "OK" for this use-case * questions