# DApp Norris ### Revolutionizing Web Security with Automated Dependency Checks In the dynamic world of web development, securing applications against vulnerabilities is a paramount yet challenging task. Our innovative solution DApp Norris transforms this landscape with an automated GitHub action that simplifies and strengthens the security of Node.js-based web applications. **The Concept:** Our tool integrates directly into the GitHub workflow, targeting the package.lock file in open-source projects. Upon each production branch build, it automatically scans dependencies and cross-references them against a comprehensive database of known vulnerabilities. This proactive approach identifies potential security risks, ensuring developers are immediately aware of any threats. **Core Functionality:** The heart of our system lies in its backend intelligence. Here, the commit hash (if available) is saved together with a list of dependencies from the package.lock file. These are checked against an official list detailing vulnerabilities. Finally, a report is generated - per production commit that got built. We can then issue a 'proof' that gets saved with the domain of the deployed app. The report and proof is a testament to the project's security status at a specific point in time, enhancing transparency and trust. **User-Centric Design:** The results are displayed in a fun and customizable way with a widget on the final website, which makes the information accessible to end-users. This feature not only underscores the project's commitment to security but also elevates user confidence. Developers benefit from an efficient, automated process that seamlessly blends into their existing workflow, saving time and resources while ensuring their applications remain secure against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. **The Outcome:** This tool is more than just a security check; it's a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of web application security. It empowers developers, reassures users, and sets a new benchmark in the proactive management of web vulnerabilities.