During the past couple of weeks I have pivoted to focusing on the enumeration approach as well as the decomposition approach. In my previous update I outlined these approaches at a high level. Here I will go in more detail. The majority of the work I did recently focused on learning more about dynamic programming, branch and bound algorithms, implementing decomposition in the test repository, and fixing an annoying bug in the attestation aggregation branch.
The dynamic programming approach to the attestation packing problem separates the problem into a main problem and sub-problems. The sub-problems will be very similar to ones you know if you have kept up with these updates. The synopsis being given some data
The main problem is where the dynamic programming comes in to play. Satalia defined the approach as follows:
Base case:
f(0,m) = {} the empty set
R(f(0,m)) = 0
Non-base case:
f(k, m) = argmax (q \in {0, …, min(m, |g(k, m)|)}} R(f(k-1, m-q) \union g(d_k, q))$
In other words, the optimal packing for k data is the best packing for k – 1 data with the capacity decreased by q in union with the subproblem solved with a capacity of q. We choose q such that the reward is maximized.
I’ve implemented the decomposition approach while using the the MIP solver to solve the subproblem. I still need to test the algorithm. During testing the attestation aggregation branch we saw a degrading of proposer rewards with reference to the greedy aggregation approach. I believe I have since found the issue. We will do another sequence of testing to see if the problem has bee solved correctly. Then I will continue implementing the enumeration approach on top rhe decomposition work I’ve already done.