集 SSL/CDN 於一身的 Firebase Hosting 靜態網站空間 - Brent === > 請從這裡開始 # Traditional Hosting Steps: 1. Buy a domain name 2. Buy a Virtual Machine 3. Configure web server 4. Upload website files 5. Check website function 6. Set up DNS 7. Set up SSL (HTTPS) 8. Set up HTTP/2 9. Set up CDN # Firebase Hosting ## Reduced steps 1. Buy a domain name 2. Upload website files 3. Check website function 4. Set up DNS ## Service Level Agreement (SLA) 99.95% SLA per month, which means ~22min downtime per month # Firebase Hosting Concepts ## Project ### Firebase Billing Spark Plan => Free plan Blaze Plan => Pay as you go plan --- ### Relation between Firebase and Google Cloud Platform All Firebase resources **MUST** reside in a project Firebase project = GCP Project Spark plan in Firebase = Disabled billing in GCP Project Blaze Plan in Firebase = Enabled billing in GCP Project Since most GCP resources (VM, GCS bucket, Cloud SQL..) must enable billing in order to use. Once you disabled billing in GCP Project, **most GCP resoureces will be deleted in that project.** ## Custom domain with SSL Automatic deploy Let's Encrypt SSL. ## Ignorefiles from deploying Almost same as gitignore. ## Custom 404 pages For better user experience. ## Redirects For SEO concern: 1. Use 301 for permenant redirect 2. Use 302 for temp redirect ## Rewrites Rewrite to Cloud Function for firebase(node.js), dynamic hosting. Rewrite to GCP Cloud Run for microservice(your container), dynamic hosting. ## Custom Headers * Http headers * Access control * Authentication * Caching * Encoding ## Version Control `firebase deploy` = create a new release for you Clears all your cached static content across the CDN at the same time. Support rollback to earlier release. # Support resources https://firebase.google.com/support ## Firebase status Status dashboard from Google. ## Community support Support from Stackoverflow, Google groups etc. ## Technical support Firebase technical support only. ## Billing support Any billing concerns can contact Google.