# Rules for Civil Procedure <p> These Rules should be cited as the Mayfl. R. Civ. P. #(#)(Letter). For example, Mayfl. R. Civ. P. 1(1)(a) would properly cite the first clause of the complaint submitted subsection of Rule 1. </p> ### RULE 1 - COMPLAINT FILING; HOW SO ANSWERED 1. **Complaint Submitted** (a) Any civil action submitted shall be filed in compliance with Rules enumerated within this Title. 2. **Complaint Vetting; Requirements** (a) The procedure of submitting such complaint shall be done within a terminal established and maintained by the chief judge, or his designee, of who shall be the custodian. For all complaints submitted, the custodian shall possess the due authority to review complaints for initial validity. Validity of complaints shall include: 1. Name of court; and, 2. Name of plaintiff(s); and, 3. Name of defendant(s); and, 4. Allegation(s); and, 5. Location(s) and date(s) of alleged offense(s); 6. Relief sought of each or all allegations. 4. **Successful Complaint Filed** (a) Successfully submitted and vetted complaints, as so determined by the custodian, shall then be transferred to the court. This process shall officiate the filing of said civil complaint. Thus, service of all parties involved shall be required. 6. **Defendant's Answer to Complaint** (a) The defendant(s) in civil actions shall respond to complaints within four (4) days of being properly served. Responses shall include answers to each individual allegation and affirmative defenses (if applicable). ### RULE 2 - SUPPLEMENTAL AND AMENDED PLEADINGS, ALLOWED OR DISALLOWED 1. **Supplemental and Amended Pleadings** (a) The court, specifically the presiding judge of a matter, may additionally admit, require, or deny any supplemental or amended pleadings filed by parties. In which supplemental or amended pleadings are allowed, pleadings of which may be observed are: 1. Complaints, including additional and amended; and, 2. Answers to complaints or claims, including additional and amended; and, 3. Counterclaims, including additional and amended; and, 4. Cross-claims, including additional and amended; and, 5. Replies to any complaints or claims; and, 6. Other pleadings as allowed by the court. 2. **Denial of Pleadings** (a) The court, by order or on motion of either party, may deny the introduction of any supplementary or amended pleadings. ### RULE 3 - TYPES OF MOTIONS OBSERVED; HEARINGS REQUIRED OR REQUESTED 1. **Types of Motions Observed** (a) In civil matters, the court may allow for particular motions to be filed, of which apply to the case at hand. Motions observed by this Title are: 1. Motion to dismiss; and, 2. Motion for discovery; and, 3. Motion to compel; and, 4. Motion for summary judgment; and, 5. Motion for directed verdict; and, 6. Other motions as allowed by the court. 3. **Hearings Required** (a) Hearings of pending matters before the court may be scheduled in accordance with a presiding judge's schedule. Parties may motion for continuances of such hearings. Matters requiring a hearing are; 1. Motion to compel; and 2. Motion for directed verdict; and, 3. Other matters as directed by the court. 3. **Hearings Requested** (a) Notwithstanding any Title, or subsection of any Title, nothing shall preclude any party requesting hearings of any other motions. The need for mandatory appearance, of approved requests for hearings, shall be determined by the court. ### RULE 4 - DISCLOSURES AND DISCOVERIES 1. **Initial Disclosure** (a) Initially, without motion for discovery or order by a court, a party shall disclose information regarding the following: 1. Initial documents, photographs, videos, and other media constituting submission of a complaint; and, 2. Computations of any monetary damages to property, spent monies to replace property, lost monies due to acts of any other parties, and/or any other substantial damage(s). 2. **Discovery Before Trial** (a) Nothing within this Title shall preclude a party’s ability to motion for discovery. Motions for discovery, however, must be submitted, complied with before trial proceedings. ### RULE 5 - CIVIL MATTER TYPES; REQUIREMENTS 1. **Types of Civil Matters** (a) There shall be three types of civil proceedings. Each civil case submitted to the custodian shall be labeled as one of the following: 1. Tortious claims; or, 2. Breach of contract claims, 3. Equitable claims, 4. Class action claims, 5. Small claims or, 6. Expungements. 2. **Requirements of Submission** (a) There shall be requirements for the submittal of each proceeding. These requirements shall be promulgated by the chief judge and enforced by himself or his designee: 1. General civil; matters that seek relief of monetary damages greater than or equal to five-hundred dollars (>=$500) relating to Rule 5(1)(a) 1-4; and, 2. Small claims; matters that seek relief of monetary damages less than fivehundred dollars (<$500); and, 3. Expungements; matters in which a petitioner seeks expungement of records. 3. **Certain Rules Applicable** (a) The following rules shall be the only rules applicable to small claims and expungement matters: Rules 1, 8 and 9. 4. **Out-of-Court Settlements** (a) The court shall observe, and may recommend, out-of-court settlements. Settlements must be made in accordance with applicable state law. ### RULE 6 - EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS DURING ON-GOING MATTERS 1. **Prohibition of Ex Parte Communications** (a) Upon a successful complaint being filed—as outlined in Rule 1(3)—no ex parte communications shall be knowing made by any party or any attorney for a party concerning a matter pending before the court. 2. **Exemptions** (a) This prohibition shall not extend to emergencies requiring immediate attention or communications between parties individually or with clerks of court. ### RULE 7 - THIRD PARTY INTERACTIONS IN MATTERS 1. **Third Party Interactions** (a) The court, upon motion or sua sponte, may require a third party to an on-going matter to appear and render testimonies, documents, or written statements. ### RULE 8 - SERVICE OF PROCESS 1. **Duty of Plaintiff in Civil Proceedings** (a) It shall be the duty of the plaintiff in civil to properly serve the opposing party via Roblox private messaging or Discord. Servicing shall involve the presentation of plaintiff’s claims against the opposing party via civil complaint. Upon serving the opposing party, the plaintiff shall inform the clerk of court of such. 2. **Servicing Not Possible** (a) In the event that all arrangements to service an opposing party properly have been exhausted, the plaintiff shall inform the clerk of such. 3. **Duty of Opposing Party When Served** (a) See Rule 1(4). ### RULE 9 - FORMATTING OF SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS 1. **Document Size and Margins** (a) Submitted documents shall be on legal sized paper (8.5" x 14") with one-inch (1") margins on each side. 2. **Authorized Fonts** (a) Documents submitted shall only be submitted in fonts that are clean, consistent and professional (e.g., Arial, Century Schoolbook, Georgia, Times New Roman). 3. **Type of Document Submitted** (a) Observing any current rule enacted, documents used in any and all court processes shall be in PDF format only and hosted not on the Google Drive platform. ### RULE 10 - TRIAL PROCEDURE; SUMMONSES 1. **Procedure to be Utilized** (a) Unless specifically amended, the following trial procedure shall be utilized: 1. Opening statements by plaintiff and defendant, respectively. 2. Presentation of evidence by plaintiff. 3. Defendant's cross-examination of evidence presented by plaintiff. 4. Plaintiff's re-examination, if allowed. 5. Presentation of evidence by defendant. 6. Plaintiff's cross-examination of evidence presented by defendant. 7. Defendant's re-examination, if allowed. 8. Closing statements by plaintiff and defendant, respectively. 9. Rendering of verdict, if applicable. 2. **Procedure may be Amended** (a) Nothing in this rule shall preclude the amendment, by a judge, to specifically conform to appropriate situations. 3. **Extent of Summons** (a) The court, by motion or sua sponte, may summon any document or person who is: 1. Related to the matter; or, 2. In possession of certain documents. 4. **Schedule of Issuance** (a) Summons shall be issued sixteen (16) hours, or greater, before initial appearance. ### RULE 11 - RENDERING OF VERDICT; HOW EXECUTED 1. **Where Rendered** (a) All verdicts and judgments shall be rendered in a forum available to the general public. 2. **Content of Verdicts** (a) Verdicts and judgments shall include all pertinent information needed to successfully convey the court's decision, of which may be determined by the judge.