--- title: Immigration and Customs Force - FAQs description: Frequently asked questions about the citizenship process within the State of Mayflower image: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/zga2gGwSldj1lr7QPa0E-jlaFfdpaQnGT9LwuUjuuf0/https/cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/70938930429566976/405859880054947842/GroupLogoNew.png robots: noindex, nofollow --- # Immigration and Customs Force - FAQs [ToC] ## General Information :::danger Harassing or following ICF agents outside of their Discord DMs regarding citizenship matters, will result in an **immediate blacklist** from citizenship indefinitely. Please do not do this! ::: - **Please try to find your question's answer in this document before contacting an ICF agent** - When contacting an ICF agent, please be straight to the point with your questions. Avoid simple phrases such as "Hello?"" or "I need to speak with ICF" without asking your question - Be honest about your account history; for example, do not falsely claim that you were once a citizen but were removed for no apparent reason - we have the records! - Please be polite in any contact, complaining in an agent’s DMs will not change the status of your citizenship! - Refrain from going to the Director of ICF (Colaaz) unless it is something you believe to important and pressing ## Frequently Asked Questions ### How do I become a citizen? 1. Send a request to join the [State of Mayflower](https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=13418531) group 2. Wait up to 5 days to be accepted by the bot, do not approach an ICF agent if you are not in the group already 3. If after being accepted, you have been ranked Tourist, fill out the [citizenship appeal form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR8gl3Cq0JOlg41Krh_rLdFJhdxcCKdOMHvBwaVokJr4OYVw/viewform?usp=sf_link). Making sure you spell your Roblox name correctly 4. Wait up to 7 days for an agent to review your appeal; the results can be found in the [#citizenship-logs](https://discord.com/channels/934843858859212800/959663517894582313) channel of the State of Mayflower Discord (Use Discord search to find your username). 5. If the result of your appeal is `Declined`, see [here](#I-followed-all-of-these-steps-My-appeal-has-been-declined-What-can-I-do-now) ### How long does it take for an appeal to be read? This can take anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Please be patient. Monitor your status in [#citizenship-logs](https://discord.com/channels/934843858859212800/959663517894582313) in the State of Mayflower Discord server. ### I checked [#citizenship-logs](https://discord.com/channels/934843858859212800/959663517894582313) and I can’t find my appeal! Use Discord search and your username to search for your appeal. If you cannot find it, this means the appeal hasn't been read yet, an ICF agent will look at it soon! ![](https://i.imgur.com/JZqVTUP.png "Discord search example") ### I followed all of these steps. My appeal has been declined. What can I do now? If your appeal has been declined, this means ICF does not believe the account being appealed is your main Roblox account. Do not DM an ICF agent regarding your appeal being declined. You may try to re-appeal this on the same form once every week. Appeals are reset every Monday. ### I was once a citizen before, can I become one again? Generally yes, if your account activity has been maintained since then. Send a join request to the [State of Mayflower](https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=13418531) group and [wait to be accepted](#How-do-I-become-a-citizen). You will have to send an appeal if you are not ranked Citizen upon being accepted. ### I am applying for LETI/require citizenship quickly. Can the process be expedited for me? No, all players are required to go through the same appeal process. Nobody is given priority due to any time-limited circumstances. --- ### Can I be a citizen on more than one account? No, doing so may result in the deportation of all accounts affected. This is to reduce cases of electoral fraud during elections. ### Can I transfer my citizenship to another account? Yes, but you must have citizenship on your main account to begin with. This will be declined if you are transferring citizenship to avoid criminal records or moderation acount on your main account. --- ### What should I do if I was deported? In this instance, you *CAN* approach the Director of ICF (Colaaz). The Director will provide you a reason for the deportation, do not however expect the Director to give you the evidence they have. The Director will also give you the opportunity to appeal the deportation, meaning there’s a chance the deportation can be reversed. ### I completed the deportation appeal. What now? A deportation appeal can take upwards of 2 weeks to be read, so please wait it out. You will be informed by the Director of ICF (Colaaz) whether your appeal was accepted or not. Make sure that you provide your Discord account details in the appeals so that you can be contacted. --- ### How do I join ICF as an agent? The ICF team is handpicked, please do not ask to join. Sometimes registrations of interest may be opened, please do not ask when they will be released.