Delay to create HNY payments. Our funding proposal is near to be approved. Then a multisig vote will be created to disburse the HNY payments of Sprint 22.
Proposal document: https://jardines.notion.site/DeepWork-Onboarding-Docs-a5beaad73a5547d8bdffcab9416cb468
We have a call with Eyal, and they would like to integrate if we support the official Aragon Connect version.
Gardens: https://jardines.notion.site/DeepDAO-Gardens-7e42c37945fc4c4ea36e5aa5ddb8990a
Action item:
Doing progress. But we hit a blocker with Creat React App. The migration to next.js become even more relevant to support profiles.
Is the 3box data still accesible from IDX?
method provides us with the old data.Action item:
We were thinking about start rotating the sprint planning leader on each sprint to run the planning.
Retrospective meeting with demos every month or two.