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๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ Gardens Sprint Planning #29



  • Logistics
  • Demos
  • UX research
  • Board review


Add hours Sprint 18, 19.


Demo how the vote creation proces works.
Demo on the Coordinape instance.

Coordinape UI and UX is not ideal.
The way that contributions are done is sometime hard to get engaging as its an extra effort.
Praise/nomination like TEC has could be a interesting alternative as well.

UX research

Mils is ready to start the second round of user research.
The current areas we would like her to test are:

  • Mobile menu
  • Onboarding flow
  • Delegation flow
  • Move between gardens, signing a few so they appear on the side menu.
  • Unwrap token -> we would like to know if the new carousel is understood
  • New challenge arguments make sense in the way they are?
  • Proposal descriptions are useful?

Delegation UI

The design for the delegation page could be improve.
Mitch would like to collaborate on how to improve the screen.

Action item:
Add mitch to figma.
Alternative Anup suggest to clone the figma file.

App performance

  • Bundle size
  • Server side rendering
  • Graphql/Subgraph performance
  • React render performance

Anup suggest to code split to improve the performance as a first step. A second suggestion is to load as much dynamic content as possible.

Action item:
Anup will create the tasks on zenhub to start the initiative on that front.

m5 Gardens

Subgraph was already deployed.

Action items:
Deploy a separat deployment UI for them.
Wait for new design on their side.

Board review