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๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ Gardens Sprint Planning #23



  • Logistics
  • Gardens v1
  • site
  • Gardens multichain
  • Board review


Reminder to add hours for sprint 15:

The payments for sprint 13 and 14 were enacted.

We have to create a new proposal of funding.

We also have 16.5k in stable amounts from the Polygon grant and Gitcoin Round 11. Have it in mind in case you would like to recive payment in stable amount or part of it in HNY and part in stable amount.

Gardens v1

Onboarding is ready for testing.
We can start working on a walkthrou video.
Consider if we would like to contact Milena to do a UX research.


  • Decision Voting delegate UI (requirement for VITADAO)
  • Settings UI

If the request token is different to the Gardens token. We have to make sure we are updating both price oracles.

Will suggest to remove the request token option from the onboarding in the mean time. site

Ted worked on an alternative landing page:๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒป

Paul suggest to use a similar layout using webflow and the 1Hive branding.

Setup a deadline and fund the work to create a landing page.

Paul and Ted will tackle an initial version on webflow to share in the next week.

Gardens multichain

We have deployed the Aragon infrastructure and subgraphs to Polygon and Mumbai networks.

Decide if we wait for the honey migration or use the old HNY token. Will share their thoughts.

We can continue with our current HNY token and deploy on the rest of the networks.

Board reviewโ€“6047c26dc05a1c000e95bcf3/board?labels=v1&repos=353881841