Reminder to add hours for sprint 15: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NxW3enwFaG6-oKCw6SOOrLl_ZzNW4WZtSptZA8ezVDg/edit#gid=1987620077
Share with the team the idea of waiting to create our next proposal for funding until we finish the v1 of Gardens. In the meantime, we could use the stable funds in the DAO.
Priorities are the same.
We had a couple of communities that reach us dOrg and shaineDAO.
Share webflow initial draft.
Honeyswap vs other swaps as our DEX in polygon. Sushi and Quickswap are two alternatives.
Do we need to migrate HNY liqudity to the new DEX?
Status: we are waiting to update the erc721 adapter to test the UI with the NFT Garden.
Issue with updating Unipool
Issue with updating Unipool contract: https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/issues/410
We can consider to check the Unipool contract.
Sem suggest adding a settin on the dao-list to include the Unipool address.
Setting Minimum Effective Supply
Does this setting refer to the wrapped token supply?
We may need to update the CV contract to consider the wrappable token.
Sem suggest to update to use an absolute amount instead of a %.
Upgrade a Garden to a Commons
Update the front-end to show the request token on proposals.
If the request token is a stable token, we shouldn't show the request stable amount proposals.
Related to previous discussions about having a separate metric section.
Action item:
Paul ask if could be potential ways to use the Garden <> Gnosis Safe integration to create custom actions.
Action item:
Idea to create an alternative client for Aragon DAOs using Connect.
Sem suggest using hacks to play and hack on Garden v2.
Sem share potential ideas to keep hacking a future of Garden v2.
Schedule a call to brainstorm and gather a team.