# 🧑‍🌾 Gardens Sprint Planning #19 21/09/2021 ## Agenda - Logistics - Migrate HNY to mainnet Ethereum - Multi chain Celeste - Settings page - Board review ## Logistics Vote on payments: https://aragon.1hive.org/#/gardensswarm/0x2dbef6dec68473e772de2d386e5f3536e751a697/ ## Migrate HNY to mainnet Ethereum This is a blocker for multi-chain Celeste. Action items: - Review smart contract changes - Create a [website for the ](https://github.com/aragon/upgrade) ## Settings page Allow to execute arbitrary code. Consider reusing UI like [Gnosis Safe](https://github.com/gnosis/safe-react) or [Aragon Voice](https://aragon.org/aragon-voice). Consider reusing the [EVMCrispr](https://commonsswarm.github.io/EVMcrispr/classes/EVMcrispr.html) ## Board review