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๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ Gardens Sprint Planning #32



  • Logistics
  • Agave Garden
  • BrightID Gatekeeper
  • Moron5 DAO
  • WATER proposal
  • Superfluid app
  • Cyrus from edenDAO
  • Vesting
  • Board review


Agave Garden

Sem request help with the configuration of a new Garden for AGAVE using the StkAGAVE.

Action items:

  • Coordinate with Sem about the new cnfiguration

BrightID Gatekeeper

There are some changes that need to happend on CV.

Action items:

Moron5 DAO

Action items:

  • Will is going to review the UI and share next steps.

WATER proposal

Paul create a draft proposal to create a new token that's manage by a Veneto Garden that allocate liquidity to communities veted by WATER holders that use the Covenant to decide if they fufill the requirements.

Superfluid finance Aragon app

Paulo have been working on an Aragon app that integrate a supertoken to a finance app:

Instead of having a MiniMe token we can have a SuperToken that implement a ERC777 interface. It has a lot of functionalities that are great for Garden v2.

Cyrus from edenDAO

How to get crypto as hold to be a front of carbon offset.

They are interested in setup a Garden to allocate fundings to diffrent proyects.

Action items:

  • Dynamic issuance v2 would be interesting for this use case as they are looking for a high target ratio.


We need to investigate which kind of vesting process as a community we are going with.

Some options are:

  • Managed by the swarm
  • Having a separate pool of funds used for vesting of the whole community

Action items:

  • Sem will create an initial forum post to start the conversation around vestings process.

CV settings

Action items:

  • Gabi will create a new forum post to kickstart the conversation about the new CV settings.

Board review