Add hours sprint 13: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NxW3enwFaG6-oKCw6SOOrLl_ZzNW4WZtSptZA8ezVDg/edit#gid=88567491
GitCoin grant raised 3,5k that will be transfered by Gabi to our xDai DAO.
Gabi delegating project managment to Fabri and Rodri for the next two weeks.
Strike intro.
SN intro.
Discussion in Gardens channel: https://discord.com/channels/698287700834517064/754870015357878304/892414656868659260
Sem suggest that its a new tool and most of things that are able to be implemented with zodiac are already posible with Gardens.
Instead we can explore how to connect a Garden with a Safe to have an hybrid DAO.
The signaling proposal is up.
We got a 15k grant to develop this.
Is Aragon deployed to Polygon?
Paul suggest creating a process to allocate resources with this model.
Better onboarding process for new people. How we onboard a junior vs a semi-senior or senior.
State more clearly the social aspect of the contributions and why the rates are not going to be ideal vs a traditional working environment.
How BrightID could allow only BrightId verified users to vote?
It is going to need an update on their DAO.
One option is to create an ACL oracle that check this.
They are willing to grant this done.
We review and prioritize the board for a v1 MVP release.
If you would like to take an issue make sure to select one that is tagged with v1 label.