# 🧑🌾 Gardens Sprint Planning #9
## Agenda
- Congrats ourselves for achiving the MVP milestone 🎉
- New proposal for funding
- User support
- Discuss TEC integration to Garden
- Discuss HNY request for Challengers
- Phase two planning
- User reach plan
- EthCC talk
- DefiSafety want to grow a Garden
- Retrospective
### User support
Keep talking with them and addressing the issues and suggestions them submmit.
### Discuss TEC integration to Garden
Update the current Garden's Template to add a new parameter to include a request token that will be different to the voting token.
Update the UI to detect if the request token is different from the Garden token.
### Discuss HNY request for Challengers
Users suggest if it's possible to make it easy for challenger to get HNY when challenging.
A possible solution is to create a way to exchange Garden's token for HNY during the challenging process.
### EthCC talk
Suggest to have a talk to present 1Hive and Gardens.
Sem and maybe Sacha could create a persentation talk.
### Phase two planning
#### User reach plan
Wait to reach new users after having a stronger product and have done a few user test with the current Garden's users.
Consider a communites that do not have a token and maybe outside of the crypto sphere. For this plan is also important to have a much better documentation and resources.
What contrains have this commmunities economically:
- How big should be?
- How active they need to be?
- Should have a Luke?
Create a criteria for eligibility for success creating a community currency.
Try explain why you need a community token?
We can take something like `eth_trader` as a pefect example of grow a Garden.
Sacha suggest to create a new swarm to start thinking and trying to solve this problem.
#### Landing page
Explain both what 1Hive and Gardens is. Target users that want to explore and join existing Gardens. And users looking to create a new Garden.
#### Onboarding wizard
Suggest to use Common simulator to have a way to play around with paramters of Conviction Voting.
Notion page: https://www.notion.so/Creation-Wizzard-1625333dd1a148e78a1938d26d77abf9
#### Explorations topics
How BYOT manage Unipool.
- Have a widget?
- Have it on tulip?
- Have it in a manage metric page?
Start exploring gasless transactions.
### DefiSafety want to grow a Garden
They would like to create a Garden.
We will organize a call with them.
### Retrospective
Coordinate to have it in a separate call.
Suggestion Notion page template: https://www.notion.so/Retrospective-e9d9f3bb93fb4a5386c00d000345f8d6