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๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ Gardens Sprint Planning #25



  • Logistics
  • Sync
  • Blockers
  • Garden v1 announcement
  • Garden v2 planning
  • Board review


Add hours sprint 15 and 16:


Is a good first step for v1. We can include a settings page for more used apps as a future settings tab.

BrightID gatekeeper

Forum proposal.
Smart Contract MVP implementation.
EVMCrispr installation script.

The idea was doing a quick integration using an oracle. But endup being more complicated and need more coordination.

There is a problem with AragonOS and how oracles work with message sender. Because of that we need to update Conviction Voting and Disputable Voting:

Open questions:

  • Should we include this functionality to wrap tokens?
    If that's the case, as we will be creating the WRAP_TOKEN_ROLE we need to also update the Garden Template contract to add the new permission.

Action items:

  • Update CV and DV apps
  • Publish new CV and DV apps to AragonPM
  • Update Garden Template
  • Redeploy subgraphs

Unipool concerns

Gardens that would like to update their Unipool in a future date they will face problems with migrate the state of the old Unipool contract.

Action items:

  • Update the contract to allow a migration functionality

TEC requirements update

Fabri create a Garden with a different request token, the conclusions:

In the proposals requested amounts is showing fine and working out of the box.

In the common pool balance because there is more tokens involved the best would be to create a metrics/tokens page with more detailed views of all the assets involved.

Action items:

  • TEC plan to only have wxdai.
  • Fabri suggest to add the token symbol next to each metric balance.
  • Sem suggest to have two boxes.
  • Fabri will work on a prototype of the changes to share.

Giveth requirements

Have a way to edit little things on front-end?
Because they are doing a diferent Unipool reward that also includes a stream.

Suggestion to have a customizable tooltip that allow better explanation.


Action items:

  • Gabi to coordinate the creation of Gnosis Safe multisg to govern Celeste on Polygon and Arbitrum
  • Gabi to deploy Garden Apps on Arbitrum
  • Will to deploy Celeste and Gardens Template on Polygon
  • Add support for Polygon on Celeste and Garden
  • Update Celeste UI and Gardens UI to support multichain

Garden v1 announcement

Paul and Gabi will work on a draft announcement to share with the team.

Board review

Delegate UI

Dealy period is not showing up?
Delegation period is not handle.
Have a box to delegate your voting power.
Make sure we inform delegates is for disputable votes.
We can include a delegate button on the profile of each user.