# 🧑‍🌾 Gardens Sprint Planning #1 03/15/2021 ## Agenda - Quick presentation - Gardens vision - Open discussions - Sprint board walkthrough - Q&A ## Sprint Goal *What is the main purpose of this sprint? Define key objectives below.* - We kickstarted the Garden Swarm, we form a team and create a new proposal. - We got more context and discussions around the MVP deliverables. - We started working on the Garden Template smart contract. - We started working on figma designs for the Garden explorer and onboarding. - We started working on better documentation about why growing a Garden. ## Sprint Backlog *What user stories match the sprint goal? Share this with your team prior to the meeting so they can contribute. Break each user story down into individual tasks. Make sure each task has as much information as possible. Include important metrics.* - Have more clarity on the current open discussions - Generalize honey-pot subgraph - Scaffold Garden template repo with hardhat - Scope smart contract changes needed on Garden template ‍ ## Key Risks & Concerns *What potential issues could come up based on the goal and sprint backlog? How can we solve them? Does the scope of work allot enough time for unexpected issues.* - Designs block the front-end work ‍ ## Notes and Takeaways *What were the main insights and discussion points from this sprint planning session.* - Ana and Mati will be working on setup Gardens Template with hardhat - Fabi and Px will be working on subgraph generalization - Sacha will be working on UX and documentation - Gabi will create a forum proposal for the swarm and will help the team onboard sharing more context when need it