Final Dev update Ethereum cohort 4

EPF cohort 4 has come to an end and I want to wrap it up with some thought.

First of all big thank you to and for organizing and managing the program.

Also special thanks to my mentor and who supported my research of verkle trie in-circuit.

What I've done during the cohort:

There are 2 projects that I’ve worked on during last 4 months:

  • Verkle Tries for Besu (code contributions, PRs)
  • Verkle Tries in-circuit (research, docs)

The deliverable I’m “proud” the most when it comes to “code”:

  • Implementation of pedersen hash and the commitment for Besu coherent with go-verkle:

First I learned about it, wrote the specs:

And delivered it(latest PR):

One could argue this is similar to:

But nobody actually tested this, and nobody understood how the values are generated and how the code works. When i say “nobody” i mean our OnlyDust<->Besu telegram group. I asked on github few questions, I couldn’t find help, so more or less we implemented it from “scratch”.

2 weeks ago I also finalized all the cryptography primitives exposed from to separate repo:

This can be used in any client implementation without reimplementing whole cryptography for verkle, but just trie logic.

Other than “code” contributions, which I think is just as important:

  • pushed for weekly calls in OD<->Besu verkle project
    daily communicated and proposed technical solutions for verkle tries for besu in our telegram group.
  • invited other EPF fellows to the project and successfully onboarded Naman and Agnish and helped them contribute
  • wrote a spec for verkle in-circuit which Scroll asked me to use for their grant program(if i don’t do it)
  • spent a lot of time thinking/researching how/if this is important
  • shared knowledge on hackmd docs with weekly updates what I’m doing and with more descriptions of my contributions
  • Talked in-person with more than 30 people(random number, but a lot) during conferences last 5 months (EDCON(Montenegro), EthCC(Paris), the MU (Chiang Mai), stanford blockchain week(San Francisco), Devconnect(Istanbul)) and asked questions that helped me gain confidence to understand where/how should i think and work more and if my work is valuable

2 recorded presentations happened during the cohort: