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Now back from Paris, I've been working on a broad research on the Consensus specs. My focus has been on understanding the E2E flow for:
I arrived to this simplified sequence chart:
This helped me understand the differences between validator and beacon node responsibilities, which in turn helps divide the tasks in categories/vertical slices. A possible first MVP would be a beacon node working without the validator features.
First vertical slice
This is a rough set of features that could be included in a first e2e vertical slice.
Beacon Node
Process blocks (specially attestations).
Update internal state.
Connect to the p2p network.
Receive incoming blocks.
Decode SSZ format.
Get basic information about specific blocks.
This walking skeleton of a consensus node can enable us to add other features on top of it, like fork-choice, slashing, and other features.
Feature list
The work was divided the work into categories:
Core (beacon)
Block representation (e.g. proto-arrays)
Attestation processing
Slashing processing
State Storage
Attestation creation
Slashing monitoring
Slashing proof creation
Getting execution payloads
Payload execution
Block validation
Fork choice updates
Receiving blocks
Receiving pending attestations
Propagating attestations
Propagating slashings
SSZ: decoding payloads
BSL: verifying signatures
Grafana dashboards
spec tests -> We'll focus on these ones.
integration tests
unit tests
This week we'll take these features, understand inter-dependencies, estimate the time they'll, write tickets and build a roadmap.
Repo setup
As a basic maintenance task, I setup the elixir project in our repo, plus make targets for basic tasks. This week I'll add linter, CI, and other kickoff tasks.