# Meditation Script ## Reference Sound - dialogues of aircraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dodbqgKn8js - China's South China Sea radio https://vscs.cri.cn/ ## clips https://youtubemp3free.com/en/ 1) Water sound with boat 0000-0430 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8nDRVq4T-c&t=88s mp3: ytmp3free.cc_listen-to-the-sounds-of-the-south-china-sea-fangchenggangs-offshore-oyster-farm-and-border-coast-youtubemp3free.org 2) water sound , offshore 0656 - 0906 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8nDRVq4T-c&t=88s mp3: ytmp3free.cc_listen-to-the-sounds-of-the-south-china-sea-fangchenggangs-offshore-oyster-farm-and-border-coast-youtubemp3free.org 3) dancing, offshore (after protest) 0912-0935 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8nDRVq4T-c&t=88s mp3: ytmp3free.cc_listen-to-the-sounds-of-the-south-china-sea-fangchenggangs-offshore-oyster-farm-and-border-coast-youtubemp3free.org 4) protest, philippines 0219-0221 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwtnFTWs4zk mp3: ytmp3free.cc_how-chinas-salami-slicing-tactics-spark-south-china-sea-tensions-wsj-us-vs-china-youtubemp3free.org 5) water sound, with birds 0000-0500 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gWpHYBKRjI mp3: ytmp3free.cc_listen-to-the-sounds-of-the-south-china-sea-waves-birds-and-mountain-in-shenzhen-city-youtubemp3free.org 6) celebration, philippes 0000-0018 Ref: https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/sea-anniversary-07122023141123.html mp3: ytmp3free.cc_demonstrators-in-the-philippines-commemorate-anniversary-of-south-china-sea-ruling-youtubemp3free.org 7) China speaker 0:43 - 0:57 Ref: https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/sea-anniversary-07122023141123.html mp3: ytmp3free.cc_demonstrators-in-the-philippines-commemorate-anniversary-of-south-china-sea-ruling-youtubemp3free.org 8) water canon 00:00-00:18 Ref: https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/second-thomas-ayungin-shoal-incident-08072023124142.html mp3: ytmp3free.cc_chinese-vessels-harass-philippine-vessels-in-south-china-sea-youtubemp3free.org 9) philippness, speaker 0018 - 00:40 Ref: https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/second-thomas-ayungin-shoal-incident-08072023124142.html mp3: ytmp3free.cc_chinese-vessels-harass-philippine-vessels-in-south-china-sea-youtubemp3free.org 10) Threaten dialogues 0000-0027 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dodbqgKn8js mp3: ytmp3free.cc_south-china-sea-leave-immediately-and-keep-far-off-bbc-news-youtubemp3free.org(1) 11) Threaten dialogues (Philipnnes) 0049-0055 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dodbqgKn8js mp3: ytmp3free.cc_south-china-sea-leave-immediately-and-keep-far-off-bbc-news-youtubemp3free.org(1) 12) Threaten dialogues - chinese navy 01:29-01:35 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVeKbEgn50o mp3: ytmp3free.cc_china-navy-to-bbc-stay-away-from-islands-bbc-news-youtubemp3free.org 13) Threaten dialogues (china) 0334-0336 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVeKbEgn50o mp3: ytmp3free.cc_china-navy-to-bbc-stay-away-from-islands-bbc-news-youtubemp3free.org 14) threaten dialogues - chinese navy in english to american aircraft 0202-0211 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8uKCCs44oY mp3: ytmp3free.cc_hear-chinese-warning-to-us-plane-in-midair-over-south-china-sea-youtubemp3free.org ~~15) threaten dialogues ~~ 0325-0340 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8uKCCs44oY mp3: ytmp3free.cc_hear-chinese-warning-to-us-plane-in-midair-over-south-china-sea-youtubemp3free.org 16) flight sound 0000-0004 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRK2NuzVtH8 mp3: ytmp3free.cc_how-the-philippines-makes-the-invasion-of-taiwan-so-difficult-the-bashi-channel-youtubemp3free.org 17) bomb 0048-0052 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAC0agmtRxQ mp3: ytmp3free.cc_footage-shows-further-livefire-chinese-military-drills-in-the-south-china-sea-and-xinjiang-province-youtubemp3free.org 18) drill 1:11-1:20 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAC0agmtRxQ mp3: ytmp3free.cc_footage-shows-further-livefire-chinese-military-drills-in-the-south-china-sea-and-xinjiang-province-youtubemp3free.org 19) aircraft 07:01-07:06 mp3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpjSPuGOpe4 mp3: ytmp3free.cc_f16-fighting-falcon-fighter-jet-take-off-us-air-force-youtubemp3free.org 20) aircraft 0818-0824 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpjSPuGOpe4 mp3: ytmp3free.cc_f16-fighting-falcon-fighter-jet-take-off-us-air-force-youtubemp3free.org 21) aircraft 1005-1013 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpjSPuGOpe4 mp3: ytmp3free.cc_f16-fighting-falcon-fighter-jet-take-off-us-air-force-youtubemp3free.org 22) threaten dialogue - chinese + philipiness 0112-0126 ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIjt4jnvvqI mp3: ytmp3free.cc_al-jazeera-witnesses-south-china-sea-confrontation-al-jazeera-newsfeed-youtubemp3free.org --- category 1: 1, 5 category 2: 10 aircraft, radio, water canon, violent, bomb, silence 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22 category 3: 2 speakers (china and other politicans), protest, dancing 9, 7, 4, 3, 6 cateogry 4: 2, 5 ## Script ### Intro Hello our participants, here is a 20 mins guided Forkonomy() meditation. Before we begin, Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and lets take a few deep breaths together. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth together. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. (sound of the sea coming in) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8nDRVq4T-c&t=88s (sound of the sea, boats, fisherman > 33) ### Grounding imagaination Imagine. Imagine yourself standing in the sea water. You don't know where you are, but you can feel the warm sea water gently slapping on to your feet, and sometimes, your thighs, your belly.There are also some fishes that pass by and touches your skin. As you stand there, you feel the rough sand under your soles. Become aware of your connection to the Earth. You can feel there are roots extending from the soles of your feet, and these roots extends deeply into the seabed. You see the vivid bluness of the sky, and emerge in profound seawater smell. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. ### Airforce imagaination Now, I will start to count from 50 to 0. Each number represent one passing day on the beautiful sea area you are standing in. 50. (sound of the aircraft coming in) You continue to stand and connect the water body. Seeing the sunrise and sunfall and the sea animals swimming around you. You see that at in the distance, there is one fighter aircraft crossing the sky. It is a large aircraft, that can obvious carry lots of sorties. 49. Today is a beautiful day. You see multiple fisherman coming and going in the sea area. 48. (sound of the aircraft coming in) Another day in the sea. Four aircraft just cross the sky. Two of them are long-range bomber. 47. (sound of the aircraft coming in) The sky is cloudy. Before this cloudy sky. Four aircraft cross the sky again. Two of them are fighter bomber. 46. (sound of the aircraft coming in * 19 times) Today, the sea water is exceptionally warm, and the wheather is great. You enjoy every moment in the sea. You look into the sky. There are many aircraft crossing within a minute. You carefully counted there are 19 aircraft, including four bombers crossing the sky. 45. Four russian built figher aircraft pass by today. 44. One aircraft passby. 43. Three aircrafts passby, two of them are multi-role fighters. 42. One aircraft pass by today. 41. One aircraft passby today. 40. One aircraft passby today. 39. One aircraft passby today. 38. One aircraft passby today. 37. Inhale. Twelve aircrafts passby. 36. No aircrafts passby today. 35. Three aircrafts passby the sky. 34. Eleven aircrafts passby the sky today. 33. No aircrafts passby today. 32. Four aircrafts passby today. 31. One aircraft passby today. 30. No aircrafts passby today. 29. Two aircrafts passby the sky. 28. Nineteen aircrafts passby as a sortie on the sky. 27. Three aircrafts passby the sky. 26. No aircrafts passby today. 25. Two aircrafts passby the sky. 24. Eight aircrafts passby the sky. 23. No aircrafts passby today. 22. Five aircrafts passby the sky. 21. One aircrafts passby the sky. 20. Inhale, there are so many aircrafts passing the sky. You counted. 1,2,3,4,5,6... It is twenty-six aircrafts passby the sky. 19. Inhale. Today is still many aircraft pass by the sky. Thirteen of aircrafts passby today. 18. Inhale. Today, you can see aircraft pass by the sky in everyhour. One by one, fourty one of them passby the sky in front of you. 17. Inhale. Today, every hour, more than 2 aircraft pass the sky. You counted. 2, 4, 8, 10... 60 aircrafts passby the sky today. 16. Inhale. Exhale. One aircraft passby today. 15. Inhale. Exhale. No aircrafts passby today. 14. Inhale. Exhale. No aircrafts passby today. 13. No aircrafts passby today. 12. No aircrafts passby today. 11. Three aircrafts passby today. 10. No aircrafts passby today. 9. No aircrafts passby today. 8. No aircrafts passby today. 7. No aircrafts passby today. 6. No aircrafts passby today. 5. One aircrafts passby today. 4. Three aircrafts passby today. 3. Two aircrafts passby today. 2. No aircrafts passby today. 1. No aircrafts passby today. 0. Inhale. Exhale. ### Post Airforce Now release your self from the spot you are standing in water. Inhale. Exhale. Imagine you are a fish crosses between many borders and warships. And you can here the sound of people from the countries you are passing. Accoknowledged their voice, the tensions and the emotions that they carry, hearing their voices attentively. (sound of the Chinese speaker) (sound of the Philipine's speaker) (sound of the Philipine's protest) (sound of the Chinese people ) ### Ending Inhale. Exhale. Gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and take a few deep breaths. When you're ready, open your eyes. Thank you for practicing this Forkonomy() meditation today. Remember the sense you experienced with you throughout the session. Thank you.