# Flyte community meeting [![HacmKD documents](https://hackmd.io/badge.svg)](https://hackmd.io/@davidmirror/r1PDrxkEh?edit) ## Logistics * **Goal:** Share success/failure stories with other Flyte community members, get updates on what's new in the project and learn how other organizations/projects are using/integrating Flyte * **When:** First Tuesday of every month at 9:00AM Pacific Time ([convert to your timezone](https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter?t=9am&tz2=Seattle-Washington)) * [Add to your calendar](https://www.addevent.com/event/EA7823958) * **Where:** [Zoom bridge](https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/97630681189?password=af2582b0-4453-45d5-93fe-fbf30ff7f3ed) * **How:** * Agenda template * Host: * Attendees [name, affiliation] * Welcome new members * News from the ecosystem * Community/project updates * Roadmap updates (once per month) * Guest presentation (show & tell) * Open mic/questions [add your name] ### Schedule of guest presentations This meeting is open for the entire ML/Data community to share their knowledge. If you want to present, add your name and topic to the list and we'll reach out to coordinate logistics: | Date | Presenter | Topic | |---|---|---| |04/02/2024 | Michael Tinsley and Bram van Meurs | The Flyte journey at Adarga.ai | |04/02/2024 |*Add your name* |*Add your topic* | |05/07/2024|Mariano Semelman |Flyte at Sennder | |06/04/2024|*Add your name* |*Add your topic* | :::info :information_source: **Reminders** ::: * All meetings are recorded and posted to Flyte's [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@flyteorg) * You agree to abide by The Linux Foundation's [Code of Conduct](https://lfprojects.org/policies/code-of-conduct/) * Agenda is open for everyone wanting to ask questions or propose discussion topics * **Old meeting notes are archived in the [community repo](https://github.com/flyteorg/community/blob/main/minutes/community-meeting/community-meeting-notes.md)** :::info :information_source: **How to stay involved** ::: * [Join Slack](https://flyte-org.slack.com) * [Github Discussions](https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/discussions) ----- ## April 2, 2024 * Host: Sage Elliott * Attendees [name, affiliation] * David Espejo [Union.ai] * * Welcome new members * * News from the ecosystem * HF co-founder released video lecture on building LLMs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-SPH9hIKT8 * Thunder makes Pytorch models up to 40% faster: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning-thunder?tab=readme-ov-file * Comprehensive list of AI Agents: https://github.com/e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents * OpenDevin: https://github.com/OpenDevin/OpenDevin * Community/project updates * Contributors of the month (March) * Cornelis Boon ([PR](https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/pull/5026) and community support) * Blake Jackson (community support) * User badges [discussion](https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/discussions/5111) * [Integrations survey](https://forms.gle/H6xYAese5UyxkAe8A) * [Blog: Intro to the Agents framework](https://www.union.ai/blog-post/flyte-agents-framework) * [Talk @ Open AI + Data Forum "Fine-tuning LLMs with OSS tooling"](https://sched.co/1aBNK) * Guest presentation * Michael Tinsley and Bram van Meurs from Adarga.ai: **Orchestrating efficiency in our ML workflows** * Open mic/questions [add your name]