> Financially significant activities and applications[^1][^2]
Finsig will contribute to the Polkadot ecosystem by drawing upon experience in enterprise software and from independent app development for the App Store. The Polkadot ecosystem presents an opportunity to scale individual impact while maintaining a sense of agency.
Rather than try to build *the* killer app, Finsig seeks first to enable *the* killer app to be built. A well-documented and instructional Software Development Kit will create a level playing field for Swift language based Apple product innovation in the Polkadot ecosystem.
Finsig looks forward to pursuing interesting ideas and building innovative solution designs. The end goal is to find a sustainable non-treasury based business model to fund future app ideas built using the Software Development Kit.
[^1]: Financially significant activities and applications definition. *Law Insider*. https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/financially-significant-activities-and-applications
[^2]: Sima, Caleb (2006, Feb 8). Web application security and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. *ITWorld*. https://www.computerworld.com/article/2822543/web-application-security-and-sarbanes-oxley-compliance.html