# Flock 2024 Team Hackfest Notes
## Week of Diversity
* Interested to help!
* Justin W. Flory
* Perry Rivera: Participate but not lead; content & outreach
* Krista B: Participate but not lead; content & outreach
* Emma Kidney: Design
* Amita Sharma: Speaker management, open to others
* Design Team representation
* Neurodiversity representation
* Aligns to work done in other projects, absorb cultural positivity toward DEI and bring it into my downstream project
* It's interesting! Want to be involved.
* Before Flock, could be good timing, want to be involved; chronologically ordered makes it easier to participate
* The way we do it influences more people; more people getting involved with the Fedora community and making an impact
* Shuchi Sharma in our panel from RH perspective
* Celebrate existing diversity in our community and that we value it, welcome people of various backgrounds
* The more diversity you have, the more perspectives you get, and stronger your community becomes
### Start
* JWF: Start upfront with identifying key themes and the ideal takeaways that we want people to have from sessions / panels.
* AS: But not turning down topics that might not fit into those themes.
* KB: Integrating themes clearly in the CFP process, provide more guidance to speakers.
* PR: "Model minority." Not perfect all the time but feel like I am expected to be. Some kind of topic around that. Intersectional overlaps.
* KB: Imposter syndrome.
* Enhance interview outreach to invite more people to share their story; use this as a pipeline for the speaker selection.
* JWF: This also means we start on the interviews earlier.
* AS: Connecting FWD themes to Fedora Strategy themes.
* PR: Safety? See something, say something? Can you counterbalance the negativity with nonthreatening, positive communications?
* JWF: Mental health topics?
* EK: Mental Health & Neurodiversity at Red Hat. Susan McGee. Speaker lead?
* EK: Disability overlap was helpful. Jamie Edson - Diverse Abilities RH
* PR: Some potential West Coast and GEO-friendly time events too...
* JWF: Splitting the event into two parts instead of a single block
* PR: Lightning talk hour 4-5 quick DEI topics maybe?
* PR/EK: Social/coffee hour, curated topic, invite (signup?) only.
* PR: Lessons learned by an ally and tips towards allyship
### Stop
* JWF: CFP? Might be easier to reduce the amount of outreach work so we can focus on other parts of the event. Focus on invited presenters for the virtual event.
* KB: Leaving an open door for someone who wants to present; not having a CFP, but leaving an open door for someone to pitch a topic if they are passionate about it.
### Continue
* AS: Structure on GitLab and classification of contribution areas
* EK: +1. Easy to know who is doing what.
* EK: Monthly check-in calls to organize progress with different owners.
* EK: Having a lead for each category/contribution area worked well.
* AS: Describing the low-hanging fruits of these tasks/contribution areas.
* Gives new contributors confidence to be involved with other bigger events.
* PR: Shuchi Sharma participation was great to see; she is inspirational and I will drop things I'm doing to listen
## Fedora Mentor Summit
* One day after flock might not be ideal because they will leave.
* Before the event, do we ask them if people is interested on it?
* The idea of doing it separated was because people had other things more important at the same time.
* Having dedicated tracks just for mentor summit not after flock is over and having keynote about mentoring for securing attendance.
* Idea talk: Pitch mentorship opportunity in front of sponsors to get funding
* Panel discussion, talks or workshop
* Panel discussion it would be nice to focus as much as possible on audience questions
* Better communication about people can set talks under the mentor summit
* Organizers could set the tag of Mentor Summit based on the topic
* Interested in organize:
* Eduardo Echeverria (echevemaster) - Event Production, Speaker Management
* Luis Bazan (lbazan) - Marketing
* Fernando F. (ffmancera) - Event production
* Smera Goel (smeragoel) - Design
* Jona Azizaj (jonatoni) - ALL!
# Regional communities
## Group 1
affinity communities
Flock - central global annual contributor hub while regional communities also have smaller events
one area to unify a “region” is translation: people who can take a language group and unify it with communication.
MM - don’t want to return to “all equal events” in which the NA and EU events have the actual most things happen there and the others are treated less important
*Using major regional events as gathering point.
—>KB - idea for flock: when planning an annual event, allocate extra resources to growing contributorship in that local area leading up to the event. have resources at the event for training ambassadors (as always done), then allocate attention for the year after th event to make sure the new ambassadors are equipped.
*OR riff on the work of other organizations, and apply this intentional plan on a geographical area of desired growth.
*leverage existing connections w local leaders…
pizza party idea
contact (point person) for each country within a reason
let local groups define the scope of their region
*Extending to regions. what does a regional mentor look like?
LB - LATAM small groups in Panama etc. Contributors/Ambassadors may give more if they receive recognition.
## Group 2
- Some type of motivation. Clear objectives and Visible motivation...what is the impact that is going to be made that is measurable that maps to leveraging existing connections
- Why does Fedora focusing on DEI initiatives? Discussing these at regional events brings amall poaitive incremeantal points for change
- Release parties
- Goals: Share features, security, etc.
- Region-specific activity
- NA - install parties probably might not be useful
- Other GEOs - install parties would have great positive impact
- Virtual release parties
- Take recordinga to bring to other events to bring the release party experience to others. Pre-made content for the future...
- Setting aside funds for facilitating recordings. Possible initial goal: 6 release parties/year, for example
- Meetup.com - joint subscriptions to facilitate regional get-togethers
- In some GEOs, a regional community is more difficult to setup
- The main reason why I joined Fedora is that we tackle some these topics that are key to having an open community where we can all code - hands-on session
- College events. Universities. Perhaps even elementary level events...show students why Fedora is important.
- Pull request parties. Specific objextives and impacts. Like how many bugs have been fixed.
- Localizations/Translations - Any documentation, especially for key apps/processes/etc.
### Group 3
Fedora Regional SIG - start broad and then break down to Fedora Africa, USA, EU and then narrow as needed eg into countries and then maybe cities if numbers allow.
Diversity Group - which then has more narrow topics, based on need/topic/commonality
Have a complete day for FMS/Ambassator program and give attendees a certification at the end that makes them ambassators / ambassators in training - have to have a referal to be invited to ensure they are community members.