# LobisDAO Dissolution - https://twitter.com/dcfintern/status/1511727485708292099 - https://snapshot.org/#/lobis.eth/proposal/0xccc8ef64664e5e1c47dc4c709ab48101d40e59eb262029a24eb8663a3f6c4d27 - https://forum.lobis.finance/d/90-lip-20-fair-path-forward LOBI total supply: 132,287 Treasury: - ETH: 34.53 - CVX: 2974 - FXS: 266,038 - CRV: 1,152,625 - 3CRV: 12800 - TOKE: 67900 - OHM: 24482 - SDT: 311,011 - 3Pool: 29,336 1 LOBI: - Can hedge: - 0.00026102338 ETH - 0.02248142296 CVX - 2.01106684708 FXS - 8.71306326396 CRV - 0.09675931875 3CRV - 0.22176026366 3Pool - Cannot hedge: - 0.5132779487 TOKE - 0.18506731576 OHM - 2.35103222539 SDT --- Risks: - Team rugging - Backing dropping Few large holders also participated in wMEMO rage quit, so there is probably large number of arbitrageours. High confidence in the team? idk, nfa, dyor Expected profit: ~30% Expected timeframe: 4 weeks