# Xcode Keyboard Shortcut List Xcode(Version 10.0)常用快捷鍵列表 ==***(太多不及備載~其他可用 "⌘+," 查詢)***== >*(如果想要客製化 key binding 可以參考下面的連結)* >*(可能會依據Xcode版本不同而有所差異)* <br/> ## **Symbol** | Symbol | Name | | ------ |:------------- | | ⌘ | Command | | ⌃ | Control | | ⌥ | Option/Alt | | ⇧ | Shift | | ⏎ | Return/Enter | | ⇥ | Tab | | ⎋ | Escape | | ↘︎ | Xcode: fn + → | <br/> ## **General** | Key | Command | Note | | ----- | ------------- |:------ | | ⌘+, | Preferences | | | ⌘+⇧+0 | Documentation | zero 0 | | ⌘+? | Quick help | | <br/> ## **ToolBar** ![](https://i.imgur.com/CwNUCd1.png) ### **- Build & RUN** | Key | Command | Note | | ----- | -------------------- | ---- | | ⌘+B | Build | | | ⌘+⇧+B | Analyze | | | ⌘+⌃+B | Compile file | | | ⌘+R | Run | | | ⌘+⇧+K | Clean build | | | ⌘+⌃+R | Run without building | | | ⌘+. | Stop | | <br/> ### **- Test** | Key | Command | Note | | ------- | ---------- |:------------------------------ | | ⌃+⌥+⌘+G | Test Again | 重跑上次測試範圍, TDD時好用 | | ⌃+⌥+⌘+U | Test | 只跑目前游標測試項目 | <br/> ### **- Schema Menu** | Key | Command | Note | | ------------ | ------------------ |:------ | | ⌃+0 | Choose Scheme | zero 0 | | ⌃+⌘+[ or ] | Select Scheme | | | ⌃+⌥+⌘+[ or ] | Select destination | | <br/> ### **- Editor & Workspace Configuration** | Key | Command | Note | | ---------- | ------------------------ |:------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ⌘+⇧+L | Open snippets or objects | ![](https://i.imgur.com/iGK24VG.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/Q3qGd6m.png) | | ⌘+⏎ | Standard editor | ![](https://i.imgur.com/kmLJHJ7.png) | | ⌘+⌥+⏎ | Assistant editor | ![](https://i.imgur.com/3KZg5Ia.png) | | ⌘+⌥+⇧+⏎ | Version editor | ![](https://i.imgur.com/JLqevVi.png) | | ⌘+T | Create tab | | | ⌘+⇧+[ or ] | Switch tab | | <br/> ## **Navigator Area** | Key | Command | Note | | ------- | --------------------- |:------ | | ⌘+0 | Toggle navigator area | zero 0 | | ⌘+(1-9) | Switch navigators | | | ⌘+⌥+J | Filter in navigator | | <br/> ### **- Find** | Key | Command | Note | | ------- | -------------------------------------- |:-------------------- | | ⌘+⇧+F | Search in the whole project | | | ⌘+⌥+F | Search & replace in the whole project | | | ⌘+⌃+⇧+H | Find call hierarchy | 維護和追蹤Code時好用 | <br/> ## **Inspector Area** | Key | Command | Note | | ------- | --------------------- |:------ | | ⌥+⌘+0 | Toggle inspector area | zero 0 | | ⌥+(1-6) | Switch inspectors | | <br/> ## **Debug Area** | Key | Command | Note | | ----- | ---------------------- |:---- | | ⌘+⇧+Y | Toggle debug area | | | ⌘+⇧+C | Activate console | | | ⌘+K | Clear console | | | ⌘+⌥+K | Reload console | | | ⌘+\ | Add breakpoint | | | ⌘+Y | Deactivate breakpoints | | | ⌘+⌃+Y | Continue / Pause debug | | | F6 | Debug step over | | <br/> ## **Editor Area** <br/> ### **- File Navigation** | Key | Command | Note | | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |:------------------------------ | | ⌃+⌘+← or → | Navigate - Go forward / back | | | ⌃+5 | Show group file | 在Jump bars上顯示 | | ⌃+6 | Show document item | 在Jump bars上顯示,可輸入搜尋 | | ⌘+⇧+O | Search/Open file quickly | English's o, not zero number 0 | | ⌘+⌥+, <br/>Or ⌘+⇧+O followed by ⌥+⏎ | Open file is Assistant Editor | | <br/> ### **- Code(Navigate & Editor)** | Key | Command | Note | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |:------------------------------------------------------- | | ⌃+⌥+⌘+F | Fix all issues | | | ⌘+L | Jump to line in file | | | ⌃+⌘+E | Edit all in scope / refactor | renaming a variable or function | | ⌥+⌘+E (⇧+⌥+⌘+E) | Select next/previous occurrence | | | ⌘+J | Move focus to editor | ![Move To Editor View](https://i.imgur.com/eFTmCDM.png) | | ⌃+⌘+Click <br/>Or ⌃+⌘+J | Jump to definition | | | ⌃+⌘+? <br/>Or ⌥+Click | Documentation for selected text | | | ⎋ <br/>Or ⌥+⎋ | Show completion list | Or ⌃+space | | ⌃+space | Show completions | Editor menu for source code | | ⌥+⌘+[ or ] | Move line up / down | | | ⌥+⌘+← or → | Fold / Unfold | Xcode: Editor -> Code Folding | | ⇧+⌥+⌘+← or → | Fold / Unfold all | | <br/> ## **Swift UI** | Key | Command | Note | | ----- | ------------------------- |:------------------------- | | ⌘+⌥+P | Resume automatic previews | Swift UI Preview 繼續執行 | | ⌘+⌥+⏎ | Toggle canvas | | <br/> <br/> ## **Other** | Key | Command | Note | | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |:----------------------------------------- | | ⌥+⌘+← or → | 將游標移到一個字的開頭或結尾 | +⇧則反灰選擇一個字 | | fn+delete <br/>⌃+D | 在沒有往前刪除鍵的鍵盤上執行往前刪除 | | | ⌥+delete <br/>⌃+delete | Delete one word at time | 一次向左刪除一個單詞 | | ⌘+delete | Delete one sentence at time | 一次向左刪除一行 | | ⌘+← | 跳到游標那行的開頭 | | | ⌃+A | 跳到一整句的開頭 | | | ⌃+\ | Jump to next change | 移動游標至下一個編輯的位置<br/>可循環切換 | | ⌃+I | Jump to previous change | 移動游標至上一個編輯的位置<br/>可循環切換 | | ⌃+I | Select all and re-indent.(same with previous) | 自動縮排或排版 | | ⌃+⌘+Q | Lock Mac | 鎖定螢幕 | | ⌃+⌘+Space bar | Emoji, character viewer | 打開字元顯示器 | | ⌘+⇧+3 | take a screenshot | 螢幕全景截圖 | | ⌘+⇧+4 | capture a portion of the screen | 部分截圖 | | ⌘+⇧+4+Space bar | capture a window or menu | 視窗截圖 | | ⌥+⌘+⎋ | force an app to quit | 強制結束 | <br/> <br/> ##### Reference resources: - [XcodeKeyboardShortcuts.pdf](https://swifteducation.github.io/assets/pdfs/XcodeKeyboardShortcuts.pdf) - [Xcode shortcuts and custom key bindings](https://diamantidis.github.io/2018/12/07/xcode-shortcuts-and-custom-key-bindings) - [13 Xcode Shortcuts To Boost Your Productivity](https://www.iowncode.com/13-xcode-shortcuts-to-boost-your-productivity-329c90512309/) - [Apple Screenshot](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361) - [Mac keyboard shortcuts](https://support.apple.com/zh-tw/HT201236) <br/> ### Application App * [CheatSheet](https://mediaatelier.com/CheatSheet/) ###### tags: `Xcode` `Shortcut` {%hackmd theme-dark %}