# Rock Paper Scissors kata We are creating a rock-paper-scissors game, to do so, we create the rules of the game ### Rock Beats Scissors **Business needs / User story** ``` As a player I want rock to beat scissors ``` **Solution** ``` Given I have chosen rock When the opponent chooses scissors Then I should win ``` ``` Given I have chosen scissors When the opponent chooses rock Then the opponent win ``` ### Paper Beats Rock **Business needs / User story** ``` As a player I want paper to beat rock ``` **Solution** ``` Given I have chosen paper When the opponent chooses rock Then I should win ``` ``` Given I have chosen rock When the opponent chooses paper Then the opponent should win ``` ### Scissors Beats Paper **Business needs / User story** ``` As a player I want scissors to beat paper ``` **Solution** ``` Given I have chosen scissors When the opponent chooses paper Then I should win ``` ``` Given I have chosen paper When the opponent chooses scissors Then the opponent should win ``` ### Same Moves Result in Draw **Business need / User story** ``` As a player I want the same moves to draw ``` **Solution** ``` Given I have chosen rock When the opponent chooses rock Then it should be a draw ``` ``` Given I have chosen scissors When the opponent chooses scissors Then it should be a draw ``` ``` Given I have chosen paper When the opponent chooses paper Then it should be a draw ```