A flat stomach and losing weight are two things that people often think about when they want a quick fix. To reduce belly fat, tummy tuck is a treatment gaining popularity everywhere. But to consider this plastic surgery treatment, it is important to know though, that - is this treatment is effective in removing belly fat. It might not be suitable for everyone then who is the ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery?
Regarding this, we took insights from various experts on tummy-tuck/Abdominoplasty in Hyderabad. These experts, including Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda, a female plastic surgeon at Eternelle Aesthetics, provide the removal of unwanted fat tissues from the tummy area with minimal incisions. Based on the insights the article has been prepared. It may help you to understand the link between tummy tuck and belly fat. So go through this guide carefully.
A lot of people get rid of extra fat around their stomachs with liposuction or a tummy tuck. That being said, it's important to know that treatment can't safely get rid of all types of belly fat. When it comes to plastic surgery, this is very important to think about because trying to get rid of a lot of internal fat can be very dangerous for your health.
Visceral and subcutaneous fat are the two main types of belly fat in humans. Understanding the difference between these two types of fat is important because it can help you decide if surgery would be helpful for you.
This is the fat that is found under the skin: subcutaneous belly fat. This is the kind of fat that one can grab or pinch. If the candidate has a lot of subcutaneous fat in the stomach, one may feel like the stomach is soft and squishy. This fat makes love handles or a belly band look like they do.
Most people think abdominal fat is more dangerous to their health than subcutaneous belly fat. One’s innards need a certain amount of subcutaneous fat to keep them warm and comfortable and to protect them. On the other hand, having too much subcutaneous fat can make the candidate look bad and may lower your confidence.
Some types of plastic surgeries, like a tummy tuck or liposuction, can help one to get rid of hidden belly fat. The goal of these treatments is to get rid of extra fat and change the shape of the abdomen so that the stomach is flatter and more toned. Plastic surgery can help improve the body shape and general appearance by getting rid of subcutaneous fat. One should talk to a skilled plastic surgeon about these procedures to determine the eligibility criteria for tummy-tuck surgery and the risks and benefits associated with the treatment.
Visceral fat is the fat deposited around the organs in the candidate’s abdomen. This belly fat is often called "hidden" or "internal" because it's hard to see or feel. As a result of having more subcutaneous fat, one may notice that the belly is stiff and sticks out, and the candidate’s waist is bigger.
Visceral fat is more dangerous to health than subcutaneous fat. Researchers have found that having too much abdominal fat makes you more likely to get long-term illnesses like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. This is because visceral fat is metabolically active and sends out chemicals and hormones that can mess up the body's usual functions.
Keep in mind that plastic surgery treatments like liposuction and tummy tucks are not good for getting rid of visceral fat. It is not a good idea to try to get rid of this kind of fat through surgery because it can be hazardous. The best way to get rid of abdominal fat is to change your lifestyle, such as eating healthier, exercising regularly, and controlling your weight. Living a healthier life can slowly lose abdominal fat and improve your health.
Any procedure that gets rid of fat is not meant to help you lose weight; it is called body shaping. A tummy tuck can still help one to look better even if the candidate is overweight. According to a study, people who were overweight and had a tummy tuck looked much better than people who were normal weight or underweight.
It is important to remember that if one loses weight after a tummy tuck, the treatment will probably no longer make you look better. So, it's essential that one’s weight stays the same and that the candidate does not plan to lose any more.
Also, not all people who are overweight or fat can get a tummy tuck. If someone is worried the weight will stop him from contouring, talking to a skilled plastic surgeon is advised.
One does not always have to pick between a tummy tuck and liposuction. A lot of people are getting light to moderate liposuction around their hips, buttocks, or sides as part of a tummy tuck. This can give one the shape you want after just one treatment instead of going through several to get it right.
Most likely, the plastic surgeon will do the following on one’s first visit:
One should be ready to talk about the present and past health problems. Let the surgeon know about any medicines you're taking or have recently taken, as well as any surgeries you've had.
One should tell the doctor if the candidate is allergic to any medicines. The doctor may ask a lot of questions about weight gain and loss if one wants a tummy tuck to help you lose weight.
The doctor will look at the belly to determine the best treatments. To keep track of the health, the doctor may also take snapshots of the stomach.
Consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon is advised to learn more about tummy tuck surgery. Regarding this, one may get help from Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda. She is a co-founder at Eternelle Aesthetics and is renowned as the Best Plastic Surgeon In Hyderabad. The doctor is highly experienced in performing successful cosmetic plastic surgeries. These treatments include liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, reduction and more. To get more details about these effective procedures, one may schedule an appointment now.