# Weird webpage generator ## Product Vision - https://blog.erlend.sh/weird-web-pages - https://blog.erlend.sh/weird-inc ## Proof of Concept The primary of our first PoC is a static site export that can easily be pushed to one of the popular free host providers: https://github.com/commune-org/weird-rs/issues/3 The flow goes something like: - download Weird app (Tauri app) - Basic link entry & sorting onepager (supersedes a more low-fi proposal for a myonepager.toml) - initiate 'Build Website' in Weird-app - initiate Push Website to GitHub (or Netlify et.al.) (via GitHub action) in Weird-app TODO apps provide useful prior art for the minimal UI needed. ![](https://i.imgur.com/zMcBYzG.png) - https://github.com/sammi-turner/Tauri-Todos - https://github.com/parker-codes/todos-app All we really want to add to this for our PoC is a ‘generate site’ button at the bottom, which then hands over a list of links for `adapter-static` to generate a site with. ## Implementation notes > well, we can actually ship a "batteries-included" dist folder and then append it with a "content.json" that is used to build the website that way we don't even need to ship any extra tooling > > that way we don't even need to ship any extra tooling > > heck, premade style bundles could even be fetched remotely from some github contrib raw zip source > > THAT could be a good phase 2 > > phase 1 would be to get it to work and ship a base template dist with the app, and decide on the conventions > I am arguing for NOT shipping DENO / NODE in the very first instance we ship a prebuilt /dist that expects a /dist/content.json to be added by the app that can be manufactured in the CI/CD the content.json would look like this: ``` { "style": "color:rebeccapurple", "header": { "text": "Denjell", "link": "https://github.com/nothingismagick" } } ``` > where "style" applies CSS overrides, and "header" is a component type with "text" and "link" elements obv we can have many other component types the nice thing about this approach, is that we can actually dogfood these components and override them INSIDE the tauri app in a second window and show a preview before they even build them ## Scope We know we've completed phase 1 of this PoC when the personal website `erlend.sh` is up and running as a result of this website generator. ## Future Phases Possible avenues to explore: - https://blockprotocol.org - https://blog.netnerds.net/2022/11/alias-mastodon-github-pages/ - https://github.com/commune-os/weird-rs/issues/8 - https://github.com/rafaelcastrocouto/node-uda - https://github.com/sw-yx/swyxkit - https://github.com/commune-os/weird-rs/issues/3 - https://github.com/michael/editable-website - https://github.com/oddsdk/odd-app-template/ - https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2023/well-known-avatar/